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Saving Dallas 2 Making the Cut

Page 4

by Kim Jones

  “Okay, I’m gonna give this shit to you straight. I don’t want to be interrupted and I don’t want you telling me to shut-up. That shit gets on my nerves,” Red said, sitting up in her chair and turning to face me. She took her glasses off so I could see directly into her eyes and placed her elbows on her knees. She looked totally in control of the situation and I was happy to let her have it. I nodded my head in agreement, afraid that if I tried to speak, I would vomit.

  “Mayor Kirkley, as you call him, has been around MCs his whole life. I call him Paul. Mayor Kirkley takes too long to say.” She stared at me and I assumed she wanted a form of acknowledgment, so I nodded my head and she continued, “Luke told you the story of his grandfather, Pops, and his buddy Gill forming the Devil’s Renegades. Paul was Gill’s son.” I couldn’t help it. An audible gasp escaped my lips and Red paused, smiling a little at my reaction. “I know, it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Not many people know that though. Paul was much like William, Luke’s father. He hated his dad and everything he stood for. He hated the club even more and made it his life’s mission to take it down. Paul also hated William. When Paul and William were in college, William managed to sweep Karen, Luke’s mom, off her feet, which would have been romantic if she weren’t already engaged to Paul. You still with me?” What the fuck? Of course I didn’t say that, instead I just nodded my head. At this rate, I would have whiplash by the time this conversation was finished. “Good,” Red said, taking another long swallow from her glass, and then continuing. “Paul decided that the best way for him to vent his frustration was by lifting weights, which was good considering William was doing the same thing, except he was doing it with Paul’s ex-fiancée.” Red laughed at her own joke and I smiled, thinking it was the appropriate thing to do, although my mind was spinning and I felt like I needed to hold onto the chair to keep from falling off. “Shit, I’m funny. Anywho, Paul went on to be a body-builder while William settled down with Karen and started his own timber business. Business was booming and William was doing better than ever when Paul returned in hopes of showing Karen how successful he was and stealing her back. The problem was, William was successful too and Paul didn’t stand a chance against him. Karen is one lucky bitch, by the way. Paul and William were both fine as hell, rich as hell, and hopelessly devoted to her. Paul soon learned, that if he wanted to be a Mayoral candidate, the last thing he needed was for everyone to know that he was envious of William. So, what does he do? He marries a beautiful woman, has a beautiful daughter and becomes the doting husband when his wife is diagnosed with cancer. Of course she died, and Paul was left with a daughter to raise. The people ate it up. A single father raising a little girl? Priceless. The papers wrote endless columns about the struggles he went through while his wife was on her death bed. Nothing stood in the way of him being elected as mayor, except for your father.”

  Now it was my turn to sit up and gulp down my drink. This was where I would find out the things I feared. I held my hand up and ran inside, fixing Red and I another drink and returned in record time. “Continue,” I told Red, putting my elbows on my knees just as she had done and giving her my full attention. She smiled.

  “This shit is good, ain’t it? It’s like a fucking soap-opera!”


  “Okay, okay, I’m going. So anyways, your father had a lot of property in Hattiesburg. He also did a lot of business with William. He-”

  “Wait, wait, wait, my dad knew Luke’s dad?” I interrupted.

  “Hey, what did I say about interrupting? Yes, they knew each other, now would you shut the hell up and let me finish?”

  I gave her a nod and she started in again, “Now, where was I? Oh, okay, he needed William because at the time, William was the best in the timber business and as you know, there was not an acre around that wasn’t covered in pines. William is still the best around, in my opinion, but that’s irrelevant. Anyway, your dad, I’m gonna call him Herman, cause that’s his name and I hate saying “your dad”, didn’t want the pipeline coming through the city. The reason why was because he owned all the land and he knew that he could make twice as much if he cut the timber, then sold the land. So, Herman being the genius that he was, by the way, not everyone would say that, but that dude was fucking smart, had some signs made that said, “William Carmical for Mayor.” Now, Paul is a very intelligent man, but at the time instead of investigating what was going on, he simply saw red and went ape shit. Of course, he knew your father too, not personally or anything, but just through his real estate. He finds out through hearsay that Herman is backing William and he gives him a call. Herman tells Paul to keep an eye on you and make sure you are safe and he will give him all the land on ninety-eight and William will lose his sponsorship for Mayor. Paul agreed. Paul hated the club, but hands down, they were the best security force in the state. He had no problems with Luke and he knew Luke had just been named Sergeant at Arms, and was the biggest badass around. He also knew, Luke was trying to prove himself to the club. So, he paid him to watch over and protect you. Luke had no choice but to take the job because Paul threatened to take down the club if he didn’t, and the club really needed the money. So, the club voted and Luke became your protector. He finally met you, fell in love, and the rest is history. I need a drink.” With that, Red took our glasses and went inside, leaving me to process everything she said. I seriously hoped this next drink was a double.

  “Red, when you get finished I would like to ask a few questions.” I said, sitting up straighter in the chair. I had had enough time to re-cap all the events and now I had a few things I needed to clarify.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m coming,” Red said, climbing out of the pool. She stumbled up the steps and flopped down in the lounge chair next to me.

  “Do you think Luke loves me?” I blurted out. Whoa. That was not what I was expecting to come out of my mouth. Damn vodka. Red’s answer was immediate.

  “Absolutely. I have never seen him as happy as he is when he is with you.”

  I thought about this. Red was telling the truth. I really didn’t have to ask. I knew Luke loved me. Did I think he was an ass for lying to me all this time? Of course. But, I never doubted his love for me. How could I after everything he had done? But I didn’t need him in my life. I was getting along fine without him. Just like in my favorite Merle Haggard song, he would be my favorite memory of all, but that was all he would ever be to me.

  “Where is Frankie now?” I asked her.

  “Don’t know. Not my place to know, but I do know that he can’t get to you and if he could, he couldn’t hurt you.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked confused.

  “They cut off his hands,” she replied matter-of-fact. My blood ran cold and I thought I would vomit. “Just kidding. Sounded good though, didn’t it?” Red asked laughing.

  “You are fucking sick,” I replied, but I couldn’t help but smile.

  “I’ve been called worse,” she said with a shrug.

  “How did they know he was here?” I asked, all the questions that were unanswered were starting to surface again. Red’s face paled when I asked this.

  “Luke had Marty and War follow you. They ran Marty off the road. Fucked him up pretty bad. He is at Forrest General now. War is still missing.” My heart seemed to take a nose dive.

  “Missing?” I couldn’t believe this. Someone was hurt and someone else was missing all because of me.

  “Yeah. Luke is trying to get answers from Frankie but he ain’t talking.” I couldn’t help it. The tears started flowing down my face. What had I done? “Hey,” Red said coming to sit next to me and putting her arm around my shoulders. “This is not your fault. This is what they do. They were hired to do this. I don’t want you to hold this against Luke, but this is what they are getting paid for. If you want to make it up to them, then show them you are worthy.” My head that I had been holding in my hands snapped up at her response.

  “What do you mean show them I am worthy?” Wh
at the fuck was she getting at?

  “Prove to them that you are more to this club than just a job. I know you want to be mad at Luke. I know you are pissed because he didn’t tell you what was going on, but it was for your own good. Luke needs you right now and I know that sounds selfish on his part, but that’s what we do as ol’ ladies. We take care of our family. If you can show them that you can make the cut then they will avenge the death of your parents, they will make sure Frankie gets exactly what he deserves and will be proud to do it. Right now, it’s a job. Make it personal.”

  I looked at Red, finally realizing what her meaning was. Luke was their President. If I played the role as his ol’ lady, then I became part of the family. And they protected their family. I didn’t want to be submissive to Luke. I wanted him to suffer without me. I wanted him to feel betrayed, the way I felt betrayed, but I wanted Frankie to suffer more than I wanted Luke to suffer. I wanted to do it for me, but most of all I wanted to do it for War and for Marty.

  “Dallas, I know about you being poisoned.” I stared at Red in shock. How did she know that? “Dr. Yarborough frequents the night club that I used to work at. I have a lot of connections. I knew there was more to your story than what was being told. I also overheard you asking Luke if it was Stacy who got that land, if something happened to you. I know you want revenge, but you can’t do it alone. Be a good ol’ lady. Make the cut and I promise everyone who has ever wronged you will pay.” I shook my head in disbelief. This bitch was good.

  “Did you tell Luke?” I asked, panicking.

  “No, Dallas. Do you think I’m stupid or something? Luke would flip! Your secrets are safe with me,” she said with a wink.

  But, I knew there was a catch, “Why are you doing this for me?”

  Her answer was simple,“I’m not. I’m doing it for Luke.”

  I nodded my head in understanding, but she continued, “You love Luke. Luke loves you. You are stubborn and bull-headed and you are gonna tell yourself that you can fake your way through this just to get revenge. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but I know that you are going to fall for Luke harder than ever and when you do, you won’t be able to let him go.”

  My eyes had dried and my heart was guarded. I straightened my back and looked at Red directly in her eyes. “I will do this for my parents, myself, and for Marty and War, but when I am finished, I will let him go.”

  Red stood; grabbing her clothes off the chaise lounge, then turned to me and patted my shoulder, “Sure you will.” And with that, she was gone.

  After Red left, I must have dozed off in the chair, because when I woke, I was covered in sweat, slightly burnt and had a major headache. I went inside and saw that it was after three o’clock. Damn. I grabbed some headache meds, a bottle of water and decided that I better call Lindsey to check in at the office. Of course, she wanted to come over and fill me in because everything she had to tell me was “too good to say over the phone.” I told her I was not up for company, but maybe later in the week. That wasn’t a complete lie. I wasn’t up for company, unless it was Luke. I didn’t want to admit it, but I missed him. Could I really guard my heart and pretend to be in love with him? Well, hell no. I couldn’t pretend because I was in love with him. “FUCK!” I screamed at the ceiling. I was lying on my back in the bed and all I could think about was myself, and my love life. Marty was in the hospital and War was missing for crying out loud! I jumped off the bed and headed to the shower. I had someone to visit.

  I changed into a pair of faded, ripped jeans and a black fitted t-shirt with a lime green pocket on the left breast. I opted out of any jewelry and threw on a pair of black flip flops. My outfit was less than casual, but I was hoping it would draw the least amount of attention possible. I applied thick makeup to my face, trying to cover the bruises. They were mostly covered but still visible. I grabbed my purse, phone, and Ray Bans and was out the door.

  Forrest General Hospital was a busy place any day of the week, but on this particular day, about ten Harley Davidson Motorcycles added to the parking chaos. Of course, the Devil’s Renegades made parking their convenience, by pulling their motorcycles into the “no parking” area by the front door. Great. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to see half the damn club, but oh well. I was here for Marty. I found a parking spot on the second floor of the parking garage and pulled my sleek, black, Mercedes CL600 into the vacant space. A crowd of teenagers had gathered close, giving appreciative stares to the car. So much for not drawing attention to myself. I smiled at them as I exited and noticed the shock on their faces. Apparently, they were expecting someone who wasn’t dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

  The hospital was cold, as always, and I immediately regretted not bringing a jacket. I asked the lady at the front desk where I could find “Marty” and she looked at me like I was an idiot when I informed her that I didn’t know his last name.

  “I’m sorry, he was admitted a couple of days ago. The results of a motorcycle wreck,” I said, trying to redeem myself.

  “Eighth floor. Room eighty-eighty oh two,” she informed me without batting an eyelash. Apparently the motorcycle boys had drawn some attention. The closer I got to the elevator, the more nervous I become. What if Luke was there? My heart sped at the thought. I wonder what he’s wearing? Oh, for fuck’s sake.

  The elevator dinged, letting me know I had arrived at the eighth floor. I was greeted with leather vests waiting in the lobby as soon as the doors opened.

  “Hey, pretty girl!” I heard someone say. My eyes scanned the room, trying to find the source when they landed on Kev. He was making his way to me through the crowd. I smiled at him and gave him a small wave.

  “Hey, Kev,” I said as he engulfed me in his arms. The next five minutes of my life were spent giving out hugs to the members of the Devil’s Renegades MC, on the eighth floor of Forrest General Hospital. This not getting attached shit was gonna be tough. Kev, Tiny, Worm, Coon, Buck, Crash and two PROSPECTS had been to see Marty, and from what I could gather, they had no intention of leaving.

  “How is he?” I asked to no one in particular.

  “He is okay. Has a few broken bones and some pretty bad road rash. They are weaning him off the morphine, so he is pretty pissed. We are waiting for the doc to come in and give us some good news,” Worm, the Vice President of the club, informed me. “How are you doing?” he asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  “I’m good. Just taking it day by day,” I said smiling.

  “Well, we are here for you, baby. If you need anything just give us a call,” Tiny said from his place on my right. We had formed a circle in the lobby and I was relieved and disappointed at the same time that Luke was not here.

  “Thanks for that. Can I go see him?”

  “Yeah, he is probably tired of staring at all us hard legs. It will do him some good to see a pretty face,” Kev said with a wink.

  “I’ll walk you down there,” Crash said, stepping up and grabbing my hand. He smiled warmly at me, but I could see the flirtatious twinkle in his eye. He would have been super cute if I didn’t compare him to Luke. Which, in my eyes, nobody held a candle to Luke when it came to looks. Or sex. Or kissing. Shit. The last thing I needed to think about right now was kissing Luke. I heard the guys chuckle behind me and I turned to see they all wore a smile and an amused expression.

  “What’s funny?” I asked, looking down at Crash’s hand in mine.

  “Ignore them. They are just jealous,” Crash said with a wink.

  “Ha!” I said to Crash, which made him smile wider. Both our smiles died when we started to walk out of the lobby and saw Luke standing at the entrance staring daggers into Crash.

  “Oh shit,” I heard Crash mutter under his breath, but he didn’t let go of my hand. I froze completely at the sight of Luke. I should have never let him out of my bedroom. From now on, I would keep him on a leash. His six foot two, muscular frame loomed big in the doorway. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his huge biceps stretched the
white t-shirt that he wore to the point that I knew it had to be uncomfortable. A hoodie dangled from his right hand that was locked in at his left elbow. He wore faded, boot cut jeans and his t-shirt was tucked into the front of them, yet was pulled out everywhere else. There was nothing appealing about the brown leather belt he wore, but for some reason I wanted to tear the place apart in hopes that he would take it off and spank me with it. His scuffed, brown, squared-toe cowboy boots completed his outfit and was quite possibly the sexiest boots I had ever seen. His dirty blonde hair was cut short and his perfectly shaped goatee was only a few shades darker. Even with his jaw taunt, his face stone, and his eyes on fire with fury, he was the sexiest thing I had ever laid my eyes on. I felt Crash move beside me and I turned to face him. He looked like he wanted to say something, and then shut his mouth quickly, patted my shoulder, and turned to join the others a few feet behind us. All the guys seemed to be trying to contain their laughter. Tiny nodded his head toward the door and I turned to see that Luke wasn’t totally pissed off anymore, he just looked aggravated. He held up his hand and crooked his finger at me, signaling me to come to him. Immediately, as if I had no control over my feet, I walked towards him. I felt smaller than I ever had, once I was standing in front of him. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead, but not moving to touch me.

  “Cold, babe?” he asked his face now amused. How in the hell did he do that? One minute he looked like he could kill me and the next his eyes were soft and he looked like he was fighting a smile. I shook my head at him, wondering how in the hell he knew I was cold. He uncrossed his arms, and ran a single finger over my arm, tracing the goosebumps that had formed.

  “Maybe a little,” I said weakly. I was such a puss. Okay, yeah, there was definitely no way I was going to be able to ignore him or pretend there wasn’t a connection between us. Just looking at him had my panties soaking wet. He made me feel protected, and confident, and pretty, and horny as hell. I figured I must look like an idiot, standing there like a deer in the headlights, scared to death that I had pissed him off in some way, but hoping I had, all at the same time. My mind went back to the time I told Luke, “Fuck You.” It was right after he made sweet love to me for the first time. I was pissed about him making an ass out of me in a bar full of people all because I talked to another man. Well, fuck me he did. Hard. Punishment fucks from Luke made you want to do bad shit. The thought made me shudder.


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