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Page 8

by Julie Cannon

  “Does that apply to beautiful women ranchers?” Rachel licked her lips. She continued brushing Bonanza, accentuating each movement. Shivley had not moved, and Rachel wasn’t sure she was even breathing. She slowly crossed the six feet that separated them and stopped just inches from Shivley’s chest. She could see flecks of light reflecting in Shivley’s dark eyes, which had not stopped staring at her lips.

  Rachel stepped closer. “Do I frighten you?”

  “Only when you look at me like you are right now.” And the way you did this morning, this afternoon, and yesterday, and the day before that. Shivley racked her brain to remember the last time Dale had looked at her like that. Guilt trickled down her throat when she couldn’t remember the last time she looked at Dale like that either.

  Rachel cocked her head. “And how am I looking at you?”

  Shivley swallowed the lump that had suddenly lodged in her throat. Her heart was pounding so loudly she could barely hear her own voice. She was treading on treacherous ground and her footing was shaky. “Like you want to kiss me.”

  “No, I don’t want to kiss you.” Rachel paused. “I want you to kiss me.”

  With one statement, Rachel turned Shivley’s stomach upside down. Shivley wanted to kiss Rachel again but didn’t think she was capable of taking the initiative. Her hands shook and she was afraid her legs would give out at any moment. It was hypocritical to want to be kissed but not be the kisser, but she didn’t care. It took the responsibility out of her hands.

  Rachel watched as it was apparent Shivley was struggling with what to do. She didn’t think it had been a difficult request, especially after the kiss they shared that morning, but Shivley seemed to be hesitant.

  “Rachel,” Shivley began.

  Rachel had had enough. She was tired, sore, and frustrated. “Shivley, what’s really going on here?” With that comment, Shivley finally looked into her eyes. “No, don’t look at me like you don’t know what I’m talking about. You kissed me this morning. Quite passionately, I might add, and up until two seconds ago, you looked like you wanted to do it again. What’s the deal? We’re both consenting adults. I’m not attached and I don’t think you are either, so why not have a little fun? And don’t tell me it’s because I’m a guest, because that’s a smokescreen and you know it.” Shivley didn’t reply. Rachel wasn’t used to women hesitating or turning her down, but she was not going to give up on Shivley. She knew she would be worth the wait. “Okay, I won’t push it. At least not tonight.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Shivley was both relieved and disappointed as she watched Rachel go back inside the house. She was a coward. “Jesus, Shivley, a hot woman asks you to kiss her, and you stand here quivering like a terrified virgin. Somebody slap me before I stupid myself to death.”

  Shivley’s arms felt like lead as she checked the other horses before turning out the lights. She retraced her steps, locked the front door of the house, and trudged up the stairs. Several of the rooms she passed were dark, but light was snaking out from beneath two others. She hesitated at Rachel’s door, listening for any sound that she was still awake. Shivley had no idea what she would do if she was, but she listened anyway. Not hearing anything to give her encouragement or scare the hell out of her, she stepped across the hall to her own room.

  Rachel lay naked in bed in her darkened room waiting for sleep to revive her tired body. She spent far too much time behind a desk or on the campaign trail, and her body was echoing that sentiment in stereo. She ached from one end to the other, and definitely the places in between. She would never admit it to anyone, but she was grateful to get off her horse and sit in a soft, cushioned chair. The interesting thing was that she didn’t feel any discomfort until the hours in the saddle were over. The joy of riding a horse again brought back memories she had long forgotten.

  Rachel lay quietly on the bed when she heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps walking down the hall. She knew by process of elimination that it could be no other than Christina, and Rachel knew exactly where she was headed. The footsteps stopped and the sound of soft knocking quickly followed. Several seconds passed before she heard any noise indicating the occupant behind the closed door had heard the sound. The noise of the latch unlocking echoed in the hallway.

  Rachel imagined Shivley opening the door to admit her caller, a warm, soft robe covering her clean, naked body. She listened but was unable to make out what the murmuring voices were saying, and it wasn’t long before she heard the door close firmly. She waited for the sound of receding footsteps, and an unfamiliar pang of jealousy shot through her when she heard none. Unnerved by her wayward thoughts and the unusual feelings she was experiencing while on the ranch, Rachel didn’t consider that she had not seen Shivley give any indication that she was interested in Christina. But then again, she had not been with Shivley every minute, and the young woman was hot, and if nothing else, persistent.

  Rachel quickly shook the erotic thoughts from her head, and against her own will, listened for any sounds emanating from the room across the hall. Forty minutes later the only sound she heard was the natural creaking of the old house. Her body finally won the battle for sleep and she closed her eyes.

  A collage of images danced through Rachel’s dreams, all of them involving Shivley. In one scene Midnight was running at top speed, Shivley confidently in the saddle. In another it was the instant Shivley recognized her when she stepped off the plane. But most vivid was the image of Shivley in a blue pin-striped suit complete with silk stockings, her legs spread, lying on top of a desk.

  The dream began with Rachel sitting across the desk from Shivley, an envelope bulging with papers on her lap. No words were spoken between them, but it was clear that Rachel had come to Shivley for her annual income tax preparation. Shivley stood and slowly walked around to the front of her desk. She lifted one leg and sat on the edge, settling mere inches from her. Rachel’s gaze fell to the expanse of leg exposed by the provocative pose, and she ached with the need to touch the firm muscles encased in silk. When Shivley shifted, Rachel caught a glimpse of dark triangle through her sheer panties, and her throat closed.

  Rachel watched the dream unfold as if she were an observer and not a participant. Shivley knew exactly what she was doing and moved again, opening her legs farther. Rachel’s mouth fell open at the tantalizing view of Shivley’s crotch, damp with arousal.

  Rachel didn’t remember exactly what happened, but the next thing she knew she was leaning over Shivley, one hand inside her blouse and the other up her skirt. The desk accessories were scattered on the floor and the telephone was ringing. Shivley’s hands were in her hair pulling their kiss deeper and smothering the moans coming from deep within her. Her hand caressed the inside of Shivley’s thighs, then traveled higher, the silk stockings providing an invitingly smooth path.

  Shivley gasped and arched her back when she touched her. The thin fabric of Shivley’s panties were soaked with evidence of her arousal. Rachel dragged her mouth away from Shivley’s hungry lips and quickly traveled down a creamy throat seeking breasts hidden beneath the silk blouse. Rachel couldn’t get the buttons opened and instead pushed the blouse up to expose the waiting breasts. Shivley was not wearing a bra, and Rachel’s tongue immediately traced a path around the base of Shivley’s breast and continued the circular pattern until she finally rounded the peak.

  Shivley’s nipple was erect and hard in her mouth and Rachel lightly nibbled on it. Shivley moaned Rachel’s name at the same time she grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her lips closer. Rachel savored the taste of the breast in her mouth as her fingers snaked inside Shivley’s panties. She was rewarded with a gush of liquid that coated the tips of her fingers. Her long, wet fingers explored every soft fold and warm valley at the same time her lips reclaimed Shivley’s. Shivley broke the kiss and begged, “Go in me, please.” Rachel wanted Shivley so badly she couldn’t restrain herself from obeying the command.

  Ever so slowly first one finger entere
d, then two, and were encased in warmth and wetness that she had never experienced. Rachel took her cue from Shivley, her fingers expertly matching the rhythm of Shivley’s tongue darting in and out of her mouth. The big mahogany desk bucked in time with the two women fucking on the surface. Rachel could barely breathe and her hand was crushed when Shivley finally exploded in orgasm.

  For the second time in almost as many days Rachel woke fully aroused and wired to explode. She didn’t move, hoping to fall back asleep and return to the wonderful dream. After several minutes she knew it was fruitless, rolled onto her stomach, and looked at the clock. She had another fifteen minutes before her alarm was set to go off, and she debated between finishing the job her dream began and drowning her desire in the shower. She chose the former—or rather her body decided for her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The only sounds at the breakfast table were the clinking of silverware and the intermittent sipping of coffee. The lack of conversation didn’t surprise Shivley, considering it was five thirty in the morning, and she was pleased to see all of the women were present and accounted for. Several looked like they had stayed up past their bedtime, while others looked as though they hadn’t slept at all. That was the category Shivley fell into, and she was not happy about it.

  The knock on her door the night before was not totally unexpected, but the person doing the knocking was. She’d expected to see Rachel on the other side of the door and was surprised when it was not. It had taken her a moment to realize that she was disappointed that Christina was her caller and not the woman in the room across the hall.

  Christina had been smooth in her approach the previous two days, using a combination of subtlety and frank gazes to get her point across. Last night when Shivley had not bitten, Christina stepped closer but immediately stopped when Shivley finally had to tell her point-blank thanks, but no thanks. Shivley had watched Christina silently walk away before closing her door and retreating to bed, where she stared at the ceiling most of the night.

  Shivley observed Rachel over the top of her coffee cup, noting that she was not afraid to eat. Most women she knew who had a body like Rachel’s would rather starve than work hard to keep the pounds away. Rachel put two more pieces of bacon on her plate and another pancake, and again Shivley realized that Rachel was the exception.

  After breakfast Rachel and the other women saddled up their horses and spent an hour or so with Shivley giving them some basic instruction on rounding up stray cattle. Shivley watched for confirmation that the women understood what to do, how to do it, and what their horses had been trained to do. She warned them if they were not paying attention, their horse would cut left while they were still going right and the women would find themselves lying in the dirt wondering what happened. She lifted the rope from her saddle horn and grasped it tightly in her gloved hand. She demonstrated how to use the rope to get the attention of the stray and lead it in the right direction. She didn’t attempt to teach them how to throw the lasso over the steer’s head. That lesson was far too advanced for this group. Some of the women were disappointed, and she agreed to teach them once they returned to the ranch later that day. The women caught on quickly and soon they were on their way in search of strays.

  Gail and Bart were along to keep an eye on the women, who split into three groups. Rachel and Jackie were with Shivley, and somehow Christina managed to make it an even four. Rachel was not surprised to see Christina practically glued to the hip with Shivley—after all, they had spent the night together. Or had they? She had observed the two women over breakfast and decided they didn’t look like they had just spent a night filled with sex. At first Rachel thought Shivley simply didn’t want anyone to know that she had slept with a guest, but there was something in her face and in the set of her jaw that indicated something very different was going on.

  Rachel waited for her opportunity and spurred her horse forward. “I didn’t have a chance to properly say good morning. Everybody seemed to be half asleep, you included.”

  Shivley had stiffened at the sound of approaching hoofbeats. She had thought that last night she had made it perfectly clear to Christina that she was not interested, but Christina had been dogging her all morning, and Shivley was growing weary of it. She relaxed as Rachel rode up beside her. “It’s like that in the mornings. Most people aren’t used to the exercise and clean air. Throw in a little excitement like roping and riding a two-thousand-pound animal, and they usually crash. Wait till we spend the night on the ground. Then see how everybody looks.”

  “So what’s your excuse?” Shivley looked at Rachel with a question in her eyes. “You do this every day.” Rachel waved her hand to indicate their surroundings. “Sit on a horse, ride around, and fix things. What’s your excuse for looking like you were up all night?” To encourage Shivley’s response, Rachel kept her tone light and teasing.

  Shivley laughed. “I’ve never had my life described in quite those terms. Let’s see, ride around and fix things.” Shivley thought for a moment. “I guess some people could think that’s all I do, and in some respects it’s true.”

  “Well, were you?” Rachel was not going to let Shivley off the hook so easily. She wanted confirmation that her hunch was correct.

  “Was I what?” Shivley forgot the original question when Rachel looked at her with that “don’t bullshit me” expression on her face.

  “Up all night?”

  “Up all night? Me? No.” Shivley shook her head. “I tossed and turned a few times, but other than that I slept like a rock.” And just lied like one, too.

  Rachel didn’t know whether to believe Shivley or not. She knew it was Christina who’d knocked at Shivley’s door, and she was positive she didn’t hear footsteps leading away after the door closed.

  She studied Shivley critically as if she were looking for the chink in her story, but Shivley held fast to it. “You look like you don’t believe me.”

  Rachel was surprised Shivley called her on it. “It’s really none of my business.” She tried to sound convincing.

  Shivley thought about her answer before she spoke. She glanced at the trail and then looked Rachel square in the eyes. “You’re right, it is none of your business.” She hesitated in order to give Rachel a chance to draw her own conclusions. “I didn’t sleep with her.”

  Busted. Shivley had seen right through her, and Rachel didn’t know whether to be pissed or embarrassed. She was good at not showing her hand too early, but it was obvious this time she’d failed. Her emotions overrode her logic at the thought of Shivley making love to Christina. “So you say,” Rachel snapped in response, angry at herself.

  Shivley was surprised at Rachel’s snide comment. She removed her hat and ran her fingers through her damp hair before returning it to her head. “No, Ms. Stanton, I don’t just say. It’s a fact.” Shivley wondered why it was important for her to convince Rachel that Christina had left without even entering her room.

  “You just kiss them in the kitchen,” Rachel shot back, still angry at herself.

  “Wrong again. You kissed me.” Shivley was surprised at her calmness. The image of them kissing shot into her brain.

  This time it was Rachel who removed her hat and wiped her hand across her brow. “And I remember your tongue halfway down my throat.” That really wasn’t the case. As a matter of fact, it was her tongue that was doing most of the traveling. Her humor had returned and she wanted to see just how far Shivley would go to defend her honor.

  “It was not!” Shivley exclaimed, louder than she intended.

  “You’re right, it wasn’t. But I’d bet that if we hadn’t been interrupted it would have been. And that would have been nice.” Rachel licked her lips as if reliving their brief kiss. The flushed look on her riding companion’s face told her she, too, remembered it clearly. Shivley started to say something, but Rachel held up her hand and cut her off. “I know, I know. You don’t sleep with your guests. I get it.” She winked and spurred her horse in the opposite di


  The two teams worked closely, and in between laughing at each other’s antics and cursing the stubborn animals, managed to round up a dozen strays. Fortunately, everyone had paid attention to Shivley’s briefing, and so far no one had found themselves looking at the underside of their horse. Three steers separated Shivley from Rachel, and they were calmly moving to join the others when one bolted and took off running. The remaining two took that as their signal and quickly scattered as well.

  Shivley took off after the lead steer, uncoiling her rope with one hand while grasping the reins with the other. Her horse was practically at a full run, and she stood in the stirrups to use her legs to absorb the jolting movement. She swung the lasso around her head several times as she closed the gap between herself and the runaway. With a smooth toss perfected after hundreds of such tries, she looped the lasso, which fell over the steer’s head. She quickly wrapped the remaining rope around the saddle horn and reined in her horse. The two animals came to a stop simultaneously amid cheers and applause.

  Shivley turned around, and all ten women, along with Gail and Bart, were clapping and whistling. No matter how many times she chased one of the herd, it still thrilled her like it was the first time. She was breathing hard from the adrenaline rush. With her free hand she removed her hat and swung it in the air as if she had just snared the prize steer at the local rodeo.

  Rachel watched the scene unfolding as if watching a movie. Shivley didn’t hesitate when the steer made his break, and her sure, confident movements in the saddle were impressive. She knew exactly what to do, and at one point must have anticipated what the steer would do because she intercepted it in mid-stride. The rope soaring through the air was as light as a feather, and when it landed over the steer’s head Rachel couldn’t help but think of a basketball saying—“nothing but net.”


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