The German Genius
Page 113
24. Times (London), March 23, 2006, p. 9.
25. Gertrude Himmelfarb, The Roads to Modernity: The British, French, and American Enlightenments (New York: Vintage, 2005), p. 51.
26. See the note at the head of this chapter.
27. Erica Carter, “Culture, History and National Identity in the Two Germanies, 1945–1999,” in Fulbrooke, Twentieth-Century Germany, p. 266.
28. Müller, Another Country, pp. 172–173.
29. Ibid., p. 71.
30. Ibid., p. 161.
31. Ibid., p. 189.
32. Müller, German Ideologies since 1945, p. 131.
33. Müller, Another Country, pp. 179 and 196.
34. Ringer, Decline of the German Mandarins, p. 29.
35. Scaff, Fleeing the Iron Cage, p. 96.
36. Müller, Another Country, op. cit., p. 23.
37. Ibid., p. 155.
38. Ibid., p. 175.
39. Wuthnow, Cultural Analysis, p. 189.
40. Schivelbusch, Culture of Defeat, p. 231.
41. Hannah Arendt, Burden of Our Time, p. 320–321.
42. Ibid., p. 324.
43. Ibid., p. 326.
44. Niall Ferguson, The War of the World: History’s Age of Hatred (London: Allen Lane, 2006), p. 243.
45. Jarausch, After Hitler, p. 100.
46. Ibid., pp. 139f.
47. Müller, Another Country, p. 131.
48. Burns, German Cultural Studies, pp. 253 and 257.
49. Daily Telegraph (London), June 11, 2006, p. 24.
50. Times Higher Education Supplement, March 27, 2008, p. 19.
51. Times Higher Education Supplement, May 22, 2008, p. 19.
52. Jürgen Habermas, The Future of Human Nature (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003), p. 38.
53. Ibid., p. 39.
54. Ibid., p. 48.
55. Ibid., p. 56.
56. Ibid., pp. 79–81.
57. Ibid., p. 87.
58. The memories of these policies were reinforced in May 2008 when Dr. Hans-Joachim Sewering, who had been linked with the murder of 900 children at Eglfing-Haar extermination camp, received the German Federation of Internal Medicine’s highest honor, the Günter-Budelmann medal. Johannes Rau, “Der Mensch ist jetzt Mitspieler der Evolution geworden,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, May 19, 2001.
59. Crawshaw, Easier Fatherland, p. 219.
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Abbe, Ernst, 365, 366, 387
Abbt, Thomas, 78
Abitur (examination), 109, 234
Abraham, Karl, 613, 753
Abur of Learning, The: The Failure of the German University (Lilge), 765–766
Abu Telfan (Raabe), 440
academic institutions, 359. See also Gymnasien; Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes; universities
Ritterakademien, 50
technical institutes, 168
during Weimar Republic, 570
academies of sciences, 226
Academy of Antiquities (Kassel), 100
Ace in the Hole (film), 591
Achenwall, Gottfried, 73
Actions for Dancers (Aktionen für Tänzer) (Wigman), 804
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, 317, 409, 538
Addresses to the German Nation (Reden an die deutsche Nation) (Fichte), 262
Adenauer, Konrad, 753, 759, 772, 791
Adorno, Theodor, 572, 631, 702, 716, 724–726, 741, 768–769, 771–772, 799
AEG, 379–380, 509
Aenesidemus (Schulze), 148
Aesthetic Paganism in German Literature (Hatfield), 101
Nazi, 629–648
perfectibility as concept of, 74–75
in revival of eighteenth century, 94
After Hitler (Umkehr, Die) (Jarausch), 778–781
Age of Capitalism, The (Hobsbawm), 749
Age of Constantine the Great, The (Zeit Konstantins des Grossen) (Burckhardt), 91
Age of Extremes, The (Hobsbawm), 749
Age of Industry, The (Hobsbawm), 749
Age of Revolution, The (Hobsbawm), 749
Akhmatova, Anna, 801
Aktion T4, 671–672
Albers, Joseph, 702, 734
Albert, Prince (England), 318–321, 357
Alceste (Gluck), 155
Alder Wright, C. R., 364
Alexander (Baumann), 637
Alexander, Franz, 570, 613
alienation, concept of, 239–259, 251–252, 572, 612, 675, 803
Allegory of History (Mengs), 210
Allen, William, 20
Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (periodical), 146
Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, 162, 164
All Quiet on the Western Front (Im Westen Nichts Neues) (Remarque), 579–581
Also Sprach Zarathustra (Nietzche), 336
Altenstein, Karl, 108, 236–237, 244
Altertumswissenschaft, 52, 107
Althaus, Paul, 685–686
Aly, Götz, 669, 671, 672
Amadeus String Quartet, 752
American Friends of German Freedom, 700
American Journal of Sociology, 445
American Judaism (Glazer), 8
American Philosophical Society, 326
American Psychoanalytic Association, 716
Americks, Karl, 138
Ancestress, The (Die Ahnfrau) (Grillparzer), 294
“Andenken” (Remembrance) (Hölderlin), 291–292
Anders, Günther, 771, 808
Anderson, Benedict, 58, 114, 837
“An die Kulturwelt,” 33–34
Angestellten, Die (The Salaried Classes) (Kracauer), 588–589, 760
“Angststurm” (Stramm), 550
Anheisser, Siegfried, 643
Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, 342
Annalen der Physik, 482
Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 342, 343, 345
anthropology, 385
anti-Catholicism, 421–425
Benda on, 622
coining of term, 522
in European countries, 858n45
investigation by Adorno, 725
of Jung, 661of Kittel, 685
of Moeller van den Bruck, 617–618
of Pan-German League, 421
political parties and, 434
pre-World War II, 521–522, 767
reactions to, 491, 492, 499
of Treitschke, 408
in Vienna, 501
of Weininger, 495
Anzeiger des Westens, Der (newspaper), 326
Apartment, The (film), 591
Apitz, Bruno, 795
Apologia for the Reasonable Worshippers of God (Apologie oder Schutzschrift für die vernünftigen Verehrer Gottes) (Reimarus), 103–104
Appeal to the Cultural World. See Manifesto of the 93
Appleyard, Rollo, 478
archaeology, 95, 100, 385, 404, 410–415, 539
Architectural Review, 748
architecture, 211–215, 305, 490, 496, 510, 523, 570–571, 814–815
Bauhaus, 571, 629
Archiv der reinen und angewandten mathematik (journal), 226
archives, 263, 267, 407, 409
Archives Interdites (Combe), 16
Archiv für die Physiologie (journal), 83
Ardenne, Manfred von, 692
Arendt, Hannah, 553, 651, 701, 719, 720–721, 770, 818, 836, 841–842
armaments, 370, 371–373, 404, 417
atomic bomb research, 691, 913n14
armies. See military
Arndt, Ernst Moritz, 309, 801
Arnheim, Rudolf, 734
Arnim, Achim von, 230
Arnold, Thomas, 317
Arp, Hans, 563, 564–565
art and artists, 73–76. See also painting
Albert and, 319
ntemporary, 844
as creators, 194–195
emigration, 630, 734–735
function of, 197
Innerlichkeit and, 403
Kant on, 144
Kitsch, 568
in Munich, 504–505, 515, 516, 517
Schopenhauer on, 333
in Third Reich, 621, 629–631, 632–633
Wagner on, 328–329
Winckelmann on antiquity, 98–99
World War II and, 13, 15
Art and Illusion (Gombrich), 747
art history, 95–100, 218, 732–733
ARTnews (magazine), 15
Aryan mystique, 429–432, 435
Aschheim, Stephen, 823
Ashton, Rosemary, 314
aspirin, 365, 887n36
Assistance Fund for German Science, 595
Astel, Karl, 671
Astor, David, 750
atheism, 67, 332
Athenäum (periodical), 119
athletic clubs, 429
Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Meinschheit (Herder), 123
Auden, W. H., 296, 578, 810, 817–819
Auer, Fritz, 814
Auerbach, Frank, 755–756
Aufklärung, 69, 261, 832
Aurora Press, 735
Ausländer, Rose, 800
Austerlitz (Sebald), 797–798
Austria, 304, 567. See also Vienna
Austro-Prussian War (1866), 372, 408, 418
Authoritarian Personality, The (Adorno), 725
automobiles, 375–379
Aveling, Edward, 426
Ayer, A. J., 602, 603, 631
Azbe, Anton, 515
Baader, Andreas, 780
Baader-Meinhof terrorism, 22, 793
Baal (Brecht), 586
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 41–43, 60, 153–154
Bacharach, Burt, 593
Bachmann, Inbegorg, 794, 800
Badische Beobachter (periodical), 425
Baeck, Leo, 750
Baer, Karl Ernst von, 37, 286–287, 853
Bagge, Harald, 287
Bahr, Hermann, 490
Baird, Jay, 634
Ball, Hugo, 564, 565
Baran, Paul, 727
Barbie, Klaus, 17
Barker, Christine, 579
Barlach, Ernst, 617, 633
Barmen Declaration (1934), 677
Barnack, Oscar, 367
Baron, Hans, 731
Barr, Alfred, 701
Barren, William, 604
Barry, Martin, 287
Barth, Karl, 676–677, 769, 855
Bartholdy, Salomon, 218
Bartók, Béla, 702, 703
Baselitz, Georg, 812
BASF, 361, 695
Bassarids, The (Die Bassariden) (opera, Henze and Auden), 810, 819
Battéoli Commission, 17
Battle of Teutoburg Forest, The (Die Hermannsschlacht) (Kleist), 293
Batty, Peter, 370, 371
Bauer, Bruno, 247, 248, 249
Bauer, F. C., 245
Bauer, Franz, 282
Bauer, Peter, 746
Bauhaus, 571, 629
Baumann, Hans, 618, 634, 636–638
Baumeister, Willi, 700
Baumgarten, Alexander, 74
Baumgarten, Hermann, 421
Baumgarten, Sigmund, 70
Bäumler, Alfred, 650
Bausch, Pina, 804
Bayer, 360–361, 362, 695, 887n36
Bayer, Friedrich, 362
Bayreuth festivals, 329, 644
Becher, J. R., 801
Becker, Thorsten, 796
Beckmann, Max, 629, 630, 633, 699
Beer, John, 358–359, 362
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 59, 158–159, 162–163, 239
Before Dawn (Vor Sonnenaufgang) (Hauptmann), 524
Beggar’s Opera, The (Gay), 586
Begriffsschrift (Frege), 486
Behler, Ernst, 823
Behltle, Charles, 366–367
Behnisch, Günter, 814
Behrens, Peter, 215, 509–510, 516, 571
Being and Time (Sein und Zeit) (Heidegger), 603–604, 651
“Beiträge zur Phytogenesis” (Schleiden), 284
Bell, Daniel, 296
Benda, Julien, 622–625, 766, 841
Benedict, Ruth, 716, 717
Benjamin, Walter, 449, 609, 619, 669, 709
Benn, Gottfried, 454, 655, 710, 790, 799–800
Benz, Karl, 375–376
Berek, Max, 367
Berenhorst, Georg Heinrich von, 187
Berg, Alban, 302, 515, 568, 584, 585, 643
Berger, Peter, 730
Bergmann, Carl, 287
Bergstraesser, Arnold, 650, 768–769
Berlin, 519–545. See also University of Berlin
Academy for the Science of Judaism, 655
Academy of Arts and Sciences, 61
Academy of Fine Arts, 527
Academy of Sciences, 356
after World War II, 758
architecture, 211–215
contemporary, 814–815
rebuilding of Cathedral, 219
art and artists (See also Berlin Sezession)
Dada, 565
performers, 584
art burning of March 1938, 633
Association of Berlin Artists, 527
Berliner-Kritische Association, 244
book-burning in 1933, 580, 798
Brandenburg Gate, 211–212, 213
Doktor Club, 245, 248
economy after Franco-Prussian war, 520
Artillery and Engineering School, 355
Friedrich-Wilhelms Institute, 383
Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität, 529
War College, 185
Film Festival (1961), 806
Germaine de Staël in, 312
Holocaust Memorial, 784, 785–786, 815
Kreuzberg war memorial, 213–214
medical institutions, 384, 388
museums, 528–529
Altes Museum, 214, 528
Ethnological Museum, 414
Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, 528
National Gallery, 528, 630
Neues Museum, 528
Royal Museum, 415
innovation, 59
opera, 467, 643, 805
Philharmonic Orchestra, 525–526, 642, 645, 809
Royal Academy, 527
Sound and Smoke cabaret, 525
Soviet Union and, 759
Deutsches Theater, 524, 525, 589, 592
Freie Bühne (Free Stage) movement, 524
Grosses Schauspielhaus, 647
Schauspielhaus, 214
Theater des Volkes, 647
Wall, 759
Berlin, Isaiah, 193–194, 196
Berlin Alexanderplatz (Döblin), 619
Berline Illustrierte Zeitung (newspaper), 427
Berliner Abendblätter (newspaper), 293
Berlin Physics Society, 482
Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute, 570, 613
Berlin Psychoanalytic Society, 661
Berlin Psychological Institute, 661
Berlin Sezession, 507, 516, 527–528
Berne, Eric, 720
Bernhardi, Friedrich von, 409, 534, 539
Berning, Heinrich, 696
Bernstein, J. G., 228
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von, 567
Berzelius, Jöns Jakob von, 273, 276
Bethe, Hans, 659, 738–739
Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobad von, 533
Bettelheim, Bruno, 662, 717–718, 818
Bettinelli, Saverio, 92
Bettmann, Otto, 735
Beuys, Joseph, 812, 849
Beyer, Frank, 806
Bianconi, Giovanni Lodovico, 207
Bible, 66, 70–71, 105, 245, 679
“Biedermann’s Evening Socialising” (Scheffel), 305
Biedermeier culture, 304–307
nn, Wolf, 796, 801
Bierwisch, Manfred, 813
Big Heat, The (film, Lang), 590
Bild, Das (newspaper), 6
Bildung, 53–54, 833–834, 838
Americanization of, 740–742
Berlin University and, 87
education as, 830
Goethe’s pursuit of, 118
Herder and, 124
Humboldt, Wilhlem von, on, 109–110, 262–263
inwardness and, 832–833
music listening and, 163
neohumanism and, 109
Pietism and, 87
Schiller on, 130
secularization of, 87–88
Wieland and, 113
Bildung (Schwanitz), 815
Bildungsstaat, concept of, 77
Bildungstrieb, 82
Bildunsbürgertum, 270
Billiards at Half Past Nine (Billard um Halb Zehn) (Böll), 791
Billinger, Richard, 648
Bilse, Benjamin, 525
Bing, Rudolf, 744, 746, 751
bioethics, 384–386
biology, 68, 78–84, 201, 271–287, 615, 660
Birkeland, Kristian, 361
Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music, The (Die Geburt der Tragödie aus der Geist der Musik) (Nietzsche), 336–337
Bismarck, Otto von, 371–372, 373, 385, 404, 407, 519
Bitomsky, Hartmut, 808
Blackbourn, David, 27
Black Lines (Kandinsky), 517
Black Mountain College, 702, 734
Blanning, Tim, 43, 54, 56, 59, 60
Bleichröder, Gerson, 520
Bleker, Johanna, 387
Bloch, Felix, 659, 738
Bloom, Allan, 713–714, 740, 833–834
Bloom, Harold, 296
Blue Angel, The (film), 513, 591–592
Blum, Martin, 781
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 81–82, 86
Bock, Hieronymus, 79, 80
Bode, Wilhelm von, 433, 528–529