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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

Page 118

by Daniella Wright

  “Jenny.” He says cordially, offering me his arm. I know I should dismiss him. I know I should tell him that Jason has asked me out, and that I shouldn’t encourage the glint in his eyes. However, I can’t stop myself from taking him by the arm, allowing him to lead me down the halls. As we’re walking, he suddenly pulls me off path, into a janitor’s closet. At once, his lips are upon my own. I would gasp in shock, were I able to draw breath. Instead, I simply groan in appreciation, tangling my hands in his long hair. He presses me back against the door, pressing his knee between my thighs as he thoroughly explores my mouth with his tongue. I find myself pressing against his knee without entirely realizing what I’m doing. He pulls away from our kiss, and I realize with a start that my scent is radiating from his entire being-- specifically from his knee. I blush in embarrassment, and he grins good naturedly, leaning in to press another chaste kiss to my lips. This is all moving so fast, and I shouldn’t be enjoying this situation so much, but… god, he’s so gorgeous. I nip his bottom lip teasingly, and he exhales a sigh, cupping my cheek in his hand. I press my cheek into his palm.

  “You have such a way with words.” I say sarcastically.

  “I’ve been told.” He replies teasingly. He brushes my hair away from my eyes, considering me with a fond expression. “But, if you want words… how about these: Will you go out with me?” He murmurs. I should be panicking. I shouldn’t be melting beneath those dark eyes, essentially putty in those warm and calloused hands.

  “Of course…” I reply softly. He grins, looking very much the cat that got the canary. I pout at him, leaning in for a final kiss. He obliges me, capturing my lips in a possessive and passionate kiss. I can almost feel my lips bruising from the force, and it sends an aching shudder to my core.

  “Great…” He begins, pausing uncertainly. “Alright, you go ahead and slip out of here. I’ll leave in five minutes or so to make it look less obvious.” He offers. I redden at the implications, as well as the realization that the broom closet reeks of my desire.

  “Okay… thanks. I’ll see you later, Ricky.” I murmur before stepping out of closet. I quickly shuffle away, thanking whatever powers may be that the halls are empty for the time being. I make my way out of the building, only realizing what a mess I had made for myself as I step into the brisk air of the outdoor campus. Two dates with two devastatingly handsome men, that my father would kill me for even glancing at. One date would be bad enough! Two dates with the same guy, even worse, but this… my father would kill me.

  I try to swallow my panic as I slip away from the building, making my way past the sciences and engineering building on the way to my dorm.

  “Jenny! Jenny Parker!” A masculine voice calls out, and panic grips me even harder than before. Was there another, third stud who had me in his sights? I turn to face my would be dreamboat, only to be faced with a rather plain looking man with thick rimmed glasses. He pushes his glasses up on his nose as he approaches me, and I curse myself for stopping.

  “I really need to get to my dorm--” I begin, trying to get myself an out. He rolls his eyes, flipping his hair out of his eyes.

  “Believe me, I’m not interested. I simply have some… intel that you might find of interest.” The man says brusquely. I quirk a brow, feeling borderline offended that this dweeb doesn’t find me to his tastes, but then I realize who he is. Jim Reagan, the towel boy for the basketball team. The openly gay towel boy. I redden in embarrassment, cursing myself for my assumption.

  “Oh, hi Jim. Sorry, I didn’t recognize you at first.” I apologize. He shrugs his shoulders, not looking awfully offended.

  “I have a forgettable face.” He admits. I try to smother a laugh, succeeding only partially. He waits for me to regain my composure, and once I do, I gesture for him to continue speaking. “Anyway, I overheard some talk in the locker room, and I thought you might find it of interest.” He offers, pushing his glasses up once more as they slip lower on his nose. I tilt my head curiously, and he glances around to make sure there’s no one else in the immediate area. “There’s a bit of a wager going on in the locker room, and… well, it involves you.” He mutters. My eyes widen in surprise, but all at once I know what he means. “Ricky and Jason are trying to see who can bed you first. It’s altogether juvenile, and I thought you deserved better than that.” He confirms, and I feel my heart drop into my stomach. I can’t believe I had been so enchanted with the basketball players. I can’t believe they had played me so effectively. Most importantly…

  “I can’t believe they thought they’d get away with this.” I say with a devious smile. Jim quirks a brow, and I grab him by the hand, dragging him towards my dorm. “Come on! We have planning to do!” I announce excitedly.

  “I didn’t sign up for all this... “ He replies reluctantly, but follows along obligingly.

  Jason and Ricky think they’ve got this bet in the bag. Well, now that I know what’s going on, it’s time to turn the tables on both of them. They’re going to regret ever making this bet, and perhaps ever running into me.


  Morning finds me examining my reflection in the mirror, putting on just the right amount of makeup to drive any man who sees me wild. The reserved clothes I normally wear are closeted for the time being, and instead I put on a pair of short shorts, and a sexy little tank top. My bra straps are visible, their dark tones a sharp contrast to my paler skin. To be honest, I feel a little bit like a teenager again. Today marks my date with Jason, and unknown to either of them, my date with Ricky as well. If they want to see a good girl gone bad, I’ll allow it, but I doubt they’ll be as happy with the result as they think. I hear a knock on my door, and quirking a smile, I step away from the mirror to pull it open. As expected, Jason waits on the other side looking entirely too sure of himself. His cocky and self assured expression drops somewhat as he considers my wardrobe change, and I can see a hint of red flushing his cheeks.

  “Hi Jason. See something you like?” I say slyly, and his eyes widen almost comically. He looks briefly uncertain, and I draw my lip between my teeth, resting my hand on my hip as I consider him.

  “You look awesome.” He says after a moment, offering me his arm with his smile slowly returning. I tilt my head coyly, reaching out to brush my fingers to his cheek.

  “I know.” I breathe teasingly, slipping past him, hips swaying as I walk. I can feel his eyes watching my every move, and my heart pounds in my chest as I realize that my scheme may actually come to fruition. It feels so good to be naughty again, and as he rushes to fall into step beside me, his hand comes to rest on my hip. I offer him a quirk of my lips, shifting his hand to press firmly against my backside. He reddens, and it’s obviously a move he did not expect. Eat your heart out, Jason. It’s obvious that he’s attempting to slip into the more dominant role, but this time, I won’t allow it. I keep him close to my side as I walk, purposely avoiding the side of campus that Ricky’s classes are held in.

  “So.. what’s with the sudden change of heart?” Jason inquires uncertainly, and I giggle softly.

  “Oh, being the campus good girl gets tiring, you know.” I reply, keeping my tone light yet sensuous. This seems to silence him, and we walk hand in hand to the restaurant I had made specific reservations at. Ricky will arrive shortly after we do, however, I have arranged our tables be on opposite sides of the restaurant, with a wall dividing the areas. It’s fortunate that Jason smokes, and Ricky does not. It made separating the two dates easier than I expected.

  As we step into the restaurant, the hostess considers us through curious eyes, before grabbing a pair of menus and guiding us towards the smoking area. We take our seats, and I smile at Jason, removing a pack of cigarettes from my pocketbook. I bought them specifically for this date, and I light one with well practiced ease-- courtesy of my rebellious phase. I take a draw, holding the smoke in my lungs before breathing the plume into Jason’s face. He inhales a shuddering breath, getting mildly choked up on the unexpected show. I remo
ve the cigarette from my lips, noting the way his mouth hangs agape. I offer the cigarette to him, smiling deviously. He takes it, considering the lipstick stain that marks it before placing it between his own lips.

  “When the waitress comes over, tell her I’d like a blood mary. I need to freshen up,” I murmur, reaching out to graze my nails to his jawline. He nods, considering me through lecherous eyes. I smile as I slip away, meandering to the opposite side of the restaurant where I spot Ricky sitting. I approach him with a saunter in my step, spritzing myself with perfume before he can spot me. I smile teasingly when he spots me. His eyes widen considerably, but he is more restrained with his obvious delight in seeing me in such attire. I slip into the seat opposite him, and he inhales deeply. I almost expect him to comment on the smell of smoke, but it seems that the perfume has suitably masked it, because he smiles somewhat dazedly.

  “You look amazing. Smell divine as well, one would think you’re trying to seduce me.” He says, his baritone voice deepening attractively. In spite of the role I’m playing, I can’t help but feel a little hot and bothered.

  “One may know more than they think, then.” I reply, and he looks taken aback by the bold response. I smile, reaching out to caress his face. “What’s wrong, Ricky? Cat got your tongue? I thought I’d save that for later…” I grin, and his face alights with a searing red blush.

  “E-excuse me?” He manages to stammer out, and I draw away from him, resting my chin in my palm.

  “You know what I mean, Mason. You’re not that dim.” I retort slyly, leaning back in my seat. I slip my heel off my foot, carefully tracing my foot up his leg, towards the inside of his thigh. He tenses, inhaling a gasped breath. I lock eyes with the shaggy haired basketball player, gently teasing the center seam of his jeans with the tip of my toe. I can feel him grow still at my attentions, and I offer him a quirk of my lips before knocking my fork off the table. “Oops.” I say none to subtly, dropping to my knees in a farcical attempt to grab the fork. I crawl across the floor beneath the table, palming him between the legs. He jolts against me, staring down at me from his place at the table. His eyes are wide and uncomprehending, but I say nothing, reaching out to unzip his jeans. He exhales a shaky sigh, and when he seems resigned to his fate, I grin wickedly. I reach into his boxers to pull his straining manhood free, running my fingertip along the length of it. He tenses his hands at his sides, and I quietly chuckle before exhaling a soft puff of warm air against the tip of his aching desire. He jerks his hips forward, and I’m fairly certain it was not something he had planne to do, judging by the widening of his eyes. He seems more shocked by his loss of control than I am, and I intend to take full advantage of his sensitivity. I exhale another breath against the tip of him, licking my lips before placing a sweet little kiss there. His hands jolt to grip my hair, and I meet his gaze from under the table, wrapping my hand around the length of his shaft. He gasps for breath, and I know it’s likely all too obvious what we’re up to. It’s simply fortunate that this place is too pricy for most of our peers to indulge in.

  I wrap my lips around the bulbous head of his manhood, slipping my hand lower on his shaft as I take more and more of him into my eagerly salivating mouth. I know this is more than I intended, when initially coming up with this plan, but the look of dazed ecstasy on his face is too hard to resist. I begin to slowly move my hand up and down his length, gently applying pressure in an almost jerking motion. My tongue laps eagerly against the drops of preejaculate that spill freely from him. His feet are scrambling to get purchase on the floor on either side of me, and I can tell by the strained angle of his ankle that his toes are absolutely curling inside his shoes. He draws his lip between his teeth, and I flick my tongue to the source of this heavenly elixir he is feeding me. I assault the head of his manhood with my tongue, jerking my hand more quickly as I feel him swelling more and more in my hand. All at once, I pull away. He shakes from the effort of not forcing me upon him again, and I shuffle out from under the table, taking my seat across from him once more. He looks utterly incapable of speaking, mouth simply hanging agape as he draws in breath after unsteady breath.

  I glance to the clock, noting that I’ve been gone for perhaps too long, and draw my foot back. “When the waitress comes, tell her I want a water. I’m going to step away to the restroom,” I say with a smile. He nods, still shakily gasping for breath.

  I step back through the restaurant, noticing that Jason seems to be growing antsy. My drink is sitting waiting for me, and I step up to the table, taking the glass in my hand and downing the drink in several gulps. Jason watches in what appears to be amazement, and when I’m done, I set the drink down on the table. His face is on fire, and he fidgets uncomfortably in his seat, and I know my job is done.

  “I’ll leave it to you to cover the check, Jason. I suddenly remember I have somewhere to be.” I announce brazenly, offering him a wicked smile before turning my back on him and slipping through the restaurant. My breath catches as he calls after me, seeming as if he will give chase, but the waitress grabs him before he’s able to slip away.

  “Hey, you’re not getting out of here without paying for your drinks! What kind of place do you think we’re running here?” The waitress says loudly, and I grin, darting away while I have the chance. I approach Ricky’s table, and his eyes widen upon seeing how out of breath I am.

  “I’m… sorry, Ricky.” I murmur, pressing my thighs together and smothering a fake moan. “I thought I could… I have to get home. If I don’t, I know what I’ll do to you.” I whimper, and his eyes widen comically.

  “Wait--” He begins, but I ignore him, darting out the door of the restaurant. Jim is waiting outside in his car, and I leap into the passenger seat.

  “Get out, they’re trying to follow!” I cry out, and Jim offers me a weary stare before flooring it out of there. I giggle in delight, brushing my hair away from my eyes. “Oh my god, that was great. Their faces…” I trail off, and Jim can’t help but laugh.

  “Well, I’m glad you had your fun.” He says simply, pulling up to my dorm building. I lean in and kiss him on the cheek before slipping out of the car, and he sticks his tongue out in mock disgust. “Eugh, cooties.” He jokes. I roll my eyes, closing the door behind me and slipping away in the direction of my dorm. I don’t expect my phone to ring so soon, but seeing that the call is from Jason, I answer, fully intending to reap the benefits of my scheme.

  “Hello?” I purr, and he groans on the other line, sounding strained.

  “Jenny… listen, I don’t know what came over you, or even what came over me but… I have to see you again. I think… I just… I can’t stop thinking about you.” He manages, and I quirk my lips in a smile. “Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” He says abruptly, and my heart drops into my gut. My call waiting beeps, and I check to see who is calling. Ricky this time.

  “I’ll call you back Jason.” I say in a rush, leaving him hanging as I hang up the phone. “Ricky? Hi.” I gasp out, realizing belatedly that it only plays into my charade.

  “I think I’m in love with you.” Ricky blurts. My mouth falls agape, and he struggles to correct himself. “I mean.. God, Jenny, I really like you. You drive me wild like no one else ever has. Will you be my girl?” He amends. My heart twists in my chest, and I sputter helplessly before simply hanging up on him. I know it was perhaps a low blow, but I have no idea what I was supposed to say. I didn’t expect my plan to work that well, though I can’t say I’m disappointed.

  I simply have no idea where to go from here.


  What little I’m able to sleep is fitful, and the boys have essentially blown up my voicemail with calls pleading for me to answer them. I’m caught in a position that most girls would kill to be in, but I can’t help feeling dismayed over the hole I have dug for myself. My phone rings again, and this time it’s Jason. Reluctantly, I steel my nerves and answer the phone.

  “Hi, Jason, listen…” I begin, only to b
e cut short by a startling laugh.

  “Oh my god. You went out with me, and Ricky!? At the same time?” He blurts, and the color drains from my face. “That’s pretty funny. You manage to keep surprising me, Parker. Listen, I know last night was probably to get back at us for our bet, but…” He starts, and I’m the one to cut him off this time.

  “How did you find out I knew!?” I demand. He chuckles, and I can hear him chattering with someone else before he draws the phone back to his mouth.

  “Ricky and I couldn’t help but put two and two together. He and I have agreed to call off the bet. He said it was juvenile, and considering…” Jason pauses. “I’ll let you talk to her in a minute, hold on!” He hisses, and my eyes widen in confusion. “Well. The bet is off. But Ricky and I have decided that we don’t care about the bet anymore. All we care about is you. The thing is, I can treat you a hell of a lot better than this dirty dingus-- hey!” Jason cries out. I can hear the sounds of a scuffle on the other line, and the sounds of angry shouts.

  “He has no idea how to treat a girl!” Ricky blurts through the phone, and I can hear Jason cursing him in the background. “Jason’s right about one thing, and that’s that I want you too. We called off the bet, but I’m determined to prove that I’m the right one for you. We’ve had chemistry from day one, and-- dammit Jason!” He cries out, and the phone goes dead. I stare at my phone in confusion for a moment, but it begins to ring again soon after. Ricky’s phone number displays this time.


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