by Peter Watson
Duisberg, Carl, 362, 363–364
Dumont, Louis, 845
Dupuy, Trevor, 543–544, 698
Dürer, Albrecht, 43
Düreristen, 217–220
Dürrenmatt, Friedrich, 803
du Sautoy, Marcus, 174
dye industry, 358–359, 387
Earth Spirit (Erdgeist) (Wedekind), 515
East Germany, 781, 782, 813
films, 805–806
literature, 794–796
Ebert, Carl, 744
Eckhart, Dietrich, 436, 562
Eckstein, Ferdinand, 193
economics and refugees in the United States, 727–728
Eddington, Arthur, 172, 658–659
education. See also academic institutions
budget during Third Reich, 689
difference between school and university, 229
enforced school attendance in Prussia, 829
Friedrich the Great and, 63
influence in Britain, 316–317, 318
influence in the United States, 323
influence of universities of Halle and Göttingen, 54
Kant on, 143
Lessing on, 124
Mannhein on, 704
military church and, 48
physics institutes, 476
Pietism and, 47
reforms, 227, 233–234
state and schools relationship, 108–109
technological, 234
Effi Briest (Fontane), 440–441
Efficiency of Our Race and the Protection of the Weak, The (Die Tüchtigkeit unsrer Rasse und der Schutz der Schwachen) (Ploetz), 433–434
Effusions of an Art-Loving Monk (Herzensergiessungen eines kunstliebenden Klosterbruders) (Wackenroder and Tieck), 216
Egotism in German Philosophy (Santayana), 542
Ehrenfels, Christian von, 493, 494–495
Ehrlich, Paul, 278, 388, 390–391, 853
Eich, Günter, 799
Eich, Hermann, 762
Eichendorff, Joseph von, 200, 290, 463
Eichengrün, Arthur, 364, 856, ü65
Eichhorn, Karl Friedrich, 264–266
Eichmann, Adolf, 695, 721–722
Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt), 721–722
Eichrodt, Ludwig, 305
“Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The” (Marx), 248
Einstein, Albert, 482–484, 598, 599, 738
contemporary world of ideas and, 819
Gödel and, 739–740
Hilbert’s collaboration with, 487
persecution of, 552, 595, 658–659
Popper student of, 706
on scientific theory, 905n7
Einstein’s German World (Stern), 35
Eisenmann, Peter, 815
Eisenstaedt, Alfred, 735
Eisler, Hanns, 641
Eisner, Lotte, 760
Elegy for Young Lovers (Elegie für junge Liebende) (opera, Henze), 810
Elektra (opera, R. Strauss and Hofmannsthal), 465, 466, 467–468
Eley, Geoffrey, 27
Elgio storica del Cabaliere Antonio Raffaelle Mengs (Bianconi), 207
Elias, Norbert, 31, 437, 531, 566, 568, 607, 608–609, 698, 754, 768, 848
Eliot, George, 314, 316, 331
Eliot, T. S., 34, 840
Elkana, Yehuda, 9–10
Ellenberger, Henri, 393
Elman, Mischa, 702
Elmhirst, Leonard and Dorothy, 744
Elon, Amos, 431, 475
Emergency Rescue Committee (ERC), 700
Emergency Society of German Scholars Abroad, 663
Emil and the Detectives (Emil und die Detektive) (Kästner), 583
Emmerich, Wolfgang, 655, 801
Emperor, Rome and Renovatio (Kaiser, Rom und Renovatio) (Schramm), 607–608
Empty Fortress, The (Bettelheim), 717
Endell, August, 508
End of Economic Man, The (Drucker), 728
Engels, Friedrich, 188, 245, 249, 251, 256–259, 853–854
engineering, 356, 844
engines, 375, 378, 600, 692, 693
“Englishness of English Art, The” (lectures by Pevsner), 748
Enigma, 693
Enlightenment. See Aufklärung
Entarte Musik exhibition (Düsseldorf, 1938), 643
Entartete Kunst exhibition (Degenerate Art), 632–633, 908n7
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, 761, 794, 796, 800, 802, 808
Epistle to the Romans (Römerbrief) (Barth), 677
Erb, Rainer, 801
Erdmannsdorff, Friedrich, 211
Ericksen, Robert, 685, 686
Erickson, Raymond, 304–305
Erikson, Erik, 717
Ernst, Max, 222, 699, 701, 735
Ernst August Konstantin (Weimar), 112
Ernst Mach Society, 602. See also Vienna Circle
Eros and Civilization (Marcuse), 722
Erwartung (Schoenberg), 472
Esalen Institute, 719–720
Esau, Abram, 691
Escape from Freedom (Fromm), 718–719
Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke), 68
“Essay on a New Principle for Ascertaining the Curative Power of Drugs, with a Few Glances at Those Hitherto Employed” (Hahnemann), 176
Essence of Christianity, The (Das Wesen des Christentums) (Feuerbach), 245–246, 329, 674
Essence of Judaism, The (Baeck), 750
Essinger, Anna, 755
Esslin, Martin, 745, 751
Ethics (Ethik) (Bonhoeffer), 680–681
Ettinghausen, Richard, 734
Ettingshausen, Andreas von, 285, 293
eugenics, 433–434
Euler, Leonhard, 171, 351
Europäische Triarchie, Die (Hess), 247
Evans, Richard, 12, 20, 21, 28, 428
events of 1968, 22, 719, 779, 785, 832, 842
Everett, Edward, 323
Every Tom, Dick, and Harry Novel (Hinze-Kunze-Roman) (Braun), 796
evolution, pre-Darwinian idea of, 202–203
evolutionism, 84–88
Exhortation to the Germans to Exercise Their Reason and Their Language Better (Ermahnung an die Deutschen, ihren Verstand und ihre Sprache besser zu üben) (Leibniz), 57
“Exile, Science and Bildung” (conference, 2002), 741
Extinction: A Degeneration (Auslöschung: ein Zerfall) (Bernhard), 797
Eyde, Sam, 361
Eyes of the Mummy, The (film), 589
Fabian (Kästner), 583
Fackel, Die (periodical), 490
Failure of Illiberalism, The (Stern), 401
“Farewell” (Benn), 800
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 803, 807
Faust (Goethe), 116, 120–121, 217–218
Faust, Albert, 323
Dr. Faust legend, 105, 121
Fear Eats the Soul (film), 807
Fechner, Gustav, 394
Fehling, Jürgen, 648
Feigl, Herbert, 631
Feininger, Andreas, 735
Feininger, Lyonel, 630, 702
Fenichel, Otto, 570, 613, 718–719
Ferguson, Niall, 841
fertilizers, 271–272, 279–281
Fetting, Rainer, 812
Feuchtwanger, Lion, 578–579, 586, 701, 702, 855–856
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 245–246, 296, 329–330, 853
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 148–151, 262
Benda on, 623
de Staël and, 312–313
on German Nation, 262
Idealism of, 138
influenced by Kant, 138, 148
influence on Engels, 256
on role of professors, 226, 228, 229, 233
Schinkel and, 212
on self, 195–196
understanding of the will, 197
at University of Berlin, 227, 228
Wissentschaftslehre, 119
Fifth International Congress for Genetics (1927), 697
after fall of Berlin Wall, 808
after World War II, 758, 805–809, 806–808
contemporary, 844
directors in Hollywood, 587, 589, 590
documentaries, 808
in East Germany, 805–806
Expressionism in, 568–569
Gegenwartsfilm, 805
Heimatfilme, 806
under Hitler, 638–639
impact of Germans in Britain, 744
Kuratorium junger deutscher Film, 806–807
music by Korngold, 591
New German Cinema (Das neue Kino), 806
“rubble” films, 806
Verbotsfilme, 806
during Weimar Republic, 587–593, 760
during World War I, 552
Fink, Eugene, 823
Fink, Karl, 203, 204
Finkelstein, Norman G., 10
Fire, The (Der Brand) (Fridrich), 798
Fischer, Eugen, 697
Fischer, Fritz, 536–537, 761
Fischer, Joschka, 2, 733, 780, 783, 784
Fischer, Karl, 429
Fischer, Samuel, 575
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 581
Five Cantos/August 1914 (Fünf Gesänge) (Rilke), 574
Fliegende Blätter (magazine), 305
Flute Concert, The (Menzel), 526
Focus (magazine), 29
folklore, Third Reich and, 654–657
Fontane, Theodor, 440, 520, 522
Fontes Rerum Germanicarum (Böhmer), 266
Forster, Georg, 178
Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth, 561, 676
Fortunatus and His Sons (Hofmannsthal), 492
Forty-Eighters, 324
Forty-Fivers, 785, 789
49th Parallel (film), 746
Foster, Norman, 815
Foundations of Arithmetic (Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik) (Frege), 486
Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, The (Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts) (Chamberlain), 436, 620
Foundations of the Whole Doctrine of Science, The (Die Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre) (Fichte), 119, 148–149, 150
Founding of the German Empire, The (Die Begründung des deutschen Reichs) (Sybel), 407
“Frage nach der Technik, Die” (lecture, Heidegger), 770
France. See also Franco-Prussian War (1870–71)
anti-French position of Mommsen, 405
anti-Semitism in, 20, 499
dye industry in, 359
Free League of Artists, 699
impact of French Revolution, 129, 197, 261
intelligentsia in, 54–55
interest in German culture, 311–314
Liebermann in, 506
Paris, discussion on shelling of, 373
refugees in, 699
Franck, James, 545
Francke, August Hermann, 47, 52, 125, 316
Franco-Prussian War (1870–71), 385, 386, 418, 421, 519
Frank, Hans, 652
Frank, Philipp, 602
Frankfurt am Main, 59, 757, 814
Frankfurt Institute, 572, 630–631, 679–680, 702, 718–719, 722, 725
freedom, concept of, 76
Fichte and, 149–150
in German philosophy, 26
Hayek on, 706
influence of Ranke on, 270
Kant and, 150
moral, 446
Tönnies on, 451
Frege, Gottlob, 486, 487, 559, 609, 729–730
Freiligrath, Ferdinand, 247, 290, 299, 304
Freischütz, Der (Weber), 160
Frenkel-Brunswik, Else, 662
Freud, Anna, 717, 753, 754
Freud, Sigmund, 37, 395–397, 611–612
break with Jung, 553–555
in Britain, 753
contemporary world of ideas and, 819, 820–822, 827
emigration, 662
German Academy of the Arts and Sciences in Exile and, 700
influence of, 468, 706
in the United States, 713
Mahler as patient of, 469–470
student of Brentano, 492–493
on the United States, 716
in Vienna after World War I, 567
Freud, Sophie, 567
Freudianism and Marxism, 572–573
Freundlich, Otto, 699
Freyer, Hans, 454, 650
Freytag, Gustav, 430, 439
Frick, Wilhelm, 611
“Friday’s Child” (Auden), 818
Friedlander, Max, 734
Friedländer, Saul, 784
Friedländer, Walter, 734
Friedrich II the Great (Prussia), 45, 49, 60–63
Bach, Johann Sebastian, and, 41
biographies, 315, 608
on contemporary culture, 62
study by Ranke, 268
Friedrich August I (Saxony), 168
Friedrich August II (Saxony), 208
Friedrich Wilhelm I (Prussia), 45, 48
Friedrich Wilhelm II (Prussia), 211
Friedrich Wilhelm III (Prussia), 213–214, 227
Friedrich Wilhelm IV (Prussia), 219, 299, 304, 320–321
Friedrich, Caspar David, 220–222, 472, 508, 807, 852
Friedrich, Jörg, 798
Friedrich, Walter, 480
Friend of Health, The (Freund der Gesundheit) (Hahnemann), 175
Friendship (Pforr), 217
Frings, Josef, 787
Frisch, Karl von, 660
Frisch, Max, 793
Frisch, Otto, 666
Fritsch, Theodor, 673
Froberger, Johann Jacob, 153
From Caligari to Hitler (Kracauer), 588–589, 760
From Hegel to Nietzsche (Löwith), 772
Fromm, Erich, 572, 608, 631, 701, 718–719
Front Page, The (film), 591
Fry, Helen, 756
Fry, Varian, 700–701, 728
Fuchs, Klaus, 745
Fuchs, Leonhart, 79, 80
Fuchsel, J. C., 169
Füger, Fridrich Heinrich, 215
Führerprinzip (film), 593
Fundamental Law of Arithmetic (Grundgesetze der Arithmetik) (Frege), 559
Funk, Leo, 377
Furedi, Frank, 821
Fürsten und Völker von Süd-Europa (Ranke), 267
Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 641, 644, 645, 809
Fuseli, Henry (Johann Heinrich Füssli), 215
Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis, 624
Future of an Illusion, The (Die Zukunft einer Illusion) (Freud), 611
Future of Human Nature, The (Die Zukunft der menschlichen Natur) (Habermas), 845–847
Future of Industrial Man, the (Drucker), 728
Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 291, 720, 772, 773–775, 837
Gaffky, Georg, 387, 388
Gagen, Friedrich von, 230
Gaines, James, 41
“Galius Dei” (T. Mann), 503
Gang vor die Hunde, Der (Kästner), 583
Gärtner, Friedrich von, 219
Gas I (Kaiser), 552
Gatterer, Johann Christoph, 71, 862n4
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 170–174, 177, 350, 353, 485, 852
Gawthrop, Richard, 46, 69
Gay, John, 586
Gay, Peter, 573, 604, 607
Gay-Lussac, Joseph-Louis, 273
Geiger, Hans, 691
Gellert, Christian, 57–58
Gellner, Ernest, 746, 754–755
Gemeinschaft, concept of, 451, 763
Genesis (Werth), 434
genius, concept of, 75–76, 145
Genius for War, A (Dupuy), 543–544
Gentz, Heinrich, 212, 213
geology, 66, 167, 168–169, 203, 557
George, Stefan, 292, 471, 547, 574, 608, 618, 682
Georgekreis (around Stefan George), 574, 608
Gerhardt, Charles Frédéric, 276
German Academy of the Arts and Sciences in Exile, 699–700
German Central Work Station for Folk and Cultural Landscape Research, 654
German Chainsaw Massacre, The (film), 808
German Democratic Republic (GDR). See East Germany
German Economy in the Nineteenth Century, The (Die Deutsche Volkswirtschaft im neunzehnten Jahrhundert) (Sombart), 453
German Historical Institute (Washington, D.C.), 36
German History (Lamprecht), 33
German History in the Time of the Reformation (Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation) (Ranke), 268
Germania anno zero (film), 805
German Idea of Freedom, The (Krieger), 762
German Ideologie, The (Die deutsche Ideologie) (Marx and Engels), 252, 257
Germanien (magazine), 657
German language, 3, 56, 57
German Navy League (Deutscher Flottenverein), 420
Germanness, 45, 669–672
German Orchestra (New York), 325
German Philosophy and Politics (Dewey), 539–542
Germans, The (Elias), 31
“German Schools of History, The” (Acton), 317
Germantown (Pennsylvania), 323
Germantown Zeitung (periodical), 325
German unification. See also reunification
demand for, 94, 289
Disraeli on, 859n56
German Wartime Society 1939–1945 (Potsdam Institute of Military History), 786
Germany. See also East Germany; German unification; reunification
change of meaning in Beethoven’s time, 164
effect of decentralization on periodicals, 56
Friedrich and liberation movements, 221–222
image in Britain, 2
self-image, 401
theory of two Germanies, 537–538
“Germany, You Eternal Flame” (Schumann), 635