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Suckers Bite Back (San Francisco Vampires #5) (Vampires of San Francisco series)

Page 18

by Jessica McBrayer

  “What? We’re trying out names. So those weren’t winners. I’ll know the ones when I say them,” she says confidently.

  “Hannah, I know what you feel like. Seeing Sebastian like that scares me to second death,” I whisper, looking at him over Hannah’s head. Our eyes lock and he reaches for my hand. I grasp it greedily seeking my own solace when my friend needs it instead.

  Aidan and Diel pop into the library. Diel sees Hannah surrounded by us and panics.

  “What’s wrong, Hannah!” He’s quickly at her side and we scatter leaving them to reconnect.

  “I’m fine, Diel. I was just so worried about you.”

  “Oh, honey, it would take more than that little punk ass to do damage to me,” Diel says with the arrogance that is well developed by his rank. Hannah visibly relaxes. The rest of us give them a moment.

  “Diel, let’s get you and Hannah home, shall we?” Aidan asks.

  “Thank you, once again, Aidan,” I say and smile at him. He winks at me.

  “You know I will always have your back, Lilith.”

  He takes Diel’s hand as Diel is carrying Hannah and they blink out.

  I look up at Sebastian. “Come, let’s get you cleaned up. You look like you were in a fight.”

  He grins down at me and lets me pull him towards the stairs.

  “Later I would like to talk to you about this business, Sebastian. I don’t think we have seen the last of Mark’s influences and twisted plans,” Julian says.

  “Of course, Jules. I hate to agree with you on this, but I do.” Julian nods his head and then goes back to his computer.

  “I want to be part of this planning, too,” I pipe up.

  Sebastian picks me up and carries me up the stairs and into our bedroom.

  “Hey, I thought I was taking care of you?” I say, a bit frustrated.

  “Oh you will be,” he says and gives me a sexy, wicked grin that makes me combust.

  I help him out of his demolished clothes and throw them in the trash. He strips me more slowly and then leads me to the bath. Starting the water and pouring some of my expensive bath oils that immediately start bubbling up. Mmm, jasmine… When the water is ready we climb in facing each other so I can wash him properly.

  I do a thorough inspection of his injuries. His cuts are just thin pink lines now thanks to my blood. They will be gone in an hour. He has bruises which have all but disappeared. I was right in thinking that he had broken ribs but they have reset. Now they are just a bit tender when I push on them.

  I take a giant sea sponge and lather it with the French Hand Milled Milk Soap that he likes and start to wash him. He sighs and leans back into the tub and stares at me intently. His fangs descending. I lean in and lick the tip of one sending a shiver through both of us. He reaches for me but I easily slip out of his hands and he chuckles.

  “Sir, I am here to wash you and get you clean. Not dirty.”

  “But dirty is so fun,” he growls making me squirm.

  “Later,” I say hoarsely. “I want to take care of you right now.”

  He lies back against the tub which is a large enough to fit two easily. After I wash his front I wiggle behind him and wash his back and rub his muscles as he groans in appreciation. I pick up the glass I brought from the sink and carefully wet his hair as he rests his head between my breasts. Then I shampoo his hair, massaging his head at the same time, rinsing the suds afterwards. When I am done, he twists in my lap and kisses me long and sweetly.

  “Cherie, I have never felt more loved than you have just made me feel. Thank you. It was just what I needed,” he says as he kisses me again and rests his forehead on mine.

  “Come now, we need to get out of the water before it gets cold. Let me dry you and then we should get back to Julian,” I say, smiling like a fool.

  “Whatever you want, ma cherie.” He kisses me again and I feel how happy he is at the moment.

  “Put that away for now, big boy. I promise you can take it out to play later,” I purr.

  He growls at me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, taking me to my closet and depositing me inside.

  “You need to cover your sweet self up then.”

  “Okay, sir.” I salute him and turn to get some clothes and he slaps my butt playfully making me jump and squeal.

  I turn around to admonish him but he is already in his own closet sorting out his clothes. I slip into some yoga pants and a long Irish wool sweater. A little, and I mean little French lingerie underneath to surprise Sebastian for later. Grinning, I leave my closet just as he is leaving his.

  He takes my hand and kisses it before threading his fingers through mine. We head downstairs to come up with a battle plan.

  37 AIDAN

  I get back to my apartment and find Manda watching a movie and packing for her trip. I’ve lavished her with designer clothes and everything to go with it so she has a complete wardrobe at my house. I even got her the luggage. I told her I would manifest whatever she needs but she said she likes to plan her day’s clothes out. I am excited to go with her as her boyfriend. It is going to make this all official. We have been in our own little bubble and enjoying it but it’s felt surreal. I have introduced her to my “family” and now she will be introducing me to her friends and colleagues who were her “family” since her granny passed away last year. We were both orphans and now we are a couple and will be part of an extended family.

  Our trip is to Milan for a photo shoot. I plan to take her on a mini-vacation after it. I’m not sure where, but I think Iceland since she has never been and she wants to see the thermal pools.

  She hasn’t noticed me yet as she is engrossed in the romantic comedy she is watching. I love the way she looks tonight, in tight jeans, a t-shirt and with hair in a ponytail. I can smell her fragrance from here. She must have just had a shower. Soft and sweet is what she is. Beautiful inside and out.

  I gasp from the view from behind as she bends over to put something in her suitcase and she pops up surprised, clutching her chest.

  “Aidan, oh my gosh, you scared me. How long have you been there?”

  “Not long, lover. How is the packing coming along?”

  “Good, I’m almost done,” she says, with an easy smile. She walks up to me and wraps her arms around my waist and I pull her into to me, gladly. I’m like a love starved man around her. I can never get enough.

  “Excellent,” I give one of my most salacious grins. I hope she reads exactly what I have planned in it.

  “Aidan, you’re so naughty. But I love it,” she whispers and then takes my hand and leads me into the bedroom.

  She tears through her jeans and shimmies out of them. She pulls her t-shirt over her head, unhooks her bra and tosses it to the side. Then she walks up to me.

  She trails her finger from my lips down my chin and neck, down my chest and to the top of my jeans. She unbuttons them. I oblige her by blinking and rendering me naked for her. She laughs and shakes her finger at me.

  “No fair, my love. I like to undress you, but will allow it this once since I am feeling greedy,” Manda says as she leans in and kisses me. I groan and she pounces and consumes my mouth. She tastes so good. I pull her hard into me and meet her hungry mouth with mine. All that separates us is her panties and I drop to my knees and pull them off her with my teeth. She gasps and I smile to myself before burying myself in her sweet nectar. I pull her into me and carry her that way to the bed.

  “Aidan, oh my God. Aidan. Aidan. Please.”

  “Please what Manda,” I say as I pull back to blow on her sex.

  “Please. Don’t. Stop.”

  That’s all I have to hear. I dive back in coaxing her to a climax that makes her cry out so sweetly. Every moan is heaven to me but her orgasms make me feel whole somehow. I can’t explain it. Knowing I can bring that much pleasure delights me and completes me. Needless to say I do it as often as I can.

  Lying in bed with Manda’s head on my chest, I feel sated and happy. Be
yond happy.

  “I have to help with Lilith and Liam’s feeding on the full moon. I made a vow to them that I would always help. It should only take an hour, but it means leaving you alone one night while I go. It’s just too dangerous to have a human near them at that time of the month.”

  “Okay, I understand.” She places a small kiss on my chest. “I think I should be able to handle an hour without you. Just.” A ridiculous smile crosses my face.

  “Manda, my love, will you marry me?” I sink down in the bed so that I am face to face with her.

  She gasps, a tear trickles down her face. I wipe it away with my thumb, suddenly scared of what it might mean. Then a radiant look shines through her watery eyes.

  “Yes,” she whispers. “Yes, Aidan. I will marry you. Of course I will.” And then she wraps her hands around my face and kisses me so sweetly that my world free falls with Manda as the safety net. I know what kind of ring I want for her and manifest it behind her back.

  Pulling her hand away from me almost hurts but I want to show the world she is mine and this is the way to do it. I gently slide the round pink diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds onto her finger. More tears flow down Manda’s beautiful face and her lower lip trembles.

  “Shhh… gorgeous girl. My lover, my life, don’t cry.”

  “It’s stunning, Aidan. I’ve always dreamed of a ring like this.” She stares down at her hand and runs her finger over the stone. She suddenly looks up at me with tears in her eyes again. “What did I ever do to deserve such a warm, compassionate, strong man like you?”

  “Well, let’s not forget I’m not really a man, lover,” I say, voicing my deepest fear. “But I am honored among them to have you by my side.”

  “Oh, Aidan, please. Get that silly notion out of your head.” Her eyes narrow and her spitfire is back. “Let’s just agree to be blessed to have found each other,” she says softly.

  “I agree,” I say and then I kiss her slowly ready to make sweet love to her. Now we only have to tell Lilith.


  After a war session with Julian and Helena, a rather rowdy and randy love making session with Sebastian, I sleep the morning through. I wake up and the first thing I see is Sebastian. A girl could so get used to this.

  “Good morning, cherie,” he says as he kisses my forehead.

  “Mmm… love you. Is that coffee I smell?”

  “I love you too and yes,” he laughs. “That is not only coffee but a peppermint mocha.” Now he has my full attention. I sit up in bed forgetting I went to bed naked and as I am exposed to the waist, I have his attention, too.

  Sebastian lets out a soft groan and pounces, putting my coffee on the table first. Next thing I know I’m having my breast lavished by my fiancé and his hair is in my fists.

  “Bast, we can’t. Oh Goddess… that feels good. Bast, honey, I have an appointment with Sophie.” He growls this time sending shivers through me. Reluctantly, he pulls back and kisses me deeply.

  “That was some wakeup call,” I say and smirk at him.

  “I cannot control myself when you wield weapons like that. It was merely self-defense.” He shrugs and grins. He hands me my coffee and I take a long drink. Oh boy, is it good.

  “Weapons? I’ll have to employ them more often.”

  “Baby, you can declare war on me anytime you want,” he says and gets that predatory look in his eyes again.

  “Whoa, Bast. We have to leave soon and I need a shower.”

  “Shower is good for me. Let me get it ready for you.” He is gone in a flash. I sip my coffee until I hear him shout that the shower is ready, then I follow him into the bathroom where I find him naked holding the sea sponge.

  “I suppose you are going to pay me back for last night?” I ask.

  “First I’m going to get you good and dirty.”

  “Bast, we don’t have a lot of time.”

  “That’s why we are combining two things at once,” he says huskily. I can’t hide my grin but I shake my head.

  We walk into Sophie’s office just as she comes out her door to call me in. I turn and give Sebastian a dirty look and he gives me a bad boy smile. Sophie looks puzzled. Not sure I want to explain this one to her.

  “So, Lily, how have you been?” Sophie asks after I have taken my seat in the overstuffed chair I like with the blanket wrapped around me. “You look great, happy.”

  “I feel good. I really went to Hell and back.” I chuckle nervously and clench the blanket in my fists.

  “Let’s talk about it. How are you really doing?” she asks.

  “Sophie, it’s so hard to explain the range of emotions that have gone through me the last few days.” I tighten the blanket around me. “I was scared, really scared but pissed at the same time. I don’t think I’ve ever been that angry.”

  “That’s a good feeling as long as you are able to move on from it.”

  “I broke his neck and then kicked and punched him, screaming the whole time,” I whisper. Baring my soul and my self-imposed feelings of depravity.

  “Lily, it’s understandable to feel guilty. However, we need to move you past this. He kidnapped you, was going to rape you from what I heard from Helena. You acted in self-defense, the only way you could have to survived.” Not wanting to dwell on it more, I change the subject.

  “Mark attacked Sebastian yesterday, from the grave so to speak. His past life directions sent six of his demons after him. Sebastian and Diel were able to kill or banish all of them to Hell. Diel got a nasty gash from it.”

  “How was Sebastian? He looks okay now.”

  “He was pretty beaten up. I didn’t even hesitate, Sophie. I just went up to him in a room full of people and gave him my blood so he could heal. Aidan was there. I didn’t care though. All I thought about was Sebastian.”

  “I see you have a pretty new sparkler on your ring finger,” she says with no judgment.

  “Yes. Sebastian and I had an explosive reconnection after my last appointment. It was so intense, my emotions for him at least. They came flooding back and were so much more than they were before. Oh Goddess, Sophie. I feel so full and loved but so vulnerable at the same time. I also feel safe. It’s the oddest combination.”

  “It’s a bonded mate feeling, it’s love,” she says wistfully. She smiles at me. “Lily, how do you feel? What I mean is do you feel like you were trapped or forced into this or does it feel right?”

  “This feels more right than anything in my life has felt. I don’t need this ring to know that.”

  Sophie gives me a full on mega-watt smile. It warms my heart.

  “You are very lucky, Lily. I believe you have found the same thing that Helena and Julian have found. Many look for it but most never find it,” Sophie says.

  I’m speechless. I always feel what Julian and Helena have is something of epic proportions. I recognize the feelings. It is the way I feel for Sebastian and I know he feels the same towards me.

  “Now, let’s talk about Mark. How did he attack Sebastian? Are you safe?”

  “He had a backup plan to take out Sebastian after he and I disappeared.” I pull the blanket tighter around me. “Bast says I shouldn’t go anywhere by myself for a while.”

  “How do you feel about that?” Sophie asks.

  “I’m not sure. At first I was indignant and pissed. I felt caged. But that was fleeting. Then I felt afraid. Right now, I’m trying not to think about it because I don’t want to be afraid out of my own home, or of being by myself.”

  “I can understand that. Do you have a safety plan?”

  “No, but we have a counter attack planned. We plan on going on the offensive.”

  “Is that wise? How do you feel about that?” Sophie asks.

  “I would rather be active than be a prisoner in my home. We don’t plan on anything else happening. We plan on doing everything from a distance.”

  “Have you thought more about your OCD tendencies?”

  Whoa, change of pace. Sneaky So

  “No, I haven’t. I haven’t had much time. What with Mark’s attack and getting engaged and then Sebastian has had me practically tied to the bedroom,” I say and giggle. Sophie laughs.

  “I suppose you have had a busy few days. I want you to be mindful of why you are using your hand sanitizer or Lysol or handi-wipes every time you use them, okay?”

  “I can do that. You know when I was lost in Hell in the mountains and after that beast attacked me, I was filthy. I mean I slept on the dirt floor of a cave and then in the woods. I didn’t once think of my handi-wipes or hand sanitizer. I don’t think I am cured but I think it did a lot towards getting me there.”

  “I want you to make a separate journal and write down each time you have to use one of these coping mechanisms and what you were feeling before you used them. Carry it with you at all times.”

  “Ugh, Sophie, I might fill a whole notebook before I come back in,” I whine.

  “Then maybe you will be mindful of when you really need to use it and when you don’t,” she says. She glances at the clock hidden discretely on the antique desk in the corner. “Our time is up for today, Lily. Are you okay?” I nod. “Call me if you need to.”

  “I will, thanks, Sophie.” I ease myself out of my favorite chair and fold the blanket.

  “You’re welcome, have a good rest of your day, Lily.”

  “I will. Bye.”

  Sebastian gets up and meets me halfway down the hallway.

  “How did that go, ma petite?” The corners of his eyes crinkle with worry. I lean up and kiss him chastely and he relaxes.

  “Everything was fine,” I say and smile.

  “Good, let’s go get a smoothie and then we can go home. Sound good?”

  “Sounds great, Bast.”

  He puts his hand at the small of my back and guides me out of the office and into the street. I give a five dollar bill to a homeless man. Tourist buses pass us. The famous “Duck Tours” drive by in there special water ready bus and everyone blows on their quacker whistles to us. We take a stroll down the block enjoying the sunshine and people watching. Sebastian wraps his arm tightly around my waist and I tuck my hand into the back pocket of his jeans. We find a coffee shop and Sebastian surprises me by getting a triple berry smoothie too. We are enjoying the smell of fresh roasted coffee that permeates out of the café until we run into Mark.


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