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by Zingera, L. C.

  “Ryan’s the whole package,” Drew said. It was her favorite term for someone who had it all.

  “Describe him to me, Drew.”

  “He has dark brown hair curling slightly over his collar, long thick dark lashes, a lovely matching pair of dimples when he smiles, a strong chin, slight tan, wide shoulders, he very definitely works out—a lot,” chuckled Drew.

  “And his eyes? What color are they?”

  “A very rich, warm, melting chocolate brown.”


  “So, what are you going to do about it?”

  “Do? What can I do? He’s my employee!”

  “Yeah, true, but like you said, we’re more of a family…and he’s a new family member…”

  “Cut it out, Drew!” Mel giggled. “He may be gorgeous, and I can certainly enjoy his presence for now, but he’s an accountant by trade, he won’t stay long. He’s only here because of the downturn in the economy.”

  “So, luvvy, you’d better get crackin’!” a deep voice echoed from behind. “Catch him while you can!”

  “Hello, Nick!”

  “Hey there, Honeybun!”

  Mel smiled and held up her cheek for a kiss, Nick obliged. Nick had always loved to tease her, when they’d first met he’d called her ‘Duckie’, a traditional English endearment, but then apparently decided since he was living in America, he should give her an American pet name, he’d come up with ‘Honeybun’, because he’d found her with her honey colored hair up in a bun one day, and the name had stuck—for the last fifteen years! He continually used a plethora of pet names for her, and treated her like she was his daughter. He wouldn’t dream of babying her either, and she loved that about him. He dropped the keys onto the side table; he’d just driven her small car back home from the dealership for her.

  “So, where is the hunk?” he teased.

  “He’s taking Raven for a run, it’s a good idea for them to get acquainted, and you know how she is after a day at the vet.” Raven was a truly well behaved guide dog, but after a day being groomed and surrounded but other dogs, for just a little while she seemed to remember she really was a dog, and behaved accordingly.


  The next morning Mel stretched and patted Raven who was curled up on her own bed next to Mel’s. “So, Munchkin, we have a new friend.” Raven nudged her softly and angled her floppy ears into Mel’s hand for a rub. “Ryan,” she said. Raven barked recognizing the name already. Mel laughed. “Maybe we should go see if he’s up?”

  Slipping on her black silk kimono with Raven at her heels, she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, today was Drew’s day off, and she was glad, she wanted a chance to get to know the adorable new guy without feeling like Drew was listening in, much as she loved her.

  “Hmm, no sign of our Newbie! Maybe you should go get him, Raven,” Mel pondered, listening, no sounds whatever emanated from his room, he had been up pretty late last night after moving in his things, Nick and Drew had both given him a hand. “Go fetch Ryan!” she commanded. Raven trotted off down the hall to Ryan’s door, thunked it open with her big head and trotted in. Mel did her best not to laugh aloud as sudden scuffling sounds, and a not so polite exclamation proclaimed her new employee had still been sound asleep. Seconds later, he flew into the kitchen and immediately began apologizing profusely.

  “It’s okay, Ryan! No problem, you had a late night. Do you have an alarm clock by the way?”

  “I do, but I guess I forgot to set it. Sorry, Mel, it won’t happen again.”

  “Coffee’s ready, I’m going up for a shower, I have some errands to run, so meet me back here in half an hour okay?”


  “Oh, and er...Ryan?”


  “You might want to put some clothes on in future...”

  He looked down. “Oh my God! Sorry!”

  Mel giggled as Ryan scrambled back to his room. It was an interesting beginning. Very blurry, but still interesting nonetheless.

  Chapter Three

  Ryan glanced over at Mel as they headed back to the house, it had been a full day of running small errands. Apparently her last assistant had quit weeks ago to get married, and since Drew had been sidelined with the flu, Mel had a lot to catch up on. It wasn’t what he’d expected.

  First they had gone briefly to Mel’s work, her own business. Verona Willis perfumes. Mel had to approve a new design for one of her new perfume bottles. The smooth sleek design had Braille embedded into the curved bottle, discreetly added amidst a vivid red raised rose petal so that her visually impaired customers could read not only the name of the fragrance, but also the description of it with a mere touch of their fingertips.

  After that, they’d been to talk with both her research and marketing divisions, and Mel had approved the final changes to a new fragrance and the music for an upcoming commercial. Now he understood why the name had seemed oddly familiar to him, she wasn’t old Hollywood, she was the name of his Aunty June’s favorite fragrance. Verona.

  After that they’d been shopping at her favorite department store and out to lunch.

  Mel was smiling, at least she was happy with him. He liked her, he liked her a lot. She dealt with her disability with good humor and a practical attitude and expected the same from him. When she needed a little help navigating unfamiliar terrain, she simply looped her hand into his arm, it felt and looked perfectly natural. As if they were a couple. He remembered his thoughts when he’d arrived – was it only a day ago? – if it would be permissible to date a co-worker, well, obviously since Mel wasn’t a co-worker, but his boss, it was out of the question. He had the sudden ridiculous urge to quit, simply so that he could ask her out. But where would that leave him then? Too broke for a date. He cursed the stupid investment choices that had cost him not only his savings but his condo. He’d escaped with very little, but what he had was his own. A couple of thousand dollars and his car. No debts.

  Returning to the present, when he heard Mel clear her throat and chuckle at what must be his obviously distracted, lost in thought behavior.

  “Sorry, Mel, off in the land of...”

  “Yes, deep in thought, I know. This must be a big change for you.”

  “Yes, it is, but it’s a good one.”

  “Glad you think so.” Her lips curved into a very pleased looking smile.

  “Tell me about Drew and Nick?” he asked.

  “They came to work for my family fifteen years ago. Nick was about to retire from the world of professional rugby...”

  “Ah, he’s a tough”

  Mel chuckled. “All marshmallow on the inside, I promise.”

  Ryan raised his eyebrows. Yes. With you maybe! Nick had taken him aside out of earshot of Drew and Mel last night, and told him in a gruff voice, exactly what he was going to do to him if he hurt Mel in ‘any way whatsoever, be it deliberate or accidental’. And Ryan had no doubt he’d follow through. “Father figure?” he asked, instead.

  “Yes, he’s the best! I adore the man!”

  “I think the feeling is mutual,” he mumbled.

  Mel, to his surprise, burst out laughing. “Don’t tell me! You got the... ‘hurt my girl, and I’ll...’ well you can fill in the blanks!”

  Mel’s merry but virtually sightless eyes were twinkling with mirth and he could fully understand the reasoning behind Nick’s ferocious warning. She was truly adorable. And tempting. Her soft pink lips curved into a delighted smile, how good it would be to take her in his arms and kiss...snap out of it, she’s your boss!

  “Drew takes care of the house and does most of the cooking. Nick helps out around the house now and then, but he coaches rugby part of the year and also helps to train some of our dogs. He trained Raven for me.”

  “You have your own dog training facility?”

  “Yeah, it can take a long time to train a guide dog, and the waiting list is huge, so we decided to do it ourselves.”

  “All Newf

  “No, we have Newfies, Labs and Golden Retrievers. They all make really good guide dogs.”

  Pulling into the garage, he handed Mel down from her side of the truck. Not because she needed it, she seemed to mange most things quite well, but because it was what his Aunty June had trained him to do for a lady. Mel seemed to understand the difference.

  “Thanks! I think perhaps we’ll need to get some running boards installed if Drew is ever going to climb up here!” Drew was barely five feet one inch tall, if that, though she was apparently feisty enough to keep that gruff husband of hers enamored and in check.

  “Good idea. I’ll get on it tomorrow.”

  Mel left him to carry in the packages from their shopping expedition and went to greet Raven, who was howling a truly pitiful sounding howl for such a large dog, at having been left out of their outing.

  “I think we need to take her to the park,” she said.

  “Good idea!” Ryan said again, eyeing Nick who had come out to give him an unneeded hand and cast a suspicious glare in his direction. He had a feeling he was going to be under that guy’s microscope for quite a while. Maybe he should get in touch with his friend Max and see about setting up their own small accounting business out of Max’s enormous home, they’d be starting once again from scratch, and seeking new clients. Max’d suggested it many times before. Then he could date Mel without supervision...except, his already racing brain told him...someone else would then be hired to do his job and Mel would be...he someone else’s mercy! Suddenly he had empathy for the huge protective former rugby star. He tossed him an agreeable nod and hurried after Mel.


  How could twenty-four hours in this young cheerful woman’s presence have turned his world upside down? He looked across at Mel, who, with her hand tucked into the crook of his arm strolled confidently along beside him down the wide meandering path toward the park’s glistening blue lake. Raven galloped along in front on the end of her extender leash, something that wasn’t possible if she went out alone with Mel, but the smart canine seemed to understand the difference perfectly. The instant Mel gave her a command, she returned to walking protectively at her side with Mel’s hand on her harness.

  “So, how are we doing?” Mel asked suddenly.

  “” he hesitated, unsure of her meaning.

  “Are you planning to stay?” she clarified. “You’ve been very pensive today.”

  “Hell, yes!” he laughed.

  “I knew Raven would win you over,” Mel said, eyes crinkling at the corners.

  Was she flirting with him? It was a heck of a lot more than just Raven and he was pretty sure they both knew it. He was screwed, Nick was gonna kill him.


  Drew was a fantastic cook. He could very easily get fat living here. Thank God he had Raven and her boundless energy to force a run out of him every day. And getting in a workout during working hours wasn’t such a bad perk either. He was sure to stay in shape.

  “This is wonderful, Drew!” he exclaimed. “Where did you learn to cook?”

  “I have a very hungry husband!” she chuckled. “I taught myself pretty fast!” For just one second, Nick’s expression softened and a light of mischief entered his oddly light colored and penetrating hazel eyes as he glanced at his wife, then it was gone.

  “You wouldn’t believe how many calories a rugby player can get through during practice,” Drew continued.

  Ryan cast a quick glance at Nick’s thick neck and beefy biceps. It wasn’t that hard to imagine.

  Despite her slender frame, Mel was also tucking into her lasagna with gusto. How did she stay so slim, if she ate like this on a regular basis? He gave her an appreciative glance. Nick’s fork clattered noisily onto his empty plate and he stood abruptly. Startled, Ryan nearly topped backwards from his chair.

  A slight snort echoed from behind Drew’s napkin. “So glad you like it, Ryan.”

  “Come on, lad! You can help with the dishes!”

  Nick’s giant hand landed heavily on his shoulder. Ryan didn’t bother to protest. He was just glad Nick hadn’t hauled him up by the scruff of his neck.

  Chapter Four

  After a month in Mel’s unusual household, Ryan was feeling quite at home, he’d quickly become used to Nick’s ferocious warning looks, and despite both Mel’s and Drew’s assurances that he was a giant Teddy Bear at heart, he didn’t believe a word of it, though he did feel slightly less threatened. Nick growled less in his direction these days and cast him fewer menacing looks.

  “We’re going to my house in Oregon next week,” Mel announced over dinner in the cozy downstairs kitchen where they all liked to hang around the fireplace in the evenings.

  “Where is that again, exactly?” Ryan asked, seated across from her, watching as she stroked Raven’s great head. The dog was watching her adoringly. Nick however was casting a furious glare at him. Now what had he done? He’d thought the man had become used to him by now, trusting, almost. Drew gave a slightly amused snort as she headed to the stove to put on the kettle.

  “It’s a small town called Franby-on-Sea,” Drew supplied helpfully. “It’s on a wild windy cliff, with a beautiful ocean view, a steep path down to the beach, huge green lawns and a small thicket of woodlands that belong just to Mel. There’s a lake not far away that Nick loves to fish in too...”

  “We’re coming with you...” began Nick.

  “No,” Mel said softly. It was quiet, but firm. Nick grunted.

  “Who’s going?” asked Ryan curiously.

  “Just you and me,” Mel supplied, a mischievous smile beginning to curve her sweet lips.

  Ryan dared a glance from Nick to Drew. Nick was red-faced, hazel eyes beginning to bulge. Drew was busying herself making a pot of tea, a naughty grin she didn’t bother to hide curving her features and making her eyes twinkle.

  “Just you and me...?” Ryan echoed. Great. Nick was probably about to incapacitate him at any moment so he wouldn’t be alone with Mel for the summer.

  “And Raven, of course,” added Mel.

  “There’s a housekeeper,” Drew reminded everyone cheerfully.

  “Hmph!” Nick snapped the small wood carving he’d been working on in half. Ryan shuddered.

  “For how long?”

  “Four weeks. Nick and Drew will be going home to England to visit their relatives, that’s one of the reasons I needed you here, Ryan. They need time to relax and enjoy their visit without feeling that they need to rush back here on my behalf.”

  “Oh, sure!” Ryan wanted to punch the air. Great! A whole month without living under Nick’s microscope. Still, he allowed his gaze to flip to Mel, having her to himself wouldn’t be least not on his self-restraint.

  A suddenly growling sound emanated from the region of the fireplace. It wasn’t Raven.


  One week later, Ryan gripped the steering wheel hard as he pulled out of the driveway, unable to believe that he was going to have Mel almost completely to himself this summer for a full month or more with Drew and Nick away. There would be a housekeeper she’d said, at the house in Franby-on-Sea, but she only came in a couple of hours a day.

  Mel was sitting beside him smiling in the front seat. “Are they gone?” she asked.

  Ryan looked in the rear view mirror as the small figures of Drew and Nick became more and more distant. “Almost,” he answered gruffly.

  Mel giggled. Then suddenly kicked off her shoes and slid further down in her seat. “I feel like a teenager on vacation without her parents!” she chuckled happily.

  “Me too!” he laughed as finally the two figures disappeared from sight. He breathed a huge sigh of relief.

  Drew turned to her brooding hulk of a husband as they watched the large red truck disappear into the distance. “You didn’t scare him too much, did you? She really likes him.”

  “No,” he chuckled, hugging her to him with one giant beefy arm. “Just gave him enough to worry ab
out that he’ll take his time getting to know her.”

  “You old devil you!”

  Nick snorted on a laugh, then swooped down picking up his tiny wife and strode back into the house. “We have a couple of hours to kill before we leave for the airport, and the house entirely to ourselves.” He jiggled his jagged eyebrows.

  “Hmm, how can we possible fill the time?” Drew giggled, reminding him of the young girl he’d married almost thirty years ago.

  “Trust me. I have plenty of ideas.”

  “You always do.” Drew pressed a warm kiss to his thick muscular neck as Nick kicked the door shut behind them.

  Chapter Five

  The drive was a beautiful one, Ryan found himself watching the scenery as best he could without neglecting his driving as they took the coast road.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Mel asked at the slightly awed silence that had descended between them.

  “It’s wonderful, Mel, I wish you could see it,” he said honestly.

  “So do I,” she responded wistfully. “I love the smell of the ocean as we make our way up Ocean’s Crest Avenue. But Drew always describes it to me, would you mind Ryan...?”

  Ryan suddenly realized that even though Mel knew the route, her family had owned the home for more than twenty-five years, just like any sighted person, she wanted to experience the view each time, this time through his eyes.

  “The sky is a vibrant clear blue, just an occasional puffy cloud here and there; there are a few seagulls circling overhead, can you hear them?”

  Mel nodded, engrossed in his description.

  “The ocean is reflecting the clear blue of the sky, it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. The cliff is white, crumbling just a little in some places but not unstable looking, it reminds me of the white cliffs of Dover...”


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