by Peter Watson
I and Thou (Ich und Du) (Buber), 682–683
“Iconoclasm in German Philosophy” (Oxenford), 331
Idealism, 138, 139, 732
emergence of, 136
influence on Wissenschaftsideologie, 228
instrumental music and, 162
non-Germans and, 845
Ideas for the Philosophy of History of Humanity (Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit) (Herder), 261
IG Farben, 361, 695
Iggers, George, 263, 269, 270
Illiger, Johannes, 81
“Illustrations of the Dynamical Theory of Gases” (Maxwell), 347
imagined communities, 58, 114
“Im Granatloch” (Schnack), 551
Immendorf, Jörg, 812, 813
Inability to Mourn, The (Die Unfähigkeit zu Trauern) (Mitscherlich and Mitscherlich), 24, 785, 789–790
Indian Summer (Die Nachsommer) (Stifter), 295
individualism, types of, 449–452
individuality, change in meaning of, 193–196
Informed Heart, The (Bettelheim), 717
Innerlichkeit. See inwardness insecticides, 360–361
Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), 659
Institute for Research on the Jewish Question (Frankfurt), 656
Institute of East European Economic Studies (Königsberg), 670
Institute of Fine Arts (New York University), 702, 733–734
Institute of Theoretical Physics (Copenhagen), 596. See also Bohr, Niels
instruments, musical, 154, 869n5
Intellectual History Association, 656
International Congress of Mathematicians (Paris, 1900), 487
International General Medical Society for Psychotherapy, 661
International Research Council, 595
Interpretation of Dreams, The (Die Traumdeutung) (Freud), 395, 397, 827
In the Beginning Was the Word (Hoyer), 632
In the Land of Cockaigne (Im Schlaraggenland) (H. Mann), 511, 512
Intrigue and Love (Kabale und Liebe) (Schiller), 128, 132
“Inventur” (Eich), 799
inwardness, 87, 110, 194, 403, 437, 713, 790, 830–833, 838
Iphigenie auf Tauris (Goethe), 117
Irving, David, 6–7
Iselin, Isaak, 76
Isherwood, Christopher, 743, 818
Israel in Egypt (Handel), 154
Italia and Germania (Overbeck), 217
Italienische Forschungen (Rumohr), 218
Jachmann, Reinhold, 135
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, 234–235, 350
Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, 138, 147, 149
Jacobi, Lotte, 735
Jacobs, Ian, 738
Jacob the Liar (film), 806
Jaehne, Friedrich, 695
Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig, 309
Jahoda, Marie, 753
Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse, 555
Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Kritik (periodical), 244
Jakobson, Roman, 700
James, Clive, 489, 583, 709, 859n49
James, William, 662
Janco, Marcel, 564
Janet, Pierre, 394–395
Jannings, Emil, 592, 648
Janowitz, Hans, 568
Jarausch, Konrad H., 778–781, 842
Jargon of Authenticity, The (Jargon der Eigentlichkeit) (Adorno), 771–772
Jaspers, Karl, 608, 652, 767, 769–770, 823, 832, 856
Jawlensky, Alexei, 515, 516, 564
Jay, Martin, 630–631
Jeffreys, Diarmuid, 357, 363
Jelinek, Elfriede, 794
Jellinek, Emil, 378
Jellinek, Walter, 650
Jena, Battle of (1806), 108, 138, 185
Jenninger, Philip, 12
Jens, Walter, 794
Jewish Colonial Trust, 499
Jewish Question, The (lecture, Kittel), 685
Jewish-Theological Seminar (Breslau), 655
Jewish Volkskunde, 655–656
Jews. See also anti-Semitism
in Berlin, 520
Chamberlain on, 436
downplaying of, in Holocaust, 8–9
Heine, Heinrich, as, 298, 300
held responsible for 1873 crash, 521
identification as “degenerates,” 434
limited form of citizenship, 108
as physicians, 661
refugees in London, 745
resurgence of Jewish culture under Weimar Republic, 619
Jews and Modern Capitalism, The (Die Juden und das Wirtschaftsleben) (Sombart), 452
Joachim, Joseph, 460, 462
Jodl, Alfred, 608
Joël, Karl, 447
Johnson, Alvin, 701, 726
Johnson, Uwe, 796
Johnst, Hans, 646
Johnston, William, 567
Jomini, Antoine Henri de, 187
Jones, Ernest, 394, 662, 754
Jones, Mumford, 159
Jones, William, 190
Jonny spielt auf (Krenek), 587
Jooss, Kurt, 744, 745, 747, 804
Joseph in Prison (Mengs), 209
Joule, James Prescott, 344
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 349–350
journalism, 325, 750
Journal of Practical Medicine, 176
journals, professional, 52, 226, 234, 476J. R. Becher Institute for Literature (Leipzig), 801
Judgment of Paris, The (Mengs), 209
Jüdin von Toledo, Die (Grillparzer), 294
Jugend (journal), 509
Jugendstil, 498, 508–510, 516
Jung, Carl, 553–555, 612, 661
Jung, Edgar, 618
Jünger, Ernst, 454, 618, 669, 709–710, 771, 790
Jünger, Friedrich Georg, 770–771
Junges Deutschland (Young Germany), 303–304
Jung Wien (Young Vienna), 490
Jurisprudence (Klimt), 498
Kaczynski, Jaroslaw, 18
Kaczynski, Lech, 18
Kafka, Franz, 577–578, 818
Kaiser, Georg, 552
Kaiser, Joachim, 802
Kaiser Proclamation in Versailles (Werner), 526–527
Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes, 529, 689, 696, 697, 814, 838
Kalnein, Wend von, 211
Kandinsky, Wassily, 472, 508, 515–518, 832
Kansteiner, Wulf, 23
Kant, Hermann, 795
Kant, Immanuel, 59, 136, 139–146
Bildungstrieb and, 82–83
biology and, 201
on Blumenbach, 81
on community, 836
contemporary world of ideas and, 819
Dewey on, 540–541
on difference between animals and man, 833
French on, 537
Herder student of, 123
Höderlin and, 291on ideal reality, 201
influence of, 149, 171, 315, 331–332, 443, 682
observation of self, 150
Santayana on, 542
on self, 195
Kantorowicz, Ernst, 35, 574, 607, 608, 731, 836
Kapital, Das (Marx and Engels), 254–255, 258–259, 819–820
Kaprow, Alan, 734
Karajan, Herbert von, 809
Karl August, Duke of Sachs-Weimar-Eisenach, 112, 114, 116
Karpinska, Luise von, 394
Kassandra (C. Wolf), 795
Kästner, Erich, 581, 582–584
Kastner, Wilhelm, 273
Katona, George, 728
Kaufmann, Fritz, 556
Kautsky, Karl, 572
Kazin, Alfred, 820–821
Kekulé, August, 271, 277–278, 853
Keller, Gottfried, 37, 296–297, 463
Keller, Hans, 745, 750–751
Keller, Heinrich, 215
Kellner, Carl, 366
Kelly, Alfred, 416, 427, 428
Kelly, Michael, 464
Kempowski, Walter, 799
Kennedy, Paul, 418, 544
/> Kershaw, Ian, 22, 23
Kersting, Georg Friedrich, 215
Kessler, Henry, Count, 584
Keylor, William, 537
Keynes, John Maynard, 559, 704, 746
Kiefer, Anselm, 812
Kielinger, Thomas, 843
Kielmeyer, Carl Friedrich, 81, 83–84, 86
Kindertransport (Children’s Transport) to Britain, 744–745
Kinder-und Hausmärchen (Grimm brothers), 230, 265–266
King Candaules (Hofmannsthal), 492
King’s Most Loyal Enemy Aliens, The (Fry), 756
King’s Two Bodies, The (Kantorowicz), 608
Kipphardt, Heinar, 736
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 528, 630, 633, 700
Kirchoff, Gustav, 477
Kirsch, Sarah, 801
Kissinger, Henry, 724, 733, 916n40
Kittel, Gerhard, 685
Klácel, Matthew, 391
Klages, Ludwig, 618
Klarsfeld, Serge, 16
Klauer, Martin, 215
Klee, Paul, 515, 629, 630
Kleiber, Erich, 585, 645
Klein, Felix Christian, 350, 352–353
Klein, Fritz, 533
Klein, Melanie, 570, 613, 753–754
Klein, Yves, 811
Kleist, Heinrich von, 200, 290, 293
Klemperer, Otto, 641, 645, 701, 702
Klemperer, Victor, 633–634
Klenze, Leo von, 212, 215, 219
Klimt, Ernst, 497
Klimt, Gustav, 470, 497–498, 507–508, 558
Klinger, Max, 507–508, 532
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, 102
Kluge, Alexander, 807
Knappertsbusch, Hans, 645
Knife in the Head (film), 807
Knipping, Paul, 480
Knopp, Guido, 23
Knorr, Ludwig, 360
Knowledge and Human Interests (Erkenntnis und Interesse) (Habermas), 776
Koch, Joseph Anton, 215
Koch, Robert, 386–389, 853
Koestler, Arthur, 278, 750
Koffka, Kurt, 716
Kogon, Eugen, 779
Kohl, Helmut, 733, 780
Köhler, Barbara, 802
Köhler, Joachim, 328
Köhler, Johann David, 70
Köhler, Wolfgang, 661, 714, 716, 817
Kojève, Alexandre, 669
Kokoschka, Oskar, 552, 699, 744, 746
Kolbe, Hermann, 279
Kollwitz, Käthe, 527, 552, 629
Kootz, Samuel, 735
Korda, Alexander, 744, 745–746
Korngold, Erich, 591, 736
Kosmos (A. von Humboldt), 180
Kracauer, Siegfried, 588–589, 741, 760–761
Krafft, Adam, 43
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 496
Kragh, Helge, 475
Kraus, Karl, 470, 490, 515, 552, 553, 567, 586
Krauss, Werner, 648
Krautheimer, Richard, 734
Krebs, Hans, 745, 746
Kreisler, Fritz, 702
Krenek, Ernst, 587
Krieck, Ernst, 650–651, 652, 653, 672
Krieger, Leonard, 732, 762
Kris, Ernst, 734
Kristeller, Paul Oskar, 731, 741
Kritik. See critical method
Kritische Journal der Philosophie, 241
Kronecker, Leopold, 486
Krupp, Alfred, 369–375
Krupp, Hermann, 370
Kubizek, August, 501
Kuhle Wampe (film), 588
Kuhn, Helmut, 773
Kuhn, Thomas, 342, 344
Kultur, 30–31, 34
as collective consciousness of a Volk, 125
factor in World War I, 531–532
as opposed to Zivilisation, 31, 532, 535–536, 541, 838
Spengler on, 561
Kulturbund. See Cultural Alliance for the Democratic Revival of Germany
Kulturbund deutscher Juden, 641
Kulturkampf, 422
Kulturstaat, theory of, 236
Kunert, Günter, 796, 801
Küng, Hans, 786
“Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit, Das” (Benjamin), 709
Kuntze, Reiner, 801
Laak, Dirk van, 779
Laban, Rudolf, 744, 804
laboratories, 355–367, 476
Labouring Men (Hobsbawm), 749
Lachmann, Karl Konrad, 232
Lacquer, Walter, 563
Lagarde, Paul de, 434–435, 614, 839
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 353
Lam, Wilfredo, 701
Lamentations of Germany, The (Vincent), 44
Lamprecht, Karl, 33, 533
Landes, David, 732
Lane, Allen, 748
Lane, George, 324
Lang, Fritz, 587, 589–590, 702
Langbehn, Julius, 432–433, 452, 522, 614, 839
Lange, Bernd Lutz, 781
Langhans, Carl Gotthard, 211–212, 213
language. See also German language
Herder on, 124
as identifier of Volk or nationality, 124–125
importance at University of Göttingen, 51
as main focus of education, 110
Language, Truth and Logic (Ayer), 631
Lanner, Josef, 464
Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 139, 171
Large, David Clay, 520
Lasch, Christopher, 821–822
Lasker, Edward, 521
Lassen, Christian, 184
Lasson, Adolf, 535
Last, R. W., 579, 583
Last Command, The (film), 593
Last Days of Mankind, The (Die letzten Tage der Menschheit) (Kraus), 490, 553
Laterndl (cabaret), 746
Laube, Heinrich, 303
Laudan, Rachel, 170
Laue, Max von, 480, 659, 665, 692
Lavery, John, 505
codification of Prussian law, 63
as defining achievement of civilization, 265
historicism and, 264–266
legal justification for the Nazi laws, 650
natural law, 72, 194
Lawyers, The (Die Juristen) (Hochhuth), 780, 802
Lazarsfeld, Paul, 716, 726–727, 741
Lazarus, Moritz, 445
League of German Societies for Folklore, 655
League of the Just, 250, 253
Leander, Zarah, 639
Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret), 510, 571
Lecture Hall, The (Die Aula) (H. Kant), 795
Lectures on the Philosophy of History (Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Geschichte) (Hegel), 243
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van, 281
Legend of Paul and Paula, The (film), 806
Lehar, Franz, 584
Lehmann, Karl, 734
Lehrhaus Movement, 619
Leibniz, Gottfried, 57, 69, 79, 85, 88, 123–125
Leistikow, Walter, 528
Leitz, Ernst, 365, 366, 367
Lenard, Philipp, 533, 599, 649, 652, 672
Lenau, Nikolaus, 771
Lenoir, Timothy, 37, 83
Lenz (Büchner), 302
Lenz (Schneider), 793–794
Lenz, Johann Michael Reinhold, 77
Lenz, Max, 409, 533, 876n32
Leo Baeck Institute for the Study of the History and Culture of German-speaking Jewry, 750
Leonce und Lena (Büchner), 302
Lepenies, Wolf, 30–33
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 78, 101–105, 124, 131, 215, 623
Letters from Berlin (Briefe aus Berlin) (Heine), 298
Letters on the Kantian Philosophy (Briefe über die kantische Philosophie) (Reinhold), 147
Levassor, Émile, 377
Levi, Erik, 642, 644, 645, 810
Levi, Hermann, 643
Levi-Civita, Tullio, 663
Lewes, George Henry, 314, 315–316
Lewin, Kurt, 716, 717
Libermann, Max, 33, 505–507, 515, 527, 528,
532, 629
Licht (Light) (operas, Stockhausen), 810
Liebenfels, Jörg Lanz von, 434
Liebig, Justus von, 272, 275, 279–281, 318, 341, 358, 366, 853
Liebknecht, Karl, 565
“Lied der Deutschen, Das” (Hoffmann von Fallersleven), 299
Lieder (Schubert), 160, 305
“Lieutenant Gustl” (Schnitzler), 491
Life of Jesus, The (Das Leben Jesu) (Strauss), 245, 256, 316
Light Years (Lichtjahre) (Weidermann), 798–799
Lilge, Frederic, 765–766
Linde, Carl von, 378
Lindner, Richard, 735
Link, Heinrich Friedrich, 81
Lion Has Wings, The (film), 746
Lipstadt, Deborah, 7
List, Friedrich, 325, 878n31
Liszt, Franz, 133, 460, 466
literacy rates, 56, 426, 829
literature. See also Nobel Prize for Literature; poetry
Asphaltliteraten, 635
in East Germany, 794–796
German-Americans and, 325
novella, 296–297
Bildung in, 833
Bildungsroman, 119, 295, 297
contemporary, 844
Entwicklungsroman, 440
sociocritical, 304
Vaterromane (father novels), 791, 794
professional, 232
Trümmerliteratur, 790
tuberculosis in, 389
Lives of Others, The (film), 808
Lixfeld, Hannjost, 654
Locarno Pact (1925), 595
Locquin, Jean, 210
Loeffler, Friedrich, 387, 388
Logical Foundation of Probability (Carnap), 729
Logical Investigations (Logische Untersuchungen) (Husserl), 494
Logical Structure of the World, The (Der logische Aufbau der Welt) (Carnap), 729
Logic of Scientific Discovery, The (Logik der Forschung) (Popper), 706, 749
Logic of the Cultural Sciences, The (Zur Logik der Kulturwissenschaften) (E. Cassirer), 606
Loos, Adolf, 212, 215, 497
Lorenz, Konrad, 696–697
Lorre, Peter, 586, 590, 702
Lost Honour of Katharina Blum (Die verlorene Ehre der katharina Blum) (Böll), 792
Lost Weekend, The (film), 591
Love Is Colder than Death (film), 807
Love-Life in Nature (Das Liebesleven in der Natur) (Bölsche), 427