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Ghosts of Lyarra

Page 31

by Damian Shishkin

  In the far distance, she could see a small orb of brilliant white light and felt its warmth even from this distance. It was the first time she had seen Lyarra in any form, and felt the ancient god embrace her with its light. Sara remembered Lyxia talking about it; the feeling one got the closer they got to the white hyper giant star. By the time you reached the inner planets of Pax and Havyiin, you were more at peace with yourself than you ever had been in a lifetime; and were able to look up and see a giant in the sky to remind you how small you really were. It was part of the journey to the throne world that Sara was looking forward to the most; well, that and seeing this treacherous witch get what was finally coming to her.

  Beneath her feet, the ship rumbled hard as it cruised through the outer system faster than she had felt it do back home. Sara remembered that these were busy shipping lanes and that dawdling would make them more suspicious than not. So instead of it being an hour or so before seeing the next planet in, she caught a glimpse off the side of an ice giant glistening in the star’s light. Before long, she saw a reddish glow in the distance and noticed Axyn stand taller in his spot.

  “Welcome to Thsin!” he exclaimed to her as the planet became large in the view screens and she noticed the silvery rings around its equator.

  Immediately, it reminded her of Saturn, but instead of a gold and orange hue, the planet was deep maroon with brighter red clouds circling her atmosphere. The color difference was one stark difference, but the closer they got she realized that the other difference was the rings. Unlike Saturn, Thsin’s rings were metal and were not naturally made. Sara let out a gasp of shock as she realized the rings were the legendary docks she had heard so much about, and not a space station simply orbiting the planet.

  “It’s unbelievable!” she whispered, and it truly was.

  Years ago, the sheer size of the Jovian defence ring seemed beyond comprehension, but next to this it seemed like a drop in the ocean. All the cities on Earth could fit into one small section of this super space station encircling the gas giant; she was looking at the central hub of the Empire as they closed in on it.

  Then she noticed the docked ships; some in various states of repair or construction with mechanical drones floating about them or crawling over the hulls. To Sara, it looked like a beehive and an anthill all in one; a never ending cacophony of activity everywhere she could see. And looking around at the thousands of separate ships either docked or circling the area, she truly began to realize how much bigger Zeus really was in comparison. She wondered if it could ever dock itself here and stopped herself from asking the question lest she give away her planet’s biggest secret.

  She listened intently as Axyn explained the wonders and horrors that lay within the walls of the cavernous docking station. As he talked, she could see the different types of ships belonging to different races from different worlds. The entire Council would be here in person, and there was no doubt that their enemy would be lurking everywhere here too.

  “And it’s probably swimming with Forgotten.” She added to his description of the day to day goings on inside.

  “That is a certainty, Council.” He agreed and went on rambling about what he had left to accomplish.

  It was here she would take her leave of the safety of her friend’s ship and venture out into the hornet’s nest that was Havyiin. Unbeknownst to Axyn, Aen had given her a few small tasks to complete while she was on Thsin and as she made her way to the gardens of Havyiin. Her job was not to just observe and look pretty, but to drop sensors and EMP pumps in random locations. Sara was planting part of the distraction needed to carry out the plan, and as she thought about the devices she had been given, began to wonder if they were only sensors and pumps; or something a bit more sinister.

  “All incoming vessels have been ordered to dock.” Caretaker exclaimed over the comms. “Only cargo and political transport traffic is being allowed into the inner parts of the system.”

  “Do as has been ordered.” Sara spoke up before Axyn could mull it over. “Inform the hub to have a transport ready for the Earth Council and her security escort as I will be disembarking the moment we dock and am anxious to see the legendary wonders of Havyiin.”

  “As you wish, Council Foster.” The AI cooed.

  She felt the Captain’s eyes looking at her and turned to address him. “I don’t mean to step on your toes here, but if I don’t make some kind of demands befitting my stature it may draw attention.”

  “Indeed.” He agreed with her. “I just didn’t think you would be this anxious to leave. After all, it is dangerous out there.”

  “As it is equally as dangerous if I remain here for any amount of time after we arrive.” She added. “They think this ship secure now; under their control after we have given the proper codes to enter the system. The longer I stay aboard, the more attention I will draw when I leave. I will take with me the prying eyes that stare at us now and leave you to do your work without suspicion.”

  “That is why you are a Council.” He grinned. “This old warrior would never have thought of that.”

  “You have a lot to do Captain, and little time to do it.” She replied to him as she turned to get her things ready before they docked. “The moment I am off this ship you need to lock it down and get your contacts done. We have one week before it all goes down, and I am not sure if there’s enough time to do that in.”


  Lyarran System; Zyan Station Entry Point

  The great intersection at Zyan lit up in blues and greens as the Lyarra’s Fire leapt out of jump-space. Unlike the other ships that were arriving, there was no transmission of code words or scans. Apart from a small crew, the only thing the ship carried was an empty ornamental coffin; at least that is what is was supposed to be carrying. It soared past the guns and guarding warships and entered Lyarra’s light; with it taking the stolen Guild ship along into enemy territory unnoticed and unaccounted for. Hiding between the main engine baffles, even the ship’s life support systems were hidden by the energy output of the golden vessel’s engines; they could be at full power and not be seen by any scan at all.

  When they were well past the probing eyes of Zyan’s security, the ship fell away from the Lyarra’s Fire and simply just waited until its host disappeared into the distance. After it was certain they hadn’t been seen, it powered up its engines and made its way into the system of Lyarra. This time, Aen was much more attentive to his surroundings; the last time he was here he was an emotionless shell and singularly focused on his objective. He didn’t take the time to see the fantastic sights and it was a mistake he wasn’t about to make a second time.

  Aen now stood at the helm of the stealth ship and carefully looked over the holographic map of the entire Lyarran system; making mental notes of key places to form a strategy for the final assault. Lyarra was a white giant star, stabilized artificially by the Paxyn scientists a millennia ago. It was one of the largest planetary systems that existed in the explored universe; home to twenty one planets. The closest was Kyrath; the god of fire and was a gas giant fifteen times the size of Jupiter with an orbit similar to Mercury. Kyrath’s proximity to Lyarra caused its color to be dark red with dancing yellow and orange storms of fire racing across its atmosphere.

  Next was Tarun, an Earth sized planet with a thin atmosphere, long since corrected by terraforming projects. There were some signs of some ancient life on Tarun, but the fossil record was limited.

  Havyiin was third planet, the beginning and center of the empire. A super earth planet - three times the size of Earth - the planet had three massive continents surrounded by oceans of a blazing blue. Now a beautiful garden city spanning the entire planet, it is home to the Council and the Empress’ palace. Its sky is a stunning golden yellow during the day and breathtaking purple at night making it a common destination for tourists and visitors. Two moons; Arkas and Arun; both colonized as well, orbited in tidal lock. Arkas was the senate academy and temple school, Arun was a graveyard for the e
lite. It was here he would reveal himself to all, and take down the ringleader of this dark takeover.

  Ryas was fourth, home of the temple Guild. Its population was deeply enriched in the lore and teachings of the Prophets and record keeping of the Empire. If Havyiin was the heart, this was the brains of the Empire. Ryas was two times the size of Earth, but resembled Mars; only with blue oceans and breathable atmosphere. The people of the Guild were hard working and wanted little more than personal enlightenment. Here would be the battle for the J’Karin Elite as they stormed the giant temple and purged the evil that had bred within.

  Pax was next; an Earth sized planet with vast oceans and four moons. Pax was a technological wonder; inhabited by beings of fire and passion. Most Paxyns were taller than the rest of the beings in the system, with blue or green hair. The women were noted as some of the most beautiful in the Empire. The men were all fierce soldiers; almost all were trained to be Ifierin. Three moons - Tayl, Orav, and Jur - were Ifierin training centers, the fourth – Dyen - was a prison for the ones deemed unworthy of training. The planet was the first of the Empire’s group to be matriarchal, and the Paxyn people were an enduring race of survivors making them the best the fleet could offer.

  Irith was the sixth planet, terraformed when the Paxyn people required more room for its growing population. A stunning, but smaller orange world, it was a planetary city with little or no vegetation. All atmospheric conditions were artificially created and maintained. This was the information and scientific hub of the Empire.

  Kytan and Feyt were the remaining habitable worlds, both the size of Irith. Both were heavily populated by a mixture of races moving to the epicenter of the Empire. The cultures were rich with diversity as over two thousand different races called these two planets home.

  Next were the twin jewels; Thsin and Auris. Both gas giants with fifteen moons apiece. These were both Jupiter size planets with a maroon color and blazing green aurora activity. Thsin had three terraformed moons, Auris had four. Thsin was home of Fleet Command which was contained within its artificial rings. A most critical battle would be fought here, for not only did Axyn have to secure the thousands of Fleet ships by contacting the Ifierin on board to mutiny against the false commanders, but he would have to march the legion of the Dark Light into the heart of Fleet Command and purge the poison within.

  Jnari, Lythan, Yarin, Perysa, Runis, Cartha, and Uvan were all smaller gas giants; all with a multitude of moons, each with a few that were colonized. The ice giants Korrin, Wuola, and Paryon were next with only Paryon’s eight moons able to be stable enough for colony life.

  The last was the icy, dark world of Zyan. This was a place of pain and suffering; a world that had a daytime of two hours and warmed to only minus two hundred and eighty nine in its summer season. A small battalion of Ifierin had been stationed here, and were the first line of defense against enemy incursions. Its small moons had ion battery cannons controlled by the surface, aided by the Ransom; the largest warship in the fleet. As the jump point probe lay only a million miles away, Zyan was the front line against any invasion attempt.

  Aen looked up as he passed Paryon and gazed in wonder at its eerie electric blue glow. Clouds of faint green whipped around its atmosphere as they snuck by an outlying smaller moon unseen. With all the larger traffic that had been in the area over the last little bit, the smaller craft that mirrored the dark of deep space was able to slip by any detection network. He had little doubt he would be able to park this ship in orbit around Havyiin to do their damage and never be seen.

  “Axyn reports that two-thirds of the Fleet have been reached.” Caretaker chimed in to break the silence. “And they are awaiting the signal to cleanse their ships.”

  “Start the timer.” Aen answered. “And let’s get this ship to Havyiin in time for the coronation ceremony. I have a party to spoil and I would hate to be late. And five minutes before they attack, I need…”

  “I have already taken the liberty of infiltrating the entire Fleet network, the Forgotten’s coms and any other possibility of communication that may reach the ears on Havyiin.” Caretaker interrupted. “Fleet Command and all ships will be isolated, and the brass who are gathering for the ceremony will be none the wiser.”

  “And Ryas?” Aen asked.

  “The Elite are in position within pilgrimage craft and too will attack in time with us. Ryas will be isolated, and the Temple will fall without anyone knowing. I have complete command of the public network, and they will be able only to view the ceremony; nothing else.” Caretaker cooed proudly.

  Aen stared blankly at the system model and pondered everything. So many moving pieces and so many things had to go perfectly for this to go right. Failure was a breath away at any given moment now, and he longed to have a few more hours to spend with Lyxia before it all began. It was lonely now aboard the ship - Aen had become comfortable in her arms - he only hoped there would be an opportunity to continue their budding romance when the dust settled.


  Lyarran Vessel, Lyarra’s Fire; Pax Orbital Range

  The Lyarra’s Fire cruised inwards to Havyiin unchallenged or questioned. What had once been a skeleton crew of Forgotten now lay in a growing pile in the upper deck airlock; the ferocious and deadly assassins had stood little chance against the raging bull Bryx who had torn them apart in mere minutes. Lyxia still struggled with what she had witnessed; no creature that large should have been able to move that fast, but yet she had watched him move like water as he attacked armed assassins with his bare claws and emerged victorious.

  She was disappointed she only got to kill one of the traitors, but Lyxia had grabbed the one seated at the comm station and tussled quickly with him before getting her arm around his neck; snapping it and killing her foe. He had tried to send a signal out as soon as the room was breached, but unbeknownst to him Caretaker had disabled the communications network on the ship’ the Lyarra’s Fire was unable to call for help.

  Now she waited with Iana as Bryx went from room to room in the giant vessel to hunt down any remaining ‘Forgotten’ filth. From time to time, they would hear a commotion through his comm line, but it would soon be followed by him announcing the room clear. The J’Karin was enjoying himself a great deal; she could hear the smile in his voice every time. After an hour of check-ins and scuffles, Bryx finally appeared in the doorway of Ops Con covered in blood and grinning in the sinister and scary way that his people tended to do. It was like staring at an alligator with its mouth open; even standing still this monster was deadly.

  “The ship is clear.” He panted. “But I suggest when this is all done you get a crew in here to clean up. I did leave a bit of a mess.”

  “Ever the protector I need.” Iana smiled. “Thank you Bryx.”

  He nodded and looked like he would add something until the main view screen lit up with a timer and got all their attention. It was a reminder that the battle was only beginning and the hard part lay ahead. Lyxia let out a sigh, she knew her part as well as the others but had no idea how she would infiltrate the palace and take out the palace guards all by herself. But seeing as her assignment was the easiest of all those involved, she vowed to figure it out before they arrived.

  “It’s begun.” In commented. “May the God’s smile on us in our time of need.”

  “Our enemies are the ones who need the blessing.” Lyxia whispered. “Aen’s on a mission, and even the Gods couldn’t help anyone standing in his way.”


  Imperial Docking Port; Thsin

  By the time the Dark Light had docked at her designated port in Thsin, word had been spread throughout the ships of the Fleet. Millions of Ifierin waited as the minutes ticked by; all would move as one and in a brief moment in time the fearsome forces of the Empire would take back what had been lost. Each had a list of who needed to be eliminated and more than likely those on that list that had posed as Ifierin were already dead before the attack began. The Forgotten had always bragged open
ly to being superior to the Ifierin and the rift between the Guild and the Fleet had been born; today would be more pleasure than work and Axyn for one couldn’t wait to see if they lived up to their reputation as thus far he had been rather disappointed.

  He stood in full armor with the entire battalion of his soldiers behind him at the docking doors which would remain shut until the clock reached zero. Like every Ifierin here, his gaze remained fixed on the timer above the doors; five minutes remained before they marched out into the vast maze of Thsin’s docks. The plan was intricate, but each of his Ifierin knew their part and would die before failing.

  His thoughts turned to his Council and ward; it was tough for him who had been sworn to protect Lyxia to watch her venture out on her dangerous part in all this. She would be without his protection and far from his reach; Axyn hoped against hope that she would survive to retake her command once more. Then he would be able to relinquish the ship he once again had under his command, and relieve himself of a great burden he never thought he would have a second time.

  His HUD blinked and fluttered; Axyn tapped his helmet to hopefully fix any possible glitch taking pace at this inopportune time. When the screen calmed once more, he noticed a red indicator message stating a comm network failure. The AI had done his part and the Fleet was now voiceless; three minutes and twenty one seconds left. Axyn heard the airlocks begin their cycle and his muscles tensed up in response. Years of training began to take hold and his thoughts faded as instinct kicked in.

  He knew the timers in the other ships had now reached zero and the Fleet had begun to change hands once more. Axyn knew there would be some ships recovered quickly, and those forces would join his in retaking the impossible; Fleet Command would be well fortified and completely over run by the Guild. Caretaker’s latest scans showed over ten thousand in the actual center that housed the Admiralty; never mind the thousands of scattered planted assassins in the crowds about the station. The AI would do its best to mark any hostiles for them, but it would be inevitable that some may slip the network. The plan also held Caretaker shutting down any and all vessels trying to escape. This was not a situation ideal for a control freak like Axyn, but he settled on the fact he could only control so much; there would be other players in this game and a million fights occurring at once.


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