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Highlander The Dark Dragon

Page 25

by Donna Fletcher

  Rhys looked to see where the tracker pointed. The size of the outline fit his wife and he could picture her taking the fall, her knees hitting the dirt and her arms going up in an attempt to protect her face as she went down hard and fast. He fisted his hands at his sides, his heart rammed against his chest, and rage filled his whole body. He knew exactly what his wife was going through and he hated knowing she would suffer even more before he reached her.

  “They do not hide their tracks well. It is as if they leave a trail for us to follow,” the tracker said.

  “That is exactly what he is doing. Keep following and remember his men hide well.”

  The troop waited until Rhys mounted, and then they took off.


  Heather had no way to defend herself and even if she could she barely had the strength to do so, but she did not let either stop her. She did something Patience had once taught her. She waited until the warrior got close and she used the only part of her body that had some strength left... her head.

  As the warrior leaned down and tore her sleeve off her shoulder, she came up with her head fast and hard, catching him in the jaw and sending him sprawling to the ground. She quickly grabbed the rope away from him as he lay squirming in pain.

  “I admire your courage, though I do not think it will last long,” Haidar said and waved to two men to finish the task. His hand suddenly stilled, halting them. “What is that sound?”

  The camp turned quiet and listened.

  When nothing was heard Haidar raised his hand again and froze in place, his eyes turning wide.

  From the darkness, dozens of glowing green eyes suddenly surrounded the camp. Growls started and grew as wolf after wolf slowly and cautiously entered the camp, their sharp teeth bared in warning as they walked over to Heather and one by one circled her, creating a shield of wolves around her.

  One warrior mistakenly placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. A wolf shot out from the darkness behind him and dragged him back into the dark depths of the woods, screaming.

  Heather shut her eyes and cringed until his screams were no more.

  Haidar said nothing and made no move, his hand still up in the air. The warriors did the same.

  Heather forced herself to her feet, ignoring the pain as best she could.

  Suddenly an arrow shot into the camp just missing one of the wolves and a pair of wolves jumped out of the darkness, lunging at a warrior. Their sharp fangs tore at him as they dragged him into the woods, his screams echoing in the night.

  No arrows followed after that and from the look on Haidar’s face, the warrior who shot it would suffer for his misdeed.

  Heather started walking, the wolves keeping their circle tight around her. Her feet pained her badly with each step she took and her body ached all over, but she forced herself to keep going. The wolves had come for her and they would see her to safety and all she had to do was walk along with them. She called out no parting words to Haidar as she disappeared into the darkened woods. She would leave him to her husband.

  Once out of sight, the wolves parted and she knew what they intended. She took off running with them. She told herself not to feel, not to think, just to run as free as the wolves.

  Haidar stood not moving at all, his face contorted red with rage and his arm aching from holding it up so long. Wolves remained snarling and snapping if anyone dared to move, and then they began to leave until none were left, their growls and howls continuing to echo in the air.

  “Find the fool who fired that arrow and kill him,” Haidar ordered the man who stepped toward him as he brought his arm down painfully slow. “Then gather the men. Plans have changed.”


  The sun was rising when Rhys and his men neared the camp. A halt was called and Pitt hurried over to him.

  “Dismount and come see this now,” Pitt urged.

  Rhys followed an anxious Pitt and found himself staring at what looked like more than a hundred wolf tracks. “No bodies?” he asked.

  “I have the men searching now,” Pitt said and went off when a warrior shouted out to him.

  Rhys went and picked up a piece of rope off the ground. He was familiar with the purpose it served since he had worn one around his wrists for some time. Dare he hope—something he had not done much of in many years—that somehow Heather got free before the wolves attacked? Or had they attacked? He stared at the tracks and crouched down to look more closely and saw a human track amongst the wolf tracks.

  He stood and called out for Pitt, but he was already headed his way.

  “Two bodies, or what are left of them,” Pitt said, “and a third with his throat cut.”

  “Haidar’s way of punishing those who fail him.” Rhys shook his head. “I think the wolves may have rescued Heather.”

  “That would explain the foot tracks keeping pace with the wolf tracks,” Pitt said.

  “Then we follow,” Rhys ordered.

  “They set a fast pace and with the injuries to her feet, which probably have worsened the tracker does not believe Heather would make it far.”

  “Then she should be close.” Rhys hurried and mounted his horse. “Which way do the tracks go?”

  Pitt pointed as he mounted his horse. “Back toward McComb land.”

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Rhys stood alone, staring at his wife sprawled face down on the ground with at least half a dozen wolves keeping a tight circle around her. One large black wolf stood in front of the circle, his fangs bared and his growl deep.

  When two of his men had come across the scene they had wisely backed away and had come to fetch him. Rhys had ordered his warriors to stay where they were and not approach the area. He had removed his leather armor and left all weapons behind against Pitt’s strong objections.

  He approached the wolves with his hands held out from his sides, showing he meant them no harm. The black wolf was not impressed; he continued to snarl.

  Rhys wanted to run over to his wife’s prone body and see that it was only exhaustion that had her lying so lifeless, but the wolf would never let him pass. And if it was not sleep that had claimed her, he had to know and do what he could to help her.

  He took a chance and called out, “Heather!”

  His powerful voice annoyed the wolf and he lunged in warning, his snarl even more threatening.

  Rhys did not back away, though he did change the tone of his voice. It sounded more caring, though it remained strong. “Heather, wake up. I have come to take you home.”

  The black wolf continued pacing in front of the circle, his snarl lessening.

  “Heather it is me, wake up.”

  The more he called and the more she did not respond, the more his fear grew and he began to pace as well.

  The Dragon and the wolf paced back and forth, their eyes never leaving each other.

  Finally, Rhys stopped and called out, “Heather wake up, it is I...Quinn. I have come back to you. Please wake up. I have missed you terribly and I love you so very much.”

  Never had he felt such joy as he did when he saw her body move.

  He called out again. “Wake up, Heather, I want to hold you again. Kiss you. Tell you over and over how much I love you.”

  She stirred even more and Rhys kept talking, urging her with his loving words.

  Pain shot through Heather each time she moved, but she heard Quinn calling to her and she had to get to him. She stretched her arms out from her sides and moaned louder, but it was when she moved her legs and feet that she cried out the loudest in pain.

  She let the pain subside before moving again and more slowly this time, Quinn’s voice urging her to wake and sit up. When she finally got her eyes open, she was shocked to see the wolves surrounding her. The awful memory came back to her then. The wolves had saved her and protected her until Rhys could reach her. She was ever so grateful for their friendship.

  She wondered though, it was Quinn who called to her. She was not mistaken about that since he was still cal
ling out to her urging her to wake up and sit up and telling her how much he loved her.

  A smile sparked her strength and she managed to push herself up to sit, though her body ached terribly and she cringed when she saw her feet. They were covered with dirt and caked with blood so she could not tell how bad her wounds were. She also could not see Rhys clearly with the wolves circled around her, so she attempted to stand.

  A mistake. She fell to her side in pain.

  “Do not try and stand,” Rhys shouted and the black wolf lunged at him again in warning.

  It took strength she feared she did not have to sit up again and remain that way. Once she did, she began speaking softly to the wolves, thanking them for their help and protection and telling them it was all right for them to leave her now. She was safe. The man here would not harm her. He had come to see her safely home.

  The wolves began to drift off one by one until the black wolf was the only one remaining.

  The wolf went to stand next to Heather and she slowly rested a gentle hand to the side of his face and whispered, “Thank you. I am forever grateful to you for your help and friendship.”

  Rhys approached Heather slowly seeing that though the wolf walked off, he stayed just far enough in the woods to watch and wait and make certain Rhys did not harm her. Once he reached her side Rhys did not hesitate, he scooped her up in his arms.

  Pain rushed through her, but she fought against it and slipped her arms around his neck. “I knew you would come for me.”

  “Always,” he said and kissed her brow gently, relieved he finally held her in his arms.

  As he walked off with her, she said, “You are Quinn.”

  “We will discuss that later.”

  “No,” she said with a gentle firmness, “you will tell me now once and for all. You are Quinn, are you not?”

  He hesitated and he seemed to battle himself before finally saying, “I once was Quinn, but the young man you knew is no more.”

  She smiled, her heart filling with such tremendous joy that she thought she would burst. “Quinn, Rhys, Dark Dragon, you are all the same to me and I love you all equally and always will.”

  He stopped walking and pressed his brow to hers. “There were times I feared I would never be able to say this to you again. I love you, Heather, more now than I ever did and believe me when I tell you that the Dark Dragon loves you beyond reason.”

  She kissed him gently. “Take me home, husband.”


  The pain in her body seemed to keep rhythm with the horse’s rapid pace. It pounded and pounded until it reached her head and she began to feel herself drift into darkness.


  Heather felt the heat on her face from the fiery roar of the Dragon.


  She struggled to get away from the burning heat of the Dragon’s breath, but could not escape the shackles that bound her. She thrashed against the unbearable heat licking at her skin, but was forced to stop when the shackles tightened around her.

  Heather almost cried out in relief when the pounding finally stopped, but her throat was too dry to speak and it sounded more like a muffled moan. She felt herself being carried and tried to beg for something to quench her unbearable thirst, but the words would not come.

  “What did you do to her?”

  Was that Patience’s voice she heard?

  “Damn you, what happened to my sister?”

  “Get her to her bedchamber where I can look after her.”

  That was Emma, she would get her a drink. Heather tried to call out to her sister, but she barely got out a raspy moan.

  “She needs something to drink.”

  A tear came to her eyes. Leave it to Emma to know what she needed.

  Heather was ever so grateful when she was placed on a bed. She wanted to strip off her garments and sleep until she felt better, after she quenched her thirst.

  “Get out and leave her to us,” Patience ordered.

  What was the matter with Patience talking to Quinn that way? She always loved him like a brother. Heather almost sighed with relief when she felt a strong hand lift her head and drop something cool against her lips. She opened her mouth hungry for more and the cool drink was a blessing to her parched throat.

  “Get out, we will tend her.”

  “Patience, do not talk to Quinn that way,” Heather struggled to say.

  “She thinks you are Quinn,” Emma said, choking on tears.

  “Hot, so hot,” Heather said, pulling at her dress.

  “Leave us,” Patience ordered, giving Rhys a shove.

  Rhys grabbed her and Emma by the arms and rushed them over to their husbands. “Get them out of here now.”

  “I am not leaving my sister,” Patience said, her husband Hunter fighting to keep her from going after the Dragon.

  Emma’s husband Rogan kept hold of her hand as she took a step toward the Dragon and said, “Please, she is burning with fever. I know what to do.”

  Rhys wanted to chase them all away, but he knew of Emma’s healing skills and he relented. “You can stay and help.”

  “Then I stay too,” Patience said.

  “Only if you follow what I tell you and you do not argue with anyone,” Emma ordered. “Your temper will not serve our sister well.”

  “Emma is right,” Hunter said, releasing his wife.

  “I will do whatever you say and save my temper for later,” Patience said, letting the Dragon know she was not done with him.

  “Hunter and I will be right outside the door if you need anything,” Rogan said and went to the door with Hunter, though it opened before they reached it.

  Nessa hurried in, tears in her eyes and a bucket of water in each hand. “My lord, what can I do to help Lady Heather?”

  Rhys looked to Emma. “Tell her what you need.” He turned and went to his wife, taking her hand. “I am here with you and I am not going anywhere. Your sisters are also here to help.”

  Heather licked at her lips and thankfully Rhys understood and lifted her head to give her more of the cool brew. “Do not leave me,” she said as soon as she could.

  “Never,” he said and kissed her cheek, growing alarmed by how hot she felt. He turned to Emma. “She is burning.”

  “We need to get her out of her garments and get her cleaned so I can see how bad the wounds are. I also need some plants brewed.”

  “I will see to that, tell me what you need done,” Patience said.

  It did not take Rhys and Emma long to strip Heather, now unresponsive to their words or touch, and when they did, Emma started crying, seeing the many bruises on her sister’s soft skin.

  “I am sorry,” Emma said, “I cry much too easily since I have gotten with child.”

  “Shed as many tears as you want,” Rhys said, “and shed them for me as well for my anger will not let me shed any and my mind is too busy planning my revenge.”

  Rhys worked silently beside Emma washing the dirt off Heather’s body, but when it came to her feet, Emma laid a gently hand on his. “Please let me see to her feet. I need to tend the wounds gently so they do not open and bleed again. It would help if you bathed her face, neck, and shoulders with a wet cloth to help get the fever down.”

  Rhys nodded and did as Emma said. He was so intent on seeing to his wife’s care that he did not hear Patience return or the sisters whispering.

  Heather suddenly stirred and called out, “Quinn.”

  Rhys was quick to answer, taking hold of her hand. “I am here, Heather, do not worry. I am not going to leave you, not ever again.”

  She settled, though did not let go of his hand.

  Rhys finally looked to Emma to see if she was finished tending Heather’s feet.

  She, along with her sister, was staring at him.

  He knew what they were thinking, but he was too concerned with his wife to discuss it with them now. “How are her feet?”

  Emma answered quickly. “Some bruises and abrasions, though
only one that could pose a problem since it shows signs of redness. I will soak the wound with a special brew I have and that should help ease the redness so that it does not turn putrid. We can take turns tending her if you would like?”

  “We need to discuss what happened here and why your troops move in from the west and north.” Patience said. “With Greer’s wife’s body being found on Macinnes land and Rab McLaud’s headless body to contend with, war with the Clan McLaud seems inevitable.”

  It was time for everything to come together, though he had not planned on his wife being abducted, but he would not give Haidar a second chance at taking her away from him. The Dark Dragon would finally see it ended.

  “I will take the first watch,” Emma said to Rhys. “I want to clean her wounds more and see that she gets enough of the special brew. And if she should ask for you, I will see that you are summoned immediately.”

  Rhys did not want to leave Heather, but he also needed to see her protected and safe and he would have to go to battle to see that done. “If anything should change—”

  “I will fetch you immediately,” Emma assured him.

  Rhys kissed Heather’s brow and thought it felt cooler to him, His lips drifted near her ear and he whispered, “I love you. Do not dare leave me.” He stood and looked to Patience. “I have a plan.”


  Heather sighed as she opened her eyes. The soft light from a low burning fire in the hearth was the only light in the room. She looked to the window and saw that it was night. How long had she slept? And had she dreamed she heard Patience and Emma?

  When she saw her husband sitting in a chair next to the bed, his head bent back, his mouth opened slightly, and a slight snore coming from him, she smiled.

  She sighed again. They were home and safe and—”


  She looked to her husband. “You woke.”

  “So did you?” Rhys moved to sit on the bed beside her, his hand reaching out to rest at her brow. “Thank goodness your fever is finally gone. It has been two days and— ”

  “Two days? I have been with fever two days?”

  “Emma has tended you well.”


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