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A Kiss To Build a Dream On (That Voodoo That You Do Book 3)

Page 6

by Jolie St. Amant

  She turned another card. “The magician. This card tells me that a new beginning will be a success for you. This could be a new job.” She smiled and winked. “Or a new relationship. Now is the time to go for it. What is going against you? Fear. Do not allow fear to stop you from taking this new chance or pursuing this relationship. It’s time for positive action.”

  Chloe’s heart beat faster as Madam Vivian flipped another card. “This last card is the likely outcome. This is a wonderful card for you. It’s an omen for success. You have the potential, you have positive energy surrounding you now. It’s time for you to shine.”

  Madame Vivian passed her hand over the cards. “You have come out of a dark, unhappy place, but you have taken some steps in the right direction. The cards and the stars are in your favor. Now, do you have any questions for me?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Not right now.” Chloe reached for her purse. “How much do I owe you?”

  “Nothing. You come back and visit with me. We have much to discuss.”

  “I will! I can’t wait to hear the stories.”

  “You have your own story to begin.”

  Chloe reached out and hugged her. “I’m so glad I came in here today!”

  “Me too. Me too.” Madame Vivian reached out and grabbed a small package wrapped in burlap with the store’s name on it and tied with a purple ribbon. “Take this too. It’s some of Madam Vivian’s special bath salts.”

  “Oh, that’s awesome. Thank you. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Yes, you will.” Madam Vivian reached out and patted her hand. “Now go, child, I believe someone is waiting on you.”

  Chloe stepped out onto the sidewalk and grabbed her cellphone.

  Chloe: Will you meet me in the bar around seven?

  She hadn’t made it halfway down the block before her phone chirped.

  Jared: Of course.

  She smiled as she typed in her response.

  Chloe: And dress up! It’s Halloween!

  Jared: I’m looking forward to it. See you at 7.

  Chloe slid the phone into her pocket. He wasn’t the only one looking forward to the evening.

  Jared tightened the red tie and gave himself a look in the mirror. Damned if he didn’t look like Alcide. With the black dress shirt and slacks, all he needed to do was put on the hat, and the costume would be complete.

  He had worried when he hadn’t heard from Chloe. He hoped she’d simply needed some time. He was still mad at Chandler for coming, for making her feel like he had, and for mistreating her so. Jared would spend the evening doing the opposite and cherishing her like the jewel she was.

  He glanced at the time. He had fifteen minutes to go until he was to meet Chloe at the bar. Unable to wait any longer, he put on the hat and headed out the door.

  Ivy slid a bourbon and Coke in front of him as he sat down.

  “You’re good,” Jared said.

  “It’s my job,” she said. “Nice costume.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Looks like you shopped in Alcide’s closet.”

  Jared laughed. “I don’t think Alcide and I are the same size.”

  She eyed him up and down. “No, but you’ll do.”

  The sound of heels echoing on the floor made Jared turn toward the doorway. His breath caught in his throat as Chloe walked into the bar. She was wearing a little black dress, a black wig adorned with a feather in her hair, and a red and black feather boa, which she twirled in one hand. In the other hand, she held a white cigarette holder.

  She beamed when she saw Jared, and he thought his heart stopped beating.

  “You look incredible,” she said, tugging on his tie.

  “As do you.”

  “Looking good, Chloe,” Ivy said. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Something with a 1920s vibe.”

  “I got ya,” Ivy responded, then turned to mix up a drink.

  Chloe sat down beside him, and the sweet floral smell of her perfume nearly did him in. He took a sip from his drink to try to distract himself.

  “I’m so excited to be going out tonight. The Quarter is going to be amazing,” she said as Ivy returned with a drink. “What’s this?”

  “It’s a French 75. Gin, champagne, lemon, and sugar.”

  Chloe took a sip and grinned. “Tastes good. One of my favorites so far.” She sat the drink down. “You know, Ivy, you should go out with us one evening.” She paused, “I mean, if Jared’s okay with that. You did say you were staying a few days, right?”

  “I think it sounds like a great plan. And no, I’m not planning on leaving New Orleans anytime soon.” He reached out and lightly squeezed her bare knee. Jared watched as her face flushed and she took another sip of her drink. “What’s the plan for tonight?”

  “I thought I’d take you around The Quarter. We haven’t been to some of my favorites yet.”

  “I can’t wait. There’s so much to see.”

  “I’m ready if you are.”

  They said their goodbyes to Ivy and headed out into the noise and excitement of the French Quarter.

  Jared enjoyed everything about Chloe. Her nearness, the fresh flower scent of her perfume, and the way she looked at everything with a wide-eyed interest. They walked through the Quarter, and her amazement didn’t end.

  He stopped in front of the Hotel Monteleone. “We have to check out the Carousel Bar. It’s late so we probably won’t get a spot there now, but we can watch.”

  They walked into the lobby, door held open by a uniformed doorman. As they entered, Jared motioned Chloe over to a display case on the left. It held various antiques, but the most interesting was the sign that stated Famous Authors Who Have Stayed Here. Underneath was a list, including Tennessee Williams and Truman Capote.

  “That’s so cool!” Chloe said. She looked at him and batted her eyelashes. “I always did rely on the kindness of strangers,” she said in a breathy whisper that had his insides twisting.

  He looked away for a moment to compose himself. “How about we check out the bar?” he said finally.

  That shine was back in her eyes, and he motioned to the bar. It was full, just like he thought it would be at this time, but they were still able to get seats, just not at the rotating bar.

  “It really turns!” she exclaimed.

  He nodded.

  A waitress came around and took their orders. He ordered a beer, and she ordered a Fleur de Lis. As they waited, she walked around the bar, admiring and taking pictures of the 1920s decor: the jeweled chandeliers, the portraits of flappers on the walls, and, of course, the massive carousel with all its decor, turning slightly.

  The waitress brought their drinks and Chloe returned to the table. “This place is like stepping back in time. I wonder what the rooms look like.”

  “I thought you would like it.”

  “I want to stay here one night.”

  I’d like to stay anywhere you are. “I’m sure it would be awesome,” he said. “I hear it’s really decked out during Christmas.”

  “Will you be here for the holidays? They’re really just around the corner.”

  “Honestly, I hadn’t really thought about it, until now.” He reached out and grabbed her hand, pressing his lips against her soft skin. “I’m sure I could be tempted to stay.”

  Chloe smiled and placed her hand on his cheek. “I like the sound of that.”

  He took her hand and held it in his. “I have another place I’d love to show you. We can go after we finish our drinks. Sound good?

  Chloe nodded.

  After they finished their drinks, they left the Monteleone and walked a short distance to a bar that was just around the block. It was small inside, but like most places in New Orleans, it was big on character. It was like stepping back in time into a 1920s speakeasy, no password necessary, but with a big screen TV above the bar.

  They took a seat at the U-shaped bar and looked over the menu. Drinks were the classic Sazeracs and Manhattans, as well a
s some new twists on old drinks. As she read through the menu, she noted that on Thursdays, they hosted a mobster movie night and customers were encouraged to dress up. She would definitely be returning for that.

  Chloe ordered a Manhattan and turned around on the barstool to check out the place. A few high-top tables were scattered around, lit candles placed on each for ambiance. A small band was tuning up on the far side of the bar. They were dressed in classic 1920s attire. The men were in suits and ties. One of the male performers had on a short-sleeved white shirt, his arms decorated with tattoos. The woman wore a long, tight-fitting blue dress, and flowers adorned her hair, much like the crooners of those days would have.

  The bartender returned with her Manhattan, and she slid off the barstool. There was a small room off to the right she wanted to explore.

  “Oooh! I want to check that out! I’ll be right back.”

  Drink in hand, she entered the hideaway through French doors. Inside the room were low couches, designed for conversations and maybe a little necking here and there. Pictures on the wall depicted gangsters of days gone by. Jimmy Hoffa, Vito Genovese, and New Orleans’ own Carlos Marcello. Snapshots of the Prohibition were also there.

  “It can’t be!” Chloe gasped.

  “What?” Jared asked.

  Chloe jumped, unaware he had followed her. She laughed and put her hand on his arm. “You scared me!”

  “I didn’t mean to. But what were you looking at?”

  She pointed to one of the grainy black-and-white photos of a bar back in the day, possibly the same bar they were in. There was a dark-haired woman, dressed in full flapper attire, sitting on the lap of a decked-out Gangster.

  “Doesn’t that look like Josey?”

  “The hotel owner?” Jared peered closer. “Maybe? Must be a relative. The picture isn’t very clear either, and I haven’t seen her too many times.”

  The band, finished tuning their instruments, began to play. Chloe cocked her head as the melody was familiar.

  “Oh my God! It’s Journey!”

  Picture forgotten, she scooted back into the bar. The band was indeed doing a 1920s version of Don’t Stop Believing, complete with piano, horns, and even a violin. She found a spot at the bar and swayed and sang along to the music.

  As the band entered the final chorus of the popular song, performers danced together, then separated and pulled bar customers to the floor to join in. Not one to be left out, Chloe grabbed Jared and pulled him to the floor as well. He was a very good dancer, she noted, as their bodies moved in time to the rhythm. He twirled her around until she was dizzy. As the song ended, he dipped her low, his face even with hers.

  Both breathing hard, they stayed on the dance floor for a moment, eyes locked as the bar around them disappeared. Jared pressed his lips to hers, this time, not as softly. His tongue darted in, tasting her for a moment. He nipped her lips with his teeth before raising his head.

  As they walked back to their seats, the band began to play a jazz version of WHAM’s Careless Whisper.

  “How about we head back to the hotel?” Chloe asked, surprising herself. “We can have a drink at the bar. It will be a little quieter there.”

  “Sounds great to me.”

  It was a short walk back to the hotel, and soon they were seated at the bar. The only other people there were there icy blonde and her dark-haired companion. The bartender was giving them a history lesson about the place that trailed off as they walked in.

  They took seats on the other side of the bar, giving the couple some space and privacy. “They seem to have warmed up to each other,” Chloe whispered.

  “They did,” Jared replied, thinking they weren’t the only ones. That dance and kiss at the bar had set him on fire. Seeing her twirl, her chest heaving from exertion and excitement, made it very hard for him to contain himself. Luckily, the crisp autumn air had cooled him down somewhat on the walk back to the hotel.

  There was a little static on the speakers for a moment, then an old Louis Armstrong song began to play—A Kiss to Build a Dream On.

  “Want to dance?” he asked, holding his hand out.

  She took his hand, loving its warmth. “I would love to.”

  He held her close on the dance floor, so close that she knew where this night was headed. He reached out and pulled her body closer to his as they moved slowly to the rhythm of the music. One of his hands ran slowly up and down her back. The friction of his warm hand on her skin made her tremble.

  “Would you like to come to my room?” she asked.

  He said nothing, only nodded. Silently, they paid their tabs and walked hand in hand to her room.

  Once they got to her room, Chloe turned and looked at him, nervously chewing on her lip, unsure of what to do now that she had him in her room. Everything about this night was unfamiliar territory for her.

  As if sensing her trepidation, he walked up to her. He reached out and lifted her chin with a finger. “There’s nothing to be nervous about. We won’t do anything you don’t want to do. I’ll put some music on, and you can draw a bath and relax. Tonight, is all about you, baby.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “If only you knew how many times I’ve dreamed of this. Of kissing you like this.” He pressed his lips to hers. He pulled her close for a moment, and Chloe loved the feel of him next to her.

  She pressed her body closer, and he moaned. She grinned against the onslaught of his kiss. With a sigh, he took a step back. He looked into her eyes and smiled.

  “Go take that bath. Relax. Then come back to me.”

  She stepped away from him, her hands still laced with his. “You’ll still be here?”

  “Like I would be anywhere else.”

  Chloe closed the bathroom door and leaned against it. The appeal of Jared was almost irresistible. It would be so amazing to curl up in his arms and get lost in desire. On the other hand, the fear was just as fierce. She had never been with anyone but Chandler. What would happen in the morning? What would happen the next day? What the hell was she going to wear when she left this room?

  “Chloe?” Jared called from the other room. His voice spurred her into action, and she walked over to the tub.


  “I’m going to go grab a few things and come back. Do you want me to take a key so I can get back in without disturbing you?”

  “That’s fine. I think I left it by the coffee pot.”

  “I got it. I’ll be back.”

  Chloe heard the door close, then turned the faucet on. After checking the temperature of the water, she went back into the main room and grabbed a mini bottle of wine from the fridge. She poured it into one of the glasses by the ice bucket. Before going back into the bathroom, she thought of the bath salts she had gotten from Madam Vivian earlier.

  “Perfect,” she said, grabbing the small bag from her purse. She also grabbed a t-shirt and pajama pants.

  She poured some of the small purple crystals into the water, smiling as the scent of lavender floated up from the water.

  She disrobed and slid into the water, turning on the jets. Closing her eyes, she finally relaxed.

  Jared rushed down to the corner store, impatient to get back to Chloe. She was nervous, scared, and he understood that. He didn’t want to rush things either. As he had waited in the room while she went in the bathroom, he’d been anxious himself. It was like his first time all over again. This woman made him feel things he hadn’t felt in a long time.

  He felt like it was moving too fast, and based on her nervousness, he knew Chloe felt the same. It was time to switch gears.

  Hurriedly, he grabbed a few items and paid for them.

  He stopped by his own room and changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt before going back to Chloe’s room.

  She was still in the bathtub when he returned. He fought off the thoughts of her there in the tub, wet, relaxed. Instead of knocking on the bathroom door and begging for entrance, he popped the top on a beer he’d bought, grabbed the TV remote,
and lay down on the bed. He clicked through the channels until he found a crime drama he enjoyed. He sipped his beer and waited.

  Chandler Montgomery watched from across the street as Jared entered the store. Now would be the perfect time to catch Chloe alone. He’d teach her to make a fool out of him. He hurried across the busy street and waited for a group of people to go in. Going in alone would make him easy to spot. Carefully, he avoided the bar area, keeping his head low.

  The elevator opened, and he stepped in.

  The number four lit up automatically as the doors slid shut.

  “Perfect. The fourth floor. Right where I need to be.” He had called in a favor to find out her room number after calling the front desk had yielded him no answers.

  The air in the small space grew cold, and he shivered. “Why Chloe would want to stay in such an old, drafty hotel is beyond me.”

  The elevator stopped, and he stepped out. Slowly, he walked through the hallways, looking for the room number he’d called in a favor to get.

  As he passed by one room, he heard the door open. He turned toward it and saw the grey-eyed bartender standing in the doorway.


  She smiled, and as she did, Chandler’s blood froze in his veins.

  Cold hands reached for him as the door slammed shut.

  Chloe heard Jared return, the hiss of an opened bottle, then the TV turn on. She breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t hear the voice of a sports announcer or a political commentator. She dressed quickly and soon opened the door. The sight of him lounging on the bed, looking all comfortable in pajamas, was even more appealing than him dressed up as he was earlier.

  “Let’s watch some TV. Anything you want.” He put the remote on her side of the bed.

  Chloe smiled. “You’re awesome, you know that?”

  “Want a beer?” he asked, holding his up.


  He grinned and hopped out of bed. Grabbing a beer out of the fridge, he twisted the top off, walked back to the bed, and handed it to her.


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