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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

Page 37

by Daniella Wright

  I had experienced something magical, something that I don’t think my own race has ever really experienced. The human condition was becoming something that I wanted to embrace and not push away.

  As I held Tarin in my arms and she drifted off to sleep I thought about the new possibilities of my new life.


  The sound of the horns woke me from a dead sleep. I had been having the most wonderful dream, but upon waking I realized I could only remember bits and pieces of it. This was the first night in several nights that I had not dreamt about my home world or my own race, but this time I dreamt of the future that I wanted.

  In the dream I was watching Tarin being led down the aisle by her father, King Joseph at our wedding. She looked more radiant than any woman I have ever laid eyes on. The music was enchanting, the decoration was wonderful, and the way I felt was indescribable.

  I could not remember much else though. Everything I was able to recall was like a series of weird snapshots and I was standing off to the side just observing it all. I vaguely remembered that I had finally convinced her father to allow this wedding to happen and give us the blessing.

  That was the most important thing; if the King did not approve of the wedding of his daughter then it would not happen. It was as simple as that. I knew that I was going to have to beg and plead for him to let this happen. I was not of noble birth. I was not a general, but I might be one day, though unlikely since I was not born of a family of generals. Everything was based on family. I was an orphan who had been taken in by a peasant family and then sent off to become an expendable soldier. But I had made peace with that. I would never have been able to make peace with being denied marriage to the woman I loved.

  The horns were blaring louder now, cutting through the early morning sky. What was going on? My mind struggled to get awake and shake off the fog of sleep that surrounded me. This was not something that I usually experienced. I was typically a very light sleeper, but since the other night when Tarin and I were together and expressed our love in intimate physical detail I had noticed myself acting and feeling more human.

  But right now that would be a huge handicap.

  I forced myself through the fuzzy haze and leaped out of the bed to my feet. I was dressed within a minute and headed out of my chambers down to the bottom level of the castle where I found everyone scurrying and panic stricken.

  Lyle came bursting out of the kitchen. I had never seen him look so anxious.

  “What is going on?” I shouted.

  “It’s happening. The Other World is storming the castle.”

  “What? Why attack the castle now?”

  The Other World had attacked the castle before and been defeated by the king’s army, but not since I had been in service. Why would they all of a sudden stage an attack now? Their strategy had always been to take over as much of the country as they could and then slowly move on to the other weaker countries. Were they changing tactics?

  “They came to us this morning and said they have demands,” the King said.

  I had not heard him come in, but he was bouncing out of his office with his top intelligence officers.

  “What demands?” I asked.

  “They want us to give up or they will come in and kill everyone. Their numbers are larger than I ever remember reading about. I don’t know if we can win this battle,” the King said. He was very worried. I don’t believe I have ever seen the King look scared before, but he was scared right then.

  “Daddy! What is going on?”

  I looked up to see Tarin coming down the stairs. Reah was not far behind her.

  “We have to go into hiding,” the King said. “We have to resort to the contingency plan and just hope that the Royal Army can defeat this group.”

  I looked at Tarin and my heart broke in my chest. I could see the fear and the panic in her eyes. She had been told about this possibility her whole life, but she never really believed it could happen. I wanted to comfort her, hold her, and tell her how much I loved her and that I would not let a strand of her beautiful hair be harmed, but I couldn’t say it out loud. It was not the time.

  I locked eyes with her and tried to communicate as telepathically I was able to. I knew that she could not read thoughts as a human, and I had lost the ability to really do this while I remained in human form, but I knew that I was getting through to her.

  “We will be victorious!” I bellowed.

  Lyle and I rushed out the door without a moment’s delay. The second the door closed behind me I was running hard. My feet were pounding the ground harder and swifter than I had allowed them to in quite some time. I lost Lyle almost immediately and after passing the inner gates and leaping over the moat and the open field beyond that I surpassed the troops that were already lining up to engage in battle.

  I could see the Other World’s troops gathered at the end of the outer gate, ready, and hungry for battle. I was not sure what they were waiting for. They were just standing there. They caught the Kingdom off guard and could have been already causing some serious damage in our defense but still they waited.

  I was out of sight of the King's Army now and I finally let my human-self slip away so that the real Cahn was now running towards the danger that I saw in front of me. I didn’t know what was going on, but I was not going to let them harm Tannin. She was off limits and I would do anything to protect her. I did not really care about the Kingdom itself. I was expendable to them and they were expendable to me.


  I stopped in my tracks as their leader spoke. What had he just said?

  “That’s right,” he spoke again. He was speaking our old language that I had almost forgotten, but now that I was out of my human form it all came right back to me.

  “Brother?” I asked in disbelief. Then I remembered. “Brax.”

  “That’s right,” Brax said. “Wow, it’s been so long. You look great. Well, better since you shed your skin.”

  “What is going on?” I asked.

  "Well, we have been planning this for a while. We have infantry in place all over this ugly mudball planet. They are all ready to strike and take over at our signal. Once we destroy this kingdom the rest will fall easily enough. To resist at that point would be futile for them."

  “I meant what is going on with us? Why was I sent here? Why were we split up? I thought you were all dead. Mom, dad—“

  Brax laughed. “Yea, I know little brother. We had to do that for your own benefit so that everything would fall into place. But now all of that is over. We can reunite with our family, and with our kind. Our planet can be the driving force in the galaxy without any opposition. That was the plan all along.”

  "So, you used me? Was I like bait? Why did you even need me?" I asked.

  “Well, we needed the intel. We needed you to infiltrate these people and send the information back to us so that we could find out everything we could about the humans, their way of life, and especially the Kingdom. Every infrastructure has a weak link somewhere.”

  “How did you get that information from me? I haven’t seen any of you since I left The Other World.”

  “Your dreams my dear brother. It’s all in your dreams,” Brax laughed.

  I stood there for several seconds looking at them. I had been used like a pawn. It was all so clear now. I was set up. I felt the anger rising up inside of me. They wanted me to help them now defeat the Kingdom. They expected me to rejoin them and betray the people of my new home.

  I couldn’t do that to Tarin. I could not do that to her family or to her people. And now that I thought about it I wasn’t able to quiet my conscience enough to do it either. I had to make a stand and do the right thing. These people were innocents. They were just protecting their home. The Other World wanted to control the galaxy. They were the predators. And I would no longer ever associate with them. This had to end now.

  I could hear the roar of the King’s army behind me as they ran across the drawbridge
and began across the open field towards the outer gates.

  I shook my head. “No,” I said to Brax. The look on his face I’ll never forget. The surprise, shock, and the anger all at once. “I won’t do this. It isn’t right.”

  “Don’t forget who you really are, brother,” Brax growled.

  “I know exactly who I am,” I replied as I shifted back to my human form. “I am Cahn.”


  Brax roared at the top of his lungs, echoing into the sky as the Other World crashed through the gates and came at us. I was joined by the King’s Army just in time.

  I flew into battle dodging spears, swords, and arrows. I may have been in human form, but I still possessed alien strength and speed. To say I was operating as if a being possessed by some insane brand of sorcery would have been a gross understatement. I barely remember the fight; it is all such a blur.

  Every thought, every impulse was about Tarin and the idea that any of these pigs wanted to get their hands on her and kill her and her family. That would never happen.

  “Ready to finish this brother?” Brax shouted as he came at me from the side.

  I snarled dodging his spear and retaliating with a vicious swipe of my fist upside his face. He fell to the ground hard and I swung my foot down in a hammering action aiming to drive my heel through his skull. He rolled to the side just in time and my foot bounced off the hard ground. A split second later he was burying a fist in my nose. I felt the hard crunch of bone and the overwhelming numb sensation spreading across my face. I would have hardly felt this in my true form, but as a human it was very damaging.

  My body dropped to the floor, but I was determined to not let this be the end as I swung my foot outward colliding with Brax’s leg and dropping him to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a dagger lying in the dirt. I grabbed it quickly and swung it at Brax’s throat.

  He caught the blade end of the dagger in his hands and pushed back to block the attack. I grabbed the handle with both hands and leaned against it trying to drive the dagger hard into him. He pushed back as hard as he could, but I was gaining strength.

  Brax suddenly realized he was losing. The fear in his eyes was beautiful and it gave me the extra motivation to push forward harder one last time. The dagger pierced his body hard, driving through him. His eyes flew open widely as it all sank into him that he was done for.

  I rolled off him and chose not to watch him die. I did not care to see death.

  Looking around I saw the remaining soldiers of the Other World leaving. They had lost. The King's Army and I had successfully defended the castle. We had only suffered minimal losses as well. I knew now that the Other World were superior on a personal level to humans, but they did not know about teamwork and dedication to a purpose. They did not care about each other to the extent that humans did and this had proven to be their downfall time and time again.

  I was tired of being so cold and empty inside. I was tired of not experiencing love, caring, fear, and even pain, which I was feeling a great deal right then. I looked at myself taking inventory of my injuries. There were long gashes bleeding out profusely on both of my arms and I felt as if my ankle might have been broken. As I tried to put weight down on it the pain shot through my leg into my hips even. It was like something biting and clamping down on my whole leg causing spasms of pain. And my face was still fairly numb, although I could feel the blood that was still gushing from my nose.

  I paid no mind to these injuries really; they would heal, although it would take longer since I was remaining in human form. All I wanted to do was get back to Tarin and let her know that everything was ok.

  As I walked away from the battlefield I could hear the rest of the army high-fiving each other, and cheering over a hard-fought, well-deserved victory. I shared in their jubilation, but I did not want to waste a second more. I have never felt that war is the answer to anything and I hated it more now that I was becoming more human.

  I knew in time that I would become totally human if I allowed myself to be so. I could force myself to stay in human form until eventually the old me would not be able to return. I wasn't sure yet if that was something I wanted. I know that it would have made my life so much easier in every possible way going forward, but if these people needed me again and I was just a normal man I would not be able to protect them the way they deserved to be protected. This battle today would have been lost without my extra abilities.

  And I think my fellow soldiers knew that day that I was not like them. They will never know that I am from the Other World and they will never know that I came so close to turning my back on them and leading them to slaughter, but I don't believe they are green enough to think that I am just some orphan. But I don't think they will mention the abilities I displayed to anyone; I think they were just happy that I was there and that I am their friend.

  I will tell Tarin one day when the time is right about my past and who I really am. But that day was not the right time. The victory needed to be enjoyed first.


  Three Months Later

  The wedding was phenomenal. It was ten times better than I thought it ever could have been in my dreams. But I honestly did not care about a party. To me it was just a celebration, a routine. But it was phenomenal because Tarin loved it.

  Watching her walk down the aisle towards me may be the happiest minute I have ever or will ever experience. I have faced death many times, but the sight of that amazing angel coming towards me with love and happiness in her eyes for the future we were starting to build that day almost brought me to my knees.

  After the battle with the Other World rumors of bravery and heroics got around. No one mentioned that I did things that no mortal human man could do, only that I led our team into battle out there and I was instrumental in securing the victory. That was good enough for me.

  The King decided to make me a general in the army. And shortly after that, he gave me his blessing to marry Tarin. Everything had worked out perfectly.

  Later that night I told Tarin who I really was. I told her about a boy who had been taken from his home and sent somewhere he didn’t belong and how he had fought to survive and how he had realized where his heart lay and it was with his new family.

  She understood perfectly. As I finished the story she kissed me softly and opened up her nightgown, allowing her perfect breasts to fall forward into my waiting hands as her body moved closer, opening her legs to straddle my nakedness.

  I was so hard, so ready for her. The lust I felt for her went far beyond the pleasure of the flesh; it was spiritual, it was magic.

  Tarin wrapped around me with her sweet wetness, so tight, so warm…

  Her large breasts hung down in my face and I just couldn’t resist grabbing them in my hands and squeezing them together to create the perfect image. Her nipples were already hard and sensitive. I could see the way they were practically trying to crawl away from the rest of the breast. I pulled one of them into my eager mouth. It was hard, and wiggled between my lips. I opened my mouth wider accepting the areola inside as well. Her areolas were large. I loved them that way.

  My package was getting harder by the second as I filled up the exquisite wetness between her legs. Her bare, hairless mound was practically gushing with her erotic juices already. The sexy scent wafted up from below to my nostrils. I inhaled deeply as I continued to focus on her large, fleshy chest.

  I buried my head in between them right then wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. My hips started to gyrate up and down to shove my thickness inside of her. She took a quick, deep breath reacting to the sudden change of pace.

  "Yesss!" She screamed.

  I lay back just then, grabbed her leg, and moved it to my other side effectively turning her around so that she was facing away from me. She leaned back getting into the move, her body stretching backward toward mine. Her beautiful, long hair hung down gently stroking my face as I held on to her hips and continued to p
lunge my hard staff into her honey pot. Her mound was so wet it wrapped around me as it slid down to the bottom.

  I sat up to get more leverage and to slightly change the movement and the sensation. I was now getting much more emphasis on the head of my tool, slipping it deeper inside of her.

  “Oh, right there!” She moaned. “That’s the spot!”

  I continued to follow her directions, enjoying every single moan and gasp as our lovemaking progressed. I could feel her insides tightening, squeezing my thick sword as I plunged it deeper and deeper into her wet caldron.

  I pushed her face forward until she was now facing down on the bed and I climbed up behind her in a modified doggy position. I held her face down on the bed just firm enough to keep her from moving to complete the dominating effect. She smiled as she tried to resist the movement, testing my control. Seeing that she was not getting free she knew that I was now in control of it all. I knew she loved it when I took total control during lovemaking.

  I slowly shoved my huge shaft deeply inside of her and pulled it out all the way, staring at the glistening wetness that encompassed my flesh and then shoving it hard back into her to repeat the cycle.

  Her moans were all the feedback I needed to know that she was enjoying this massively. I decided to up the ante of the domination and I delivered a hard open handed smack to her ass. She moaned loudly with total pleasure. I smacked her again, and again, each time increasing my thrusting power and timing it to coincide with the smack. I could feel her insides rattling up and down my shaft with the vibration of each slap.

  I grabbed her hair tightly to the root and tugged it until she started to gasp slightly, teetering on the edge of pain and pleasure, allowing the two to mix together.

  I changed it up just a bit right then. I drove my hard tool deep inside of her and held it at the end as if trying to probe deeper still. At the same time I delivered a hard smack to her behind while jerking on her hair slightly. The three combined elicited a loud of moan of total agony of pleasure.


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