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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

Page 127

by Daniella Wright

  She had never had two men inside her at once before and the mix of pleasure and pain was almost too much to bear. Evan reached around, one hand resting on her hips, the other rubbing the moist spot between her legs, stimulating the sensitive bud at the same time. With Nathan’s hands still on her breasts and her mouth still on his, there was so much going on, that it felt like her brain and body were short-circuiting. She had never known this feeling could be possible – the sheer ecstasy was overwhelming!

  But not as overwhelming as the climax that ripped through her when she finally came, her whole body contracting in excess pleasure with the men still inside her, coming only moments afterward!

  Evan pulled out and the exhausted Nina rolled off Nathan, cradling in his sweaty arms as she kissed her sweetly. Evan lay down on the other side, cupping her face to lean in for a kiss as well.

  The three of them didn’t say a word, just lay on the bed, sweaty, panting, laughing.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all, Nina thought, pulling Evan closer to her too, his face resting between her breasts as she lay in Nathan’s arms.


  The next few weeks are a blur of passion and desire and Nina found herself counting the minutes until the work day was finally over and she could return to the penthouse.

  With Nathan being a writer by profession and Evan making a full time living out of being a trust-fund baby, they were always ready and waiting for her. In between, she made do with kinky messages from the two of them to amuse her at work. Though she had learned the hard way never to open a text from Evan in public. He had a knack for finding creative ways of sending her yet another picture of his privates – something he found highly amusing.

  At first, she was hesitant about the arrangement, worried about how it would actually work. But the friends were great and because of their confidence, they never got jealous of one another.

  The variety of their dates were endless. As endless as the limit on Evan's credit card it seemed. Never in her life had she had this much fun – or sex for that matter. They would fly to the ocean for a weekend away or have a picnic on the roof of the most spectacular building. The guys seemed to know a place for everything. Although, the only catch was that Nathan didn't fly, so on those weekends away it was just her and Evan. She later learned that Nathan had a seemingly irrational fear of boats as well, not just planes.

  But it didn’t matter. Her weekends away with Evan didn’t take anything away from her relationship with Nathan. There were times when the two of them would hang out without Evan as well.

  Although he didn’t have an official job and Nina was not quite sure what he actually did, Evan was often away for ‘meetings’ and other family obligations that ensured the cash came rolling in. On those days, she was all Nathan’s. They would lie in bed and watch a movie or go salsa dancing or something random he dreamt up. He would read her a story he wrote on rare nights, when they lay naked in each other's arms at 3 am, exhausted but content. But he was overly self-conscious about his work and more often refused to let any of it escape beyond his neatly lined notebooks he kept hidden away.

  She learned to appreciate each man for his own way and personality, never able to get enough of either to satisfy her addiction to the friends. They were so different but between the two of them, they showed her a happiness she never thought possible. Each of them spoke to a different side of her, neither any more important than the other.

  Evan was more daring, more impulsive – always pushing the boundaries and she often found herself on bizarre dates like skydiving or jet skiing on a lake. Sometimes Nathan would come with but although he was naturally good at all sports and outdoor activities, he was more reserved, enjoying quieter tastes. Even for her, some of Evan’s wild ideas were a bit nerve-wracking, but he always managed to convince her to join him, coaxing her out of her comfort zone with his certain confidence that she found irresistible. And there was nothing quite like the thrill of having sex after an adrenaline rush of such a nature. In hot air balloons, on yachts, even in parking lots of fancy hotels – they could never keep their hands off one another. Evan’s fearlessness also meant he had no worry about getting caught – ever. But Nina did enough worrying for both of them!

  Nathan was more intense but no less foolish at times it seemed. She enjoyed his poetic, creative side as he fed her soul in art exhibitions and fancy nights at the theater. He was equally impulsive too – his impulsivity just took on another shape than Evan’s. He would slowly finger her with a deadpan face while they watched the opera or take her from behind on the roof, under the stars, exposed to the city night. He was the more romantic of the two but somehow also rougher. She eventually got used to his style, matching him in form as she left long scratches all over his body, bite marks bruising his shoulders. Nina never remembered leaving these, she just found herself lost in a moment…

  Just as often as their separate dates, they hung out together though. The variety of their steamy threesomes knew no bounds and when the two of them double-teamed her pleasure, her body would erupt in a passion she had never known possible. They went on long road trips to the mountains where they would remain naked all weekend, drifting in and out of a pleasure state in the wild. They went ice skating and bowling and all the fun dates anyone could dream up, making Nina feel a decade younger than she was. Live music sets in the desert and 12-course meals at boutique restaurants – she never knew what to expect! Her life felt like a movie.

  She was hesitant initially about the arrangement, but she slowly gained a confidence she had never had before. The more time she spent with the two men, the more her confidence grew until she became almost unrecognizable as a person, even flirting with coworkers.

  Nina found herself opening up more, seductively, playfully interacting with the men around her, sometimes even clients. But she always saved the best for Nathan and Evan, who thrived on her newfound sexual provocativeness.

  This was the new Nina.


  Nina couldn’t help but notice the familiar face at the café, even though it was the last person she felt like dealing with at the moment.

  It was her day off and she was enjoying some rare time alone before meeting up with the boys for horse-riding in the afternoon.

  She looked away and pretended not to notice the familiar figure at the counter. But he wasn’t about to do the same.

  “Nina! I thought it was you, hey!” he walked up to her table, making it impossible for her to ignore him.

  “Hi James,” she greeted her ex-husband coldly.

  “How are you doing? Wow, it feels like such a long time. Are you alright?” he was overly friendly, annoying her even more. She really wasn’t in the mood for his drama.

  “I’m fine, thanks,” she responded formerly without asking him the same.

  “Can I sit down?” he asked.

  "I'd rather you not," she replied but he sat down in any way, completely disregarding her request – as always.

  She was uncomfortable but what could she do? She didn’t want to make a scene, so she focused her attention on her coffee, avoiding his gaze.

  James continued talking though, completely ignoring her disinterest. He was chattering away about this and that, old acquaintances, trivialities. She paid no mind.

  He suddenly went quiet. “Nina,” he said.

  She looked up. “What do you want, James?” she responded curtly.

  “Let’s drop this act already.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Let’s skip the small talk and just come home with me. Janet is out of town this weekend and it could be fun – for old times’ sake you know,” he winked at her.

  “Are you kidding me?” she couldn’t believe it.

  “You know you want to…”

  “How dare you?” she spat, angrily. “I’m not going to be your side woman! You cheated on me with her remember? And now you want to turn me into the o
ther woman? Unbelievable. The nerve. Who do you think you are?” she was furious, all her composure from before now shattered. She couldn’t believe she was ever married to this jerk.

  He just laughed at her. “You can’t suddenly play the good girl now, Nina my love. I’ve heard all about your little arrangement with your white toy boys. I must say, I’m impressed. Never took you for the type. Naughty, naughty girl.”

  “How do you know about that?” she demanded, caught completely off guard.

  “How do you think? Gracey was bragging that you were having more fun than me these days,” he laughed, reaching over to grab her hand but she shook him away violently.

  “Get away from me, James. We are over – get that in your head. I’m not interested in you and your lies anymore,” she spat at him.

  “Whatever you say, darling. You’ve got my number when you get bored with those younglings and want to be with a real man again.”

  He got up and left, leaving her fuming at the table, fists clenched in anger. She wanted to shout after him but managed to hold back.

  Nina dug her phone out of her handbag and furiously dialed Grace’s number, trying to regain her composure but failing dismally.

  “Hey, lady, what’s up, I…” Grace answered cheerily but Nina cut her off.

  “What the actual hell, Grace?! How could you? Jesus!” she shouted at the phone, getting angry looks from the other people in the café but not caring.

  “Woah, Nina – what’s going on? What are you talking about?”

  “I just ran into that asshole of a brother of yours and he seems to know all about my love life. How dare you, Grace? And to James? After all he’s done to me? You’re supposed to be my best friend. This is not okay!” she was livid, she hadn’t felt so betrayed since catching James with another woman what now felt like lifetimes ago.

  “I’m sorry, Nina. I couldn’t help it. Please forgive me,” Grace begged. “He was always saying such horrible things about you to his fiancé, making you seem like this pathetic person, I just wanted him to feel bad about what he did to you and jealous. I’m so sorry.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t tell him my business,” Nina sighed, her anger subsiding slowly.

  “I know, I know, but I wanted him to know that you were better off without him… I’m sorry Nina.”

  “It’s fine, it’s not your fault. Thank you for standing up for me. But please can you not tell your brother my personal life in future. I don’t care what he thinks. I don’t want him in my life anymore, do you understand?”

  “I do, I do – I’m so sorry. I won’t talk to him again. Please forgive me.”

  “It’s fine,” Nina said, still a bit angry, putting the phone down. If she had ever had any doubts before, she now knew that she was done with the James Parker chapter of her life forever. That’s not what she wanted anymore.

  She knew exactly what she wanted.

  Nina paid the bill and caught a taxi to the penthouse.


  Over the next few months, Nina found herself getting even closer to Nathan and Evan. Somewhere along the line, their dates had changed from being predominantly about sex to actually getting to know one another.

  They spent many long nights just lying in the dark, staring out over the city outside the penthouse, talking about their hopes, their dreams, their families, their lives and their pasts.

  The boys went from being mere casual hook ups and a ‘bit of fun’ on the side, to actually being the most important thing in her life. She told them things she had never admitted to anyone, not even James. But she was so comfortable around them and truly felt like she could share anything and everything with them. They understood her on a level that she had never been appreciated on before.

  Nina still has no idea what Evan did for a living. It seems vague either way. He could live off his inheritance, he explained one night as the three of them lay by the fire, naked and content, just talking about their lives. “But I want to travel. I want to see the world!” he exclaimed excitedly.

  “So, what’s stopping you?” Nina asked, stroking his cheek and pushing a strand of blonde hair out of his eyes lovingly.

  “That idiot over there,” he smiled, giving Nathan a shove.

  “Hey!” Nathan protested. “What did I do now?” he shoved Evan back – playfully.

  “Stop it – you two aren’t going to start fighting again,” Nina instructed.

  “Why not? You know you like getting caught up in it,” Evan winked, stroking her breast absentmindedly almost.

  “I won’t deny that,” she smiled. “But I want to hear the story of why you don’t travel first.”

  “Well, as you probably know by now, Mister Haynes over there is afraid of flying.”

  “I’m not afraid of it, I just don’t do it, there is a difference,” Nathan protested.

  “And boats as well.”

  “They’re unstable, okay?”

  “You see what I mean? He’s impossible,” Evan sighed. “And I’m not going without him.”

  “I don’t see why not,” Nathan replied. “I’ve told you a million times to just go. You can leave me here.”

  “And what will you do all day long – write?”

  “Yes, maybe I’ll get some writing done for once.”

  “When is the last time you actually finished anything?”

  “I finish stuff all the time,” Nathan said defensively.

  “So, why can’t I see it?”

  “It’s not ready,” Nathan sulked, turning away from them.

  “Oh, silly boy,” Nina laughed, reaching over to him and kissing him on the lips. “You really need to stop having so many self-doubts. You’re really good. Everything you’ve ever read me was amazing,” she hugged him close.

  “So you let Nina read your stuff, but not me?” Evan pretended to be hurt.

  “You two are being silly. Seriously,” she laughed, hooking an arm around each and pulling them close to her chest. She was getting more and more attached to them she realized as she held them close. They made her feel like a woman, while at the same time feeling like a girl inside – youthful, excited, and playful. Everything that she always lacked during her marriage to James. She had come to believe feelings like these were only reserved for other people.

  “So where is your favorite place in the world?” Evan changed the subject.

  "Well, I haven't been many places, to be honest. I've only left the country once or twice, James used to go on his trips without me. I always wanted to travel, but gave up on the idea as I got older," she admitted.

  “You’re never too old to travel,” Evan said, playfully licking her nipple. "We should be traveling the world!"

  "Don't start that," she laughed. "My body needs to rest sometimes too."

  “Nonsense,” Nathan laughed, his fingers sneaking down to her crotch.

  "You two are impossible! I thought we were talking about traveling," she laughed as she pretended to scold them.

  But she was outnumbered as usual and within minutes she was climaxing again as they explored her body like that of a goddess. Each time felt different, they always came up with new ways, new arrangements, to bring her over the edge.

  It was her favorite part of the dynamic – they would always treat her like their most prized possession, but one that they didn’t mind sharing.

  Not even with anyone else. They never make themselves exclusive and had always told her that she’s free to sleep with whoever she wanted – as were they. But they never strayed from her. Not far anyway.

  There were times when they were at the club where they showed interested in other parties – sometimes girls, often guys even. But they were always honest and upfront with her about their intentions and in the end, she was always the one they took home with them.

  Sometimes, they would make out with strangers in the club. The boys seemed to have no preference in gender and were always up for some fun. But it didn’t bother Nina. She was secure in t
heir relationship. Sometimes she even joined in.

  Once or twice they brought home a fourth to share in their games but they always returned to the original set-up of the trio, reminiscing about the pleasures of the night before during breakfast or when the other person had left.

  Nina hardly ever went back to her apartment anymore. She had moved into the penthouse unofficially after the first month already. They spent most of their time in Evan’s master bedroom with the view. But she enjoyed quiet nights in Nathan’s room too. His side had a balcony and she often found herself out there with a book, just staring out over the world when she needed an escape.


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