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Secret Magic (Chronicles of the Marked Book 2)

Page 14

by S Lawrence

  “Go slow, big guy,” I warn as he begins to pull.

  Cyder moans as the sled jerks when Liam pushes hard into the strap, forcing the wood to move.

  “Easy.” I lay my hand on Liam’s back, and as the sled starts to glide over the ground, he begins a steady pace. “Good boy.”

  “Very good boy.” Reyna beams from where she is walking beside Cyder, his hand in hers. “Do you think we will make it to help?”

  Help. We will only save him if we make it to the rendezvous. I try to remember if there are any villages between us and Green Cove, but none come to mind. I’m still running over the coast between us when Liam shifts direction.

  “No. We need to go this way.” I try pulling him back on course, but he refuses. As a matter of fact, he doesn’t even acknowledge that I had pulled at him. I feel the ripple of his muscles under my palm and once again realize just how massive the animal is. Looking over his back, I focus on Reyna. “Where did you say you got Liam?”

  “I didn’t really get him or find him. He found me. I was under a tree, reading and crying about some harsh words some kid said to me. He walked right up to me. Liam was big already but still had the gangly movements of a puppy. You know, where they sorta trip over their own feet? He just came up and laid at my side. He hasn’t left me since.” She rubs his shoulder, which is higher than her waist. “He is my very best friend.”

  “Do you think he was maybe sent to you?”

  “I didn’t before but now… Maybe. I’ve always known he was special. Different.” She looks at his face, tongue hanging out even though I can tell he isn’t working hard to pull my brother. “But now, I wonder if maybe…” She pauses a sweet smile curving her strawberry lips. “He’s magical.”

  “I’m wondering the same thing. Animals have changed since the war. Adapted. But Liam is something altogether different. I thought at first maybe he was some sort of wolf or wolf-dog mix but now I just think he’s more.”

  “Yeah, more. That’s exactly it.”

  “Just like you,” I say, and she glances at me, her cheeks pink.

  Liam is leading us close to the coast and north, keeping us within sight of the water.

  The sound of the waves settles some of the turmoil that has been churning within me. Until that is I see a sail in the distance. A sail that sends a tremor through my body.

  “Down,” I whisper at her, trying to catch hold of her arm to pull her to me. “Liam.”

  His ear swivels, but he keeps moving, shifting his trajectory slightly so that he is in the edge of the treeline. If anything, he picks up speed. Cyder cries out but falls silent after, sweat coating his skin. The fever is getting worse.

  “Who is it?” Reyna’s voice is filled with fear, and the sound of it is what stops Liam.

  He looks back at his mistress.

  “It is one of the King’s ships but it is heading south, away from where my brothers should be.” I shake my head.

  They are in the canal, so they shouldn’t be heading south. They should be chasing our ships. My heart starts pounding.



  Reyna’s head shaking is the only thing that alerts me to the fact that I had said the word out loud.

  “They are safe. He didn’t get them,” she says, but I can tell she doesn’t truly believe it.

  Another ship, one that makes my skin crawl, comes into view. Two days have passed and I might have lost my family.

  “Let’s go,” I say and cringe at how hard my voice sounds.

  She stands and races toward Liam, and we all continue to run at the edge of the trees, no longer caring if we are seen. I keep my eyes on the water. We run for an hour before I stumble to a stop.

  The channel has been closed. Who did it? The King or Hagen?

  We race around the curve of the coast, following after the beast racing in front of us.

  My heart stops.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Five ships float in the water just off the coast, four circled around one, and my heart stutters then pounds with joy. They are safe.

  Liam rushes ahead, turning toward a path that I didn’t even see until he was on it, a tiny animal trail that runs precariously down the cliff face.

  “Liam, slowly,” I call, and he slows enough for me to catch up with them.

  I shimmy by the makeshift carrier and move to his head, knowing Lash will stay at the rear to make sure the carrier and Cyder stay on the path. We begin to inch our way down, barely clearing an inch on both sides of us.

  “Oh no,” I cry out as I notice the sails are raised. “They are leaving.”

  “They won’t hear us yelling,” Lash growls, his eyes locked on the ships. “The wind is blowing, and Hagen’s wolves are whining.”

  I can feel tears spring to my eyes and I scrub at them. I’ve always hated that I cry when my frustration gets the better of me. Liam bumps against me, and I look down, locking eyes with my friend.

  His intelligence shines through as he studies me then turns his face toward the ships. A sound like nothing I’ve heard bellows out from his upturned muzzle. No, that’s not true; it sounds like what woke me from my sleep. It sounds like the call that rang out through the forest, the sound that evoked both fear and calm within me. Staring at him, I feel the same again.

  My special boy, where did you come from?

  “They are turning.” Lash’s voice is quiet and filled with apprehension.

  Glancing back at him before turning my eyes to the water once again, I see he is now looking at Liam with a look that makes me uneasy. Fear. I shift without realizing that I am putting myself between him and Liam.

  “He wouldn’t hurt you,” I admonish. “He did it to help us. To help Cyder.” My voice is hard.

  The wind picks up more, blowing my hair around my head and face. My fingers catch hold of some that whips across my mouth as I focus on the ships bouncing on wild waves I hadn’t noticed before. Liam whines.

  Blinking, I look down and realize my fingers are spread wide. I close them making fists. I breathe deep. Once. Twice. And then a third time, calming the anger that had suddenly been raging within me. Anger like nothing I had ever felt. Liam whines again, and I move to his head, rubbing my fingers over his ears, letting the heat of him soak into my ice cold skin.

  The wind dies down, and I look out to see Lash’s ship moving closer to the shore.

  “Come on, my friend, let's get Cyder to his people,” I murmur, but my thoughts are wandering already.

  I don’t like how out of control I felt. I don’t like how different that rage made me feel. I keep those feelings to myself, no need to worry Lash or any of the others.

  “Reyna?” Lash’s hand touches my shoulder.

  Looking up at him, I realize we are at the edge of the water. He had stopped me from walking right in. Liam stopped a few feet back.

  “Let's get you unhooked.” I step away from Lash’s hand and his narrowed eyes.

  He doesn’t ask, but I feel his eyes on me as I kneel and start untying the fabric from around Liam’s chest. I suddenly feel overwhelmed, like everything that has happened since I found Fallon on my shore has caught up to me. I remain focused on Liam until I hear the paddles of the skiff in the water. Only when the wood runs up on the rocks do I turn. Lash has his back to me and his muscles are tight.

  I’ve hurt his feelings but I just can’t talk about it. Not yet. I don’t understand it. Not the feelings or the anger, but I do think the anger allowed some of the magic in me to flow out without my control. I didn’t miss the change in the wind as soon as I calmed.

  It terrifies me, this power that has been unlocked, and it feels like I am losing myself.

  Liam nudges me, and I look up and see they have Cyder loaded into the small boat and the crewman at the bow is holding out his hand. Lash is seated beside his brother, and I hesitate. The boat is loaded down, the waves dangerously close to the washing over the edge.

  “Take them out an
d then come back for me, if you don’t mind.” My tone and my face give them no chance to argue. I need a few minutes to gather my thoughts and get my emotions under control.

  I give Lash a tiny smile, well, barely a smile, but he nods once at me then again at the men who have turned to look at him after my request. Liam sits down at my side, leaning into me, and as soon as the little boat is far enough away, I let the tears that have been barely held at bay flow.

  Maybe it is being on land or alone for the first time in days, but my feelings are like a leaf blowing in a storm. I feel untethered to my own life.

  Lost in a sea of death and destruction.

  I am bringing more danger to these men. Cyder had almost been killed. Hagen was hurt. Who will be next?

  Liam rests his head on top of mine, reminding me I’m not alone.

  “I don’t think I can do this,” I whisper.

  He stands and turns toward the cliff, ready to leave with me. Ready to keep me safe as he has always done.

  “Thank you, my dear friend.” I reach for him as I stand, facing away from the water. “The one called Nestor is wrong. I am not the one to save the world. I can’t even save myself.” I take a step toward the cliff and yelp when fingers close around my arm.

  “Are you leaving me?” Hagen’s deep voice is right behind my ear, his hot breath curls along my neck. “Leaving us?”

  “I can’t do this.” I don’t look back at him, but my body relaxes as he moves closer still and his other arm comes around my waist.

  “What can’t you do? Save the world or stay with me?” The last word is deeper, and he moves so that it vibrates the sensitive shell of my ear.

  “Both. I put you all in danger.” I try to stiffen, to strengthen the resolve that he is melting.

  “We know nothing but danger. He has hunted us since he realized we didn’t die in the water.” Hagen tightens his hold. “I won’t force you to stay. It is and always will be your choice.” He closes his teeth over the tendon that runs along the side of my neck, and my head falls back of its own accord.

  He is temptation personified. My dark captain. The one that calls to desires I didn’t know I had.

  “Not force. Right,” I murmur when Hagen finally releases my neck.

  “I didn’t say I wouldn’t fight, just that I wouldn’t force. I will use every weapon in my arsenal.” He pulls me around, making me face him.

  Face my fear.

  His finger moves under my chin, tipping my head back so that my eyes meet his. Then that same finger slides down my throat, stopping at the indentation at the base of my neck. I am fascinated both by the thought of his weapons and exactly how he would use them, but Hagen steps back, leaving me feeling unanchored once again. I realize he doesn’t need to do anything. I will not leave. I can’t leave them, for I have already fallen for them. My heart has split itself into five parts. I fear I will be lost without them.

  “You chose us,” he starts then pauses, and I hold my breath as he gathers his thoughts. “You chose us but you didn’t get a chance to choose the magic. You had this whole ‘save the world’ thing shoved down your throat.” I look to the side, and he lets me. “Know you will be my queen and I will follow you wherever you lead. We can forget the world and just sail. I will take you to see wonders like you can’t imagine—the ice of the north and the jungles of the south.”

  He offers the world.

  “You would leave them?” The words come out harsh as I look to the ships bobbing on the waves.

  “No, they will follow you. If you don’t want to fight. If we would have to run for the rest of our lives.” He pushes my hair away from my face before cupping my cheek. “We have chosen you.”

  He leans close, giving me a chance to turn away, but I don’t. Instead, I rise up, meeting his lips with my own. Unlike any of the others, he kisses me with no gentleness. I open for his onslaught, letting his fire burn and ignite my own. I feel my darkness reaching for his; I’m not scared. He devours me, drawing all of the rage and fear into him, taking it from me.

  Giving me peace all while creating a storm within me.

  We break apart gasping. My lips feel swollen and my heart is pounding. His eyes are half closed, but I see his hunger.

  “What do you wish to do, dove?” His voice sounds like a storm.

  “Dove?” Ducking my head, I hide the smile the pet name has conjured.

  “A graceful but strong creature like you... Shall we run or fight?” Hagen asks my wishes once again, making it my choice.

  “Take me to your ship. I know I was fooling myself thinking I could just run away from all of this. You were right—I chose you all and I chose to see where this journey takes us. I just…” I swallow away the emotion that threatens to choke my words. “I was afraid. I don’t want to lose everything again.”

  “I won’t promise you everything will be okay. I won’t even tell you we will all survive, but we will all stay by your side until the moment we can’t any longer. I will stand by you, so if your wings get broken, I will carry you until you can fly again.”

  Tears pool in my eyes, and I move into his arms, letting him hold me tight as I cling to him. He holds me until the tears slow then finally stop.

  “How did you get chosen to come ashore?” I ask as I lean back and wipe my face.

  “I was on my way before you even chose to stay on shore.” He takes my hand and starts to lead me to the boat that is floating at the edge of the water. “Let's get you and your beast home.”

  “Home,” I say on a sigh as I step forward.

  Liam is in the boat before either of us. Hagen holds my hand as I step in and sit down on the seat. He then shoves us out a little before jumping in and taking up the oars. He rows smoothly and we glide over the water, which is now calm and glass-like. Eerily calm. I feel my nerves building once again and stick my hand down to touch the water, to feel the magic. At once, the nerves settle. Maybe the water and my captains’ ships really are home.

  Suddenly, Liam stands, ears perked and eyes on the cliff, or maybe the trees at the top. I scan but can’t see anything.

  “What is it, Liam?”

  His only answer is a gravelly whine. He watches until we get to the ship. He watches as we are raised up on ropes. Leaping out, he runs along the deck eyes still on the trees.

  “Hagen, something is watching us,” I murmur, not wanting to alarm the crew.

  “I know.” He glances toward the shore. “But he doesn’t seem to think it’s a threat.”

  “Maybe it is the woman,” I say, more to myself, but he hears and frowns.

  “What woman?”

  “Later. Right now, I want to check on Cyder.” I start to the other side of the ship, hand reaching for the rope that will carry me to Cyder’s side.

  Hagen is right at my side as I reach it. “How bad is it?”

  “Extremely.” I grab the rope and take a few steps back then run forward, flinging myself across.

  I reach the other side, and Fallon is there to catch me.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’m drifting in a sea of pain.

  Images dance through my mind, images of things I don’t understand. Death and fire, screams and darkness. Fear crawls over my burnt skin. I see red eyes in the darkness and I feel the rub of hot fur over that same burnt skin.

  Then suddenly, I feel something like a cold breeze skim over my body. I hear a whispered plea.

  “Come back to me.” Reyna’s voice is strained but it beckons me.

  I imagine I can feel her pulling me from the darkness, setting me free from the pain. Fallon calls out and I know I’ve been saved but I can’t claw my way up to the light. I feel tethered somehow to the darkness. Tethered to death.

  I wonder if it’s because of who tried to kill me, or who I think tried to save me. It could be that I was actually dead and I’m now linked to the realm of the dead. I would have never considered anything of the sort before but now after seeing so many unusual
things, I wouldn’t be surprised.

  That coolness washes over me again and the tether pulls tight. It stretches but doesn’t snap. I fear that even if I find my way back to my brothers and Reyna, I will never break free from this place.

  I thought I could feel no worse pain than I have but suddenly, I know I’m wrong. A scream is torn from my throat and the light comes rushing. I’m blinded by the brightness of the sun and I can’t stop the screaming that is coming from me.

  “Cyder.” Just my name said gently in my ear.

  I force the scream to stop, locking my jaw shut and roll my eyes to Reyna’s face. Her blue eyes are filled with concern and a hint of relief.

  “My queen.” My voice has been shredded by my screams and doesn’t sound like my own.

  “My captain.” She kisses my cheek. “I was afraid.” She doesn’t finish, her eyes filling with tears.

  “I wouldn’t let some fucking bitch goddess kill me,” I growl but it doesn’t sound at all as tough as I wanted it.

  “Goddess?” Fallon leans his face into view.

  “Later, Fallon.” She sounds like the queen we have crowned. “We need to get under way. We need to get him a doctor.”

  “Reyna, it’s okay. We have doctors,” Wilder says from somewhere to my left. I don’t bother looking. “They are all coming.”

  “Kellihan has sent you food. I wouldn’t tell Cyder’s cook, though; he might be offended that the old coot doesn’t think his food is good enough for you,” Fallon jokes, but I see the fear on his face.

  “Yes, Reyna. You should eat. We ran for miles, and you haven’t eaten in a couple days.” Lash is at my feet.

  “How did I get here?” I moan as pain rips through me again.

  “Reyna and Lash found you,” Fallon responds.

  “Reyna found you,” Lash corrects him, and my eyes stay on her face.

  “I did nothing but follow…” she pauses, her brows drawing down, “the call or beacon. I don’t know how to describe it.”

  “Magic.” I try to smile but I’m afraid I fail as my ship's doctor touches the blistered flesh on my chest.


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