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Lucky This Isn't Real: MacBride Brothers Series St. Patrick's Day Fake Fiance Romance

Page 27

by Jamie Knight

  Getting the fancy platter down from an upper cupboard, I covered it with smaller samples of all the nice food I could find in my fridge. I figured he’d be hungry after hours in the clink but also wanted to make it sexy.

  “What can I do to help,” he asked, getting off the bed.

  “Oh, no, you lie right back down,” I ordered.

  He did as I ordered, getting right back down again as I set the platter onto the single nightstand I’d managed to fit behind the room divider. Snuggled up next to him, cuddly and warm, I fed him from the platter—various types of cheeses, strawberries, and grapes—kissing him after every morsel. Sean sucked my fingers clean. I’d never thought of eating as particularly sexy, but it certainly was.

  “Good?” I asked when he seemed to have eaten his fill.

  “Great,” he said, “though I’m still a bit hungry.”

  “I can go see what else I can—oh!”

  His fingers glided over my sensitive pussy lips, letting me know exactly what sort of sustenance he was looking for. Not about to take without giving, I took the lead by straddling his face in an approximation of the 69 position. He pulled me down toward his hungry tongue and devoured my cunt. I gulped enthusiastically on his massive cock, the difference in our height never clearer. I always felt so small next to him, though also safe. I would never tell him, at least straight out, not least because it was so very strange, but I’d started to think of Sean as my gentle giant.

  The oral sex was amazing, with both of us coming in sweet unison, but there was another desire fluttering in my belly. An endless, ravenous need that would give me no peace until it was satisfied. I didn’t say anything, but the two days apart had been hard on me too. I’d gotten used to our daily sex sessions—had become almost dependent on them. If it came too late or didn’t last long enough, I felt bereft. I needed him, his touch, his humor, his love, his everything. Though at that moment, after a two-day dry spell that started to feel more like withdrawal, what I needed more than anything was his cock, buried deep in my pussy.

  I let out a moan, loud and proud, as I slid down his beautiful shaft, his cock filling me up with its gentle warmth, bringing our bodies together in a way that made me feel whole. I’d reacted badly when he’d mentioned how much he loved the sex, thinking he thought it was all our relationship was based on. I was so very wrong, and as he came in me, our souls seeming to bind as according to a universal plan. I finally understood what he’d meant.

  Chapter Twenty-Two - Sean

  Having Darcy in my arms again was like heaven. I didn’t want to let her go. Not ever.

  Earlier, after I’d been arrested, I’d managed to get my one phone call through to Gavin, who’d explained the situation to me and said deportation was the least of my worries. If I were given a choice between being sent back to Ireland and never returning to the states because of a criminal record or serving time in California with the possibility of visitation, I would definitely take the latter. If I’d been sentenced, the place of my imprisonment would be out of my hands, and while I wouldn’t see Darcy often, it would be better than not seeing her at all. It was certainly worth putting up with a stint in prison for that.

  “I’m so glad you’re home,” Darcy said, squeezing me tight, my cock still deep in her pussy. She climbed down off of me, and we cuddled.

  “It wasn’t that bad,” I said.

  “You were in prison, babe.”

  “I was in a police holding cell with a car thief and a guy on remand for violating SEC regulations. Not exactly hardened criminals. Career criminals, sure, but not dangerous, from what I could tell. Mind you, I have a pretty screwed perspective.”

  “What did you do?”

  “Mostly played gin rummy. Cleaned them out too. To be fair, I did cheat a bit.”

  “How did you cheat a bit?”

  “I wasn’t card counting or bottom dealing or anything like that. I just made out I wasn’t quite as good as I am. My talent miraculously appearing when the bets got really high.”

  “They could have hurt you.”

  “Don’t think so. Like I said, they were in for non-violent crimes. Not the types to look for conflict. The SEC guy turned a bit green when he saw the dried blood on my ring. I shouldn’t have had it, really, evidence and all that, but I hid it before I was put in lock-up. They’d frisked me for weapons, but that was it. Managed to get the blood off before they let me out. The poor SEC fella likely figured I was some kind of thug, which I am, I guess but only selectively. I wasn’t at great risk of getting shivved. If either of them had tried it, they would have been sorry. I mean, you saw what I did to your boss.”

  “Which still deeply impresses me. Particularly how willingly you went to jail. I didn’t understand at the time, but it really was the right thing. It sucked, the not knowing, but here we are, back together.”

  “Aye, but we should probably be clear on one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Had he hurt you, I mean more than he did. If he had done more than just paw at you and had succeeded in getting into your pants, well, let’s just say he would have much bigger problems.”

  “Such as?”

  “Such as how to force open his lifeless eyes and dig his way out of the shallow grave Gav and I would have put him in.”

  “But he didn’t. You saved me. You’re my hero.” She smothered my cheeks in sweet little kisses.

  “Still though, I’d like to make sure you’re okay, with a close personal inspection.”

  She grinned. “Another one?”

  “Aye. Another one.

  Darcy lay perfectly still as I began my inspection, intent on checking over every inch of her. She was already naked, so it would be easy and very pleasurable. Starting with her head, I checked her cheeks and eyes, and ears. There was a scratch on her cheek, which I saw before and would heal itself. Turning her onto her side, I checked the back of her neck, mostly for finger marks, finding none, which saved me the trouble of killing the bastard. Her back looked fine, as supple as ever, though there was a small blue bruise on her ass.

  “What’s this.”

  “Um, my ass?”

  “No, I mean this,” I said, pressing lightly on the bruise.

  “Oh, he backed me into the desk before trying to get my clothes off. I must have bumped it.”

  “Looks like it could use a kiss.”

  “Yes, please kiss it better.”

  Tenderly squeezing her supple cheeks, I kissed along the bruise, which, now that she mentioned it, did have the basic shape of the edge of a desk.



  Her bruise tended to, I continued down her legs to her ankles and then her feet, kissing along the sensitive soles as I progressed. The area covered, I rolled her onto her back again and started the front inspection, beginning at her neck. I hadn’t noticed before, but there was the slight impression of fingernail marks on her shoulder.

  “It’s okay,” she said, stroking my face, “it didn’t hurt. I pushed him away.”

  Shoving it out of my mind, I moved down to her tits, which looked to be in pristine shape. I still gave them a few kisses anyway. Mostly around her nipples, sucking them on occasion.

  Darcy shifted and hummed in response, urging me to stay there a bit longer. When she had nearly climaxed from nipple stimulation, I moved southward to her belly. It looked okay, but I gave it some licks, particularly around her naval, just to be sure. She squealed with delight. The tummy was a little appreciated erotic zone most guys didn’t even think to try.

  There were marks on her hips that I didn’t like the look of but kissed them better, preferring not to know in case it sent me into a murderous rage.

  Aside from minor rug burns on her knee, her left leg was in pristine shape. As was her right, except for a similar injury. I tended both her hurts with my loving mouth before heading northward.

  “Now this,” I said, carefully spreading her pussy lips.

does it look?”

  “Delicious, but still better to be safe than sorry.”

  “More kisses?” she asked, sounding hopeful.

  “To begin with, though, I think some more extreme measures might be required, just to be sure.”

  “Do whatever you think is best.”

  I started in with kisses, light and gentle, causing Darcy to shift and moan deliciously on the bed, her pleasure clear in every possible way. It was always good to be sure in such situations. At least as sure as it was possible to be short of telepathy. Though, if I were honest, most of all with myself. It almost felt like we were on that level. Not that I could see or read her thoughts. I didn’t hear her voice in my head, but I could feel her emotions though. Not just see them through the usual means but actually feel them tangibly as a force unto themselves.

  My tongue glided lightly across her tender folds. My instinct was to treat her gently. She had been through a traumatic experience, and I wanted her to know, with absolute confidence, that I wouldn’t hurt her. Her responses let me know she was happy with the situation.

  Gradually, I increased in speed as well as pressure. I’d done it before when we were in the 69 but was even more aware after looking her over. It had been meant mostly as a game. I hadn’t actually expected to find anything. The vision of the marks on her tender skin brought things into sharper focus.

  Her back arched, lifting her hips from the bed, her pussy pressed even harder against my tongue as she came. I was happy and honored to be able to give her such pleasure. Such sweet relief. Darcy relaxed back into the bed, her joyful vibrations still detectable through my hand.

  I kissed my way up along her belly and between her breasts, and I planted a big kiss on her lips, affection which she returned in spades. As we made out, I shifted until I was on top of her. Darcy tensed and flinched away.

  “Sorry, was I too rough?”

  “No, it’s okay, I’m okay. It was just a bit sudden, is all.”

  “We don’t have to.”

  “No, please, I want to. Fuck do I want to. Just go slow and keep talking to me, okay?”

  “No problem, darlin’.”

  Taking all due care, I mounted Darcy again, slower that time, and stroked the head of my cock against her pussy.

  “Like that?”

  “Yes!” she cried.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, okay.”

  “Yes, please, baby, fuck me.”

  I slipped the head into her warm, tender pussy without incident. She was still wet from the oral attention, and there was no problem getting most of the shaft in as well. I was tempted to try and go all the way but thought better of it. I didn’t want to risk shocking her by doing too much too fast.

  “That’s it, sweetheart,” I said as I started to move in her, “nice and slow.”

  It didn’t stay that way the whole time, just at the beginning until she got used to it. I did keep talking to her, though, making sure she knew I loved her in every way I knew how, as I fucked her until she screamed.

  I tried to pull out but, she pulled me back in, enveloping me in a thigh embrace, blessing me with many kisses as she fell into a powerful orgasm. Several from what I could tell.

  When she came back down to earth, she said, “Lie on your back, Sean.”

  I knew better than to argue with her, especially when she was amorous. Pulling out as carefully as I could, I got onto my back. Darcy was right in there as soon as my back hit the mattress, licking me clean with long, leisurely strokes.

  Making sure I was good and ready, a fully upright position returned to my cock in no time. Once more, Darcy ran her tongue down the length of my shaft and dropped her whole hot mouth over the head. Hanging out there for a while, she sucked me hard until I moaned and bucked. Then, inch by inch, she caressed her sweet lips down the full length of my cock, nearly reaching my balls before backing off again. She repeated the sweet torture again and again.

  The thick, warm cum came up in a beautiful burst so big she struggled to get it all down, ending up triumphantly in the end.

  Still holding my cock firmly in her loving hand, Darcy lay her other hand on my chest, and we cuddled up together in the sweet afterglow. I had no idea what would happen with us, but I knew we were together more than ever. We were connected on a new level, and wherever I was, I wanted Darcy to be there with me. I toyed with the idea of asking her again to come to Ireland, making it absolutely clear that I was serious. That it wasn’t a drunken gambit or a ploy for more sex, at least not exclusively. It was because I genuinely loved her and couldn’t imagine us being apart. We’d been apart for two days, and it almost drove us insane. Despite the strength of my argument, I decided not to broach the subject. Partly from a fear of what the answer might be, as well as a reluctance to possibly destroy the peaceful moment, which was allowed to reign.

  Chapter Twenty-Three - Darcy

  I felt like I was dressing for a funeral, black a major theme, my hands shaking as I buttoned up a fresh blouse, the torn one long ago thrown away.

  “What are you doing?” Sean asked, emerging from behind the room divider.

  “Getting ready for work.”

  “But, you can’t.”

  “I can, and am, just look. Here are my work pants, here is my blouse. I just need to put on the jacket, and I will be dressed for work.”

  “I mean, you can’t possibly go to work.”

  “Why? Is there something wrong with the car I don’t know about?”

  “Honey,” he said, gently coming to me.

  I clenched my fists. “I have to do this.”

  “Why? You’re probably fired. Although I’m not sure.”

  “Probably isn’t the same as definitely. Me not even turning up is exactly what he wants, which makes it easier for him and others to sweep what happened under the rug and pretend that it never happened, but it did happen. I wish more than anyone that it hadn’t, but it did, and it was only because of you that it wasn’t a lot worse. He can’t get away with that, not again.”


  “From what I hear, he’s a serial abuser. I’m not sure how far it got with the others, but he has a reputation among the women at work. Nicole tried to warn me, I did what I could to protect myself. I know, I just shouldn’t have gone to work with him, but it was a choice between that or having no job and having to go crawling back to my dad.”

  “Frying pan or fire,” he said, giving me a squeeze.

  “Exactly, I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you about it then. All I can do is try and get past it. The first step is not letting him win.” I rolled my shoulders back, determined not to run and hide.

  “Just be careful? And promise you’ll call if you need me.”


  “Love you,” he said.

  “Love you more.”

  With a quick kiss, I was gone, my stomach in knots but confident in my decision. I didn’t tell Sean so as not to implicate him if things went south, but I had the camera in my bag. Since the audio was such an issue with the last recording, I’d also figured out the recording function on my phone to add much-needed context, making sure I’d get a nice, clear shot of Chau’s weaselly face where he to try something again.

  I never had a designated parking spot, though I usually managed to find a space in the same general area of the office. As I searched the endless lines of cars, I started to get paranoid. The more I thought about it, though, the more it made sense. He was so rich they could all be his cars, parked by underlings in a bid to keep me from going in. Probably hoping I’d give up. He clearly didn’t know me at all.

  “Cutting it close,” said the friendly guard.

  “Trouble parking.”

  “Sorry to hear about the demotion.”


  “Yeah, it must sting, hey? To be promoted to assistant to a founding partner only to get kicked back down to the junior floor. Someone must really have a grudge.”

  “Yeah, they must,” I
said, pressing so hard I nearly ripped the page as I signed in.

  It was good in a way. If I chose to keep working there, at least I would be far away from Emil. I’d never seen anything in the junior partners that put me on edge like Emil. They could be smarmy snobs, but that was vastly preferable in comparison. Then again, I might just quit.

  I’d thought a lot about Sean’s earlier proposal to get married for real and move to Ireland with him, although he hadn’t mentioned that again. At first, I’d written it off as drunken dreaming, but, in light of recent events, particularly him ripping up dad’s check, which I confirmed with mom, it seemed like much more of a possibility.

  My rage replaced by hope and love, I took the elevator to the junior floor, hoping to return to some semblance of normalcy. I still planned to confront Emil, but that could wait until I checked if I still had a job.

  “You’re back.” Dana at the main desk beamed.

  “Not a minute too soon either.” I meant every word of it. No one would likely believe that I never wanted the forced promotion initially, but it was true. For now, I was more than happy working for Nicole. I’d already had more, much more, and left it behind. It came at too high a price.

  “Too bad about Nicole,” she said.

  “What happened to Nicole? Was she fired?” Guilt ate me up inside. I hadn’t checked in with her since yesterday.

  “Oh, worse than that, she’s been blacklisted. No firm in the city will touch her with a ten-foot pole. Chau has made sure of it. Apparently, he has a lot of people who owe him favors.”

  “Dana, do me a favor?”

  “Of course.”

  “When you have a minute, could you type up a letter of resignation for me?”

  Shock widened her eyes. “What? Why?”

  “Because I want to quit before I’m fired.” I stomped back to the elevator.

  My hands shook as I set up the camera and phone, adrenaline making my heart thunder. I knew Nicole didn’t much mind getting fired, but the fucker had gone too far.

  “Where is the bastard?” I said when I stepped out of the elevator.


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