The German Genius
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Committee on Displaced Foreign Psychologists, 662
Emergency Rescue Committee, 700
Reger, Max, 292, 459, 469
Reich, Wilhelm, 570, 613, 701, 718–719
Reich Board for Industrial Rationalization, 669
Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of German Nationhood, 670
Reichenbach, Hans, 631, 729
Reichmann, Frieda, 718–719
Reich-Ranicki, Marcel, 803
Reichsdramaturg, 646
Reichskommissar für Festigung deutschen Volkstums, 657
Reich Union for Folk-Nation and Homeland, 656
Reil, Johann Christian, 83, 86, 202–203, 228
Reill, Peter Hanns, 69, 72–73, 74
Reimarus, Hermann, 71, 103–104
Rein, Adolf, 650
Reinhardt, Max, 467, 514, 524–525, 533, 647, 700, 736
Reinhold, Karl Leonhard, 138, 147, 149
Reitz, Edgar, 807
relativity, theories of, 483–484, 487
religion. See also Catholic Church; Christianity; Protestantism
advent of doubt, 65, 837
call for a new, 435
capitalism and, 457
Feuerbach on, 246
Mannhein on, 704
Nazis and, 621, 683
Remak, Robert, 287
“Remarks on the Forces of Inanimate Nature” (“Bemerkungen über die Kräfte der unbelebten Natur”) (Mayer), 342
Remarque, Erich Maria, 579–581, 587, 738
Rembrandt as Teacher (Rembrandt als Erzieher) (Langbehn), 432–433
Remy, Steven, 649, 650, 654
Renan, Ernst, 431
Renner, Karl, 14
concept of, 53, 146, 227
institutionalization of, 834–836, 838, 851
under Third Reich
funding, 689
unethical, 696
Resewitz, Friedrich Gabriel, 75
architecture and, 815
comedy films, 808
Unification Day (October 3, 1990), 780
Reunion, The (Barlach), 633
Reuter, Ernst, 663
Revolt of the Weavers, The (Kollwitz), 527
Revue des deux mondes, 538
Rhapsodien über die Anwendung der psychischen Curmethode auf Geisteszerrüttungen (Reil), 202
Rheinische Zeitung (newspaper), 249
Richard, Jules, 601
Richard, Robert J., 199–200
Richter, Gerhard, 811
Richter, Hans, 564, 588, 735
Richter, Jean Paul, 138
Rie, Lucie, 745
Riefenstahl, Leni, 638–639
Rieff, Philip, 821
Riehl, Alois, 533
Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich, 444–445, 452, 655
Riemann, Bernhard, 174, 350–352, 353
Riemerschmid, Richard, 508, 509, 510
Rienzi (Wagner), 328
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 511, 547, 574–575, 604
Ring der Norda, 434
Ring des Nibelungen, Der (Wagner), 327, 329, 330
Ringer, Fritz, 765–768, 833, 834
Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny, The (Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny) (Brecht and Weill), 587
Rise of Political Anti-Semitism in Germany, The (Pulzer), 21
Ritter, Alexander, 466
Ritter, George, 762
Ritter, Gerhard, 761
Ritter, Karl, 634, 639–641
Ritterbusch, Paul, 690
Rivers, Larry, 734
Road Back, The (Remarque), 581
Road into the Open, The (Der Weg ins Freie) (Schnitzler), 491
Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek), 706
Robbers, The (Die Räuber) (Schiller), 127–128, 315
Robinson, Ritchie, 301
Rochlitz, Friedrich, 164
rocket science, 693–694
Rogall, Georg Friedrich, 48
Rogoff, Irit, 813
Rolland, Romain, 563, 576
Romanticism, 77, 192, 194, 199, 298, 393
inwardness and, 831
Kant’s theory of genius and, 145
racial theory and, 430
term coined by de Staël, 311, 313
Romantic School, The (Die Romantischer Schule) (Heine), 299
Röntgen, Wilhelm, 479–480, 854
Röpke, Wilhelm, 762
Rorty, Richard, 823
Rose, Hajo, 699
Rose, Max, 375
Rosenberg, Alfred, 435, 436, 562, 620, 630, 656
Rosenberg, Hans, 49, 731
Rosenberg, Isaac, 551
Rosenkavalier, Der (R. Strauss and Hofmannsthal), 465–466, 468
Rosenstock, Sami (Tristan Tzara), 564
Rosenzweig, Franz, 682
Ross, Alex, 471
Ross, Ludwig, 410
Rossellini, Roberto, 805
Rostal, Max, 752
Rottenblatt, Joseph, 745
Round Table, The (Menzel), 526
Rousso, Henry, 16
Rubens, Heinrich, 481
Rubinstein, Artur, 702
Rudolph, Hermann, 11–12
Rudolphi, Karl Asmund, 228, 283
Ruge, Arnold, 245, 249
Rumbledump, The (Schüdderump, Der) (Raabe), 440
Rumohr, Friedrich von, 218
Rumpff, Carl, 362
Runaway Horse (Ein fliehendes Pferd) (Walser), 793
Russell, Bertrand, 148, 350, 494, 552, 559
Rust, Bernhard, 653, 662, 691
Ryle, Gilbert, 755
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 496
Sachs, Hans, 43, 717
Salome (R. Strauss), 465, 467
Salzburg, 59, 809
Sane Society, The (Fromm), 719
Santayana, George, 99, 539, 542–543
Sartor Resartus (Carlyle), 315
Sassoon, Siegfried, 579
Sauer, Christopher, 325
Savigny, Friedrich Carl von, 212, 228, 265, 405
Scaff, Lawrence, 825
Sceptical Generation, The (Die skeptische Generation) (Schelsky), 789
Schadow, Friedrich, 215, 218
Schadow, Johann Gottfried, 211, 215, 217
Schadow, Rudolf, 217
Schadow, Wilhelm, 217
Schaffer, Yvonne, 647
Scharnhorst, Gerhard von, 185, 187
Scharoun, Hans, 814
Schaudinn, Fritz, 390
Scheffel, Josef Victor von, 305
Scheler, Max, 532, 533, 604–605, 855
Schelling, Friedrich, 85
on art, 162
biology and, 201, 202
on Blumenbach, 81
on common mythology, 191
on Fichte, 149
friendship with Hölderlin, 291
Idealism of, 138
influences on, 148, 191
on music, 831
Naturphilosophie and, 228
on role of professors, 226, 228
speculative philosophy of, 240–241
spiritual self-development, 196–197
at Tübingen, 241
on the unconscious, 197on Wissenschaft, 229
“Schelling und die Offenbarung” (Engels), 256–257
Schelsky, Helmut, 761, 789
Schemann, Ludwig, 434, 435
Scherchen, Hermann, 641
Scherpe, Klaus, 784
Schick, Gottlieb, 215
Schidlof, Hans, 745, 752
Schiele, Egon, 567
Schillebeeckx, Edward, 787
Schiller, (Johann Christoph) Friedrich, 108, 112, 127–133, 138, 160, 177, 191
Schilling, Klaus, 697
Schillings, Max von, 641, 644–645
Schindewolf, Otto Heinrich, 85
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 212–215, 221, 414, 852–853
Schivelbusch, Wolfgang, 566, 757, 841
“Schlachtfeld” (Battlefield) (Stramm), 549–550
Schlegel, August Wilhelm, 138
sp; de Staël on, 312
early Romantic, 200
influenced by Winckelmann, 99
on music, 162
Orientalism and, 190–193
Schlegel, Caroline (Böhmer), 138, 200
Schlegel, Dorothea (Veit), 138
Schlegel, Friedrich, 138, 217
Aryan myth and, 430
influenced by Winckelmann, 99
on marriage of biology and poetry, 202
Orientalism and, 191
Romanticism and, 197, 200
on Wilhelm Meister, 119, 197–198
Schleicher, Rüdiger, 680
Schleiden, Matthias Jakob, 283–284, 366, 853
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 138
biography by Dilthey, 441
as early Romantic, 200
influence on Engels, 256
neohumanism and, 228
Orientalism and, 191
on role of professors, 226, 228
on source of all religion, 193
on universities, 229
at University of Berlin, 227, 228
Schlemmer, Oskar, 629, 700
“Schlesischen Weber, Die” (Heine), 300
Schleter, Andreas, 213
Schlick, Moritz, 559, 601, 602, 707, 729
Schliemann, Heinrich, 385, 410, 411–414
Schlingensief, Christoph, 808
Schlink, Bernhard, 28
Schlöndorff, Volker, 807
Schlosser, Raine, 646
Schlözer, August Ludwig con, 73
Schmidt, Helmut, 733, 808–809
Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl, 700
Schmitt, Carl, 454, 668–669, 723
Schmitthenner, Paul, 652, 653, 672, 689
Schmoller, Gustav, 533
Schnack, Anton, 548, 550–552
Schneider, Peter, 793, 796, 802
Schnitger, Arp, 154
Schnitzler, Arthur, 489, 490–491, 859n49
Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius, 218, 219–220
Schocken Books, 735
Schoenberg, Arnold, 336, 459, 470–473, 584–585, 587, 641, 702
originality and, 232–233
origins of modern, 105–110
Scholem, Gershom, 607, 608, 609, 718–719
Schonberg, Harold, 37, 43, 156, 461–462, 463
Schonbühne, Die (magazine), 581
Schönerer, George, 501
Schönhoven, Klaus, 780
Schönlein, Johann L., 383
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 191, 327, 330–333, 336, 338–339, 394, 430
Schott, Otto, 366
Schott Glass Manufacturing Company, 390
Schrader, Gerhard, 695
Schramm, Percy Ernst, 35, 607–608
Schröder, Gerhard, 784
Schröder, Richard, 781
Schrödinger, Erwin, 30, 598, 600, 659, 708–709
Schtonk! (film), 808
Schubart, Christian, 55
Schubert, Franz, 133, 159–160, 239, 298, 305, 306, 464
Schubert’s Vienna (Erickson), 304–305
Schuckmann, Kaspar Friedrich von, 228
Schüfften, Eugen, 590
Schulze, Alfred Otto Wolfgang (Wols), 810–811
Schulze, G. E. L., 148
Schulze, Hagen, 289
Schulze, Ingo, 799
Schulze, Johannes, 237
Schumacher, Ernst (Fritz), 510, 750
Schumacher, Hermann, 534
Schumann, Gerhard, 634–636
Schumann, Robert, 133, 298, 306–307, 461
Schumann-Heink, Ernestine, 468
Schumpeter, Joseph, 704–705
Schütz, Heinrich, 153
Schwab, Raymond, 181, 189
Schwanitz, Dietrich, 815
Schwann, Theodor, 283, 284–285, 853
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 723–724
Schweigsame Frau, Die (opera, Strauss and Zweig), 641
Schweitzer, Albert, 681–682
Schwitters, Kurt, 564, 565, 630, 699, 744, 745, 746
Schygulla, Hanna, 807
science. See also scientists; Wissenschaft
cultural versus natural, 77
division in pure and applied, 234
educated middle class and, 830
French view during World War I, 538
Goethe’s contributions to, 203–205
humanities versus, 838
Mach on, 500
military and, 544
Nazi concept of, 657–665
nineteenth century achievement, 30
popularizers, 426–428, 457
Romantic interest in, 201–203
Wilhelm I and, 529
during World War II, 689–698
Science (journal), 663
scientific method, 205, 707
scientific societies, 829
Nobel Prizes since 1945, 814 (See also entries starting with Nobel Prize)
during Third Reich, 658, 738–739
Sebald, W. G., 28, 296, 797–798
Sebaldt von Werth, Max, 434
Seduction of Culture in German History, The (Lepenies), 31
Seghers, Anna, 795
Self-Accusation (Selbstbezichtigung) (Handke), 804
self-consciousness, 58
Fichte on, 149
language and, 125
self-realization, notion of, 741–742
Sell, Ernest, 358
Selle, Götz von, 51
seminars, 52–53, 233–236
Semler, Johann Salomo, 71
Semmelweiss, Ignaz, 386
Sendschreiben (Open Letters) (Winckelmann), 97
Sennett, Richard, 754
Sense of Order, The (Gombrich), 747
Serkin, Rudolf, 584
Seven Deadly Sins, The (Dix), 630
Seven Year Itch, The (film), 591
Sewering, Jans-Joachim, 926n58
sex, 395, 427, 495, 496
Sex and Character (Geschlecht und Charakter) (Weininger), 495
Sezession. See Berlin Sezession; Munich Sezession
Shadows in Paradise (Remarque), 581
Sidgwick, Henry, 120, 124, 538, 790
Sieff, Israel, 747–748
Siefried (opera, Wagner), 329, 334
Siemens, Werner von, 355, 362
Siemens & Halske Telegraph Construction Company, 356
Signs of Life (film), 807
Silberman, Andreas, 154
Silberman, Gottfried, 154
Simmel, Georg, 37, 445–449, 452, 855
Breuer, Stefan, on, 454
influence of, 455, 682
in the United States, 713
review of Rembrandt as Teacher, 433
Scheler student of, 605
student of Treitschke, 409
Troeltsch and, 675
Simplicissimus (weekly), 511, 514
Sin (Stuck), 508
Siodmak, Robert, 587, 588, 590
Sisenstein, Sergei, 638
Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning (Winter), 732
Smiling Lieutenant, The (film), 589
Smith, Hugh, 185
Snowman, Daniel, 743, 744, 746–747
Social Darwinism, 427, 428, 614
Socialist Decision, The (Die sozialistische Entscheidung) (Tillich), 679
Social Research (journal), 726
Social Teaching of the Christian Churches, The (Die Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen und Gruppen) (Troeltsch), 674–675
Society and Democracy in Germany (Gesellschaft und Demokratie in Deutschland) (Dahrendorf), 762–765
Society for Jewish Folklore, 655
Society for Racial Hygiene, 434
Society for the Abolition of Slavery, 326
Society for the Study of Early German History (Berlin), 266
Society of Arts (Britain), 320
Society of German Naturalists and Doctors, 283
Sociologie (Soziologie) (Simmel), 448–449
sociology, 163–165, 439–458, 726, 741
Söderbaum, Kr
istina, 639
Soldaten, Die (opera, Zimmermann), 810
“Soldier’s Prayer” (Schumann), 636
Solms, Bernhard, 646
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 792
Sombart, Werner, 452–454, 532, 653, 836, 839
Some Like It Hot (film), 591
Sommerfeld, Arnold, 665
Sonderweg, 25–27, 32, 828
Songs of the Reich (Die Lieder vom Reich) (G. Schumann), 635
Sonnefels, Joseph von, 55
Sonnemann, Emmy, 648
Sons and Daughters of the Jewish Deportees of France, 16
Sontheimer, Kurt, 761
Soros, George, 755
Sorrows of Young Werther, The (Die Leiden des jungen Werthers) (Goethe), 115–116
Sound of Music, The (film), 14
Speer, Albert, 658, 692, 757, 913n14
Speier, Hans, 726
Spemann, Adolf, 634
Spencer, Charles, 745
Spencer, Herbert, 431
Spener, Philipp Jacob, 47
Spengler, Oswald, 449, 452, 454, 560–562, 618, 620
nationalist cultural pessimism and, 839, 840
on the United States, 771
on World War I, 534–535
Sperr, Martin, 803
Spiegel, Der (weekly), 1–2
Spielhagen, Friedrich von, 439
Spinoza, Baruch, 442
Spiro, Eugen, 699
Sport im Bild (periodical), 580
Spranger, Eduard, 535
Spring Awakening (Frühlingsverwachen) (Wedekind), 514
SS-Staat, Der (Kogon), 779
Stadler, Anton, 157
Staël, Germaine de, 311–313
Stapel, William, 655
Stargardt, Nicholas, 418
Stark, Johannes, 599
state, 54–55, 150, 269
State Pietism, 48, 49
Static Poems (Statische Gedichte) (Benn), 799–800
Staudinger, Hans, 726