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A.J. Bennett - Hired Gun #3 (The Sicarii)

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by Unknown

  Although, the fact that he was so drawn to this woman was really starting to piss him off. With as many women as he’d fucked over the centuries what made her different? Why could he sense her no matter what form she took? The last time he felt anything mildly close to this was when he met his long dead wife. Yet even that hadn’t been’ quite as compelling of a feeling.

  And the thought that this woman had more pull over him than his wife …

  Well, that was almost too much to bear.


  Benny nudged Thorne in the side. However, the motion was uncalled for since he’d noticed Kataya head in their direction already. Hell, he’d barely taken his eyes off her all night. She moved like the slithering snake that she was.

  At first he thought she was going to walk right past them, but she had balls. She pushed her way through the crowd and squeezed herself between Thorne and Benny. The bartender was already waiting on her to order before she’d even leaned in to ask for a drink. Vodka and cranberry today.

  “Really, Thorne,” Kataya glanced down at Ginger with distaste, “that’s how you choose to spend your evenings?”

  Thorne’s cold gaze rested on her face. He hated the way his body filled senselessly with a mind-numbing desire. Even in the packed bar her scent wafted up at him; she smelled like vanilla and some sort of spice. Just being near her caused him to fight for control. Consciously, he unclenched his fist.

  Gods the feelings he had for her were carnal. Raw. Erotic as hell.

  All he could think about was setting her on the bar, nudging her legs open … Taking those big breasts in his hands and rubbing his fingers across her hard nipples while his mouth went to work.

  The blonde smirked, reminding Thorne that she could read his thoughts.

  Shit, she was messing with him again. Not only that, but she knew it was working.

  Slowly, he leaned closer and said with deceptive ease, “Have we met before? I usually have a good memory, and I find it hard to believe I’d forget a sexpot like yourself. Not with that rack.”

  She rolled her big, blue eyes. “Trust me, if we’d met you’d have remembered.”

  “Ah, well I guess my reputation precedes me. Seems like everyone I’ve run into lately knows who I am.”

  “You’re kinda hard to miss, and everyone in the bar whispers as you walk by. Do you know what they call you?”

  “Not a clue, and don’t really give a flying fuck.”

  She clamped her teeth over her lower lip as if trying to suppress a smile. “Thanatos.”

  Laughing, Thorne threw back his head. “It’s pretty damn close. You hear that, Benny?” He glanced up from his drink, and Thorne stated, “It seems behind my back I’m being called Thanatos.”

  Benny’s mouth quirked up on one side. “Daemon personification of death, indeed it’s fitting. You should be flattered.”

  Kataya took a sip of her drink, turning toward Benny. “Funny that you latched on to the Greek mythology. Myself, I jumped to Freud.”

  “Why that nutcase?” Thorne asked curiously.

  She ran her finger around the rim of her glass. “Freud believed humans had a death drive that compelled them to engage in risky and self-destructive acts that could lead to their own death,” she paused for effect, “called Thanatos.”

  “Interesting. I guess it is true that you learn something new every day.” Thorne’s origins were not general knowledge. At least she didn’t seem to know everything about him. “So what you’re saying is that humans want me to kill them? That they can’t help themselves? I guess if that’s the case I’m absolved of all my sins.”

  Thorne clinked glasses with Benny and they shared a grin.

  “You guys are sick,” Kataya said before turning to leave.

  Oh no, Thorne wasn’t going to let her off the hook that easily. Reaching out, he grabbed her by the arm. “Stay a while, we’re just getting to know each other.” His words were laced with a threat.

  Annoyed, she attempted to free her arm, but the attempt was in vain. He had a vice grip around her thin arm.

  She frowned at him. “You don’t scare me, Thorne. You really don’t.”

  Thorne gave careful consideration to his answer. He wasn’t quite sure if he was ready to tip his hand or not. “You should be afraid, because I don’t like to be fucked with, Kataya.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise.

  He cocked his hip against the bar. “Who are you impersonating tonight?”

  She shrugged her shoulder. “That’s really none of your concern.”

  Her mild tone was misleading because Thorne could hear her heart hammering against her double D fake-ass tits.

  Thorne glanced down at Ginger, then over to Benny and Nike. “You know, there’s always room for more if you’d care to join in on the fun tonight. But you’d have to turn yourself back into your original form.”

  She stilled, and then morphed herself into the last form he’d fucked her in. Amber, the exotic, dark-skinned beauty. Not the petite, dark-haired girl he’d meet on the first night. “I’m afraid your hands have touched me for the last time, asshole.”

  Her liquid eyes intensified as she gazed back at him full of venom.

  “Jealousy is not a becoming look on you. And we both know that’s pure bullshit. You can’t wait to ride my cock again.”

  Nike groaned, but Thorne just ignored her.

  Kataya looked like she was about to take a swing at him. “Go to hell. If you really think that what transpired between us was anything more than sex, you’re out of your goddamned mind. I knew exactly who you were getting into this, Thorne. You’re a goddamn man-whore and nothing more.”

  Inclining his head, Thorne studied the woman standing before him. She was a puzzle that much he knew, but where the fuck the pieces fit, he didn’t have a freaking clue.

  “Who are you working for?” he asked, abruptly changing the subject while still keeping his voice level.

  Startled, she blinked, opening and closing her mouth.

  “Cat got your tongue?” Thorne couldn’t help but glance at Nike with a smart-ass smirk. She rolled her eyes.

  “I work for myself,” Kataya said simply, and in that moment Thorne knew he was going to have to kill her. Killing was what he did best, he never hesitated, but for some reason he knew that taking this elusive woman’s life might actually trouble him for once. The question was, why? She must be working her magick on him in some way. Bewitching him. It was the only thing that made sense.

  He couldn’t decide if he wanted to wrap his hands around her neck or throw her over his shoulders and take her home to fuck the hell out of her. Yet one thing was obvious: he was finding it impossible to walk away until he figured her out.

  “What were you hired to do? Obviously not kill me. Seeing as how I’m immortal. And if anyone thinks I’d spill my secrets after a good fuck … well, they clearly don’t know me. So what else could it be?”

  “Not only are you egotistical, you’re paranoid. Why don’t you believe I just wanted to see if all the buzz about the infamous Thorne Hollow was true?”

  “Right. If that was the case why would you change your form, attempting to hide yourself from me?”

  A slow smile crossed her alluring face. “Rumor has it that you rarely take a woman to your bed more than once.” A flicker of doubt crossed her face when she looked down at Ginger. “Apparently, that was not quite true.”

  Thorne reached down, pulled Ginger to her feet, and gave her a good smack on her ass. Ginger ground her teeth in order to not scream out.

  “You did hear wrong. Like you, Ginger always comes back for more.” He reached over and grabbed Ginger’s breast, giving it a quick pinch.

  “You’re a no-class jackass,” Kataya said through gritted teeth.

  Thorne turned away from Ginger and back to Kataya.

  Stepping closer, Thorne shifted his hands up into her hair, and yanked her to him. “Well, you’re a lying wench who is playing games with the wrong man. You�
�re way out of your league, Kataya.”

  Her eyes widened slightly, and he could sense the fear on her. Suddenly, he shoved her forward into the crowd. She glanced back over her shoulder, a look of confusion on her face, before morphing back into the blonde. She’d thought she had the upper hand when she’d sashayed up to the bar, but now she didn’t know what the hell was going on any more than he did.

  “Well that was quite the show.” Nike clapped her hands mockingly.

  “Shut up,” Thorne shot back.


  The next day, Thorne sat across from Benny at a local dinner. The food wasn’t quite as good as Apotheca but pretty damn close. New Yorkers knew how to eat, that’s for sure.

  The waitress waddled up to the table and asked if they needed refills. Thorne nodded at his glass and Benny waved her off. “Let me know if I can get you anything else.”

  “Will do.” Benny smiled boyishly at her and she swatted him with the pad in her hand.

  Obviously, being with Nike had been good for Benny’s ego.

  Relaxing, Thorne stretched his legs out before him. Last night after his run in with Kataya, he’d brought Ginger home and taken out his frustrations on her. Which, of course, meant she went home a happy woman.

  Himself? Not quite as satisfied.

  It had pissed him off to no end watching Kataya leave with the shifter last night. The whole time he’d been with Ginger, he’d been distracted, picturing her body withering beneath that asshole. She was toying with him as much as he was with her.

  Like always, as soon as he thought of her name his mind immediately swam with visions of her petite body wrapped around his torso. It was as if a loop was running through his brain. The harder he tried not to think of her, the stronger the images became. And each time she was in her true form. Or at least what he believed her true form was. Just the mere thought of her and every cell in his body reacted. Something about her set his blood on fire. Gods, it annoyed the hell out of him that she had gotten deep under his skin in such a short period of time. Damn witches. It had to be a spell.

  He just had to figure out a way to break free from it.

  “What is’ the target’s name?” Benny asked, snapping Thorne out of his erotic thoughts.

  He gave himself a little mental shake, bringing himself back to the present. “David Marks. Another rich-ass prick. Apparently he jilted his wife, and traded her in for a younger model. Now she wants revenge. It’s gotta look like an accident.” Thorne picked up his Ruben and bit into it.

  Once again, Benny closed his eyes and vectored in on the subject he was seeking. All he needed was a name. It didn’t matter that there could be hundreds of pricks named David Marks, somehow his magick knew where to take him. And he was never wrong. It really was a remarkable gift, one that Thorne was slightly envious of.

  “High roller,” Benny said when his eyes opened. He reached for his root beer float and finished it off with a slurp.

  “Aren’t they all? The poor can’t afford our services.” Thorne extended his arm across the table and grabbed one of Benny’s neglected fries. It was cold and soggy by now, but still tasted pretty good.

  “What kind of accident are you thinking?”

  Thorne lifted one of his massive shoulders. “No idea. I’ve gotta scope out the place and see what fits. I’ve got a few ideas, but nothing’s really tickled my fancy just yet. Car accident always works. Maybe a pool drowning. Accidental fall down the stairs, something …”

  “Want any help?”

  “Up to you, brother. Should be an easy gig, but if you’re bored feel free to join in on the fun.”

  Benny pushed his plate away. “Actually, if you don’t need me I was going to hang out with Nike today. She’s going crazy staying cooped up in your apartment.”

  Surprised, Thorne’s brow shot up. “Don’t tell me you got a thing for her?”

  “Nah, it’s just nice to hang out with someone from the old world. You know?”

  Thorne scoffed. “Maybe for you, but we’re not exactly on the best terms. We tolerate each other at best. As matter of fact, she’s never so much as brought up The Realms to me.”

  Benny gave him a pointed look. “You’re not exactly the easiest person to get along with.”

  “That’s what I keep hearing. I’m an infuriating asshole.” Thorne wiped the crumbs off his hand, stood up, and dropped money on the table. After a brief pause, he threw a couple more twenties down. The waitress looked like she was about to deliver any day now.

  “Nike’s a good person. You just got on her bad side early on. If you treated her like the goddess she is instead of a random floozy, I think you’d be surprised by her.”

  “Yeah, whatever. I’ll leave that to you, lover boy. What’s the client’s location?”

  Benny sighed. “He’s at his home right now. I’m sure you have that data from the society.”

  Thorne reached for his jacket. “Works for me. Let me know if you sense any movement from him. I’m just going to do a quick reconnaissance for now. I’ll probably smoke him tonight.”

  “Will do.” Benny shot to his feet and they headed out the door.

  After saying a quick good-bye, Benny went one way and Thorne the other. He jumped in his Mustang, entered the target’s address from memory into the GPS before taking off down the road, lost in his thoughts.

  Before he knew it, the computerized voice was telling him to get off the highway. Benny was right about it being another affluent neighborhood. The streets were quiet this time of day. He’d have to swap out vehicles before he came back since the ‘68’ Mustang stood out too much.

  The target’s home was set back on a hill behind a gate and a long, winding driveway. As far as Thorne could see there weren’t any guards. The gate was more for appearances. Using one of his gifts, he mentally checked out the alarm system and laughed. Asshole didn’t even have it armed. Oh well, less trouble for him.

  More than likely there was a maid on duty and probably a few grounds people. He’d wait and come back this evening when the place should be empty. Of course, he could have live-in help, but he’d cross that bridge when he came to it.

  Thorne picked up his phone and dialed his boss’s number. “Hey, man. Everything’s ready to roll. You should probably have the wife go out tonight so we can have some time to talk without being interrupted.”

  The last thing he needed was to deal with the crazy-ass wife being there when it went down, especially since she’ was the one paying. Ragner would handle it. He always did. Thorne didn’t envy that man’s role in The Sicarii. He had to deal with a lot of moving pieces. Thorne’s job was easy because all he had to do was end lives. Hey, when someone’s time was up, it was up. There wasn’t really any reason to put anymore thought into it than that.

  There was a slight pause on the other end. “I’ll see what I can do. But you know how women are …”

  “I think you can handle it.”

  “I’d like to meet up with you tomorrow. I have some things I’d like to talk with you about in person.”

  Interesting. Ragner rarely arranged face-to-face time. He liked to keep as much distance as possible just in case one of them got rolled up. “Time and place?”

  “I’ll get the info to you later. I’m not sure on the location. It’s been a while since we’ve had lunch. We’ve got some catching up to do.”

  “Make it somewhere good. I’ve got a huge appetite.” Thorne clicked off and tossed his phone into the passenger seat. Perhaps Ragner had something a little more challenging to offer him.

  Thorne did another drive by before turning the car around and heading back to his apartment.


  Strolling through the front door, Thorne dropped his keys on to the table in the foyer. “Home again, home again,” he called out. He really wasn’t in the mood to walk into Benny and Nike getting it on in his house.

  “In the kitchen,” Benny yelled in reply.

  Shrugging out of his jacket, Thorne placed h
is coat on the rack and rolled his shoulders. He’d have to call his masseuse later today. That damn witch was putting him on edge, and he didn’t like it one bit.

  As he crossed into the kitchen, Nike looked up and met his gaze. “Have a seat, Thorne. I’ve got some things to tell you.”

  Immediately, his eyes darted to Benny, but he simply gave a slight shrug.

  Gods, all he wanted was to go relax. This was why he hated having people stay at his place. Thorne needed his privacy … craved it even. Coming home to people drinking coffee in his kitchen did not make him happy. In the least.

  Felling annoyed, he grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the counter and poured himself a glass without bothering to offer any to the others. “What’s up, kitty cat?”

  She glared back at him. “Why do you always have to be so aggravating?”

  “Part of my magnetism, I guess.” Thorne took a long swallow of the whiskey.

  “You must have wondered why Athena sent me to you.”

  “Every. Fucking. Day.”

  “What I’m going to tell you may come as a shock. It’s about your mother.”

  Thorne set his glass down. There wasn’t much that could surprise Thorne these days, but that had. “Go on.”

  “Your mother is Athena’s half-sister.”

  Shocked, Thorne ran his hand across his face, allowing the information to sink in. “Nike, if I find out your screwing with me—”

  “I’m not.” She took a sip of her coffee. “There’s more.”

  “Of course there is.” He paused for a moment before snapping, “Why didn’t anyone ever tell me this? And for fuck’s sake, why was I cast away if my mother was one of our own?”

  Nike tapped her finger against her mug. “As you are well aware, half-breeds are never really considered our own. However, Athena had a soft spot for your mother. And for some strange reason, you as well. Which is why you were brought to The Realms at such a young age. It’s very rare for a mixed-bred to spend time amongst us.”


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