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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

Page 19

by Daniella Wright

  Fay’s eyes flicker with an unknown emotion and she averts my gaze. “Glowing eyes? Growling?” She asks, not able to meet my eyes as I question her.

  I chuckle. “When we’re pissed off or feel any strong emotion, lust, for example, our eyes tend to glow. Annoying habit, but it is what it is. I can’t believe Royce never told you what he is.” I laugh again. “This is rich. I guess he doesn’t love you if he didn’t trust you with this secret.” I study her and sigh. “It’s a shame I have to butcher your beautiful body and face. If I could, I’d keep you as a pet in my warehouse, but my boss would be pissed at me and won’t let me kill anyone for a month if I don’t eliminate you.”

  “Get the fuck away from her!” A male’s voice growls from behind me and I grin. Turning around, I get a kick out of seeing the shock on Royce’s face. “Keith? Is that you?” he shakes his head and walks towards me, looking like he’s seen a ghost. “But…why? Why would you do this?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Why? You honestly have to ask me that?” I throw my knife at Royce but he dodges it, as I expected. I knew I couldn’t hit him, but I had to try because I hate him so much. “I’m doing this because I can’t allow you to gain control of that pathetic clan of yours. Javier is about to take over your territory and he can’t allow you to gain enough power to stop him. But you want to know the real reason I’m doing this, right?” Royce nods his head stiffly. “Because I hate you. Because you shouldn’t be standing there while she lays underneath the earth.” I clench my fists together and I feel a stupid tear fall down my face. “Because you killed our mother.”



  I haven’t seen Keith since I was eight years old and she tried to kill me in my sleep. No, I’m not exaggerating; my sister came into my room on my 8th birthday, while I was sleepy peacefully, and tried to slit my throat. Thankfully for me, my father and little sister heard my cries and came just in time to stop her from causing too much damage. Since I’m a shifter, the wound healed before a scar could form, but the damage was done and I’ll never forget what she did to me that day.

  She had been older than me by ten years then and blamed me for my mother’s death, since she died trying to pick me up from school, and for a little while, I believed her. I thought it was my fault my mother died because, if I hadn’t called her that day, if I had just gotten through the school day, my mother wouldn’t have been on that highway that day and would still be alive today.

  But I know now that what happened was an accident—a horrible accident, but an accident, nonetheless, and blaming myself didn’t change the fact that she was gone. My father blamed himself for not driving to get me himself that day and look at what happened to him—he’s a drunk that is leading our clan into the ground.

  But I have a chance to make things right and re-build our clan to what we once were. I have a chance to get my dad clean. I have a chance at a life, with my mate and hopefully, my future child, so I know what I must do.

  I have to kill my sister.

  “Back away from Fay, Keith. She has nothing to do with our issues.” Keith moves closer to Fay and I see red. “I said, get the fuck away from her! What? You’re too scared to face me now that I’m not a defenseless child?” I taunt her, knowing she couldn’t turn down a challenge or an insult. I smirk at her, knowing I’m getting to her and appearing smug will draw her attention more to me and away from a terrified Fay. Damn, I have a lot of explaining to do, if she’ll even talk to me after today. “Then again, you couldn’t kill me as a child, so how can you expect to kill me now?”

  That last comment pushes her over the edge and she transforms on the spot into her bear. Her bear, which is a deep brown and is ten times the size of my human form, growls at me and she begins to circle around me. I move backwards, attempting to move her farther away from Fay so she won’t get hurt in the crossfire.

  I turn my gaze to Fay, who’s staring at us in shock, and smile sadly. “I should have told you about my other half from the start, but I was worried you wouldn’t accept me. And I should have kept you safe, but I failed there too.” I shake my head and I feel my eyes begin to glow and my body start to change. “But I will not fail you again. You are mine, Fay, and I protect what’s mine.”

  I then shift into my bear form and all hell breaks loose.

  Keith charges at me as soon as I change and we collide against the side of the warehouse, causing the room to echo with our crash. Keith tries to go for my neck, but I claw at her face before her teeth could sink into me. She screams in pain, her left eye now bleeding, and surprises me when she bends down and bites my left leg.

  Instant pain shoots through me and I roar in agony.

  Still, even with my left leg now injured, I have to lead Keith farther away from Fay. I back away from her, luring her towards the entrance of the warehouse, and when we’re a safe distance away, I attack her again, this time, I aim for her other eye, so I can rob her of one of her senses. If I can do that, it’ll be that much easier to defeat her without causing further injury to me or putting Fay at more risk.

  Keith roars when I successfully remove her other eye and she pauses her movements, her face moving side-to-side in pain. “You took away my sight!” she growls at me.

  “You had this coming, Keith!” I growl back. “You took what was mine and no one, not even my older sister, will get away with that. You will die today and then my mate and I will be safe again. I will take the throne and I will destroy anyone who stands in my way, so your precious Javier will be next to feel my wrath!”

  Keith laughs at my words and I know what she’s going to do before she does it. She turns her back towards me, roaring in excitement, and then races towards my mate. Her razor-sharp teeth are extended, ready to rip apart the one person who completes me in every way possible, and I know I need to stop her at all costs.

  Pushing past the pain, I run at Keith at lightening speed and even with my injury, I’m faster than her. She stands on her hind legs and raises a claw to Fay and I knock her sideways before her claw can make contact.

  Keith lies on the floor in shock for a moment, and I use that one-minute of her daze to bite her throat out, roaring my victory and pain. Keith lies still underneath me, her body becoming lifeless and stiff. I know I won the fight when she changes back into her human form and her body remains still and silent.

  Turning back to my human form, I grab a tarp from across the room and go to my sister’s body, laying it over her naked form. Although I hated what she had done, and what she tried to do to me years ago, she was still my sister, and I don’t want someone finding her in such a state.

  “Hudson…” Fay sobs out and tears begin to fill her eyes. “Oh, Hudson, I’m so sorry. I—” she begins to cry. “Can you please let me go? I need you to hold me right now and I think you need me too.”

  I nod my head, not knowing how to feel right now. But Fay is right; I do need her right now. I need to lose myself in the scent of my mate, knowing that what I did was to keep her safe.

  I untie Fay and she flies into my arms in a sobbing mess.

  But we’re together.

  We’re alive.



  After the event with Keith, Hudson and I have gotten back to everyday life, but we haven’t discussed what happened. And today, I’m making it a priority to talk about it with him because Hudson isn’t himself anymore. He’s having nightmares, he won’t touch me, and he’s distancing himself further and further away from me.

  I don’t know what to do, but I know we have to talk. If we don’t, our relationship won’t last long and I refuse to let that happen after everything Hudson has sacrificed to keep me alive and us together.

  He killed his own sister to keep me safe and the guilt he’s facing is slowly destroying the man I love. From their encounter in the warehouse, I know they weren’t close, but still, she was his sister and no matter how fucked up your family is, you’ll love them no matter what.

dson wakes up next to me and tightens his arms around me again. His eyes are troubled and his body is shaking slightly. “You had another nightmare, didn’t you?” I ask hugging him close.

  Hudson averts his gaze and sighs. “Yeah, I did.”

  I shake my head and break out of his hold so I can sit up. “Hudson…we need to talk.” His eyes widen in fear and he jumps awake, now fully alert. “I want to talk about what happened with Keith.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers in defeat. “I know I should have told you about my bear, but I was sure that you’ll turn me away and want nothing to do with me when you found out. I was a coward, so I hid an important piece of myself from you. I can’t tell you how sorry I am, Fay. But…please,” he grabs my hands and his desperate eyes meet mine. “Give me another chance. I know my bear probably terrifies you, but I love you, and I can’t lose you. I promise you’ll never have to see him again.”

  I blink at him in shock. “What are you talking about, Hudson? I wanted to talk about your sister, not your bear.” He stares at me in confusion and I can’t blame him. I saw him turn into a giant ass bear, but oddly enough, it doesn’t bother me. “Hudson, my favorite animal is a bear.” I smile and kiss him. “I’m not scared of your other half, although, it did take me by surprise.” I narrow my eyes at him. “Never hide something as important as that again, Hudson. People who are in love do not keep secrets from each other.”

  Hudson nods his head and smiles for the first time in days. “So…we’re okay? You’re not going to leave me?”

  “What?” I exclaim in puzzlement. “Why would I leave you? You saved my life back there, Hudson. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here with you today.”

  Hudson grinds his jaw in anger. “If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have been in danger at all. I didn’t prepare you better or keep you safe. But I vow to you, Fay, I won’t make that mistake again.”

  I nod my head and grin. “I know you won’t. You’re my big strong teddy bear.”

  Hudson groans, rolling his eyes. “Seriously? You’re going to make bear jokes now?”

  “My jokes rock! You’re just going to have to bear with them.” He groans again and I chuckle. Realizing we haven’t discussed his nightmare, I stop laughing and become serious. “What are your nightmares about, Hudson? They must be awful if they have you screaming in your sleep.”

  Hudson grabs me in his arms, lays us back down, and sighs. “I dream about that night. About the fear I felt when I found you missing from my house. I thought you left me and that I scared you with my eyes glowing, but then I found the necklace you got from your dad when you were ten at the entrance of the door and I knew something bad had happened. I followed your scent and when I found you at that warehouse, tied up and terrified, I remember feeling so much rage at my sister for what she had done.” He closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Things worked out in the end, but in my nightmares, I lose you over, and over again. I didn’t think you could accept my bear, so some of my nightmares were of you leaving me over that. I can’t lose you, Fay, and the thought that I could have drives me crazy with worry.”

  I lean up and kiss Hudson until his eyebrows aren’t furrowed in worry anymore. “That will never happen, Hudson. I love you too much to leave you.” I place my hand in one of his and squeeze. “We are a team now, Hudson. And I have no intentions on ever letting you go.”

  Hudson presses his forehead to mine and lets out a relieved sigh. “You have no idea how much your words mean to me, Fay. I love you.”

  I smile and rub our noses together, causing him to laugh. “I love you too.”

  We then seal our love with a kiss.

  Our future isn’t set in stone, and there’ll be many obstacles that will stand in our way, but we’ll always get through them because our love is worth it.

  And love does really conquer all.



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  Double Fangs

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic Vampire Menage

  “I moaned against Elroy as Quin stretched my insides, making me feel like he would rip right through me. Our first night together hadn’t made me realize just how big he really was. Soon enough, it was too much for me to handle. I couldn’t control the pleasure that surged within me. With Elroy hitting the back of my throat, I screamed out in ecstasy, my whole world painted in pleasure as I climbed over the edge. Seconds later, my lovers joined me…”

  I had never been a girly girl. With a sports bike and a commitment to kickboxing classes I took at the local gym, I was anything but. And that’s exactly how I liked it. I felt powerful during my gym sessions. I imagined a moment when I would need to use my kickboxing skills in self-defense. My attacker wouldn’t know what hit him. Maybe that’s why I kept coming back week after week. But then, everything changed once the new instructor turned out to be a vampire. Of course, I didn’t know that at first.

  I thought he was like any other smoking hot guy. He had a nice smile and an even better laugh. He was everything I wanted in a man so when he invited me to dinner, I simply couldn’t refuse. Little did I know I would be trapped in that house for quite a while. The world of vampires was a dangerous one and a single mistake could mean my death. In the end, would I make it out of the house alive or would Elroy, the vampire upstairs, change my whole life?

  Would I fall victim to his broodingly handsome good looks or would his seduction be the end of me?

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  Six thirty A.M. Most people my age would be fast asleep in their beds. Or they would be grumpily getting ready for work. I grinned, thinking about all my high school friends who were now stuck in a corporate job they hated. But not me. Maybe it was luck or maybe it was the perseverance to stay away from everything that I hated, but somehow, I had managed to make a successful life for myself. I was healthy, I had own business as well as a killer sports bike that was for all intents and purposes, my baby.

  I dismounted, letting my sneakers pound against the hot asphalt of the parking lot. As always, the lot was full. Fitness enthusiasts never seemed to sleep and they never seemed to leave the gym. Maybe I was one of them, but at least I made the effort to get a solid eight hours of sleep every night.

  I mean, my closet is filled with more active wear than anything else, but what can I say? It’s comfortable. I like tight-fitting stuff and leggings look good and make my butt look even better.

  As the early morning sun shone, I took off my helmet, letting my long, straight brown hair fall over my shoulders. I squinted against the sun, using my hand as a visor as I looked out at the road. Early morning traffic rushed by as commuters struggled to get to work on time.

  With my helmet under my arm, I hurried across the street once I had looked both ways. My backpack bounced against the small of my back. As I climbed the steps to the gym, a couple of girls carrying yoga mats giggled to themselves, drinking putrid green smoothies. They were kind enough to hold the door for me, but that didn’t mean I liked their fake smiles. Together, we descended to the basement level where all group classes were held. The blonde woman looked back and flashed a set of pearly white teeth that looked just as fake as her smile. “Are you doing the morning yoga class as well?” She inquired politely. By her side, her friend rolled her eyes. To her, it was obviously a waste of time to talk to me.

  “No,” I answered with a curt syllable. The woman’s smile only deepened as she moved her drink from one hand to the other.

  “Oh? I didn’t know there were any other classes held this early.”

  “There’s that horrible kickboxing class. I wish they wouldn’t grunt so loudly – it messes up my focus.” The friend mumbled under her breath with a small snicker before finishing off her smoothie.

  “I’ll try to be quiet.” I pointed my comment at the woman before I hurried past them. My elbow rammed into
her body, knocking her sideways into the blonde. The two women looked appalled as I stepped into the kickboxing studio.

  Still irritated, I stomped to the cubbies and put away my helmet. I rummaged through my backpack, looking for a hair tie and my headband as I observed the crowd. All the regulars were here. Timmy with the lame left leg. Melissa the war veteran who had served in Afghanistan as a chopper pilot. James Malloy who was in his second year of sobriety. There were a few new faces, including the man who stood at the front of the class, where Mel James, our instructor, usually liked to stand.

  Putting my bag away, I watched a few timid newcomers blend into the rest, looking uneasy. With my headband in my mouth, I started to tie my hair into a ponytail. If I was any other girl, maybe I would have cared what my hair looked like. Maybe I would have used a mirror. I didn’t. To make sure no strands of hair flew into my face during the workout, I hurried to put my headband on before walking up to the new guy.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him. Subtly, I studied his body. He was wearing a thin tank top that clung to his body, showing off his muscular physique. His shoulders were broad and powerful. His arms toned to perfection, albeit a little hairier than what I was used to. His loose-fitting gym shorts showed off part of his thick thighs and his well-defined calf muscles. This was a guy who paid attention to both arm and leg days.

  “Hmm?” He turned to face me.

  “Where’s Mel?’ I asked, staring him dead in the eyes. He smiled, his pink lips curling at the corners as his hazel eyes seemed to sparkle.


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