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Secret Magic (Chronicles of the Marked Book 2)

Page 16

by S Lawrence

“Yes, I know that, but how?”

  “We don’t know exactly. We were about to question Jamie when we heard Liam’s call.” Hagen glances out the window. “I wonder if maybe one of our concerns shouldn’t be exactly what Liam is, because I have a hard time believing he is of this world.”

  “I have wondered that myself since the day they joined us. Not the ‘of this world’ part, but the ‘what is he’ part... If I’m not mistaken, he is growing.”

  He nods. “Has Reyna noticed?”

  “I can’t be sure but I think she has been too distracted with everything else.”

  “Shall we go speak to Jamie?” He pushes up, finished with our conversation. Hagen has always been one of few words, which is why we get along so well. “What was more?”

  I grin. “What do you think?”

  “Really?” His eyes widen and a small smile curves his lips. No jealousy like I had, just acceptance. “Good for him; he deserves it.”

  That is it, nothing more. Hagen thinks of himself as the worst of us all but in many ways, he is the best. He does not judge. He does not covet and never has. He began protecting us the moment he stepped on the ship. Hagen knows the worst of us and still only wants the best for us and will sacrifice anything to make sure we get it, even himself.

  “I don’t know Jamie well, but it doesn’t seem like something he would do,” I argue as I stand and follow him from my quarters. “Why would he do this?”

  “The King has his sister. He is holding her on his ship.”

  I couldn’t be more shocked and horrified at his revelation. “On his ship?”

  Memories assail me. I see us broken, I hear our screams, and I taste our blood.

  I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

  “She is still a child. We don’t have much time to save her and we have no idea how to do it.” Hagen shakes his head, and for a moment, I see how tired he is.

  “Then let's get to it.” Reyna’s voice startles me, and I spin to see her standing on my deck.

  She has changed and looks less afraid. Hagen moves past me and nods at her then leads the way. She follows right behind him, and I come last. Jamie has been brought from Fallon’s ship and looks utterly defeated when we reach him below deck. He is in a darkened room with nothing but a chair, which he is tied to.

  “Release him,” I tell Travis, who is at my back.

  My first mate complies immediately. Jamie doesn’t try to leave the chair; he has accepted his fate.

  “Tell me how you let them know where we are,” Hagen asks, and I’m surprised at his gentleness.

  “Birds. There are birds on every ship. And we pick new ones up in ports when we have sent the ones we have,” Jaime answers quickly.

  I’m still pondering his answer when I realize Reyna is gone.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I realized something while I was sitting in Kellihan’s kitchen. I can’t be frightened of everything all the time.

  I can’t let fear control my destiny.

  Running my fingers over the folded letter in my pocket, I remember its words. I remember the emotion behind them. Remy believed I could do this. Nestor believes I can do this.

  Evil grows where there is no good.

  I must be the good that stops it.

  Where would they keep birds hidden on a ship full of crewmen? I walk and do the only thing I can think of. Drawing a deep breath, I look inside and try to release the magic within me.

  For the first time, I am not scared of it. I feel embraced by it, and it is wondrous.

  ‘Help me. If you want me to do this, you have to help me.’

  It’s a prayer to those that have sent me down this path. I feel, rather than see, the tendrils flowing from my body, feel them pulling me through the ship. The bird is in a small cage, a strap around its leg. Pen and page sit to the side, just waiting to carry a message to the one hunting me.

  I don’t know when but at some point, I’ve made a decision. It is one they will not like. One those who chose me for this mission will not like. But it is the only way forward I can think of right now. I don’t know how to control this magic and I’m afraid it is controlling me.

  If it can’t save them, I can.

  I pick up the pencil and write a short note then attach it to the bird.

  “Fly well,” I whisper as I throw it up into the air.

  I watch out the opened port until it disappears. Now I just have to wait until nightfall.

  I hear steps and turn, schooling my face. The boy named Jamie comes into view with Hagen and Cyder right behind him. They pause when they see me.

  “It was empty when I found it. Could one of the others have released the birds?” I ask and pray that I sound believable.

  Hagen narrows his eyes but says nothing. Cyder starts forward again, stopping at my side to look in the small cage.

  “How could this have been missed by everyone on this ship?” His voice is hard. His emerald eyes gleam with anger and they land on the boy.

  Jamie’s voice is shaky when he answers. “The other spy was in charge of this area and he would move it if anyone else was going to be around here.”

  “It matters little now,” Hagen quips. “They are all gone. The traitors and the birds, it would seem.

  “I did want to see it though,” Cyder grumbles before turning his hand and grabbing young Jamie’s arm as he passes him.

  I stand planted where I am watching him go, walking so soon after being close to death. It is a miracle, one I performed, and yet could I do it again if needed? I didn’t do it for Hagen when his leg was cut open and the blood flowed from him. I glance at the very man still standing in the shadowed room with me. He has yet to speak, but even knowing him as little as I do, I know he has something on his mind. I didn’t like how he looked at me as I lied. Turning, he starts to leave me, the limp from his wound still noticeable.

  Two of my captains were hurt because of me. Because of what I represent to anyone looking for whatever is hidden.


  I focus and see him watching me once again and I force a smile to my face.

  “Coming.” He waits as I walk forward to his side. “Is your leg getting better?”

  “Much.” His voice is strong, solid, and deep, reminding me of the dark of night. He doesn’t seem to notice that his hand is rubbing gently over the wound. “Would you come to the Wolf?”

  I shouldn’t but then again, which ship should I go to? None are any better than the others for my plans. He just waits until finally I give in and nod. Hagen’s rough hand takes my own, and we make our way through the belly of Cyder’s ship.

  Once on deck, I see the others have moved away, but the wolf is still sailing right alongside, the wind still howling through Hagen’s wolves flying on his masts. They make an eerie sound but somehow they are soothing, maybe because of the guardians in the forest or maybe because of Liam. This ship might be exactly where I need to be today.

  “I thought you might like to rest,” he says by my shoulder as his crewman swings the rope over to us.

  “I would like to lie down,” I admit but I don’t think sleep will come.

  Nodding, he hands me the rope, letting me go first. I turn and look at Cyder, who is leaning against his door, his hand is pressed against his sternum. I see a flash of him doing the same, but this time, blood is gushing and his flesh is hanging open. I gasp and lose my balance. Hagen catches hold of me as I try to catch my breath. Cyder straightens and takes a step toward us, but I wave my hand and he stops.

  “Sorry, I think I’m just more tired than I thought.”

  “Understandable. Get her to bed, Hagen,” Cyder calls but he watches me closely.

  They all do. They always are. It will make my plan even harder than it already is.

  Hagen jumps up beside me and wraps his arm around my waist, holding me tight as he swings us both across. The feeling of him wrapped around me as we glide through the air is indescribable. He makes me f
eel safe. I blink away tears as our feet hit the deck.

  “Come.” His hand slides to my hip and he keeps me tucked against his side as he guides me to his quarters.

  He opens the door for me then turns back to his first mate. I don’t wait to hear the conversation because it matters little to me what plans they make. I hear Liam bark and I smile; I’m glad my friend has followed me. I wait just inside until he rubs against me and I don’t fail to notice that he is changing too.

  What is fate doing to us?

  “Come, my friend, let’s lie together for a while.” I try not to let my emotions overwhelm me, but Liam knows me too well.

  He pushes and whines, forcing me forward. I go willingly. I had thought I couldn’t sleep but I feel it pulling at me. We will both need our rest.

  “I’m going to need you tonight,” I murmur as I lay down and smile as he curls beside me, his massive head laying over my hip as he watches the door. “He will watch us and keep us safe. Rest, my friend.” A grumbling growl is his only response, but just as I feel myself falling, his body relaxes.

  The sun is getting low when I wake. Liam is gone and in his place is Hagen. He has covered me with a dark cover and is sleeping at my back, protecting me like I knew he would. My throat clogs with my emotions, and I swallow hard.

  “Ready for some food?”

  I close my eyes as desire floods my system at the sound of his deep voice, thick with sleep. His hand tightens on my hip where it is laying. I roll, enjoying the feel of his hand sliding over my body. His eyes are half closed, but I can see the golden flecks in the mahogany darkness. The golden matches the highlights in his blonde hair. The sun shining on it right now turns it into spun gold.

  The paleness of his appearance is so at odds with the darkness of the surroundings and his personality. He looks like what I imagined of a vampire in an old book I had once found and read. The vampire had been called Lestat and much like Hagen, he ruled those around him while looking like a beautiful statue. He had also had golden blonde hair. That is where the resemblance ends though. If I am truthful, I fell half in love with that vampire and I’m falling for this one also.The thought makes me smile, and I watch as his brows draw together in question. My hand floats up and I cup his smooth cheek as I shake my head once before tilting my head back, beckoning him.

  His eyes flare bright as he crashes into me. That is Hagen, my fiery captain. He is like the storms that rock the ships, the lightning that lights the sky. He is a force that you can’t contain, so you just hold on.

  I hold tight.

  He kisses me like a tsunami, and the force of his desire reshapes me in my soul. I realize that before he had just been playing, but now he was serious in his need of me. I open to his onslaught, letting him wash away my fear of what I must do. He kisses me until I am breathless and my body is on fire. His flames are burning me, branding me.

  Finally, he pulls back, biting my lower lip and pulling it with him. I go liquid with need. Releasing it, he rubs over that lip with his thumb. My eyes flutter open and I see a promise etched in his face.

  “How about a bath first?”

  His question throws me. My lust-addled brain can’t even process it for a moment, and I stare at him dumbfounded as he smirks. It’s a smirk of a man who knows exactly what he’s done.

  “A bath?” He nods as he pushes up, his fingers sliding over my neck and pausing at the pulse pounding there.

  “Yes.” He looks behind me, so I turn my head. There in the dark corner sits a round wooden tub.

  A sigh escapes my lips when I think about a bath. It feels like it has been years since I’ve had one. I nod as I turn back to him. He has stood and now he crosses to the door. Opening it, he calls out to someone called River. Just two words.

  “Now, River.”

  He had planned it while I slept. My heart softens.

  “Where is Liam?” I notice he isn’t in the room.

  “I lured him away with food and I’m sure Cook is still feeding the beast.” His golden hair gleams as he shakes his head.

  Moments later, the door is pushed wide as a string of men carry in buckets of steaming water.

  “How?” At home, we have to heat it all over a fire.

  “Solar heater. We found the instructions in one of the books from the city. It took me longer to find some solar panels that hadn’t been destroyed by the war or time.”

  The sound of the water pouring forced my body into motion. It took the men no time to empty their buckets and leave.

  “Do all the ships have one?” I ask as I move to the tub.

  “No. They all have showers based on the same principle, but only I have the tub.”

  I can picture him in it, the steam curling the hair around his temple.

  “It gets cold quickly so…” he trails off, and it’s my turn to smile slyly.

  I unbutton my shirt, pushing it off my shoulders and letting it fall. Next comes my pants, which I untie and push down over my hips. I straighten and look right at my captain. I like the lust I see on his face and I love the way his fists are clenching and unclenching.

  I feel bold.

  I don’t let myself think twice. Instead, I slide the bra and panties that had come from Lash off and let them drop beside the other things. I stand for a moment, letting his eyes devour me. Then I turn and step into the hot water, sinking slowly until I’m covered. At some point, my eyes have closed, and when I open them, he is beside me.

  My heart stutters when he kneels. I watch as he picks up a pitcher and dips it in the water, then I close my eyes as he tips my head back and pours it over my hair. He repeats the process until all of my hair is wet. A sigh escapes when he begins to lather the wet strands. The room is filled with his scent and steam. He is washing me with his soap. Again a brand, a claim, and I relish it.

  After rinsing it, he drapes my hair over the edge. My eyes are still closed when his hand begins to glide over my arm, moving up to my shoulder then across my collarbone. He is behind me, and I can feel his stomach against my head as he reaches both hands down. Rough skin moves over my smoothness as he cups my breasts, the soap making them slick. I arch my back, pressing into his palms. He squeezes tighter, kneading as my heart beats faster. Then they are gone and moving down under the water across my stomach, as the muscles there flutter in anticipation.

  “I have dreamt of this since before we found you.” His breath is warm at my ear, and I shiver at the darkness I hear in it. “Dreamt of ruling someone here in my room. Would you let me rule you, my queen?”

  I swallow as his teeth close on the tendon in my neck, causing me to shiver again.


  One hand glides back up my body and closes around my neck, tightening slightly, just a hint of pressure, but it causes moisture to flood my core as he forces my face to his.

  “Open your eyes, my queen. I want to see your eyes. I want you to see me.” I do as he demands, locking my green gaze with his golden one.

  His other hand plunges down, spreading my lips to gain entrance to my core, and I gasp as he thrusts in. Just a single finger, but that is all it takes. Crashing in for another kiss, he swallows my gasp. His tongue thrusts into my mouth just like his finger is thrusting into me, and my fingers curl over the edge of the tub, trying to hold on. Once, twice, three times his finger moves in and out of me. Then it is gone. He moves higher, rubbing gently over the nub that is throbbing with need.

  Still he kisses me, eating all of my moans until he breaks away. His hand leaves me and I open my eyes, focusing on him once again.


  It is an order, and he watches me closely. This is it, no going back, but the darkness beckons. I am supposed to be something for each of them but I know they are each something different for me. Hagen is a place to free the darkest of my desires, desires I didn’t know I had until I was in his arms. No, that’s not true. He has called to me from the moment I saw him on Cyder’s ship.

  “I said stand, my qu
een.” Fingers lace through my hair and he pulls.

  Not hurting but skating that line, and any fear I had hiding within me evaporates. He senses it. A smile curves his lips as I stand, and he pulls my head back to kiss me hard.

  Hagen lifts me from the water then turns, walks the few steps to his bed, and tosses me on it.

  I am on display for him and I start to close my legs, but a growl from him stops me.

  “You do what I say in here. I am your king.” The words and the tone heat my blood even more. “In here, I am your everything.”

  He stares at me from the foot of the bed, waiting.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  He grabs my ankle, pulling me closer to the edge, then runs his fingers up my leg, his short nails scratching, raising goose bumps all over my body. My skin is cool with the dampness of the water, and his hands feel like brands. I don’t know when he started touching my other leg, but now he grips my knees, spreading me, devouring me with his eyes.

  “Do not move.” An order.

  I watch as he kneels, his shoulders between my knees, bracing them apart. His fingers curve on my thighs, moving up until he reaches the apex. Then he leans forward, his eyes on mine as his breath blows over my core.

  I shiver and bite my lip.

  “I’m going to show you who you really are,” he growls, and for the second time, I am shaken.

  Chapter Twenty


  She truly is a queen.

  A queen that I will rule.

  I have dark desires, and her willingness to indulge them soothes something in me. I will rule her in here, in this place, but in every other sense, she will rule me. I give myself to her willingly, just as she is giving herself to me now.

  My shoulders keep her legs spread, keep her open to me, as I lean forward. I watch her face as I speak, watching her pupils dilate.

  “I’m going to show you who you really are.”

  She bites her lip as I move the last inch, letting my lips touch the moisture coating her, a mixture of water and her own juices. Moving back slightly, I let her watch as I lick over my lower lip. She tastes like honeyed wine, a heady mixture that goes straight to my head.


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