Christmas at Emelia's: Blossom Creek Novella
Page 8
“Oh, I heard about him. Didn’t he run Bea off the road in the accident?”
“You’re worried about him?” I ask.
“We’ve all been taught to drive in this weather. Our parents were adamant about it. So, Ryker driving too fast that his tire popped doesn’t make sense. He isn’t reckless.” Levi shrugs.
“Accidents happen. Maybe he wasn’t driving fast. That road has its fair share of accidents throughout the year.”
“Possibly.” Levi smiles. “He’s a great guy. His younger sister, Valentina, has him wrapped around her little finger.”
“Talking lies about me, cousin,” a man says, nudging Levi in the shoulder.
“Vivien, my cousin Ryker.”
“It’s nice to meet a beautiful woman.” Ryker winks as he takes my hand and kisses it.
“And…she’s my beautiful woman.” Levi pulls me into his side and Ryker laughs.
“To clear things up, I wasn’t driving too fast. It was an accident. I feel like shit, though.”
“It could have been a lot worse, but thankfully it wasn’t. Didn’t I hear you were covering the costs of repair?” Levi asks.
“You did. However, the car is a write-off, so I’ve ordered her a small SUV.” He shrugs. “It’s no big deal. And even though I know there was nothing I could have done to prevent the accident, it will make me feel better knowing I haven’t left her without a way of getting around.”
“That’s a generous thing to do.” I smile.
“Hmm, now if only the woman would talk to me, then I’d be able to leave town.”
“It’s been years since you’ve been in the States other than for quick visits. Hang around. Spend Christmas with us or go home to your parents.”
“Maybe,” Ryker mutters.
The man is slightly taller than Levi with the same dark hair the De La Fuentes seem to have, and the scruff on his face is slightly longer and darker than Levi’s thin layer. His cousin seems troubled, and if I had to guess, it isn’t just the accident on his mind.
Ryker gives us a quick hug and moves away.
“Ryan is waving to me. It’s time.”
I cup Levi’s face and give him a soft kiss to his lips. “I want to be the first one to say congratulations.”
“Thank you, babe.” He smacks me on the ass before intertwining our fingers together and pulling me with him toward Ryan. “Stay here. Don’t move.”
He goes to stand next to Ryan, looking happy but nervous. Ryan does too, which is sweet. As the restaurant quiets, I glance around the converted barn at all the guests occupying every chair and table in the room. Right now, it’s festive with a large Christmas tree centered in the middle of the glass doors at the back of the room. It’s too cold to have the doors open to allow for outside dining, but it will be a delight with the fields full of flowers during the summer. Small lights twinkle around wooden beams and posts, the tables have a small artificial poinsettia in the middle. And the atmosphere is warm and welcoming, the smell of food making my stomach rumble.
Turning my attention back to the man who has crept under my skin, I smile when he briefly holds my gaze. Levi smiles wider, winks and then clears his throat.
The man commands attention, especially mine, and watching him take charge in the way he’s doing does something to my insides. He quickly passes me a narrow stare, which I delight in. He’s telling me to behave.
As he starts speaking, a hand lands on my back and then Ingrid is hugging me. My sister looks fantastic in the silver dress she wears while Nathan looks a bit hot under the collar. I wink at Ingrid and smirk at Nathan. The man rolls his eyes and I notice that his hand rests low on Ingrid’s hip. She is all smiles and I’m happy for her. Thank goodness our parents don’t seem to be inside her head at the moment.
Ingrid slips her hand into mine and squeezes. She keeps it there as she nods toward Levi and Ryan. “They look good up there,” she whispers.
“Hmm.” I’m too busy listening to Levi.
“Everything that I am today is because my parents believed in me, even when I was an awkward teenager.” Levi laughs. “I finally believe”—he holds my gaze—“that the best things in life are worth waiting for.” Clearing his throat, he continues, “I never thought I’d get the opportunity to open an Emelia’s with my cousin Ryan McKenzie.”
Once the clapping stops, Ryan takes over and talks to his parents and fiancée. It’s sweet, but it’s Levi who I can’t take my eyes from. He looks delicious up front with Ryan. Some of the other ladies in the restaurant have noticed the owners, but I’m glad to report that neither man has eyes for them.
The moment Emelia’s is officially open, Levi hugs his parents and comes straight for me. “That was awesome.” He picks me up in his arms and twirls me around.
“Congratulations, Levi.”
“Give me an hour and then we’re going to celebrate alone.”
Laughing, I shake my head. “No way am I going to be responsible for you missing the opening party for your restaurant. No way.”
“I might have to show you my office, then, huh?” Levi counters. “Actually”—he nibbles my earlobe—“I think I’ll show you that now.”
“You are going to get me into trouble, Levi.”
“The dirty kind.” He smirks and leads me to his office.
Emma De La Fuente
“Aunt Rosie, Uncle Ruben,” I say, delighted to catch up with them. “Have you met Jared Peters? He’s the sheriff here in Blossom Creek.”
“We met this afternoon. Briefly.” Ruben offers his hand.
“You are glowing,” Aunt Rosie tells me, and my face burns. “Oh!” she adds, pulling me into her arms. “Don’t let the hunky man go, honey,” she whispers. “He’s a keeper.”
“I plan on keeping him.”
“Good.” Aunt Rosie pats my back and steps into her husband.
“Will you excuse us? Ryan is calling us over.”
“Of course.” I kiss their cheeks and turn to look at Jared, and end up doing a double take. “Uncle Diego!”
“Mom’s twin brother, Diego, and his wife, Rae. They’re here. Mom said Diego wasn’t sure if he’d be able to get time off work because of the weather. He’s a fireman out in Great Falls, Montana. It’s where Mom and Dad grew up.” I take Jared’s hand and drag him toward my uncle, who has now spotted me.
A large smile splits his face as I throw myself into his arms. “Hey, squirt,” he drawls, squeezing me tight. Out of all my uncles, Diego gives the best hugs. Whether it’s because he’s Mom’s twin, I don’t know.
Aunt Rae laughs and reaching up, presses a kiss to my forehead as I hang onto Diego. She’s used to this.
I finally wiggle free and after introducing Jared, I ask, “Have you seen Mom and Dad yet?”
“No,” Diego says. “We just arrived.”
“Everything was last minute.” Rae tucks herself into Diego’s side and looks around. “Diego suddenly got a friend to cover for him.”
“Mom is going to be excited when she sees you.”
“Then let me go and find her.”
Rae laughs. “It’s all he’s talked about since we got on the flight. About how excited Emelia will be when she sees him.” She looks up at her husband. “I think he’s just as excited to see his twin.”
“I’ll never admit it.” Diego rolls his eyes and laughs. “Okay, I might be a little bit excited to see her.”
Rae chuckles.
“We’ll see you later.” Diego is already looking for Mom while Rae grins at him.
“Talk later.” I tug Jared toward the patio. “Fresh air.”
“Freezing air,” Jared says.
Giggling, I wrap my arms around him. “I’m having so much fun tonight. You, Emelia’s, my family.”
“I am too, Emma, but you need to talk to your mother,” Jared whispers as he releases me but keeps an arm around my shoulders. “You’ve been avoiding her
all night. Why?”
“Because I don’t want to go home!” I close my eyes in frustration. “Sorry.” I wince and lift my gaze to his. “I didn’t mean to snap.” Tears fill my eyes.
“Hey.” He wraps the coat I left at a nearby table around my shoulders and leads me out onto the patio.
I breathe in a lungful of cold air. My emotions are all over the place. “I’m being pulled both ways. I want to stay here with you, but my home is in Essex. The family restaurant is there. But…but—”
“Emma,” Jared whispers. “Why do you think you have to be the one to give up everything?”
“I wouldn’t be giving up everything. I’d still have you.”
Cupping my face between his large hands, he holds me still and kisses me. Not a gentle kiss. A tongue plundering, soul reaching kiss. My toes curl in my shoes and all I want is to get closer to this man. The jacket slips from my shoulders as I reach up and wrap myself around him. After such a short time, I can’t imagine my life without him.
What did he say?
“Wait?” I break the kiss. “What do you mean about me thinking I have to give up everything?”
“You had to realize what I said at this exact moment, huh?” He brushes his lips over mine. “I haven’t thought things through fully, but I can look into getting a job in Essex. You’re also right next door to Burlington.”
“You mean that?”
“I’m not promising anything, but I have been looking.”
Bursting into tears, I throw myself around him once more. Eventually, my tears pitter off and I stay wrapped around him just enjoying the feel of having Jared close. He’s my home.
A loud cough startles us, and in Jared fashion, he doesn’t bat an eye. His arms stay tightly around me as though he doesn’t want to let go.
“Mom?” I wiggle and Jared helps me get my feet under me, and I turn. “Dad?”
My parents are evil and stand there grinning like fools. I feel my face heat and get flustered, and I bump into Jared as I take a step back.
“I need a drink after seeing my daughter”—Dad flings his arms around—“in that position.”
Mom titters as I glance at her.
“Let’s go get me a drink, Jared.”
“Why do I get the feeling it isn’t an option?” Jared says, and bends to kiss my cheek.
I catch Dad smile before he wipes it from his face as he leads Jared inside. At the last moment, Jared turns and winks at me. I blow him a kiss.
“You’re in love with him,” Mom says.
“Very much so.” Tears hover in my eyes again. “I’m like a faucet this evening.” I swipe at my eyes.
“Oh, Emma, honey.” Mom pulls me into her arms, and I cry on her shoulder until I feel able to look at her. “Do you want to stay in Blossom Creek with Jared? Is that why you’re so upset? Because you think you’ll be letting your dad and me down?”
I nod my head slowly.
“Oh, honey. All we want is for you to be happy. Why do you think we talked you into coming here to help Levi when he asked? He didn’t think you’d leave Emelia’s, so he talked to your dad and me.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“You weren’t meant to.” Mom kisses my cheek. “If Emelia’s weren’t your family’s restaurant, you’d be handing your notice in and staying here.”
“Don’t interrupt.” Mom raises a brow and continues, “We love having you manage the restaurant, but your happiness is more important to us.” Mom grins. “We may have overheard Jared say he’s been looking into moving to Essex. He won our hearts with that.”
“Emma, if you weren’t in Essex managing the restaurant, what would you do?”
“Write an Emelia’s cookbook.”
Mom stares for a moment and then starts laughing. “With how quickly you answered, I know it’s something you’ve wanted to do for a while.”
“It’s been hovering in my mind, and until you asked, and it popped out, I had no idea that’s what I want to spend time doing. What about Emelia’s?”
Mom shakes her head and wipes tears from her cheeks. “Emelia’s in Essex will always belong to you and Levi, you know this. It doesn’t mean you have to run the place daily. I’ll talk to your father. But how about you’re still a manager of sorts from Blossom Creek, and you visit to check on things once a month, or once every two months? That way you’re still involved, and the guilt won’t eat away at you like I know it will otherwise.”
“Yes!” I throw myself into my mom’s arms and laugh and cry. “Thank you, Mama.”
“If you know anyone with hospitality management experience, ask them for their resume.”
“I do know someone.” I smile. “I think Graham needs promoting, and Marcel can fill his job, and then Andrea can move to maître d’. Then we can hire a new server.”
Mom laughs and hugs me close. “Are you really happy, Emma?”
“Mom, I’ve only known Jared a short time, but we click. He’s a good man and I love him.”
“That’s all your father and I want for you, and Levi.” She pauses. “I would prefer it, though, if my daughter didn’t get caught in a compromising position with the sheriff again.”
I pull away and giggle, although a blush heats my cheeks. “Have you seen the man? He’s gorgeous, and he’s mine.”
Dad laughs, albeit he does try to cover it up with a cough as he rejoins us. My eyes find Jared’s heated ones as he walks toward me. His eyes sparkle as he wraps an arm around my shoulders. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
The only sound I hear is my own heart as it thumps hard in my chest. Jared turns and cups my face. “I can’t wait to get home. Your dad told me to look after his baby girl.”
“I’m not going anywhere if you’ll have me.”
Growling, Jared drops his forehead to mine. “You have no idea how much I’ve fallen for you. I love you, Emma. And I promise I’m going to have you in so many ways neither of us will be able to walk afterward.”
“Take me home, Jared. Right now. Don’t stop for anyone.”
“Yes, honey,” he drawls.
Hours later, we’re lying in each other’s arms, sweaty and exhausted. Jared’s hand rubs over my bottom while his penis lies in a thick ridge against my belly. My fingers play in his chest hair as I ask him, “Are you sure about me moving in with you?”
“Emma,” he groans. “You’ve lived with me for a week already. I don’t ever want you to leave. And trust me, I’m old enough to know exactly what I want, and that is you.” He grabs my bottom and lifts me higher so that I end up straddling his hips, but now we’re face to face. “I love you, Emma, and I would have ended up following you to Essex if that’s where you wanted to be. I hope you know that.”
“I do, and I love you all the more for that, but no need to. I’m excited to start a new chapter of my life here with you.”
“Now that’s sorted…” Jared wiggles his hips, and I laugh, sitting up.
“Always so ready for me.” Reaching down, I rub the bulging red tip of his penis with my finger, using my fingernail to tickle the slit.
He’s long and thick, reaching up to his naval and leaking onto his belly. I can’t resist him and wrap my hand around him as I rise to my knees. Biting my bottom lip, I concentrate on the feel of him as I slide down and take his length into my body.
“You do that so seductively,” Jared growls.
“Give me a minute. So big. So good.”
Jared laughs, which moves him, and I’m sure my eyes cross from pleasure.
“I need you to move, Em.” His hands slide to my hips and he slowly rocks me on him before he sits up and helps me wrap my legs around his waist.
“Oh!” I moan as he goes deeper.
“Give me your mouth.”
“God, yes!” I crush my mouth to his, and it’s a long time until we sleep.
Dante and Emelia De La Fuente
Sitting to remove my shoes and socks, I can’t help thinking about what will happen next for both of my children. Between Emma getting hot and bothered with the sheriff in the middle of town, and heaven knows what Levi has been up to with Vivien. If I were a betting man, I’d bet Levi will have to beg forgiveness more than once before he figures out his relationship with Vivien. Levi hasn’t been known for his commonsense with women.
When I bought Emelia’s over twenty years ago, I don’t think either me or Emelia figured it would take off in the way it has. It’s one of the top five restaurants in Vermont, and I couldn’t be happier with how much it’s grown with our children at the helm. It’s given me and the love of my life the ability to relax and just enjoy being together.
My life has been more complete than I ever expected back when I thought the priesthood was a good idea.
“You always look hot in black slacks and a white shirt,” Emelia says, pulling me out of the woolgathering I was doing.
“And you, my darling wife, know exactly what you’re doing to me standing there without clothes on.”
Emelia grins and slowly moves toward me as I stand and meet her halfway, wrapping her up in my arms. “Just think, I was younger than Emma is now when I fell in love with you.”
I press my forehead against Emelia’s and hold her gaze. “I’ve loved you for as long. Just didn’t know back then that we’d get the chance of a life together.”
“I would have taken a life with you regardless of our family dynamics. That’s how much I loved you.” Emelia sighs softly. “Put me down. I want to undress you.”
“Who am I to refuse my lady?”
Taking her time, I catch my breath as her hands slip through my shirt. Her touch on my skin still feels like the first time and butterflies flutter in my belly, hardening me in the way only Emelia has ever done.
My shirt slips free and falls to the floor as my teasing wife grabs a handful between my legs.
“I love being naked while you’re half-dressed.”