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Secret Magic (Chronicles of the Marked Book 2)

Page 3

by S Lawrence

  A knowing smile curves her full lips. “Can you move it slightly up and to the right?”

  I do as she asks without taking my eyes off her.


  “I agree.” I let my need creep into my voice, her cheeks flush the prettiest shade of peachy-pink.

  I mark the spot, then set the painting down. I’ve already grabbed a nail from a cup I keep on a small shelf. I reach for a smooth round stone on the table that had been beside the head of the bed. I use it like a hammer, striking the nail three times before placing it back where it had been.

  The painting has a thin wire on the back that I had seen before. Bending, I pick it up and turn to look at her with it in my hands. She has pushed up, leaning on her elbows as she watches me.

  I’m just about to turn when I see her brows draw down. “What’s wrong?”

  “What does that say?” She pushes up farther, coming to her knees as she moves toward me on the bed.

  I hold it out to her instead of turning it so I can see it.

  “Oh, my God.” Her hand is shaking as she reaches out for the painting.

  Now I can’t help but angle it so I can see what she sees.

  “Cora.” I read the name out loud, but it means nothing to me. “By Remy Sinclair.” The signature is full of flourish, barely legible. “Do you know the name?”

  “It’s who wrote the journal and the letter. Remy. He wrote about Cora.” She touches the woman’s face, feather light. “She is beautiful. He loved her. Can you see it?”

  “Yes. I thought so when I was looking at it below when I picked it.” I say the words, but my mind is racing.

  What are the chances of me finding a painting by the man at the center of all of this?

  Destiny. Magic. Prophecy.

  Looking back at her face, I can see the same thoughts are blowing through her mind.

  Thunder claps again, this time vibrating the ship just as a flash of lighting causes the painting to shimmer. The sky has turned dark, and rain begins to beat against the glass of the window.

  I hang the painting as I feel the ship slow, the sails have been drawn. Turning back to her, I see her raised up, hands gripping the wood, her eyes glazed with emotion. I step to her, my hands coming up to frame her face. I lower my head slowly, savoring the slight flare of her pupils.

  She closes the distance, her lips pressing against mine as her hands grip at my shirt to pull me closer. I fight the desire to throw her back, to rip the clothes from her body.

  ‘How had my brothers done this?’

  It’s my last coherent thought before I lose myself in the taste of her, in the feel of her tongue. The taste of it is like the strongest liquor. She goes straight to my head. I draw her deeper into my mouth wanting to devour her.

  A knock startles and irritates me. “WHAT?” I growl as I tear away from her heat.

  Her breath is coming in shallow gasps, and her eyes say she is just as irritated by the interruption.

  “Dinner, Sir.”

  “Enter.” I say it even when I want to send him away but I had agreed with my brothers to take our time, to win her heart along with her body.

  “Saved by the knock.” She giggles while straightening her shirt.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize...” I hadn’t even known I had touched her clothes.

  “You should probably fix your own.” She grins while letting her eyes drift down.

  I glance down and see my shirt is pulled loose and wide open. I wasn’t the only one who had been lost in the moment. I don’t bother straightening mine, letting it mark her mine. Oliver will spread the word, for the man can’t keep a secret to save his life.

  The door opens and he leads a group of men inside. Each carries a tray with glorious smelling food. The table is covered when they are finally finished. I pull out the chair for Reyna.

  “I hope you enjoy it, Miss.” Oliver beams.

  “I’m sure I will. It smells amazing. Like nothing I’ve ever had.”

  She smiles at him, and I watch as she captures another heart without even trying. I don't listen as he explains each dish but I do watch as she tastes each. The sounds of pleasure and look of ecstasy on her face is enough to make me want to throw him overboard.

  “Oliver, that will be all,” I grit out adding, “Thank you.” After seeing her face.

  “Cyder.” She frowns at me.

  “Yes, of course, Sir. Enjoy, Miss.” Oliver leaves before she can stop him.

  “That was rude, Cyder,” she admonishes me as soon as the door closes.

  Admonishes. Me. On my own ship.

  “I am Captain here.” It comes out hard, harder than I meant.

  “I know that but…” She stops, her fork moving as her fingers relax and tighten over and over. “I’m sorry, I don’t have the right.”

  Fuck. I’ve ruined it already.

  “That wasn’t exactly what I meant.” How do I say I want to share no part of her with others when I’ve agreed to do just that with my brothers? “I just meant the crew needs to remember their place.”

  The look on her face says that’s not a bit better in her mind.

  Silence is thick for long minutes as she pushes food around her plate. I’ve ruined the whole meal for her.



  We both start at the same time, and she smiles sadly, motioning for me to continue.

  “You first, Reyna.” I steel myself for her words.

  “How do you see this working between us all?”

  Shit. Straight to the point, straight to the heart of it.

  “I...we agreed to… share sounds just fucking shitty but I can’t think of another way to say it. I’m not articulate like Wilder and Fallon.” I wipe over my face, knowing I am driving her away from me.

  Something inside me clenches. My heart, maybe.

  “I had hoped we would be a family.” She reaches a hand out across the table, and I just look at it for a moment before covering it with my own. “To do that, we have to trust each other.”

  “I trust my brothers with my very life.” The words are a declaration.

  “And me?” Her words are no more than a whisper.

  I don’t respond. Do I trust her? How can I?

  “I don’t know you yet. I want you, have since you stepped on my ship with that beast.” I jerk my head at Liam, still sleeping on the couch.

  She smiles, and I’m even more confused than I have been since she arrived.

  “If you had said you trusted me, I wouldn’t have believed you. I want to earn your trust. I don’t know how I will but I hope you give me a chance. Fallon told me women haven’t been allowed on your ships.” I nod. “So it must be just as confusing for your crewmen.”

  She grows quiet, and I feel like a heel. “I will talk to Oliver. Apologize.” I draw a breath and grip her hand a bit harder. “I must also apologize to you. I can only say I am unused to the emotions I feel when I’m around you.”

  “I feel the same way, Cyder.” She leans on her elbow, looking at me intently, an emotion I’m not sure of in her eyes. “I haven’t felt anything like this before.”

  “Like what, exactly?” I let my voice drop, let my hunger fill my eyes as my gaze travels down her neck and along the opening of her shirt.

  “Wanting so much.” She doesn’t elaborate.

  Part of me wants to hear it, but I won’t force her. I know from Fallon she is innocent.

  “I was with a boy from my village, but it was nothing like this.”

  She glances away from me, which is good because I can’t hide my shock.

  “Did you think I was a virgin?” She smirks at me.

  “ just…we…” I sputter out, not wanting to offend her.

  She doesn’t say anything, and as the seconds crawl by, I begin to worry I’ve completely blown it, but just a moment later, she starts to laugh. Her hand pats at my hand. Relief rushes through me, but she sobers quickly.

“Does it make a difference?” She studies me, watching for my reaction. “That I’m not?”

  “No.” I feel an anger rising in me, anger that she would be worried that we would shun her for having been with a man before she even knew us. “We all have pasts, and you shouldn’t feel bad or worry about having found satisfaction with someone you had feelings for.”

  She visibly relaxes.

  “I’ve seen it happen in my home,” she utters softly, bringing her glass to her lips and sipping.

  “There are no double standards on our ships.” I’m firm, promising.

  “Have you shared a woman before?” Her words are filled with curiosity and possibly a hint of jealousy.

  “No. Well, maybe Lash and Hagen but not the rest, as far as I know.” I don’t miss the hint of heat that flares in her eyes.

  Interesting. It opens a whole new train of thought in my mind.

  “I’m still working out how this will all work.”

  “I think we all are.” I watch as she takes a bite, savoring the flavors.

  “This is so good,” she mumbles, getting another bite ready while she still chews.

  I reach over and uncover the dessert. Travis has made a sweet cream dessert with a caramel sauce drizzled over it. He has only made something like this once before, back when he was trying to get the job as cook on the ship.

  She chews slower as she looks at the dessert. Finally she swallows the food in her mouth and lets the fork slowly lower back to the plate, the next bite on it forgotten. I pull her plate out of the way and push the dessert in front of her. She looks up at me and licks over her bottom lip.

  I hold out a spoon, and she reaches for it, letting her fingers slide over mine. I might have made a mistake in this. I know this from the gleam in her eyes. She dips the spoon into the cream, then lifts it toward her mouth. The tip of her tongue flicks out, tasting the sweetness before curling back in between her lips.

  I watch, picturing that tongue curling around parts of me. My brothers and I had agreed to go very slow. I don’t want to wait. She holds out a spoon of cream, and I lean forward, drawing the sweetness into my mouth. I can see I’m not the only one affected by her game. Pushing back, I stand and move around. Drawing her up, I push the dishes from the side of the table and lift her up. Her eyes widen but then darken with desire.

  I take the spoon from her hand and scoop some of the delicate dessert. Her mouth opens slightly in anticipation, but instead of taking it to her luscious lips, I let it dribble into the cleft between her breasts.

  She leans back, giving me instant access. Vixen. Temptress. Sea Witch. She is everything. She is awakening things in each of us. I’m ravenous for her, not just her body but for all of her.

  “I must taste you,” I growl at her neck.

  “I think you will be tasting sugar.” She laughs, but it is breathless.

  “It will keep me from becoming addicted to you. We all said slow,” I murmur against her collarbone.

  “I think I will grow tired of this slow,” she responds as her hand skates into my hair, pushing my head farther down.

  I wonder if she can feel my feral smile against her flushed skin. I lick the cream off that heated flesh tasting the essence of her beneath the sweetness.

  Chapter Three


  I can sense the wildness in him and I want to get lost in it.

  Letting my mind drift away, the worries of how a relationship with these men will work fade for the moment. Instead, I focus on the subtle scratching of his short beard rubbing over my sensitive flesh.

  Lightning flashes beyond my eyelids that have fallen closed, and the clap of thunder that follows it vibrates the wooden table beneath me. The ship shifts sharply and I grasp at Cyder as his head comes up.

  His jade gaze looks to the skies outside and a frown creases his brow. I hide the smile that threatens to break across my face. He has cream in the hairs around his mouth.

  Reaching up, I run my thumb over his lips catching the sweetness on the pad before moving it to my own lips. His eyes lock onto it as I draw it inside my mouth.

  “The storm is about to rage.” He sounds a bit strangled. “I should go and help the crew.”

  He says it but makes no effort to move away from me.

  “Is it bad being in a storm while on the seas?” I feel apprehension at the thought of being tossed around helplessly in the winds.

  “It can be exciting,” he murmurs, still looking at my lips.

  I reach my hands out to clasp his face and bring him to me, kissing him soundly and quickly. “Go if you must. I will stay here, waiting.”

  He nods before turning away and walking briskly to the door. He pauses there before pulling it open. Liam stretches and slides off the couch, following in Cyder’s steps.

  “Can you let him out? I still need to figure out how to deal with his needs.” I feel embarrassed.

  “The crew has set up an area with grass. One of them had thought of it when we were close to shore. It is small but it should be enough for your friend’s needs.”

  My mouth falls open at their thoughtfulness. “I don’t know what to say. That they would even think of Liam, of me…” I fall silent, looking beyond him to the movement of his men on the deck.

  “They already love their queen.” He bows his head and steps out, waiting for Liam to pass him before closing the door.

  I’m still sitting on the table when a knock at the door startles me. Jumping down, I straighten my clothes, making sure that there are no remnants of the dessert on my skin.

  “Come in,” I call out moments later.

  Oliver pokes his head in. “I came to clear things away before the waves get too bad, miss.”

  “Of course, Oliver. Could you leave the dessert? I would like to eat more of it.” I wave my hand at the rest. “Everything was amazing. You truly are an accomplished chef.”

  He looks sheepish but pleased as he moves the plates and dishes to the tray he had brought them on.

  “Will the night be bad?” I ask as he rushes to finish.

  “It could be, miss, but we will keep you safe. The Dragon is a sound vessel, my queen.”

  “Oh, no, I’m not a queen and certainly not yours.” I feel flustered at his words.

  “One queen to rule them all,” Oliver murmurs as he picks up the tray and hurries to the door. “We all know who you be, miss.” He dips his head as he backs out the door.

  “Indeed.” They might know, but I don’t have a clue.

  The ship rolls as rain starts to hit the glass of the window. My heart pounds and I grab the edge of the table trying to steady myself. My stomach roils with my emotions.

  I hear loud barking and the sound of claws on the door and I leap up to open the door to let Liam in.

  “I’m so glad to see you.” I catch him around the neck, holding him close. “I’m scared, Liam,” I whisper into his ear, and he leans into me.

  The hard rain hits my face, and I release him and push at the door, fighting with the wind to get it closed. When I turn, Liam is shaking himself off and the water drops are flying around the room.

  I grab my napkin and quickly wipe up what I can. “You will not win his heart by making his room smell like a wet dog.” He woofs as I run the fabric over his fur. “We are trying to win his heart; we are trying to win all of their hearts. They are our family now.”

  Straightening, I put it back on the table then turn and see Liam climbing on the bed.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I scold him, but as usual, he chooses to ignore me.

  Thunder cracks and shakes the ship, and I jump, landing on the bed next to my protector and pull him close to me. “Just for a little bit,” I say as the ship rolls from one side to the other.

  My stomach does the same as I watch the dessert slide back and forth across the table.

  “Oh God, I’m going to be sick,” I gasp, swallowing hard just as the door flies open to show the darkened sky behind the man st
anding in the doorway. He is outlined when lightning flashes in the sky and he looks every bit the warrior from the cover of that old book. Hair blowing and shirt stuck to him from the rain, he is something to behold.

  “Don’t you dare throw up on my bed,” he grumbles while shoving the door closed behind him.

  I swallow again, trying to keep the spicy food down. Mortified, I don’t say anything. If I open my mouth, it will be over, no way to stop the inevitable. He frowns when he sees my reaction to another wave and then dashes toward the desk sitting in the corner. I swallow again and let my eyes close, trying to block out the movement. His hand on my shoulder, gentle but firm, makes me open them once again, and I see him.

  He’s kneeling beside the bed, bucket in hand, and there's no mistaking the concern and worry on his face.

  “Too many waves,” I mumble through clenched teeth.

  “I know, pet.” His voice is deep and his hand smooths circles over my back.

  “I don’t think I can be a pirate,” I gasp out as another wave rolls the boat. I can feel it dip low on its side just as I lose my fight.

  I heave and heave until sweat coats my skin. All the while, he holds my hair back as I clutch the bucket. I don’t even remember grabbing it but I currently hold it like it’s a life line. I know soon my embarrassment will take over but for now, I just continue to throw up, grateful he is here.

  Hours later, I’m curled on my side and he is still with me, curled around me. His hand is rubbing gently over my finally calm stomach. The storm still rages, but having him by me has calmed me. Maybe it is simply I have nothing left to heave up.

  He has hummed softly ever since he got me to lie down, some song I don’t recognize, but it is beautiful, somehow reminding me of the forest. He has drawn my mind away from the rolling, and I’m focused on the flashes of light and the sound of the rain on the panes of the window.

  “Better?” His breath is hot against my neck and the hairs of his beard tickle the sensitive skin.

  “A little. Thank you.”

  “For what? Getting you a bucket? That was mostly to save my bed,” he jokes.

  I shift, turning toward him some, and look at his face, taking in every minute detail.


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