by Peter Watson
Germany and the Next War (Deutschland und der nächste Krieg) (Bernhardi), 539
Germany in Autumn (film), 807
Germany’s Aims in the First World War (Griff nach der Weltmacht) (Fischer), 536–537
Gershenkron, Alexander, 727
Geschichte des Agathon (Wieland), 113
Gesellschaft, Die (monthly), 510
Gesellschaft as opposed to Gemeinschaft, 451, 763
Gesellschaft und Demokratie in Deutschland (Dahrendorf), 452
Gesner, Johann Matthias, 52
Gewissen (journal), 617
Gierke, Otto von, 533
Gildersleeve, Basil, 324
Gilly, David, 212
Gilly, Friedrich, 212–213
Giving of the Keys (Mengs), 210
Glazer, Nathan, 8
Globke, Hans, 759
Glock, William, 750–751
Gluck, Christoph Willibald, 155–156
Gneist, Rudolf von, 326
“Goat Song, Swelling Up” (“Anschwellender Bockgesang”) (B. Strauss), 783
Gobineau, Joseph-Arthur de, 434, 615
Gödel, Kurt, 601–602, 631, 739–740, 841
Goebbels, Joseph
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and, 642
campaign against All Quiet on the Western Front, 580
on meeting of Hitler and Chamberlain, 436
minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda, 629
Moeller van den Bruck and, 618
power of radio and, 638
propaganda, 639
theater and, 646, 647
Goehr, Walter, 747
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 58, 114–122
biology and, 201
on community, 836
Germaine de Staël and, 312
Herder and, 123
Humboldt, Alexander von, and, 177
on infiltration of French culture into Prussia, 62
influences on, 99, 191
Karl August of Weimar and, 114, 116
Niebuhr and, 264
Persian and, 192
poems set to music, 160, 463
portraits of, 215
on purpose of life, 833
Schiller and, 128–129
urphenomena, 203–205
at Weimar court, 114
Goethe’s Elective Affinities (Goethes Wahlverwandschaften) (Benjamin), 619
Goldene Spiegel, Der (The Golden Mirror) (Wieland), 112–113
Goldhagen, Daniel, 18, 21. See also Hitler’s Willing Executioners
Goldscheid, Rudolf, 447
Goldsmid, Isaac Lyon, 317
Goldstein, Eugen, 479
Gombrich, Ernst, 567, 733, 744, 745, 747
Gooch, G. P., 263, 266–267
Good-Bye, Lenin! (film), 808
Goodman, Nelson, 729
Goosepluckers, The (Liebermann), 506
Göring, Hermann, 435, 646, 668, 695
Göring, M. H., 661
Gorky, Maxim, 823
Gospel of John, The (Das Evangelium des Johannes) (Bultmann), 679
Gothic Revival, 216
Gottsched, Christoph, 57, 124
Gottsched, Johann, 102
Götz von Berlichingen with the Iron Hand (Götz von Berlichingen mit der eisernene Hand) (Goethe), 58, 114
Gould, Stephen Jay, 177, 852
Grabbe, Christian Dietrich, 303
Grass, Günter, 28, 761, 780, 781, 792–793, 798, 832
Graupner, Gottlieb, 325
Grauzone morgens (Grayzone in the Morning) (Grünbein), 802
Great Society of Mannheim, 703–704
Green Henry (Der grüne Heinrich) (Keller), 296, 297
Greenspan, Nancy Thorndike, 598
Green Table, The (Die grüne Tisch, Der) (Jooss), 804
Grierson, Ronald (Rolf Hans Griessmann), 752–753
Grillparzer, Franz, 290, 293–294, 558
Grimm, Jacob, 230, 265, 309, 310
Grimm, Wilhelm, 230, 309, 310
Gropius, Walter, 510, 568, 571, 744, 757
Gross, Hans, 897n17
Gross, Jan, 18
Gross, Michael, 422, 423
Gross, Walter, 651
Grosz, George, 565, 629, 734–735
Grotefend, Georg Friedrich, 181–184
Grube, Nikolai, 844
Grünbein, Durs, 802
Gründerzeit, 374
Gründgens, Gustaf, 648
Grundmann, Reiner, 453
Grundzüge der wissenschaftlichen Botanik (Schleiden), 284
Gruner, Ludwig, 319
Gruppe 47 (Group 47), 790
Gumpert, Martin, 174, 176
Günther, H. F. K., 621
Gutzkow, Karl, 303
Gymnasien, 109, 233–234
Gypsy Blood (Carmen) (film), 589
Haber, Fritz, 361, 533, 545, 660
Haberler, Gottfried von, 727
Habermas, Jürgen, 11, 494, 761, 775–777, 849
debate with Gadamer, 775
on events of 1968, 779
on Heidegger, 775, 845–847
on parallels between religious fundamentalism and Nazism, 784–785
on reading societies, 56
redemptive community and, 837
on television, 809
on Weimar court, 116
Haeckel, Ernst, 421, 426, 427, 428, 533
Haffner, Sebastian, 745, 750
Hagen, Paul (Karl Frank), 700
Hahn, Otto, 545, 666, 691
Hahnemann, Samuel Christian Friedrich, 174–177
Halftime (Halbzeit) (Walser), 793
Haller, Albrecht von, 80–81
Halske, Johann Georg, 356
Hamann, Brigitte, 501
Hamann, Johann Georg, 77
Hamburg, 59, 757
Hamburgische Dramaturgie, Die (periodical), 103, 131
Hamlet-Machine (Müller), 803
Hammer and Anvil (Hammer und Amboss) (Spielhagen), 439–440
Handel, Georg Friedrich, 60, 153–154
Handel and Haydn Society, 325
Handke, Peter, 796, 804, 807–808
Hangmen Also Die (film), 590, 737
Hanna, Martha, 538
Hanslick, Eduard, 469
Harbou, Thea von, 590
Hardenberg, Friedrich von. See Novalis
Hardenberg, Karl August von, 108, 227, 236–237
Harfouch, Corinna, 797
Harnack, Adolf von, 533, 674, 675, 676
Harris, Henry, 282
Harteck, Paul, 690–691
Hartley, Marsden, 525
Hartmann, Eduard von, 394
Hartmann, Heinz, 602
Hartmann, Nicolai, 773
Hartnack, Edmund, 386
Harvard University, 323, 324
Harvey, Elizabeth, 588–589
Harvey, Lilian, 639
Harz Journey, The (Die Harzreise) (Heine), 298
Haskins, Charles Homer, 92
Hastings, Max, 25, 786
Hata, Sachahiro, 390
Hatfield, Henry, 100, 101
Hauff, Reinhard, 807
Haunted Screen, The (Eisner), 760
Hauptmann, Elisabeth, 586
Hauptmann, George, 784
Hauptmann, Gerhart, 404, 506, 524, 532, 586
Hausegger, Siegmund von, 644
Hauser, Arnold, 703
Hausmann, Raoul, 565
Haydn, Franz Joseph, 59, 156–157, 159
Hayek, Friedrich von, 567, 705–706, 727, 746, 749
Hayman, Ronald, 586
Hearst, Stephen, 745, 751
Heartfield, John, 565, 582, 699
Heaven Has No Favorites (Remarque), 581
Hebbel, Friedrich, 296
Heckel, Erich, 700
Hecker, Waldemar, 516
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 241–244
contemporary world of ideas and, 819
by Feuerbach, 246
by Popper, 707–708
as early Roma
ntic, 200
friendship with Hölderlin, 291
Heine student of, 298
Hitler and, 615
Idealism of, 138
influence of, 248, 251, 256
influences on, 99, 148
Lewes and, 316
Santayana on, 542–543
sculpture by Wickmann, 215
speculative philosophy of, 240
on Winckelmann, 100
Heibut, Anthony, 716
Heidegger, Martin, 291, 292, 454, 494, 603–604, 650, 651–652, 770–772, 845, 863n21
existentialism and, 603
Habermas on, 775, 845–847
influence on Bultmann, 678
National Socialism and, 672
on Nietzsche, 823
relevance of, 847–848
students of, 722, 723, 773
Heidegger’s Children (Wolin), 720, 772
Heiden, Konrad, 701
Heilbut, Anthony, 724–725, 736
Heilige Geschichte (Hess), 247
Heim, Susanne, 669, 671, 672
Heimat (film), 807
Heine, Heinrich, 160, 192, 247, 290, 298–301, 303, 771
Heine, Thomas, 511
Heinkel, Ernst, 600
Heinroth, Johann Christian August, 394
Heisenberg, Werner, 597–599, 665, 691, 692, 841
Heissenbüttel, Helmut, 803
Helm, Georg, 477
Helmer, Olaf, 631
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 234, 343, 344–345, 348, 445, 477, 486, 854
Hempel, Carl, 631
Henckel, Florian, 808
Henle, Jacob, 386
Hennings, Emmy, 564
Henze, Hans Werner, 810, 819
Hepp, Paul, 362–363
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 394
Herder, Caroline, 120
Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 77, 79, 99, 122–127, 138, 192, 195, 309, 310
Herf, Jeffrey, 454
Heroes Like Us (Helden wie wir) (Brussig), 799
Heroes versus Traders (Sombart), 839
Hertz, Gustav, 659
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf, 477–478, 599, 854
Herwegh, Georg, 247, 290, 304, 329329
Herzl, Theodor, 470, 490, 499, 682
Herzog, Werner, 807
Hess, Moses, 245, 247
Hesse, Hermann, 575–576
Heydrich, Reinhard, 652
Heym, Georg, 547
Heym, Stefan, 796
Heyne, Christian Gottlob, 52, 100, 106, 181, 228, 230
Hieronymus Holzschuher (Dürer), 528–529
Higgins, Kathleen, 823
Higher Schools and Universities in Germany (Pattison), 318
Hilbert, David, 487, 597, 600–601, 662
Hillgruber, Andreas, 11
Hilpert, Heinz, 646, 648
Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 830, 832–833
Himmelweit, Hilde, 746
Himmler, Heinrich, 20, 435, 620, 656–657, 670, 684
Hindemith, Paul, 292, 568–569, 586, 587, 643–644, 663
Hindenburg, Karl Friedrich, 226
Hinrichs, Carl, 45
Hinsberg, Oskar, 363
Hinschius, Paul, 422
Hintze, Otto, 409, 533, 534
Hirsch, Emanuel, 686
Hirschman, Albert, 727–728
Hirt, August, 696
Hirth, George, 509
Historical Evaluation and Research Organization (HERO), 544
historicism, 69–73, 163, 261–170
influence in the United States, 713, 731
law and, 264–266
Winckelmann and, 100
Histories of the Romanic and Germanic Peoples from 1491 to 1514 (Geschichte der romanischen und germanischen Völker von 1494 bis 1514) (Ranke), 267
Historikerstreit, 10–15, 733
Historische Zeitschrift (journal), 406, 408
history, 30, 70–72, 263
Benda on, 623–624
critical tradition, 231
influence of refugees in the United States, 730–733
as man’s spiritual struggle to overcome nature, 76
nationalism and, 404–410
National Socialism and, 615, 653–654
standard history curriculum, 436
at University of Göttingen, 51
in Weimar Germany, 607–609
History and Class Consciousness (Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein) (Lukács), 775
History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century (Merz), 170
History of German Law and Institutions (Deutsche Staats-und Rechtsgeschichte) (Eichhorn), 264–265
History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century (Deutsche Geschichte im 19. Jahrhundert) (Treitschke), 321, 408–309
History of Modern Germany, A (Holborn), 732
History of Prussia (Geschichte Preussens) (Voigt), 266
History of Roman Law in the Middle Ages (Geschichte des römischen Rechts im Mittelalter) (Savigny), 265
History of Rome (Römische Geschichte) (Mommsen), 405
History of Rome (Römische Geschichte) (Niebuhr), 231
History of the Art of Antiquity, The (Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums) (Winckelmann), 30, 97–98, 207
History of the First Crusade, The (Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges) (Sybel), 405–406
History of the French Revolution (Geschichte der Revolutionszeit 1789–95) (Sybel), 406
History of the German People (Geschichte des teutschen Volkes) (Luden), 266
History of the Popes (Die römischence Päpste) (Ranke), 268
History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages (Geschichte der Päpste seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters) (Pastor), 607
History of the Synoptic Tradition, The (Die Geschichte der synoptischen Tradition) (Bultmann), 678–679
History of the Thirty Years War (Geschichte des Dreissigjährigen Krieges) (Schiller), 130–131
“Hitler” (Schumann), 635
Hitler, Adolf, 614–616
on art, 630
caricature by Beckmann, 630
education, 559
in German Workers Party, 562
meeting with Chamberlain, 436
at opening night of Salome, 467
polycratic dictatorship, 697–698
religion and, 673–687
Schramm and, 608
in Vienna, 501
will, 631–632
Hitler, a Film from Germany (Hitler, ein Film aus Deutschland) (Syberberg), 782, 807
“Hitlergeist und Wissenschaft” (The Hitler Spirit and Science) (Stark and Lenard), 599
Hitler’s Professors (Weinreich), 759–760
Hitler’s Willing Executioners (Goldhagen), 18–22, 733
Hitler: The Man and the Military Leader (Hitler as militärische Führer) (Schramm), 608
Hitler Youth Quex (film), 640
Hobhouse, Hermione, 319
Hobsbawm, Eric, 748–749
Höch, Hanna, 565
Hochhuth, Rolf, 736, 780, 781, 802
Höchst, 360, 695
Hoffmann, Eric Achille, 390
Hoffmann, E. T. A., 162–163, 200, 831
Hoffmann, Felix, 364, 856
Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich, 299, 304
Hofmann, August Wilhelm von, 318, 357, 358, 491–492
Hofmann, Hans, 734
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 467–468, 490, 492, 567, 612, 619
Holborn, Hajo, 570, 730, 731–732
Holbrooke, Richard, 733
Hölderlin, Friedrich, 138, 200, 241, 291–292, 548
Hollein, Hans, 814
Holocaust, denial of, 6–10
Holocaust in American Life, The (The Holocaust and Collective Memory) (Novick), 7–8
Holocaust Industry, The (Finkelstein), 10
Holocaust Library (London), 749
Holst, Imogen, 752
Holy Family, The (Die heilige Familie) (Engels and Marx), 257
Hölzel, Adolf, 507
Homeopathy (journal), 174
ker, Erich, 801, 806
Hörbiger, Hanns, 658
Horen, Die (periodical), 129
Horkheimer, Max, 572, 631, 702, 725, 741
Horney, Karen, 570, 612–613, 662
Hottinger, Johann Konrad, 216
Hour of True Feeling, The (Die Stunde der Wahren Empfindung) (Handke), 796
Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other, The (Die Stunde da wir nichts von einander wußten) (Handke), 804
House of Jewish Learning, 682
Houtermans, Fritz, 691–692
Howard, Thomas, 54
Hoyer, Hermann, 632
Huber, Kurt, 655
Huch, Ricarda, 193
Hufbauer, Karl, 226
Hugenberg, Alfred, 420–421
Hughes, Everett C., 453
Hulse, Michael, 115, 116
Hülsenbeck, Richard, 564, 565
Human Condition, The (Arendt), 721
Humann, Carl, 414–415
Humann, Franz, 414
Humboldt, Alexander von, 81, 138, 177–181, 212, 427, 852, 871n26, 871n33
Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 86, 87, 108–110, 124, 138, 227, 851–852
on Bildung, 832
de Staël and, 312
educational reforms, 226, 227–228, 233–234
on French nation, 262
on purpose to world history, 262
Schinkel and, 212
student of Heyne, 228
Humperdinck, Engelbert, 532
Hunley, J. D., 259
Hunsrückenstrasse (Uecker), 811
Hunt, The (Stuck), 508
Hunt, Tristram, 257, 259
Husserl, Edmund, 37, 486–487, 493–494, 605, 652
students of, 603, 722, 723, 773
Hutton, James, 169
Huxley, Michael, 803, 804
Hyperion (Hölderlin), 291
hypnotherapy, 556