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Saving Dallas 2 Making the Cut

Page 21

by Kim Jones

  I picked at my food, managing to choke half of it down. I was sure it was delicious, but just like the rest of me, my taste buds were numb. My plan to escape had been crushed when I realized that no matter where I went, Luke would suffer for my leaving.

  “May I please be excused?” I asked Charlie, keeping my head down so that I wouldn’t have to look at his face which would certainly be smug.

  “Of course.”

  I stood from the table, wishing I had the strength to flip it over on him. “Dallas.” I turned at the sound of his voice, unable to avoid looking at him. I didn’t want him to see my defeated look, but he drew me in with his one worded demand. “You look beautiful in satin. It suits you.” My stomach turned at his comment. I didn’t need compliments from this man. He made me sick, but I managed a smile.

  “Thank you. Madeline offered it to me. Please thank her for me, if I don’t get a chance to.” I was back to acting and it bothered me how good I was getting at it.

  “Madeline will be well rewarded for her show of kindness and her services. Good night, Dallas.”

  “Good night.” I walked to my room, everything I passed turned to a blur as my eyes filled with tears. I collapsed on my knees beside the bed and for the first time in a long time, I prayed. I prayed for the safety of my family. I prayed for the strength to endure whatever Charlie offered me, and I prayed for forgiveness. I was going to kill Charlie Lott. An eternity in hell would be heaven compared to what I was living in now.

  Morning came and I opened my eyes to find the weather outside was terrible. Lightening bolted and thunder crackled while rain poured from of the sky. On the floor beside my bed, I saw several shopping bags from Macy’s. Who in the hell had time to go to Macy’s? I figured a man like Charlie Lott had connections everywhere. He probably called the CEO and had him open the store, personally, just so he could have one of his goons shop for me. I climbed out of bed, feeling slightly sore but much better than yesterday. I didn’t care what was in the bags. I had no desire to dress or bathe or even brush my hair for this man, but I hauled the bags onto the bed anyway and began opening them.

  It was too weird that Charlie knew so much about me. The clothing was removed of all the tags, freshly laundered and looked like it would fit me perfectly. He even had makeup and shoes purchased that resembled the things that I owned back home. Well, that I used to own. Maddie had them now. The thought of Maddie, safe, at home with Logan, made me smile. A soft tap on the door pulled me from my thoughts. Charlie didn’t barge through the door or wait for me to answer. It’s like he knew that I was already awake and going through the things he had bought for me.

  “Good Morning, Dallas. You will find everything you need in the bags in front of you. When you are dressed, I have breakfast waiting.” If he was waiting on an answer, he would be waiting a while. I didn’t feel like talking right now. I almost faked an illness, so I could stay in my room all day, but I was afraid he would send Madeline to give me a sponge bath or some other shit and I really didn’t want that.

  There were no jogging pants in these bags; no shorts or jeans and not even a pair of flip flops. There were only skirts and blouses and dresses. Things I would wear to work. The shoes were all heels and in boring colors, which made me smile. He didn’t know as much about me as he thought. I chose a black, three quarter sleeved sheath dress that stopped just above my knees and a pair of black heels. I fixed my hair, letting it fall in its natural waves down my back. I kept my makeup light, and rolled my eyes at the perfume that I pulled from the bag of cosmetics. In no way would I wear perfume for this man. The awful smelling rose scented lotion still clung to my skin and I hoped it was as repulsive to Charlie as it was to me.

  I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes landing on the diamond motorcycle charm that dangled from the gold chain around my neck. I brought it to my lips and kissed it, closing my eyes, wishing Luke had something of mine to remember me by. I was sure that he would find something when he went to my house, but it would have meant so much more to him if I had given it to him, personally. Luke would find happiness again one day. I was certain that in time, I would become a memory. My heart clenched at the thought of him spending the rest of his life with another woman. All I could hope for was that she was good to him. I knew Red wouldn’t let him settle for just anyone. I could trust her in that department. If anyone wanted into Luke’s heart, they would have to go through her. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I couldn’t believe I was actually standing here, thinking about him with someone else. It was me that he belonged with. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about Charlie anymore. I would make sure that everyone knew it was me that took his life so that the club wouldn’t suffer. I didn’t know who would take over Charlie’s place when he died, but I was sure a man with an empire like his, had to have a ranking army behind him. I gave the charm a final kiss and tucked it inside my dress; I would take a little piece of Luke with me everywhere I went.

  “You look absolutely radiant this morning, Dallas. Please, join me.” I smiled at Charlie as he pulled my chair out for me at the dining room table. “What would you like to eat this morning? I have a little of everything.”

  Without meaning to, my mind drifted back to the time when Regg had ordered room service for me and Lindsey after a drunken night in a bar. He and a PROSPECT had taken us to a nearby hotel on their motorcycles. He had gone all out and ordered everything on the menu for us. That was another time that I had pushed Luke away. I had been so stupid.


  Charlie had been talking to me, and I wasn’t even listening. Shit. I did not want to piss him off this early in the day. I would be working for months trying to make up for my actions from last night.

  “I’m sorry. My mind is just a little fuzzy. This is all very new to me.” I smiled apologetically and that seemed to be enough to satisfy him.

  “It’s fine. You will become accustomed. I can assure you of that.” His comment made me wonder how many other people he had done this to. I took a deep breath in an attempt to clear my head of thoughts of Luke. I had done a pretty good job so far at keeping thoughts of him at bay. It hurt too much, and right now, I had something I needed to do.

  “I would like some oatmeal, please. If you have it.”

  He passed me a white ceramic bowl filled with oatmeal, apples and walnuts. My favorite.

  “I took the liberty of asking Luke about things that you liked and enjoyed.” The mention of Luke’s name out of his mouth almost made me drop the bowl that I was holding. “I thought I could prevent another outburst from you, if you knew that Luke was aware of your well-being. It also helps to ensure him that I have kept my word, once again. He was more than willing to tell me your clothing size, the type of makeup you wore, and even what you preferred for breakfast.”

  I was speechless. He had talked to Luke. When? How was he? I knew these were questions that I could not ask, but I needed to know that he was okay. I also didn’t like the way that he said Luke’s name. I didn’t feel like he was worthy to breathe it.

  “Please don’t talk about him in front of me,” I said, looking at him, pleading with my eyes. I couldn’t handle it. Knowing he had heard Luke’s beautiful voice and was torturing him with thoughts of me, made me want to rip my own heart out of my chest. My choice of words seemed to surprise Charlie.

  “You love him? Even after what he did?” he asked, dubiously. He just didn’t get it.

  “Yes,” I whispered, tears welling in my eyes. “I love him very much.”

  “He didn’t choose you, Dallas.” His eyes penetrated me, trying to understand how I could love him.

  “I told him to choose Maddie.”


  “She has a child,” I replied, noncommittally. That wasn’t a complete lie.

  “You are lying to me,” he said, matter of fact.

  “About her having a child?” I asked, now confused at the turn this conversation had taken.

�About why you told him to choose her. Don’t play games with me, Dallas. Why did you tell Luke to choose her?”

  I played with my oatmeal, swirling my spoon around the bowl. I kept my head down whispering my answer, “She is my sister.”

  “Your sister? Look at me, Dallas.” My head shot up at his commanding voice and I saw him staring at me, his head slightly turned to one side. “I don’t quite understand. You are telling me that this woman, Maddie, the daughter of Frankie the Cutter is your sister?” His question didn’t really sound like a question at all. It sounded more like an unbelieving statement.

  “Step daughter, and yes. She is my sister,” I confirmed.

  “Will you please tell me the story? I can find it out with a single phone call, but I would like to hear it from you.” I stared at him, wondering whether my sharing this story would benefit me or not. He seemed genuinely interested to hear it, but I didn’t feel right talking about my family with him.

  “Maybe one day, but with all due respect, I’m really not up for reliving it right now.” He nodded his head in understanding.

  “You are talking about your kidnapping experience with Frankie.” My eyes widened at his words. How did he know about that? I took a sip of water and straightened my posture before answering him.

  “Yes. As crazy as it may sound, this particular situation-me being here with you, is only one of the many life altering events I have experienced in the past few months of my life.” My voice was stronger than I expected and in no way reflected the way I felt on the inside.

  “We have time. When you trust me, and are ready to share your story, I will be here to listen. Let’s just enjoy breakfast for now.” He smiled reassuringly and my automatic response was a smile in return and a nod of my head. Crisis averted, for now.



  After breakfast, I went back to my room and curled up in the bed. Charlie had informed me that we would be spending another night due to the weather. The forecast showed thunderstorms for the rest of the day and on into the night. We were under a tornado warning and the power had recently gone out. Luckily, it was just bright enough outside that we didn’t need any flashlights or candles. I found some magazines on the night stand beside my bed and lost myself in them. Keeping up with the latest celebrity drama was a way to escape my own reality. It made me sick though, how people could care that much about one person getting a DUI when there were women, like me, out there that were being held against their will. At least I wasn’t getting gang raped or beaten. I was beginning understand that the only way to keep me sane was to think of the positive things, like having food and water and not being tied up. This abduction was going much better than my first one. I thought I was going to die in that barn, but divine intervention and a group of bikers saved me. Could it happen again?

  Lunch went the same way that breakfast did, except this time I couldn’t hide my smile when I saw that Charlie had someone prepare Luke’s “specialty-” ham sandwiches and potato chips.

  “Something funny?” Charlie asked, intrigued by my smile.

  “No, this looks great. Thank you,” I said, still smiling.

  “You are thinking of him again, aren’t you?” My smile faded, but I nodded my head.

  “He once told me he was going to fix me his specialty. I was anticipating something great, instead he surprised me with this,” I said, motioning to the plate before me. Why had I told him that? “He told you this was something I liked?” I asked, again not knowing why I was still talking. Charlie took a moment to just stare at me, impassively, before he answered.

  “He did. If I had known something as simple as a sandwich would make you think of him, I would have had something else prepared.”

  It scared me that the majority of our time together was spent at this table, and each time he found out a little more about me. I would be taking dinner in my room tonight. I didn’t care if it pissed him off or not.

  “There is not much that does not remind me of him. I know you want to erase him from my memory, but that is never going to happen. He is a part of me,” I said, picking my sandwich up and taking a bite, hoping it would be enough to convince him that I was tired of talking.

  “What would you do to see him again?”

  The question was loaded, and I knew that I had to choose my answer wisely. The word ‘anything’ came to mind, but a man like Charlie took that word to heart. I didn’t want to owe him. I didn’t want Luke to owe him. I would rather spend the rest of my days on Earth with him than know that Luke would constantly have to look over his shoulder.

  “I won’t answer that question.”

  “Would you kill for him?” he asked, undeterred by my remark. I threw my napkin onto my uneaten plate of food.

  “Do you care to elaborate?” I asked, in a bitchy tone. He was getting on my nerves with these mind games.

  “It is just a question, Dallas. There is no reason to get so upset. Would you kill for him?” His repeated question struck a nerve with me.

  “I would give my life for him, which is exactly what I am doing. That is the ultimate sacrifice,” I snapped.

  “No, it is not. Taking the life of someone is a greater sacrifice than giving your own for someone you love. You gave up the life you once had for Maddie, not for Luke.” I stared at his calm, collected posture. This was some kind of test.

  “What are you getting at, Charlie?” I asked, completely exasperated. He smiled at me, knowing he had struck a nerve, and enjoying the flicker of hope he saw in my eyes.

  “You obviously are not happy here. I think I could change that. As much as I want you here with me, I am a fair man and I am willing to give you a chance to get your old life back. I’m not convinced that Luke deserves you. If there is something you would like to share with me to prove Luke is worthy, now is the time.” I knew he was talking about the shit with Frankie, and Maddie. He might let me go, but there was something in it for him. Before I got my hopes up, I would find out just what that something was.

  “Why are you doing this for me? I know you say it is because you are a fair man, but explain to me the bigger picture. A man of your stature and power doesn’t just give second chances to people like Luke.” Even in the dim light of the room I could see his eyes sparkle. He was enjoying this shit.

  “I’m not giving a second chance to Luke. I am giving you a second chance. My issues with Luke have been settled. He got Frankie in exchange for you.” I felt like there was a piece of the puzzle missing. I saw Charlie’s smile grow as he watched my confused expression.

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “Just sitting here, watching you try and process this does something to me. It is why I do the things that I do. It is the thrill of knowing that I have you now, and although I might lose you, a part of you will always belong to me, just as you said Luke was a part of you.”

  I stared at his evil smile, trying to decide if it was better to end this now or just keep my mouth shut. The pleasure of him not getting his way was almost as wonderful as the thought of seeing Luke again. Almost.

  “It’s obvious that I don’t follow what you are saying,” I said, leaning back in my chair and crossing my legs, mirroring his posture. “You know I would do just about anything to have Luke in my life. I know that you are offering me a second chance, and I will be forever grateful, but before we go any further, I will not hurt anyone I love just to save myself. I don’t care how easy you make it for me. Tell me what you are offering and I will tell you if I am interested. If so, you can set it up. If not, we can leave for Mexico, as you suggested, as soon as the weather clears.”

  Charlie let out a laugh. A big hearty laugh that was full of joy, or some shit. His laugh was just like his voice; it drew you in and I had to fight hard not to laugh or at least smile with him.

  “Oh Miss Knox, you really are a shrewd business woman. What I would have given to have met you in a different time, under different circumstances. I believe in another life
, we could have been best friends. We are not so different, you and me. It is the thrill of winning that makes us happy. I’m sure the club has changed you somewhat, but you still get that feeling of elation when you know you have won. When you want something, you said you didn’t use force, you simply wrote a check, but how many times have you desired something so much that you have stooped to an inhumane level to acquire it? How many of your six hundred million dollars’ worth of properties have you obtained by convincing someone that it was better for you than it was for them? How many families have you watched walk out of your office after signing over something that serves as a piece of history for them and nothing more than another win for you? This world is a corrupt place, but it is the people like you and me who always come out on top.”

  My posture didn’t falter, my face stayed impassive, and if it wasn’t for the heavy beating of my heart, I don’t think he would have noticed how his speech affected me. He was right. We were the same. The only difference was, I was not a murderer.

  “Jasper, bring Miss Knox and I a bottle of cognac. We have some business to negotiate.”

  I was relaxed, with my heels kicked off and my feet propped in another of the dining room chairs. Charlie sat across from me, the cuffs of his white shirt rolled up to his elbows. A cigar dangled in one hand while he held an unfinished glass of cognac in the other. A half empty bottle of Courvoisier L’Esprit sat on the table between us. We had spent the past few hours going over my life’s events; from the time my mother was murdered, up until now. I told him everything about me, my likes and dislikes, my passions and desires and my love for Luke. For a little while, I escaped from reality and just pretended I was talking to a great uncle, or an old friend. Despite Charlie’s ability to kill with no remorse, or capture and hold people against their will, he was very easy to talk to. He listened intently to me. He was patient when I struggled with detail and offered an encouraging smile when I spoke of my parents and Logan. The cognac helped to dull the pain when I spoke of Luke and how I had fallen in love with him. He understood my trust issues and even defended Luke when I told him about how he had snapped on me that day at the hospital, telling me that Luke was under a lot of pressure and it was hard to trust people, especially women you were in love with. He talked about how difficult it was for a man in Luke’s position to make clear decisions when his heart pulled him one way, yet his instincts pulled him another. I was surprised at how much he seemed to respect Luke, but he used words like ‘people like him’ and ‘his kind’ reminding me that regardless of his praise, he still thought Luke was beneath him. When I was finished sharing my life story, I waited nervously for his proposal. I had no idea what he had to offer and I took a sip of my drink to help calm my anticipation.


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