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Free the North! (Free Trader Series Book 5)

Page 4

by Craig Martelle

  The horses were happy to have something to do. Once saddled, they were chomping at the bit to run. Brandt would join them, but the twins stayed behind with Aadi giving them their lessons for the day. Heloysis and Luciana were trying to rally the wild rabbits, but with no luck. They were just as afraid of the large Rabbits as they were the rest of the creatures who lived around the oasis.

  Luciana suspected it was G-War’s doing, while the Hawkoids mysteriously disappeared during the berating the Rabbits gave the ‘cat. G-War admitted nothing, but wouldn’t deny anything either. He said the whole issue was beneath him.

  Braden knew it was the ‘cat’s fault, with his accomplices, Skirill and Zyena. The Hawkoids needed to eat often and the ground squirrel population didn’t survive the first cycle of the seasons. They tried to leave the wild rabbits alone so they wouldn’t upset the intelligent Rabbits, but hunger got the best of them.

  Braden decided that a retreat would forestall further conversation on the issue, so he asked Ax to tell the horses to run south to the construction site. The two horses dug into the sand as they raced toward the open area surrounding the oasis that was New Sanctuary. G-War easily caught up and vaulted into Braden’s lap so he could enjoy the ride. If they stopped, he’d climb on the King’s head and take his usual spot.

  They took a break around mid-morning to stretch their legs. Even G-War jumped down and ran around the group, getting the kinks out of his scarred orange body. He remained lean from hunting his own food, chasing the children, his as well as those from the others. The Hawkoid chicks were a real treat since they could always fly faster than he could run. He had to come up with inventive ways to keep them entertained, which usually meant running at high speed through heavy brush, changing directions often.

  When they resumed their trip, G-War magically appeared on Brandt’s head, which always brought forth a chuckle from Braden. The scruffy-looking orange ‘cat crouched or curled between the ears of the King, watching ahead or feigning sleeping.

  As soon as they crested the first hill after their break, they saw the construction site. They hadn’t realized that they were almost on top of it. Micah was happy that Braden hadn’t used the neural implant to pinpoint their location.

  “I should have, though! I forgot I had it,” he replied.

  “No, you shouldn’t have. How easy was it to get here without it?” she gently corrected him. He nodded with a smile. Braden wouldn’t have the luxury of growing overly dependent on Old Tech; Micah would keep him from descending too far into a technical wonderland.

  They couldn’t see anything resembling the pictures of the spaceship that Dr. Johns had showed them. It looked like a big foundation for a building with some metal structures taking shape. A large lay-down area had been established for placing various sizes and shapes of metal. They saw an entrance to an underground section. They turned the horses loose and walked to the complex, where they were met by a Security Bot who welcomed them and handed them over to a special Development Bot, shaped with multiple arms and other appendages.

  The Development Bot led them on a tour of the facility, speaking to them through the neural implant. The underground section was being developed as its own factory complex linked to Holly and New Sanctuary. The metal sections had been mined, refined, and worked in the underground facility. As the facility expanded, it would build more technically advanced parts for the ship. The most complex parts would be built at New Sanctuary and transported to the construction site for installation when the time was right.

  The ship itself consisted of the parts and pieces on the ground, which made up a total of one percent of the ship’s construction. The Bots had a lot of work to do before even a hint of a spaceship would appear on the pad. Braden and Micah thanked the Bot for showing the facilities. They shrugged, climbed back on their horses, and departed. Neither thought the trip worth it, but they wouldn’t tell Dr. Johns that. It was important to him and probably important to the future of Vii, but at this point in time, it meant little to Braden and Micah.

  Blooding the Pups

  Lunch on the beach consisted of their favorite, cheese omelets with hash browns, provided by the fabricator. After that, they loaded the children into the cart and gathered the rest of the companions for a trip to see the Wolfoids. Skirill and Zyena flew ahead, while Max pulled the cart. The two young Rabbits had never visited Livestel and were eager to get to their new home.

  They were in for a treat. Micah told them to stay in the cart until the pups could be told who they were. Running for your life was no way to enjoy a peaceful visit.

  With Brandt’s encouragement, the group made short work of the trip, arriving by dinner time. There was a fire going and the spit was set up, but nothing was cooking, which surprised the humans. G-War’s hackles rose and his tail twitched, even as Bounder, Gray Strider, and Shredder approached.

  Micah could feel their excitement. Braden could feel his mate’s, but he didn’t know what it was all about. He took the easy way. “What’s going on?” he asked.

  ‘Blooding of the pups!’ Bounder exclaimed, then strode off boldly, followed by the others, who yipped as they walked. Braden and Micah lifted their children from the cart and held them, even though they wanted to get down. Even G-War, Klytus, and Shauna stayed up high, opting for the top of one of the few single-story buildings. Most were two-story, with a few taller buildings scattered about.

  “I don’t understand. Everyone acts like you know what he’s talking about,” Braden complained.

  “I’m sorry. When we were on the ship and you were unconscious, we had a lot of time to talk. It’s the ritual each litter undergoes to become full members of the pack. They have to hunt a creature and make a kill. On the ship, they used their domestic hogs, but here, they’ve been able to capture a few wild boars and this will be the first blooding off the ship!”

  “I think you planned this all along,” Braden said, looking suspiciously at his partner. She shrugged and smiled furtively before jogging after the Alpha. Even Brandt was looking forward to the show, but he stayed farther back from the center of the town so he could protect the horses. Heloysis and Luciana peered between two of the cart’s sideboards, watching without letting the pups know they were there. According to G-War, the pups would be whipped into a frenzy, losing all control and going after anything that wasn’t a Wolfoid. Everyone had to take care not to get caught in the wrong place.

  The pups were being held outside the town by an elder bitch. She had watched over them as they grew, while their parents worked, and was the only one besides their own parents who could control the young Wolfoids at this stage of their lives. She was getting them fired up, judging by how the barking and howling was growing in volume.

  Shredder growled at the observers, forcing them back against the buildings to leave as much open space as possible for the pups to hunt. He waited at the pen where three wild boars slavered, tossing their heads with eyes wide at the smell of the Wolfoid close by.

  With a final scream, the bitch turned the pups loose. Shredder threw open the gate and the boars burst out, looking to escape the confines of the town and the nearness of their tormentors.

  The pups raced into the Town Square, catching the boars halfway across. The pups bowled over the smallest of the creatures and bit deeply, tasting fire in the blood of their prey. But he wasn’t going to give in. He rolled to his feet, squashing one pup into the ground as he pushed forward, driving his tusks into the side of a pup who was blocked in by others who’d lost their senses in the blood fury.

  The hunter turned hunted screamed in pain as his brothers and sisters pounced on the boar with renewed vigor. This time, attacking more wisely. Two had gone for the throat and were ravaging the soft flesh. The wild boar’s blood pumped from a severed artery. He dropped to his knees and snorted as his eyes glazed. The wounded pup dove in, gripping the beast’s throat and forcing him from his hooves. When the boar hit the ground, he was already dead, but the pups were on him, rip
ping him apart.

  The other two boars received less attention from the pups. Half the pack wanted to be first and attacked the closest target. The other half was left to deal with the two larger boars, ugly brutes, aged and not afraid to fight. They were backed into a corner away from the larger Wolfoids who growled and snapped as the beasts approached.

  These two were more wary. Once they took their positions, they stayed put, offering the pups tusks and stamping hooves. The crowd was going mad. The first Wolfoid pups had been blooded. The injured pup was licking its own wounds, and Braden suspected he’d end up sewing the skin back together at the end of the trial. Until then, no one could help the youngsters.

  Six on two might seem good odds, but they were not in favor of the pups. One, bolder than the rest, threw caution to the wind and attacked the smaller of their two by himself. The pup fainted low and jumped over the boar’s head as the beast tried to gore him. The pup bit deeply into the back of the beast’s neck, but the tough hide was unyielding. The Wolfoid’s teeth dug in, but that only served to enrage the creature. It shook its head wildly, trying to dislodge the stalwart youngster.

  The other pups saw the opening and darted in, heading straight for the beast’s throat. Left alone, the biggest boar ran for freedom. The blooded pups weren’t sure about making a second kill, but were spurred to action by the howls of the crowd. They started slowly at first, but picked up the pace and raced from the town on the heels of the beast.

  The six pups finally pulled down their quarry and made the kill, right next to the wall where the boar stood to its last. They feasted mightily, painting their muzzles red with the blood of their prey.

  The first pack closed on the huge boar and circled him, forcing him to stop. Brandt had the best view as the group was close to him. He stayed between the pups and the horses, doing his best to redirect their attention. The Rabbits watched in horror as the young Wolfoids taunted the boar. They dashed in, took a bite, and danced away before the beast could react. Although it had only been moments since they made their first kill, the pups had changed and were mature in their attacks, using teamwork to wear their prey down.

  When the boar realized that, he decided that he was having none of it. He charged at the Wolfoid who stood between him and the edge of the rainforest where he hoped to make his escape. Before he could reach the Wolfoid, who boldly stood her ground, the rest of the pack was on him, attacking ferociously from both sides. He tried to plow forward, to reach the rainforest where he could rub the Wolfoids from him on the trees and the brush, while seeking the freedom of the heavy foliage.

  It wasn’t to be. The beast never gored a single Wolfoid. He didn’t stomp on any and he wasn’t able to bite one. They tackled him like seasoned warriors, and he finally succumbed from his numerous wounds. The pups from the second kill joined the larger pack. They howled their victory, muzzles dripping red. The adult Wolfoids panted from the excitement of watching the kills.

  Bounder stood and howled to the heavens, expressing his pleasure at the new tradition, at the danger the pups had been put in as their final test. Gray Strider joined her mate and howled in joy. The others followed until the sky was split by the sound of the town’s celebration.

  The boars were dragged back, washed, cleaned, and thrown on the spit. A needle threaded with Max’s tail hair appeared in Braden’s hand, and he immediately turned his attention to the wounded Wolfoid. The youngster tried to shake off Braden’s ministrations as he still quivered with the excitement of the blooding. Shredder put him in his place with a snarl, instantly calming the Wolfoid so Braden could go to work, cleaning, numbing, and repairing the wound.

  By the end of the evening, the humans had scratched plenty of necks, and the pride of the young Wolfoids buoyed the spirits of all. The pork was tastier, probably because of how it came to be on the spit. Braden and Micah were thrilled with the celebration, that the Wolfoids had gained a foothold on the planet where they could contribute equally to the rise of all intelligent creatures, while returning to the roots of their being.

  The Wolfoid hog herds were growing rapidly and Braden, selfishly, wanted the Wolfoid ranchers to learn the trick of smoked, sweetened pork from the villagers of Coldstream. That would require a full announcement that New Sanctuary existed. Braden and Micah decided that once they returned with livestock from the north, they’d open the trade route through and around the rainforest, including New Sanctuary and Livestel. A couple of the older Wolfoids expressed an interest in being traders, to help support their own village while providing goods to others.

  Braden was surprised, but Micah expected it was because the way they looked. Most people were fearful at first, but once they got to know any of the Wolfoids, they couldn’t help but to like them. Loper and Sunny Day would make exceptional traders as they always exuded both peace and confidence. She talked with Braden about making a wagon better suited for a Wolfoid to ride up front.

  They broached the subject of their trip to the north with Bounder and Gray Strider, who immediately called Shredder over. They told him that he was the Alpha and that they’d return when they returned. Braden always marveled at how easy they made it.

  ‘Wherever you go, we go, Braden. Wherever Prince Axial De’atesh goes, we go. There will be dangers, no?’ Bounder passed over their mindlink.

  “Possibly, but we want to make the trade without any violence. Your presence may be disconcerting for some of the other humans, although everyone loves dogs,” Braden offered.

  ‘Then we will leave our spears in the wagon and act like our innocent cousins, walking at your side as your faithful companions.’ Bounder and Gray Strider chuckled together.

  “Walking at our side as equals,” Braden countered, “doing your best to look like man’s best friend. Can you let your tongue fall out the side of your mouth and pant happily?” Micah punched Braden in the arm, but the Wolfoids saw both the humor and the wisdom of the human’s statement. They needed to draw as little attention as possible while Braden filled his role as the Free Trader, working to deliver the livestock that would help feed the growing population of the south. But they’d be close to him in case the humans became hostile. Braden’s stories of his departure from the north suggested they might not be welcome in Whitehorse or Cameron at the least. They also expected that all eyes would be on the King of the Aurochs. He made everyone and everything look small by comparison.

  Looking inconspicuous was becoming less and less likely. They’d have all the turns crossing the Great Desert to figure out how they wanted to approach the humans of the north.

  Braden, Micah, the twins, and the others were gorged after the feast. They even had enough greens and vegetables for the Rabbits. The group stayed the night to sleep off the excesses of the daylight’s activities. Ax, ‘Tesh, and their ‘cats slept on Bounder and Gray Strider, who readily welcomed the children of their friends. The Wolfoids never had a problem sleeping in a pile.

  The twins and their bonded ‘cats seemed to prefer it, seeking any creature, Rabbit, Wolfoid, or Aurochs and snuggling close. Braden and Micah watched as the pile shifted like the ocean as one or another moved.

  The contentment that their children radiated brought them peace and sleep came readily.

  Heading North

  Holly didn’t want to leave anything to chance, so he had a special wagon constructed to help the companions on their journey while at the same time keeping the President safe. The vehicle was almost fully enclosed with a top that would absorb energy from the sun to provide additional power to the wheels, making the wagon easier to pull. The horses wouldn’t pull it, though. Despite Braden’s best efforts to talk the King of the Aurochs out of it, he insisted on assuming the beast of burden’s role so they could cross Devanney’s Barren more quickly. He added that there was no way Braden was undertaking a journey like that without him.

  The Wolfoids had already made their statement about joining the group going north. The Hawkoids were coming so they could try to sway
some of their people to join them in the south, but Skirill expected they’d get no takers, and he didn’t care, either. He had everything he wanted, including hatchlings that were making their own way in the world.

  The Golden Warrior and two of his children had no choice at all. Wherever their humans went, the ‘cats were obligated to go, especially on a journey of such distance. G-War and Braden had found that they could be apart for a certain time, as long as the distance wasn’t too great. That was between two mature adults. G-War knew the children wouldn’t survive such a separation.

  Aadi was excited to go as the regular gathering of the four Tortoids that made up the Tortoise Consortium was coming up. He didn’t know how he knew, but he did, and he was drawn to it. It wouldn’t be far out of their way from Oasis 03.

  The two Rabbits, Heloysis and Luciana, would remain behind at Livestel to help the Wolfoids take over the fields from the Development Units. The twins were disappointed, but the Rabbits weren’t well suited to life in the desert.

  Micah suggested none of them were. Braden had to agree. For the fifteenth time, she made him tell the story aloud of his last trip through the Great Desert. Each time, he’d remember a different detail, how the companions supported each other, making the group stronger than the sum of its individual parts. He recounted the trials of building and sleeping under the shelter. This time, the wagon would provide all the shelter they needed, including special storage compartments for water.

  Holly also provided an Old Tech shovel in case Braden had to dig. He thought that was a nice touch. For the return trip, Holly outdid himself. The factory produced a woven tent, lightweight with carbon fiber telescoping poles. They practiced setting it up and figured they could use it to provide shade for fifty head of water buffalo. Holly also provided fifty small fabric saddle bags that could be filled with water for each of the animals to carry during the return trip. Having the beasts carry their own water was the only way they could make the return trip work.


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