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Highlander The Dark Dragon

Page 11

by Donna Fletcher

  Flutters rushed throughout her entire body and settled between her legs and she caught the gasp in her throat before it could escape, not that it mattered, for she knew her husband felt it being so close to her.

  Rhys stood, taking his wife’s hand and helping her to her feet. “I expect no interruptions, Pitt.”

  “Aye, my lord,” Pitt said.

  Cheers went up as Rhys escorted his wife from the room and up the stairs to their bedchamber. They no soon as entered the room then Rhys removed the necklace from around her neck and placed it inside a small chest stacked on top of two others near the door.

  Heather waited in the middle of the room unsure of what to do and apprehensive of what was to come. She had seen him gentle and not so gentle, a fiery demeanor lurking ever so close to the surface and that gave her reason to pause in worry.

  She did not know if his steps were slow or if her concern saw it that way. But whichever it was, it made the wait for him to reach her all the more difficult since he seemed to grow more formidable with each step he took. He moved much like the animals in the forest did, when on alert or stalking, with purpose and strength, every muscle taut and ready to spring if necessary.

  He stopped in front of her and brought his hand up to stroke her cheek with the back of his hand. She almost jumped at his touch not certain if his touch felt hot or cold, though it was gentle.

  “You are so very beautiful, wife,” he whispered and lowered his mouth to hers.

  He did not demand, but rather invited her to join him in the kiss, encouraging her tongue to mate with his and she did. His one hand went to her backside and eased her up against him, while his other hand settled on her breast to squeeze it lightly.

  He felt her slight surrender, her body resting less rigid against him. He let his hands roam more freely over her, though kept control of them. If he allowed his rugged passion to rule, she would be stripped bare by now, his mouth devouring every inch of her, not to mention what his hands would be doing. He did not want to frighten her from their bed, though he feared that it might be inevitable.

  He eased his hand down to dip into her bodice and release one of her plump breasts and as she gasped, he bent his head and took the tightening bud in his mouth.

  Heather gasped again, the sensation so new and pleasing that she startled and pulled away from him. He stopped her, his hand at her backside moving up to press against her back and hold her still. And as he continued to tease and suckle, her body began to awake as if from a long sleep. Sensations suddenly sharpened and she felt things like she never did before. And oh how she enjoyed his tongue at her breast, his hand at her back, and his manhood hard against her. This night would not be the night of horror that she had once feared and that thought had her relaxing in his arms.

  The next thing she knew, he gave her a hard shove backwards. So hard that she felt herself sail through the air, her hands flailing and when she landed, the back of her head smacked against something hard and everything went black.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rhys rounded on the man he heard approach from behind. He had no time to give thought to how the culprit had gotten into their bedchamber. The man’s face was smeared with grime so as to be undistinguishable and to create fear. To anyone else he would appear a demon born of the earth, but to Rhys he was a man who had entered his private chambers and was about to suffer for it. The culprit danced like a string less puppet in front of him, taunting as he skillfully tossed a small dagger back and forth in his hands.

  Rhys was well aware that he would get no information out of the man even if tortured. He would suffer whatever pain necessary before betraying his master. So, he decided to send a message of his own. He waited, watching how much the man was enjoying his little act and when the he least expected it—Rhys’ hand shot out and grabbed the dagger and with one swift blow sent it through the man’s throat.

  As the man’s body dropped to the floor, Rhys turned and ran to his wife’s lifeless body and went down on one knee beside her, frightened to death that he had killed her. Carefully, he reached down and lifted her gently into his arms and just as gently laid her on the bed. To his great relief she was breathing, but when he ran his hand faintly along the back of her head, he felt a large bump and fear took hold of him again. He had seen too many warriors never wake up from such a bump and he would not have that with his wife... he would not lose her.


  “Heather! Heather! Do you hear me?”

  “Quinn!” Heather thought her heart would burst from her chest. Quinn had returned to her. “Quinn! Where are you?”


  She turned to find Quinn standing in front of her and she threw herself into his arms. He caught her and held her tight. She looked up at him. He was no longer the young lad that had left her. He was now a strong strapping man, though his smile was the same. She would never forget his smile. It always warmed her heart.

  “You came back,” she said, tears gathering in her eyes.

  “I gave you my word I would return for you. Nothing. Absolutely nothing would stop me from coming back to you. Nothing will stop me from keeping you safe.”

  “My heart has ached for you; I have missed you so very much.”

  “And I you and I give you my word once more...we will never be parted again.”

  Heather let her tears fall. Quinn was home. He had come back to her and nothing else mattered. “I love you, Quinn. I love you so very much.”

  “And I love you, Heather, Now and alw...”

  A strange sound vibrated in her head as his words faded along with him and with tears falling, Heather cried out, “Quinn, do not leave, not again. Quinn!”

  “Heather! Heather, wake up!”

  Heather fought to open her eyes, but it seemed with each flutter of her eyelids, the more her head pounded with pain. Finally, she managed to open them a sliver and she winced with pain.

  “Open your eyes, Heather, now!”

  She forced her eyes open, wanting desperately to see Quinn and know he was safe and had returned to her. She blinked several times to clear her vision, though it did little good, for her tears continued to fall and blur everything. Finally, when she could see clearly, it took a moment for her to realize that it was the Dark Dragon sitting beside her on the bed and all she could do was stare at him.

  Fury gripped Rhys with a vengeance. It was his fault she shed tears and that was unacceptable to him.

  Slowly Heather began to recall what had happened and her tears began to subside. “You shoved me away.”

  Rhys’ explanation was brief. “We had an intruder.”

  Heather nodded, the movement bringing her pain and she scrunched her face against it.

  “Your head hit the stone hearth and you have a large knot on the back of it,” he explained.

  “You shoved me to protect me.” Her words were a bare whisper. “You shoved me away to keep me safe. Did you get him?”

  Rhys leaned to the right so that she could see the man’s body near the door, knowing his wife would not rest until she did.

  Heather stared at the lifeless body and saw that the man wore the same grime on his face as those who had attacked them on their journey here. The Dark Dragon had an enemy, and he meant to see the Dragon dead.

  Heather saw several of the Dragon’s warriors roaming about the room. It appeared as if they searched for something while one stood guard over the body.

  “Pitt,” Rhys called out and the man hurried to his side.

  “I am most pleased to see you awake, my lady,” Pitt said.

  Heather grimaced as she turned her head, and said, “Thank you, Pitt.”

  “Do not move. You cause yourself pain every time you do,” Rhys ordered.

  “Aye, that I do,” Heather said and let her eyes drift closed.

  “And do not go to sleep,” Rhys shouted at her. “I have seen too many men fall asleep after such a head wound never to wake again. You will keep your eyes open.”

/>   His caring words, though abrupt manner, brought a smile to her face that caused her to cringe again.

  “No smiling,” he warned.

  “Then what am I allowed to do,” she asked with a sigh.

  “You are to do nothing but lie there and rest.” Rhys turned to Pitt. “Dump the bastard in the woods and leave the dagger in his throat. And I expect you to find out before morning how he got into my bedchambers.”

  “Secret passage,” Heather said. “Is not that what your men search for?”

  Even after a blow to the head her attention was sharp and Rhys was impressed. His wife was a strong woman and while it might pose problems along the way, he was glad for it.

  “They do,” Rhys admitted, “but they have found nothing so far.”

  “They should be searching outside as wall,” Heather said.

  “They are,” Pitt said and received a scowl from Rhys.

  “You are not to concern yourself with this,” Rhys ordered his wife, though knew his demand useless.

  “I can help,” Heather said, laying her hand over her husband’s.

  “No!” he said forcefully.

  Heather had no want to argue with him in her present condition and she had no want to sit by and do nothing. And while she knew that Seamus might know something about the secret passage, she did not wish to share that information with her husband. Seamus did not trust Rhys and he would stay quiet if asked anything about a secret passage. She would wait until she was feeling better, and then ask the old man if he knew anything about this phantom way into and out of the keep.

  Rhys took her hand. “You are to rest, nothing more.”

  She stared at him for a moment, not able to take her eyes off his face, then as if coming out of a fog, she said, “As you wish.”

  Rhys thought she acquiesced to his demand much too easily. He would have to keep a watchful eye on her. He looked to Pitt again. “The men have spent enough time here. Take them and search elsewhere, and leave two men outside the door for the night. And send Nessa up.”

  Pitt nodded and within minutes everyone was gone along with the dead body.

  Rhys squeezed her hand lightly. “Nessa will help you into your nightdress while I go see to some things.”

  Heather grabbed onto his hand, not wanting to let go. “You will not be long? You will be coming back?”

  He caught the sudden fear in her eyes and it tore at his gut. “You are safe. Warriors will be right outside the door and I will not leave until Nessa is here.”

  “But you will come back?” she asked anxiously.

  “I will return,” he said.


  “I promise,” he said and raised her hand to his lips and kissed it softly.

  A smile rose on her face, though a grimace robbed it fast enough and he grew angrier at himself for having hurt her.

  This time she cast a slight smile and held his hand tighter. “Thank you for saving me.”

  He did not mean to say what rushed into his head. “I hurt you.”

  “Not intentionally. You did what had to be done and may have to do so again if the situation should arise, since this matter is not settled.”

  “No, it is not, but it will be and this time permanently.”

  Heather had no chance to ask what he meant by this time. Nessa entered the room and her husband called her over to him.

  “You will see to getting Lady Heather settled for the night, though you will not let her fall asleep while I am gone and you will stay with her until I return,” Rhys ordered.

  “Aye, my lord, I will see to her every need,” Nessa said, nodding repeatedly.

  “Will you help me stand before you go so it will be easier for Nessa to assist in undressing me?” Heather asked.

  Rhys reached down and slipped his arm gently beneath her back. “I will sit you up first and see if you grow faint.” He spread his hand against her back to support her as he brought her up to sit.

  Her head swam a bit, but she remained still once she sat up, giving it a chance to pass and it began to fade.

  Rhys could see that the slow movement affected her and he was concerned she would not be able to remain on her feet. “Tell me when you wish to stand.”

  Heather took a deeper breath before reaching out to him and saying, “Now would be fine.”

  His arms went around her and he slowly helped her to her feet.

  She looked up at him as he did, her eyes never leaving his face and she whispered, “Do not leave me.”

  It was a desperate whisper filled with fear and it felt like it all but tore him in two. He did not turn to Nessa when he said, “You may leave, Nessa, and tell Pitt I will see him in the morning.”

  “Aye, my lord,” Nessa said and left the room.

  Heather rested her head on her husband’s chest, the strong, rapid beating of his heart echoing in her ear and sounding like a comforting melody to her.

  “Let me get you out of your dress and into your nightdress so that you may rest more comfortably.”

  “Aye, I think that would be wise, though I do not know how much help I can be.”

  “I will see to it, do not worry,” he said and went to sit her on the bed so he could fetch her nightdress.

  She tightened her grip on him. “I fear I will not have the strength even with your help once I sit.”

  Rhys wanted to be able to slip her nightdress on as soon as he slipped her dress off, otherwise it was not going to be easy to hold her completely naked in his arms. He had waited impatiently for the first moment he would see her naked. He had not expected that when it came he would not be able to touch and kiss her lovely body, but rather he would be dressing her in her nightdress and tucking her into bed and that the whole ordeal would be his fault.

  So with reluctance he said, “Then I will get your dress off first, then you can sit while I fetch your nightdress.”

  “I would be most grateful.”

  Grateful. He had never expected her to be grateful to him for stripping her naked or that he would be disappointed when he did. He pushed the annoying thought from his head. He needed to see this done and as fast as possible. He worked on the ties at the back of her dress, loosening them and hoped that she wore other garments beneath like some women did. Then he could leave them on her to save his sanity while he got her nightdress.

  As soon as he freed the ties all the way, he could see she wore no top undercover. He had to be done with this and see his wife clothed shortly after stripping her or he might not be able to keep his hands off her once he got in bed with her.

  He worked the dress down over her shoulders and then her breasts. It was impossible not to let his eyes feast on what his mouth could not. He shut his eyes for a moment, but the images of her lovely breasts followed behind his closed lids and, of course, he grew aroused. How could he not when looking on such enticing breasts.

  Her soft moan had his eyes springing open.

  “Bed,” she whispered, “I need to get in bed.”

  He admonished himself for thinking of his own need when she was suffering. Keeping his thoughts focused on seeing her comfortably settled for the night, he hurried to rid her completely of the dress. And when he pushed the dress down over her curvy hips and it fell the rest of the way down at her feet, his eyes could not help but admire the thatch of blonde hair at the apex of her legs. How he ached to touch her, explore her, and bring her pleasure.

  He shook his head.

  “My body does not please you?”

  “It pleases me too much. You are more beautiful than any woman I have ever known.”

  She moaned again. “My head...hurts.”

  Rhys eased her up into his arms, and then laid her down gently on the bed. He slipped off her shoes and pulled the blanket over her, though he would have loved to continue to feast his eyes on her enticing body. She was curved perfectly in all the right places and her skin was soft with not a single blemish on it. And she must have done much physical work for while
her skin was soft to the touch there was tightness to her body that he rarely saw in a woman.

  He was growing far too aroused and turned to walk away and not only fetch her nightdress, but take a moment to collect himself and calm his growing arousal.

  She reached out, grabbing his hand. “Do not leave me.”

  “You need your nightdress,” he said, knowing it was a necessity for his own sanity.

  “I need you more.”

  Her desperate plea grabbed at his gut and turned his ache for her unbearable. But he would not deny her when she had been left frightened from the incident. He would, however, leave his garments on.

  He went to climb in bed with her, but her words stopped him.

  “Your garments...take them off or you will not sleep comfortably.”

  He never expected to hear his new wife tell him to take his garments off and at any other time he would be only too pleased to oblige her. But this night had been difficult enough without having to crawl into bed with her naked. Another thought he never believed he would ever have.

  “Please hurry,” she begged.

  He did as she asked and got in bed carefully so as not to jostle her and cause her more pain. As soon as he stretched out beside her, she turned, pressed herself tight against him, placed her leg over his, her arm across his waist and rested her head on his chest, and sighed contentedly.

  This was going to be an unbearable night and yet he cherished having her in his arms. He rested his arm around her shoulders and slipped his other hand in hers, locking her safely in his embrace.

  “How many women?” she whispered.

  He narrowed his brow, not understanding. “What is that you ask?”

  “You said I was more beautiful than any woman you have ever known. How many women have you known?”

  “More than I needed to.”

  “That is an odd answer.”

  “It is a complex matter.”

  “How so?” she asked.

  “You need your rest.”

  “You told me not to sleep.”

  “You can sleep now. I will stir you now and again to make certain you are all right,” he said, not wanting to discuss the matter with her now or possibly ever.


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