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Free the North! (Free Trader Series Book 5)

Page 13

by Craig Martelle

  Arnie jogged into the Town Square, sliding to a stop to make an impression on the people. There was a great deal of confusion. Armed men shepherding a queue of people didn’t know what to do. The people in line didn’t want to lose their place, but they were afraid, of the men and of the newcomers. Micah and Zeller jumped down to unharness Arnie.

  Brandt slowly strutted into the Town Square, standing tall, slightly turned, with his head held high. Braden looked at him and almost started laughing, but sobered quickly. One of the armed men pushed people out of the way so he could get to the door. He disappeared into the building. They’d have more company soon.

  Braden looked at the people’s faces and was instantly furious. The proud people of Cameron had been beaten down, the spirit of their existence had been taken from them. He stood in the front of the wagon, breathing deeply, preparing to be heard.

  “Listen to me, proud people of Cameron!” Braden’s voice echoed from the buildings. He’d never felt such strength surging through him. “You’ve had enough of this Provincial Government. They’ve taken everything away from you and then made you beg to get scraps in return. NO MORE!” he bellowed.

  Two of the armed men bared their swords, flexed, scowled, and strode toward the wagon. Micah pulled her blaster and aimed it at them. Her action meant nothing to them as they’d never seen a blaster. But Brandt dashing at them and sliding to a stop got their attention.

  The men stopped, but they didn’t show fear. Micah realized that Brandt could get hurt. "Put down your swords and no one gets hurt.” They hefted their blades afresh, and giving Brandt a wide berth, they resumed their approach. With a narrow beam from her blaster, she calmly shot one of the men, then the other.

  The crowd started to panic. “HOLD!” Braden shouted, emphasizing his demand by holding his hands up. The people shuffled, but had grown used to following the orders of people in charge. At that place and at that moment in time, Braden was the authority.

  More armed men appeared in the square and started forming themselves into a line. Micah dialed her blaster to a wide flame setting. “When we leave here today, good people of Cameron, you will be free from the tyranny of the Provincial Government. You will be free to trade, go about your business as you wish, not as someone tells you.” Another group of armed men showed up on the other side of the square. The Wolfoids jumped down and joined Zeller on that side of the wagon. Micah stood on the opposite side, facing the government building and the other group of armed men.

  Braden looked down on all as he stood in the front of the wagon. Patrice and Delavigne had their laser pistols out just in case anyone got close to the wagon. They kept Nerise behind them. Arnie pranced, a little excited from the swirling emotions of the multiple groups of people.

  “Well?” Braden pointed at one of the older armed men. The man shrugged. “Go get whoever’s in charge and let’s settle this.”

  ‘Braden, there is a group of men exiting the building in the back and they seem to be making a run for it,’ Skirill told them as he and Zyena flew in front of them to hold them up. Braden had anticipated that the men would try to run away. Bullies never stand up to someone who challenges them.

  With Braden’s nod, Brandt and the Wolfoids ran through an opening in the crowd and then around the building. They caught up with the men quickly. The security men pulled their swords, but two died instantly as Bounder and Gray Strider shot them with their lightning staffs. The others backed up against a nearby building as Brandt menaced them with his horns and the Wolfoids pointed their spears. Bounder waved, instructing the men to move back toward the building, back toward the Town Square. They hesitated to move, but found their legs once Bounder lifted his spear and made to shoot one of the security guards. They threw their swords down as they let the Wolfoids guide them around the building and into the square where the newcomers seemed to be surrounded by the forces of the Provincial Government.

  There were two unarmed men, most likely the government officials, among those Brandt and the Wolfoids had run down. Braden pointed to those two and cocked his finger for them to approach the wagon. They walked hesitantly until Braden held his palm out, motioning them to stop.

  “Tell your men to put their weapons down,” Braden commanded.

  ‘They won’t,’ G-War interjected.

  “I have to at least give them the chance,” Braden said out loud. It didn’t take long for him to not be surprised.

  “Kill them! What are you men doing? It’s not like you’ve never seen a mutant before. Kill them now!” the older man screamed almost hysterically. The first group advanced slowly toward Micah. She fired a gout of flame into the ground before them. They stopped and looked at each other nervously.

  “Did you see where these men came from?” Braden yelled, looking at one group of armed men and then at the other. “They were running for their lives. They’d already abandoned you!” Braden tried to emphasize that point with a wave of his arm and pointing at the officials. He didn’t want to kill any more men than he had to. The security men seemed to be torn.

  “People of Cameron! Many of you know me. I’m Free Trader Braden, and I’m here to restore trade to what it should be. If any of you who used to work for the former Provincial Government throw down your weapons, I will ask the good people of Cameron to accept you as one of their own citizens. All issues of the past must be forgiven if we are to move forward, back to where we were when people here were free.”

  The official glared at Braden. Finally he jumped from the wagon and pulled his sword, putting his blaster in his left hand just in case. Braden told the men to get on the ground, but they didn’t comply. “G?” Braden asked.

  ‘The one to your left. He’s in charge and he’s going to give the order to attack very soon,’ G-War replied.

  Braden bounded two steps forward and with the hilt of his sword, smashed the man in the face. He went down hard, bleeding profusely from a gash in his head. The other man screamed for his men to attack and that’s all it took to drive them to action.

  From both sides the men ran, some tentatively, some with reckless abandon.

  Micah took a knee and sprayed the line of men with flame. She waved it once over them all, but some kept running, even though they were on fire. She singled these men out for short bursts from the blaster and one by one, they all fell.

  Braden’s missing fingers were a hindrance and his aim was off. He fired too high at the approaching men, but the Wolfoids stopped them cold with lightning strikes throughout the ranks. The citizens in the Town Square cowered. Many huddled together on the ground, crouching and giving each other cover. Others ran.

  Zyena told them all that none of the bystanders had gotten injured. Skirill watched to see if anyone from the warehouse was headed their way. He saw people running from the Town Square. He didn’t see anyone heading to it.

  Braden climbed back into the wagon. “Good people of Cameron! However you lost your freedoms doesn’t matter anymore. Please understand that they have been returned to you, and that the cost was very high. Fight for your freedoms! Never give them up, no matter what somebody promises you,” Braden lectured. He could only guess at what happened, but that didn’t matter. On this day, he was in a position to influence what happened next.

  Three armed men remained. The others were dead. Many still burned, the stench of their passing filling the square. One of those with his sword grabbed a woman who’d been in line and stalwartly held her place close to the door of the government building despite the battle raging around her. Micah snarled. Braden made to jump down, but she stopped him.

  She put her blaster away and pulled her sword, stalking her prey as she wove her way between bodies and bystanders. A second man launched himself at her from the side. She easily parried his sword thrust, guiding its momentum past her body. She elbowed him in the face as he lost his balance and fell toward her. He recoiled, but kept his sword in his hand. She followed up with two quick slashes, ripping the sword out of his hand.
He dropped to his knees and begged for mercy. She kicked him in the face and turned back toward the man with the hostage.

  “Let her go!” Micah demanded.

  “I’ll let her go when I’m free of this town! Now, I’m taking her with me. No one follows or she dies.” The man’s voice shook as fear gripped him.

  Gray Strider ran behind the man and prodded him with her spear tip. She was on one side and Micah was on the other.

  “I’ll kill her!” he cried frantically.

  “Go ahead and kill her,” Micah said dangerously, “and then we’ll cut you into little pieces. Now, let her go.”

  He kept his sword at the woman’s throat and started backing away. Gray Strider jabbed her spear point into his leg, letting him know that if he moved any more, the spear would bite into his flesh.

  G-War had had enough. He jumped from the wagon and bounded to the stand-off. With a smooth leap, he landed on the man’s sword arm. His claws dug deeply into the man’s wrist and with a twist, he shredded the man’s tendons and muscles.

  The sword fell from nerveless fingers. Micah jumped forward and grabbed the woman, pulling her away. He dropped to his knees and begged for mercy. G-War jumped onto the man’s back and casually reached around his throat, exposing his claws and pulling, letting them tear into the man. He gurgled as his life’s blood sprayed the ground before him.

  G-War stood back and watched. He’d seen into the man’s mind, seen what he’d done to the people of Cameron for his own enjoyment, using his authority for his evil pleasures. In this case, even though the man was unarmed, the ‘cat determined that he deserved to die.

  The final official and two men cowered on the ground, continuing to beg for their lives, even though no one was listening. Bounder and Gray Strider kept their spears pointed at the men.

  Braden jumped from the wagon and started helping people up. They looked around and realized that Braden had been true to his word. The people started thanking him and Micah and Zeller.

  The people stayed away from the Wolfoids and the Hillcat, although their fear was unfounded. The intelligent creatures were every bit the town’s saviors as the humans. Braden promised that he would help the people of the north understand that Vii was shared by all, equally. Until then, the north still had weeds in its garden.

  “Share the word,” Braden told the group that gathered around him. “Tell everyone that the Provincial Government will soon be dismantled. Clean up your wagons and break out your trade goods, if the government left you with anything, and prepare to get back into business. Be ready to fight for your freedom, but know this. We will be in front of you, fighting for what’s right, fighting for you.”

  A few of the townspeople grabbed the remaining three from the Provincial Government and frog-marched them into the building where the cell inevitably was still in use.

  The companions regrouped, checked weapons, and got an update from Zyena. From what she could see, the people at the warehouse were unaware of what had happened in the Town Square. The wagons continued to make their way in and out.

  Which gave Braden time to come up with a new plan to secure the warehouse. For that attack, they couldn’t do anything to risk destroying the supplies. No blasters or lightning. It didn’t take long to come up with something. Braden kept it straightforward. They talked, quickly refined the plan, and were ready to go.

  When Braden turned toward the wagon, he recognized the woman slowly approaching.


  “What the hell, Braden?” Micah exclaimed as she gasped in pain, falling to her knees and holding her head. Her eyes were on fire as she watched what was unfolding before her.

  When Braden’s eyes met Ava’s, sparks flew. Braden’s heart pounded as he couldn’t tear his gaze from her. He didn’t want to. Outside of Ava’s eyes, nothing else existed. At least that was what Braden perceived.

  Micah was overwhelmed by the emotional surge coursing through their mindlink. She forced herself to her feet and watched, realizing that she was only a spectator. The companions were equally overwhelmed. G-War ran for cover.

  Ava skipped once, like a young girl might, and ran into Braden’s arms. He hugged her tightly. And they remained like that, neither giving way to step back.

  Finally, their heads parted and their eyes met afresh, their noses nearly touching. It started with a soft brush of her lips on his, then became a long and passionate kiss. Braden was first to lean back, instantly ashamed of what he’d done.

  She had a partner. He had a partner. But in that moment, he was caught in a whirlwind, torn and tossed. He realized that she had more feelings for him than he had ever hoped. Braden had wanted her to join him as he went south, but she politely refused, encouraging him to go alone.

  “You could have come with me,” he whispered.

  “No,” she replied, “I couldn’t. I had to stay, and you had to go. We both moved on.”

  “I know, but what if things had been different?” Braden asked, not thinking through what he was saying.

  “Does that matter now? I have a partner.”

  “No. Not now. What of…” Braden struggled to find the word. “What of your partner?”

  “He’s a good man and a good father,” she answered, barely audible.

  “But he won’t fight for you,” Braden fired back too quickly, thinking of how passive the people had become.

  “He fights in a different way,” Ava replied.

  “But if you want peace, you have to fight for it!”

  “Do you?” she asked, emphasizing the word “do.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder, and he hugged her closely to him, crying softly as he breathed deeply of her hair and kissed her head. Ava pulled away and turned, looking briefly at Braden. She resigned herself to staring at the ground, rubbing the tears from her eyes. She slowly walked away, her shoulders sagging from the heavy burden of her thoughts.

  Braden blinked his eyes clear and looked around. He couldn’t see Micah. She was gone, but not far. He could feel her nearby. G-War was in his mind, but not saying anything. He couldn’t tell what the ‘cat was thinking.

  “G-War, what have I done?” Braden asked his closest friend.

  ‘I don’t understand,’ G-War answered simply, blinking slowly as he approached. Braden waited until the ‘cat was close before continuing.

  “I didn’t know she felt like that,” he started. “I didn’t know that I felt like that.” Braden smiled as the feelings of love surged into him again. Then winced as guilt seized him in its ugly embrace.

  “Can a man love two women, G?” Braden asked, burying his face in his hands.

  ‘Of course,” the ‘cat replied. “Why wouldn’t you? You love many things, don’t you? You risked your life to save all of ours. Is that not a testament of love? What about your children?’

  “But that’s different. I have Micah, and I’ve betrayed her,” Braden lamented.

  ‘Your feelings are what make you do what you do. Micah was in your mind, as were we all. It was very confusing, and I’ve rarely felt such extreme emotions from you. Usually, you’re pretty simple. I’m surprised you didn’t pass out!’ G-War laughed over the mindlink, but Braden didn’t see the humor in it. ‘To answer your real question, of how can you love two women…’ G-War hesitated for a long time, but Braden didn’t interrupt.

  ‘You are with one and you love them both,’ the ‘cat finally said.

  “I wish she never loved me,” Braden blurted out.

  ‘Braden?’ the ‘cat asked, already knowing the answer.

  “No. I don’t wish that at all. It’s difficult. I don’t know what to do,” he conceded.

  ‘Life won’t have it any other way,’ G-War added sagely.

  “But, Micah! How do I explain it to her? I love her so and our children.” Braden’s sobs were muffled as he held his hands over his face.

  ‘I think she is more aware than you know,’ G-War said with a flip of his tail as he sauntered away.

��I don’t deserve the love of such women. I’m nobody,” Braden said softly, wiping his face on his sleeve.

  ‘Stop it,’ the ‘cat commanded. ‘We are all somebody. You matter. To them, to many others, and believe it or not, to me too,’ G-War finished in his thought voice as he disappeared behind a nearby tree.

  Braden sat, looking at the sky through his tear-filled eyes. What happened to my true love? Braden asked himself.

  ‘Maybe you found it twice and didn’t know it,’ G-War added from afar. ‘Micah is waiting for you. Go to her, hug her, love her, and let’s finish what we started.’

  ‘As simple as that, G?’ Braden asked using his thought voice.

  ‘I’m a ‘cat. How much more complicated do you expect from me?’

  The Warehouse

  Braden approached Micah cautiously, barely touching her on the back before she turned and buried her head in his shoulder. He held her tightly as she sobbed. It wasn’t long before she stopped, wiping her face on his shirt before looking up at him, her eyes red and puffy.

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” he stammered. She cocked her head. “I love you,” he ventured. She narrowed her eyes and punched him in the chest, not hard, just enough to let him know that she was okay.

  “Finish this?” he asked.

  “Let’s free the people of Cameron and restore trade,” she said definitively. Hand in hand, they returned to the wagon. Braden knew his partner. She hated looking vulnerable. If there was a fight, he expected she would hew through them like a logger through a forest. He pitied the person who raised a sword against her.

  She smiled at him.

  “Thinking too loud?” he asked, knowing the answer.

  They departed the Town Square as they had entered. They wound through the streets toward the edge of town where the warehouse stood. The armed men seemed on edge, aware that something was amiss. When they saw the caravan approach, they knew fear.


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