The German Genius
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Love Parade, The (film), 589
Lovett, Martin, 752
Lowenthal, Leo, 572, 608
Löwenthal, Richard, 750
Löwith, Karl, 720, 768, 772–773
Loyalty Law (1952), 772
Lübbe, Hermann, 23, 784
Lubitsch, Ernst, 552, 587, 589
Luden, Heinrich, 266
Ludendorff, Erich, 560, 566
Ludwig I (Bavaria), 218
Ludwig I (Hesse), 273
Ludwig II (Bavaria), 329
Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy (Ludwig Feuerbach und der Ausgang der klassischen deutschen Philosophie) (Engels), 258
Lueger, Karl, 434, 501–502
Luisa Miller (Verdi), 128
Lukács, Georg, 37, 298, 449, 703, 762
Lulu (opera, Berg), 515, 585, 643
Lulu (Wedekind), 515, 585
Lunasharski, Anatoly, 823
Lüpertz, Markus, 812
Lust (Jelinek), 794
Luther, Martin, 26, 87
Luxemburg, Rosa, 565, 820
M (film), 590
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 264
Mach, Ernst, 495, 500, 576
Machinist Hopkins (Brandt), 587
Machlup, Fritz, 727
Macke, August, 552
Magee, Bryan, 327, 331, 334
Magic Flute, The (Die Zauberflöte) (Mozart), 158, 747
Magic Mountain, The (Der Zauberberg) (T. Mann), 562, 575
Magnus, Bernd, 823
Mahler, Gustav, 336, 459, 467, 469–470, 558, 591
Mahler-Werfel, Alma, 465, 701, 702
Maier, Charles, 11, 28
Major, Traugott, 215
Makela, Maria, 505
Malkin, Joseph, 702
Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (Drucker), 728
Man for Himself (Fromm), 719
Manifesto of the 93, 33–34, 532, 676–677, 840
reaction abroad, 537, 539
Mann, Erika, 648, 817
Mann, Heinrich, 510–514, 562–563, 701, 702, 735
Mann, Klaus, 648, 710, 737–738, 817
Mann, Thomas, 21, 510–514, 575–576, 618, 654, 741
on Decline of the West, 561
“Gedanke im Krieg,” 34
influenced by early Romantics, 200
on Kultur, 532, 535–536
on Lagarde, 435
meaning of German for, 37
on Munich, 503
on redemptive community, 836
refugee in the United States, 700, 702, 737–738
on Stifter, 296
on Wagner and Schopenhauer, 327
on World War I, 562
Mannheim, Karl, 37, 605, 608, 631, 703–704, 741, 745, 754, 914n7
Mannheim Gas Engine Company, 375
Man without Qualities, The (Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften) (Musil), 576–577, 855
Marat/Sade (Weiss), 803
Marc, Franz, 517, 552, 832
Marchand, Suzanne, 106, 107, 832
Marcks, Erich, 533
Marcuse, Herbert, 720, 722, 779
attempt to merge Freudianism and Marxism, 572–573
Frankfurt school and, 572
students of the 1960s and, 719
Maria Stuart (Schiller), 131, 132
Marr, Wilhelm, 522
Marrus, Michael R., 16
Marx, Eleanor, 249, 256
Marx, Karl, 246–247, 250–256
contemporary world of ideas and, 819–820
Hess and, 247
impact of Strauss’ Life of Jesus on, 245
influence of, 571, 713
opposition to, 704, 707–708
Marxism, 240
Darwinism and, 428
Freudianism and, 572–573
Habermas on, 776
Masaryk, Jan, 701
Masaryk, Tomáš, 492–493
Maser, Werner, 616
Maslich, Bruce, 247
masochism, coining of term, 496
Masson, André, 701
Mass Psychology of Fascism, The (Die Massenpsychologie des Faschismus) (Reich), 719
Mathematical Reviews (journal), 663–664
mathematics, 349–353, 484–487
Gauss and, 171–173, 852
intellectural overlap with physics, 600–601
matrix math, 597
under Nazis, 910n41
versus poetry, 76–77
at University of Göttingen, 51
Mathis der Maler (Hindemith), 644
Mattusek, Matthias, 1–2, 5
Mattusek, Thomas, 1, 3–4, 6
Maude, F. N., 188
Maupertuis, Pierre de, 61
Max Planck Institute, 775, 814
Max Weber and Karl Marx (Löwith), 772
Max Weber und die deutsche Politik (Mommsen), 762
Maxwell, James Clark, 347, 476
May, Joe, 716
Maybach, Wilhelm, 376, 377, 378
Mayer, Julius Robert von, 341–342, 344
May Laws, 425
Mayr, Ernst, 80, 84, 917n60
Mazlish, Bruce, 252, 253, 254
McDougall, William, 538, 615
McGrath, Alistair, 674
McLellan, David, 247, 257
McLuhan, Marshall, 619
Meaning in History (Löwith), 772
mechanists. See atheism
Meckel, Christoph, 796
Meckel, Johann Friedrich, 81
medicine, 383–397
antibiotics, 390
cancer, German scholarship on, 664–665
homeopathy, 174–177
physicians and Nazi party, 661
Medicine (Klimt), 498
Medizinische Reform, Die (weekly), 384
Meidner, Ludwig, 528, 699, 746
Meier, Christopher, 12
Meinecke, Friedrich, 263, 409, 532, 533, 534, 535, 731, 836
Meinecke, Thomas, 799
Meiner, Ludwig, 630
Meiners, Christoph, 430
Meinhof, Ulrike, 780
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 614, 632, 661
Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Die (Wagner), 329, 334
Meitner, Lise, 666
Memoirs of an Infantry Officer (Sassoon), 579
Mendel, Gregor, 37, 86, 286, 391–393, 819
Mendelssohn, Felix, 133, 239, 298, 307, 308–309
Mendelssohn, Moses, 74–75, 78, 102–103, 136, 137
Mengele, Josef, 697
Mengs, Anton Raphael, 207–208, 215
Mengs, Ismael, 207
Menschen am Sonntag (film), 588, 590
Menzel, Adolf von, 526
Merck, Johann, Heinrich, 77
Merkur (magazine), 782
Merry Vineyard, The (Der fröhliche Weinberg) (Zuckmayer), 592
Merz, John Theodore, 170
Messiah, The (Der Messias) (Klopstock), 102
Metamorphosis (Die Erwandlung) (Kafka), 577, 578
Metropolis (film), 590
Metropolis and Mental Life, The (Die Großstadt und das Geistesleben) (Simmel), 448–449
Metternich, Klemens von, 304
Meyer, Carl, 568
Meyer, Eduard, 533
Meyer, Karl, 374
Meyer, Rudolf, 296
Michaelis, Johann D., 71, 72–73, 200, 227
Michael Kohlhaas (Kleist), 293
Michelet, Jules, 92, 395
Micrographia (Hooke), 281
microscope, 283–284, 365–367, 386, 387, 390
Middendorf, Helmut, 812–813
middle class
Biedermeier culture and, 306
educated, 403, 837
cultural pessimism and, 840
versus the rest, 828–830
political exclusion, 403
use of Darwinism as ideological weapon, 426–428
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (film), 736
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 215, 510, 571, 758
aerial warfare, 545
/> chemical warfare, 544–545
deference to in Berlin, 521
influence of Napoleon on, 186, 417
institutionalising of, 543–544
military and naval personnel of the powers, 420
Pietist influence on, 48
Prussian, 417–418
religion and, 683
warship tonnage, 420
during World War I, 902n44
during World War II, 698
Military Society, 185
Miller, Martin, 746
Milliband, Ralph, 746
Mind (journal), 755
Minima Moralia (Adorno), 726
mining, 117, 167–168
Mirat, Crescence-Eugénie (Mathilde), 300–301
Mises, Ludwig von, 727
Mitscherlich, Alexander and Margarete, 24, 785, 789–790
Mitscherlich, Eilhardt, 234, 275
Mitterrand, François, 15, 17
Möbius, August Ferdinand, 174
Modern Capitalism (Der moderne Kapitalismus) (Sombart), 452, 453
antimodernism of Lagarde, 435
as Jewish modernism in Vienna, 501
reactionary modernism, 454
anti-modernity in German universities in the 1920s, 767
hatred of, 432–437
Philosophy of Money as first sociological analysis of, 448
skepticism about, 848
Weber, Max, on, 825–826
Modern Man in Search of a Soul (Jung), 612
Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur, 616–618, 771, 840, 859n45
Moholy-Nagy, László, 571, 701, 741
Moleschott, Jacob, 427
Moltke, Gebhardt von, 2
Moltke, Helmuth von, the elder, 188, 418, 519
Mommsen, Hans, 404, 445
Mommsen, Theodor, 231, 404–405, 408, 433
Mommsen, Wolfgang, 404, 762
Monge, Gaspard, 353
Monte Carlo (film), 589
Monthly Register, 314
Monumenti antichi inediti (Unpublished Relics of Antiquity) (Winckelmann), 97
Moore, Marianne, 296
morality, 68, 142, 442
Morell, Theo, 672
Morgenstern, Oskar, 727, 918n89
Morgue (Benn), 710
Mörike, Eduard, 305
Morocco (film), 593
Morris, Charles, 729
Morris, William, 571
Moser, Claus, 745, 746, 752
Moses, A. Dirk, 23–24, 36, 785, 843
Mosse, George L., 614, 615
Mötke, Eduard, 463
Moynahan, Bryan, 686
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 59, 155, 157–158
Mühlfeld, Richard, 462
Mühsam, Erich, 504
Müller, Heiner, 803
Müller, Jan-Werner, 779, 832, 842
Müller, Johannes, 234, 283, 383
Müller, Max, 318
Müller, Wilhelm, 305
Müller’s Archiv (journal), 284
Munch, Edvard, 527, 812
Münchhausen, Gerlach Adolf von, 50–51
Mundt, Theodor, 303
Munich, 503–518
art and artists
Art Academy, 515
Artists Association, 504–505
Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts, 770
House of German Art (Haus der deutschen Kunst), 632
Neue Künstlervereiningung München (New Artists’ Association) (NKVM), 516, 517
Royal Academy of Fine Arts, 504
German industrial exhibition of 1854, 504
Ludwigskirche, 219
Municipal Archaeological Institute, 632
Glyptothek, 219
Neue Pinakothek, 504
Olympic Games Complex, 814
reconstruction after World War II, 757
Schwabing, 504
Munich Putsch of 1923, 614
Munich Sezession, 503–504, 505, 509
Münter, Gabriele, 516, 517
Murders Are Among Us, The (film), 805
Murnau, F. W., 587
Murrow, Edward R., 664
Museum of Modern Art (New York), 733, 760
music, 58–59, 153–165, 459–473. See also opera
after World War II, 809–810
atonality, 471, 584
baroque, 43
composers inspired by Schiller, 133
conductor as dominant force, 160, 308
contemporary, 844
development of full orchestral scores, 155
German influence in the United States, 325
innovation in, 59
inwardness and, 831
Italian Renaissance and, 93–94
Jewish musicians, 641
Mannheim school of composers, 155
modern repertoire, 308
nineteenth century achievement, 30
performance of sacred texts in the vernacular, 59–60
poetry and, 831
public concerts, 58–59, 161
race and, 908n30
refugees in Britain, 751–752
refugees in the United States, 735–736
Schopenhauer on, 334
serial, 584
symphony music, 59
Brahms and, 459, 461–462
emergence of, 161
Mozart, 158
during Third Reich, 641–645, 642, 643
Tristan und Isolde as beginning of modern music, 335
waltz, 463–464
during Weimar Republic, 583–587
music festivals, 164, 329, 644
Musikalische Patriot, Der (periodical), 60
Musikvereins, 325
Musil, Robert, 576–577, 735, 823, 855
Mutter, Anne-Sophie, 809
Mylius, Christlob, 102
Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, The (Mystik des Apostels Paulus), 682
Myth of the State, The (E. Cassirer), 606–607
Myth of the Twentieth Century, The (Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts) (Rosenberg), 620
“Nachruf” (Obituary) (Schneider), 802
Nachtsheim, Hans, 696
Nägeli, Carl, 285–286
Naked amidst Wolves (Nackt unter Wölfen) (Apitz), 795
Napoleon, 185–186, 212, 227, 261–262
Napoleon III, 372–373
Nathan der Weise (Nathan the Wise) (Lessing), 104, 314
nation, concept of, 262
National Broadcasting Company (Germany), 638
nationalism, 403, 417–437
cultural, 290, 437
of Fichte, 196
of Moeller van den Bruck, 617
versus rationalism, 619
scholarly, 266
Wagner and, 330
National Peace League and the Society for Racial Hygiene, 428
National Socialism, 562. See also Third Reich
coherence of systems of thought, 634
community and, 836
cultural/intellectual bases, 619–621
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), 620
Nations and Nationalism (Gellner), 755
Natorp, Paul, 773
Nature (journal), 653, 667, 690
nature, meaning of, 72, 201
Naturphilosophie, 201, 228, 342, 426–428
navy, 420, 421
Nazarenes. See Düreristen
Nazism. See National Socialism; Third Reich
Negri, Pola, 589
Nehamas, Alexander, 823
Neighbours (Gross), 18
neoclassicism, 209, 210, 211, 215
Neo-Conservatives, 617
neohumanism, 108, 109, 228
Neologists, 70–71
Nernst, Walter, 665
Netherlands, refugees in, 506, 507, 699
Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) movement, 568, 583
Neues vom Tage (Daily News) (Hindemith), 587
Neue Zeitschrift für Muzik (journal), 461
nbsp; Neumann, Franz, 234, 236, 570, 572, 762, 768
Neumann, John von, 487, 739
Neumann, Sigmund, 570
Neumannm, Franz, 714
Neurath, Otto, 567, 602, 603
Neurotic Personality of Our Time, The (Horney), 613
Nevelson, Louise, 734, 735
New American Library, 735
New English Arts Club, 699
Newes, Tilly, 515
Newman, Ernest, 466
New Republic (magazine), 720
New School for Social Research (New York), 701, 720, 726, 736
newspapers, 829
after World War II, 758
in German in the United States, 325–326
New Sufferings of Young W., The (Die neuen Leiden des jungen W.) (Plenzdorf), 795
New Vienna Daily (newspaper), 472
New World, scientific discovery of, 177–181
New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, Die (newspaper), 326
Nicolai, Friedrich, 102
Niebuhr, Barthold, 231, 264
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 679
Niemöller, Martin, 686–687
Nierendorf, Karl, 735
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 296
anticipating Freud’s ideas, 394
contemporary world of ideas and, 819, 822–823
criticism of Cantor, 486
Fischer, Fritz, on, 536