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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

Page 41

by Daniella Wright

  We were both standing on his horse’s back as it rode on its own accord, well-trained enough to know where to go and what to avoid. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, his hot breath against my neck. He took hold of my hand, helping me aim and together, we shot at the nearest officer. He collapsed to the ground, holding his busted hand. It would heal with time, but for now, he was out of commission and that was exactly what we wanted.

  I laughed as we continued to hit our mark every time. Zander pulled me closer and I felt butterflies form in my stomach. Through pluck, luck, and lots of courage, we managed to shoot our way through most of them. That is until they brought out the big guns. At one point, they had managed to call for backup and now, a large cannon was being rolled into the mouth of the valley. Zander quickly pulled me down onto the saddle. He whistled as loud as he could, signaling his men to retreat. There was no way we could go against that thing and hope to see another day.

  As the men started to load the cannon, we shot off as fast as we could in the other direction. I breathed hard, holding on to the steed’s mane while Zander’s arms held me tight, making sure I didn’t fall off even as he pushed his horse to the limit, spittle flying between his teeth.

  A cacophony of sound was heard behind us. I looked back, seeing a convoy coming our way. “They’re gaining on us!” I said.

  “Split up!” Zander shouted. Obediently, every one of his men went off in a different direction, forcing the contingent to split up as well.

  It was just me and Zander now. I kept looking back, seeing the vehicle getting closer and closer. “Give me your gun!”

  He didn’t respond for a moment so I had no choice but to reach down into his pants and pull it out myself. I turned around in the saddle, straddling him. I had to sit on his lap in order to see over his shoulder. The officers made eye contact with me, their guns aimed right at us. I tried to focus my breathing, my fingers shaking. I knew Zander only had one bullet left. I had to make it count.

  I closed one of my eyes, taking aim. I used his shoulder to steady myself, my body pressed against his. Our heartbeats hammered together. I unlocked the safety and held my breath, bracing myself. I pulled the trigger.

  A soft bang emerged from his gun as the last bullet left the chamber, heading straight for the vehicles’ wheel. It spun out of control, crashing into a nearby ditch. Smoke billowed from the wreckage and I laughed in success.

  “Nice shooting,” Zander said, his hand on my ass, giving it a firm squeeze. I giggled and sat back down, kissing his lips as we continued to ride.

  “You owe me for saving our skins.” I teased him, my arms still around his neck.

  He chuckled and kissed me again, letting the passion he felt for me come to the surface. I melted into it, eventually resting my head on his chest as he held me close. His horse was getting tired, but we pushed on, determined to put as much distance as we could between us and the people that had tried to capture us.

  We rode long into the night, running for freedom, knowing if we were captured, we would both be put on the chopping block. Finally, we stopped at a small lake. We looked at each other and smiles spread across our faces. We had made it! Together.

  Chapter 10

  We dismounted and started to set up camp. Once the fire was going, we couldn’t stop ourselves. We were so overjoyed we had managed to escape with our lives that we had to celebrate. Zander grabbed me by the hips, pulling me closer. I looked up into his eyes, mesmerized. His lips found mine, his handsome body shadowed by the fire, giving him a mystical look that just aroused me further. I felt my thighs quiver in desire and my hormones rush out of control.

  He seemed to feel the same because he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. I rested my hands on his chiseled body, moaning softly as he kissed my neck, allowing his slightly pointed tongue to run along my flesh. I tilted my head back, giving myself to him. His mouth moved to the hollow of my neck, gently sucking on it.

  His hands started to move to my backside, giving it a squeeze. I wiggled in his embrace, pressing myself closer against him. Fueled by a lust I had never felt before, I took hold of his face, pinning it between my hands and kissing him harder than ever. My tongue made its way into his mouth and my breathing became ragged, but I didn’t care. I never wanted to pull away. I never wanted him to stop holding me. Zander smiled into the kiss, his fingers running through my thick hair.

  Suddenly, he stopped and pulled away. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered, his eyes running over my full figure. “Your every curve… your every inch… is perfect.” He murmured, his head now nuzzled against my bust, his fingers interlacing with my own. He laid like this for a moment, taking in the sound of my heartbeat.

  I squeezed his hand, enjoying the moment, knowing I never wanted to be with anyone else. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head ever so softly. This seemed to rouse him and he looked at me, his eyes filled with joy. He pulled my shirt open, leaving behind a trail of kisses down my body. He took his time undressing me as if I were made of porcelain and he could break me at any moment.

  I melted in his tenderness, feeling his soft touch and gentle kisses. Eventually, his hands wrapped around my thighs, spreading them apart. Between his legs, his cock was already free, standing at attention. I reached out and grabbed hold, caressing him. A moan of pleasure escaped his lips, causing me to do it a little while longer until he was rock hard in my hand.

  Suddenly, he pulled my hands away, pushing down on my shoulders until I laid down on the soft dirt. Our eyes came together and the whole world seemed to stop. I could feel him probing at my entrance and I held my breath, bucking my hips ever so gently in his direction. His fingertips dug into my flesh before he gave a well-aimed thrust.

  I cried out, feeling like every inch of me was being filled to the brim. I arched my back and he pushed himself into me even further, hitting my womb. I clawed at the dirt in pleasure, my every nerve ending feeling alive with energy. “Zander…”

  He just kissed my lips, keeping me quiet as he continued to make sweet, tender love to me, our bodies rocking together in perfect sync. Our hips moved in a slow, erotic dance, building up the tension until it was too much for us to handle. My whole body exploded with euphoria and I collapsed into Zander’s arms. He held me tightly and kept thrusting into me, but moments later, I felt him lose control.

  We fell back into the dirt, holding each other, the fire keeping us warm. “Promise me you’ll always stay with me, Aliza.” He whispered, running his fingers through my hair. He picked up my cowboy hat that had fallen off in the beginning of our intimacy and put it back on my head, pinning a strand of my hair behind my ear.

  “I promise,” I said naturally. “But you have to promise that we’ll defend each other until the very end. I put my neck on the line for you today and I expect you to do the same in the future.” He laughed.

  “Like I wouldn’t already do that.” He teased, kissing my nose and tightening his arms around me. “You know I’d do anything to protect you.” He paused. “I love you.”

  My eyes grew wide for a moment as I stared at him. Had he really said he loved me? My heart fluttered in response before my whole face lit up. “I love you too,” I replied happily. We kissed, letting our love speak not through our words, but by our actions. Our lips locked together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces that had been searching for each other for a very long time. As we continued our kiss, I felt like I had given up a little piece of my soul to him, but in return, life now seemed complete.

  Zander ran his fingers up and down my spine, holding me close as he looked up at the nighttime sky. “I can’t believe out of all the planets, star systems, and galaxies in the universe, I was lucky enough to find the girl of my dreams.” He whispered, playing with the tips of my hair.

  I chuckled at his comment. “I can’t believe I was commissioned to kill you and now here I am, picturing the rest of our lives together.” It was true. I knew that we were now inseparab
le. People would know us far and wide. They would whisper rumors about us like wildfire. But none of it mattered because through it all, I knew we would always have love on our side.

  Prisoner X

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic Alien Abduction Romance

  He was… divine. No human male had ever tasted like him in a kiss before. Was that his alien nature? Was that a part of his biology? Was her reaction just because of the novelty of it?

  It was all over far too soon. He pulled away from her just as she started to rock her hips against him. Almost instantly, that mind-high of a connection snapped – but only enough so that most of her rational thought came back to her. Her body was still hot, her center throbbing. If she gauged herself well… She was also embarrassingly wet. From kissing.

  * * *

  I: The Fact of the Matter

  Adrien always thought that life was better when dealing with it in facts. Facts could never lie, for instance, and while facts might be hard to swallow, they would always steer a person to the truth.

  Fact one: She was light years away from any human civilization.

  Fact two: That wasn’t a bad thing, she was a scientist, after all. She had been trained to deal with those situations.

  Fact three: She was a captive – a prisoner.

  Fact four: That, also, wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Her captor wasn’t an unknown factor, and she could use that to her advantage.

  She breathed in, out, reviewing those facts in her head. Adrien supposed that she should feel a little more… Well, more. But the fact remained was that she hadn’t been killed yet, hadn’t been harmed. She’d only been taken. Why? She could venture a guess, but that guess wasn’t necessarily a welcome one. She didn’t know how well that would bode for her as time went on, but at the very least, she appreciated feeling like she was prepared. With that in mind, she cleared her throat, speaking from the floor where she was bound with plasma-cuffs.

  “Subject X?”

  He didn’t respond to her, which wasn’t that surprising, considering the way that she had addressed him. He didn’t like being called Subject X, but it was a hard habit for her to break, even when she was in such a predicament. Realizing the mistake, she sighed, blowing the hair out of her face as she did.

  She needed to amend her grievance.

  “I’m sorry. Mor’an? Will you speak to me? Will you tell me why you’ve taken me?”

  The alien glanced over at the sound of his name. He was at the control panel, standing before it and the great plane of glass in front of it. As a native Jundar, he could almost pass as human – though he was much larger than the average human male and the exposed skin of his chest and arms had a silvery sheen to it. His blondish hair was short, cropped close to his head, and the particularly striking thing about him were the perfectly obsidian eyes set into his face – no whites present.

  The anatomy otherwise was all the same, either way, and Mor’an merely shrugged his shoulders as he regarded her before turning away.

  That was frustrating. He only ever treated her this way when there were others around; he’d outright refused to speak to the other researchers, wouldn’t even answer yes or no questions unless it was just her there, alone with him; he’d always favored her presence to others. Now, with no one else around them, she had expected that he would at least speak to her, would at least answer such a simple question. Instead, he chose to ignore her. She huffed.

  “I agreed to come with you without a fuss, Mor’an, you could at the very least tell me why you took me.” Again, there was silence. Adrien scowled, irritated. She was resigned to sit there, as stubborn in her silence as Mor’an was as he continued to ignore her.

  When he had broken out of his captivity and taken her with him, she had gone without fighting. Her curiosities over what he was doing outweighed any potential fear that she might have had otherwise about what he was going to do to or with her – but now, she wished she had at least had the sense to ask him what his plans were exactly before he decided to give her the silent treatment. She had almost always been left with more questions than answers when she dealt with Mor’an. In the comfort of the labs, it had sparked curiosity, a desire to get closer, learn more. Now it only infuriated her that this is what her situation was.

  “You’re mine.”

  His voice so sudden made her jump. Her brows furrowed a bit, and stared at him as he continued to not look or speak further to her.

  “Excuse me?” she asked.

  “You’re mine,” he repeated. This time, he turned around to her. The low hum of the ship filled the silence, just long enough for him to fold his arms over his broad chest. “I’ve chosen you. You’re mine. I no longer wanted to remain on your planet, with your scientists and your questions, but I would not leave you there – so I took you with me. Is that sufficient?”

  He said it so plainly, as he always did, she would have been stunned had she not been used to it. She had, after all, been studying him for months. She chewed on the inside of her mouth, though. He had chosen her? Was that some sort of… mating thing?

  “I don’t understand,” she said honestly. “You never expressed an interest in reproduction, let alone with me or any other human. You also came to the labs of your own violation, so what does all of this – breaking out, taking me – what was the point of it? I don’t understand.”

  He continued to regard her, as he usually did when they began their talks like this. She would ask him questions, he’d answer, and typically that would lead to more question asking until their time together was up. That’s how it always went; it was oddly comforting to Adrien that that hadn’t changed, simply because he had, for lack of a better word, abducted her and taken her captive from the research facility.

  “We never got around to talking about it,” he said simply. “My people sent me so that I might see if there was any stock to your people. I thought perhaps there was something to find in your kind… something interesting. I was disappointed as a whole. Your superiors wanted to know about things like our armies… our government… Things that don’t matter; the Jundar have no interest in your pitiful human civilization, no matter how much your kind try to insert yourselves into the greater parts of the universe. You though… I stayed because you were interesting, and our talks held merit. We almost got there, when we started talking about the culture of my planet and my people, though. Our, what did you call it, our biology? But I had found myself bored playing the game of your people.”

  He walked over to Adrien. His steps thudded heavily against the floor. She had had one on one moments with Mor’an before – but never quite like this. She had never been restrained. She had never had him in the position of power over her.

  Despite all of this, she wasn’t afraid of him.

  Mor’an crouched down in front of her, putting him level to her. She stared back at him, her eyes on his, unwavering in the stare of pitch black back at her. The feeling of her heart beating could be felt in her ears, pounding in her head as she waited, anticipated, his next move.

  He had never, once, been so close to her, either. How had she never noticed the soft, alluring scent of him before? It threw her off a bit, and she had to shake her head before addressing the real issue at hand.

  “So, what does your biology have to do with you kidnapping me?” She kept her eyes on him, and he did the same with her. It would have been unnerving had he been a stranger.

  “I thought there was something different about you,” he said. “You appealed to me when I first saw you.” Again, he shrugged. “My people… there is a pull towards the person our body wants us to mate with. My body wants you. It’s not common to want it with something that isn’t the same as we are, but it happens sometimes. There’s something about you that that’s alluring… appealing. Eventually you’ll come to understand it; it’s how it works.”

  He said it, as if it were just that simple. Adrien, however, found herself questioning that. She wasn’t Jundar; she was
human, her biology was human.

  That being said, if Mor’an thought that she was that to him… some sort of biologically intended mate, that meant he wasn’t going to hurt her – she was important to him, then. Her mind began to work, thinking perhaps she could use that to her advantage. And, honestly?

  If she needed to use that appeal to keep herself safe and alive, then she would.

  “I see,” she said, not fully understanding, but deciding she would leave it for the time being. She sat back, and Mor’an seemed pleased that was accepting this. He left her on the floor, returning to the control panel. Adrien said nothing, did nothing – but she began to think. One way, or another, she would get herself out of the situation she found herself in. Luckily for her, she had an angle to work.

  She could only hope that Mor’an wouldn’t see through it.

  II: Biologically Speaking

  They were in deep space by the time Mor’an released her from her binds. She wasn’t sure if they would be tracked or not (her guess was no, considering she was but one researcher and those were easy to replace) though she did wonder if he had had any plans to take them to his planet. She filed that away as something that she would have to weasel out of him at some point, but at present, that wasn’t an important detail.

  She needed to make him think that she was buying into what he had told her the day before.


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