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Grace's Dream

Page 6

by Agnes Alexander

  Ned nodded. “You’re probably right.”

  Lance looked at Shawn. “Remember what I said. You stay away from Miss Hunter.”

  Shawn dropped his head. “Whatever you say, lawman.”

  Ned turned back to arranging the glasses behind his bar, Lance went out the door, and a sullen Shawn nursed his beer.

  Chapter 6

  Lance was angry about Parnell’s attitude, but knew there was nothing he could do about it except warn him. That was unless the rowdy cowboy broke the law. He just hoped his warnings would keep the boy away from Grace. Climbing the three steps to the boardwalk, he wondered if his reaction to Shawn Parnell would have been as strong if the young man had accosted any woman except Grace Hunter. Yes, Grace was a friend, but he had many female friends in Settlers Ridge. Yes, he’d known Grace since she was a little girl, and she had visited in their home with his sister, Nelda. And yes, for years, he’d considered her almost as another aggravating little sister. Maybe that was it. Maybe he didn’t want anyone giving his ‘second sister’ trouble.

  He hadn’t noticed anybody else around when a voice said, “Boy, Sheriff, you’re sure deep in thought.”

  Jerking his head around, he nodded to Sheldon Wagner. “Like a lot of people around here, I’ve got things on my mind, Doc.”

  “I know what you mean. I’m still hopping from one place to another, and I don’t know if I’m doing anybody any good.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. Look at Sophie Olsen. I hear she’s getting better and will be fine.”

  “Yes, thank God. Frank and Henrietta are beside themselves with joy. Can’t say as I blame them, especially when Teddy’s problem turned out to be a cold and not the disease.”

  Lance looked down the walk. “Where you headed now?”

  “Back to the office. I just went to check out Mrs. Witherspoon at the boarding house.”

  “Is she sick?”

  “She’s sure she’s dying, but I’m not sure she’s gonna come down with the measles. She thinks she is, but there’s nothing I can do except wait and see what happens.” Sheldon chuckled. “How about you? You looked like you were ready to spit nails when you headed up those steps.”

  “Just ran into a half-grown cowboy who thinks he’s irresistible to the single women in town. Had to give him a talking to.”

  “Any single woman in particular?”

  Lance tried to keep his voice even. “He was trying to force Grace Hunter to go to the saloon and have a drink with him.”

  Sheldon chuckled. “No wonder you looked so mad.”

  Lance lifted an eyebrow. “What do you mean by that?”

  “Not a thing, Lance. Not a thing.” The doctor started to move away. “I better get back to the office. I figure I’ve got a waiting room full of people and Esther has her hands full keeping them calm.”

  Lance didn’t reply, but watched him walk down the boardwalk thinking what a lucky man the doc was. After losing his wife in a tragic accident a few years ago, nobody thought he’d ever be happily married again. Then widow Esther Venable and her children came into his life. Now not only was he happily married again, but he had two stepchildren he adored.

  Shaking his head, Lance headed toward his own office. He couldn’t help wondering if the doctor meant what it sounded like he did by his words. Did he suspect there was more between Lance and Grace than friendship? Surely not. It was true Lance was mad because Shawn Parnell accosted Grace, but he would’ve been just as mad if it had been some other innocent woman in town. Or would I? Could I be thinking that Grace is something more special to me than a second sister?

  This thought jarred him a little. Maybe his feelings for Grace were a little deeper than for any other woman in town. Of course, given their past history, his feelings would be stronger for her. He kept telling himself this was so. It had to be because she was like a sister to him. That was the reason for his reaction to Parnell. He was sure of that. At least, he thought he was sure.

  * * * *

  Grace came into the kitchen to find Effie humming. “You sound happy.”

  Effie turned from the stove. “Miss Sophie is getting better and Teddy only had a cold and none of us didn’t get that measles thing and Mr. Frank and Miz Henrietta have smiles on their faces. It all makes me want to shout, but I thought singing a little tune would be better. Ain’t it wonderful?”

  “It sure is. I’m thrilled for the whole family.”

  “I’m so happy I’m fixing them a special supper.”

  “Oh? What are you cooking up for them?”

  “Mr. Frank’s favorite. Beef roast, potatoes, carrots and green beans. I’m going to make a chocolate cake. You know how Miz Henrietta likes that.”

  “It sounds delicious, Effie. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Not a thing. Why don’t you go visit with Sophie? I’m sure she’d like to see you.”

  “I’ll do that.”

  Grace turned and went down the back hall toward the living quarters. Tapping lightly on Sophie’s door, she waited until Henrietta told her to come in.

  “Since I heard you were feeling so much better I thought I’d drop in and say hello to you, Sophie.” Grace stepped into the room.

  “Hi, Grace It’s good to see you.” Sophie smiled at her.

  “It’s good to see you, too. I’m so thankful you’re feeling better.”

  Henrietta stood. “I’ve just fed her some of the broth Effie made, and she seems to be doing wonderful this afternoon.”

  “Mama, why don’t you go rest? I’m sure you need it, and if she’s not too busy I’d like for Grace to sit here with me for a little while.”

  “I’m not busy and I’d enjoy sitting with you, Sophie.” Grace smiled at both of them. “We need to have one of our chats.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Henrietta looked as if she was going to protest then seemed to change her mind. “I guess it would be good for you to have somebody here besides me.” She patted Sophie’s hand. “I’ll be back soon.”

  “Don’t hurry, Mama. You need to take care of yourself. You look tired.”

  “Listen to her, Grace. She’s the one who has been sick and she’s now trying to look after me.”

  “She’s right, Henrietta. Why don’t you go take a nap or something? Sophie and I will enjoy a nice chat then she may want to take a nap, too.”

  “You girls win. I am a bit tired.” She waved at them and left the room.

  Sophie turned to Grace. “I meant it when I said she needs to rest.”

  “You’re right. She’s hardly left your room since you’ve been sick.” Grace pulled the rocking chair a little closer to the bed and sat. “She’s a wonderful mother.”

  “I know and I’m thankful she’s mine.” Sophie looked at Grace and took a deep breath. “Grace, I know you’ll tell me the truth. Was I really that sick?”

  Grace nodded. “Yes, Sophie. You were.”

  “Mama and Papa just say I was pretty bad, but they won’t tell me how bad or what was wrong with me. How sick was I?”

  Grace took a deep breath. “You had the measles, and there for a while we thought we might lose you.”

  “But I’m really all right now?”

  Grace smiled. “Yes, my dear Sophie. You’re going to be fine. These measles are a strange disease. Doctor Wagner has had his hands full, but he says there’s really not a lot he can do but help the family keep the patient comfortable.”

  “Does someone else in town have them?”

  “Yes. Several people. It seems they’re very catching.”

  “I hope I didn’t give them to anybody.”

  “It’s hard to say how anyone catches them. Doc said the best thing a person can do is not to go around anyone who you think might have them. That’s why your father has closed the hotel.”

  Tears appeared in Sophie’s eyes. “I didn’t mean to make so many people sick.”

  Grace reached for the younger girl’s hand. “Don’t even think a thing like
that. You didn’t make anybody sick that we know of. We don’t even know who made you sick.”

  “I hope nobody in our family will catch them from me.”

  “I don’t think they will. If they were going to get them, they’d have them already.” Grace smiled at her. “Now, let’s talk about something else besides this awful disease.”

  “All right. Tell me how things are going with you and Sheriff Gentry.”

  Startled, Grace muttered, “What do you mean?”

  “Come on, Grace. I see how you look at him when he comes here to eat. He looks at you in strange ways, too.”

  “Oh, Sophie. Lance and I are just friends. That’s all.”

  Sophie laughed. “You might make some people believe that, but not me. I know you too well.”

  “You’re wrong…”

  “I’m not going to say anything to anyone else, but I know you’re interested in the man. Just like Mama, you may think I’m a little girl, but I’ll be sixteen in a few months. I know what it is to like a man.”

  “Are you saying you like someone?”

  “We’re not talking about me, Grace. We’re talking about you and the sheriff.”

  Grace started to tell Sophie that she was wrong and there were no special feelings for Lance Gentry, but she saw the truth in Sophie’s eyes. The young girl had seen and picked up on the attraction Grace had for the man.

  She reached out and took Sophie’s hand. “Listen, my dear friend, I’d appreciate it if you’d keep your thoughts about Lance and me to yourself. I admit you’re right. I am attracted to him, but he doesn’t feel the same. He thinks of me only as his sister’s friend and somebody he’s kind of looked after since Nelda and I were children. Will you keep that secret for me?”

  “Of course, I will. Sisters need to trust each other, and I kind of think of you as my big sister.”

  “I’m glad, because I feel like I could be a sister to you. I also want you to know I couldn’t have a nicer younger sister than you.”

  Sophie squeezed Grace’s hand. “If he’s got any sense, one day the sheriff will realize he couldn’t have a better woman than you.”

  Grace shook her head. “I’m afraid not, Sophie. No man wants a crippled wife, and there’s nothing that can be done about my foot.”

  Sophie didn’t say anything for a minute, and Grace realized she was getting sleepy. Finally, the younger girl said, “I think he likes you more than you think he does. Don’t give up and let some other woman get her hooks into him.”

  Grace didn’t have to answer. Sophie drifted off. But she did think about what Sophie had said. Perhaps the young girl was right about some things. Not that she thought she was right about Lance liking her, but Grace had to agree with Sophie’s remark that she didn’t want some undeserving woman to attract Lance’s attention. For some reason Juliette Cramer crossed her mind. She couldn’t help wondering how she could keep him from falling for the snooty woman.

  * * * *

  Esther saw the last patient out the door then returned to her chair behind the desk. She coughed and grabbed for her handkerchief. She’d had this cough and runny nose since waking up this morning, but she didn’t feel she could let her husband down and stay in bed. In fact, he’d been so busy she hadn’t found the time to tell him her good news. He was working hard running all over town and in all directions to take care of the sick that didn’t come into the office. And there were way too many patients coming in wanting help. She didn’t want to be the cause of him being distracted from his work. She also knew somebody had to be in the office to regulate this crowd seeing the doctor each day or they would all try to get to him at once. At least she’d made it through the day and now that it was over, she could relax. Maybe with a cup of hot tea. That always helped when she had the sniffles.

  “Well, Esther,” the doctor said as he walked into the front office, “I’m glad to be through with the ones who walked in today. Now I guess I’d better go check on some of the ones who are laid up at home.”

  “I was getting ready to make some tea….” A cough interrupted what she was saying.

  Sheldon frowned. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “Just a bit of a cold, I think.”

  He walked to her desk and took hold of her chin, turning her face to him. He frowned again. “Come in my office and let me check you, my dear. I can tell by touching you, you have a fever.”

  “It’s just…”

  “Don’t argue with the doctor, who just happens to be your husband. Come along.”

  Esther followed him into the examining room and submitted to his checking her over.

  After the examination he shook his head. “Honey, I want you to go straight to bed. It could be just a cold, but there’s no need to take any chances. You are around a lot of sick people and you could’ve picked up anything.”

  “Could it be the measles?”

  “I’m not sure, but from what I’ve learned the measles start with a cough and a fever. I hope I’m wrong, but we can’t take any chances.”

  “Oh, Sheldon, what about the children?” Her voice was frightened.

  “Don’t worry about them. I’ll see they’re taken care of, but I don’t think I’ll let them be with you until we know what’s wrong.”


  “Don’t argue. Now get yourself to bed. I’ll make the tea you wanted and bring it up to you.”

  “You don’t have to bother. Benita can do it.”

  “Not this time. I’m not letting the children come into your room until we find out if you’ve got the measles or not. Now you run on up to bed, and I’ll be there in a minute with your tea.”

  She didn’t argue because she knew he was right. The children didn’t need to be around her until she was safe. She nodded and turned toward the hall leading to the stairs. It would feel good to lie down.

  As she started up the stairs, Benita came around the corner from the kitchen. “Mama, you don’t look like you feel good. What’s the matter?”

  Esther straightened her back. “I’m just a little tired. Your step-father is being overprotective and insists I go rest for a bit.”

  “I thought I heard voices here.” The doctor came into the hall. “Yes, Benita. Your mother has worked too hard, and I’m having her go to bed for a while. I want to make sure she gets some rest.”

  “Want me to come and help you get into bed, Mama?”

  “No,” Esther and the doctor said at the same time.

  Benita frowned. “Why not?”

  The doctor gave his wife a smile. “Esther, I think she has a right to know. You go on to bed and I’ll explain it to her.”

  Esther nodded and went on up the stairs. When she reached the landing she paused and listened to what the doctor was saying to Benita.

  “Benita, I don’t want you to panic, but there’s a possibility your mother has contracted the measles.” Sheldon’s voice was gentle. “I don’t want you or Joel going around her until we’re sure.”

  “No. I don’t want Mama to have those old measles.” Benita sounded as if she was about to cry.

  “I hope she doesn’t have them either, but one thing’s for sure, if she does, we’re going to take really good care of her so she can get over them quickly.”

  “You’ll let me help you look after her, won’t you?” Benita sounded doubtful.

  “Of course I will. I’ll let you help me fix things for her like tea and such, but I can’t let you go into her room. Only I’ll go in there. You can talk to her from the door, but only when she feels like talking. She’s going to need a lot of rest.”

  “Well, I guess that’ll be all right as long as you tell me everything.”

  “I wouldn’t think of hiding things from you, sweetheart.”

  “I didn’t think you would. I know I haven’t been your daughter long, but you’ve turned out to be a good dad.”

  “Thank you, Benita. It’s easy to be a dad to a wonderful girl like you.” Sheldon cleared his throat. “
Now, do you know where your brother is? We need to tell him.”

  “Joel’s in the kitchen. Mama made some cookies last night and he’s in there eating them.”

  “Maybe we better get in there before he eats them all and you and I don’t have any. Now come with me. We’ll make some tea and I’ll explain to Joel what’s going on, then I’ll take the tea to your mother and check on her. I’ll come right down and tell you how she’s doing.”

  “Thank you.”

  Esther sighed when she heard her daughter and the doctor move away from the foot of the stairs. She was so lucky to have married him a few months ago. He was being a wonderful father to her children. Something they’d never had until now. She was so thankful to have him as a husband.

  She shuddered when she realized how rough they had it before their birth father, the outlaw Vince Venable, known in this town as Vince Callahan, was out of their lives. The children would be fine with their new father and she trusted him to look after them. It seemed they were happy with their new papa, too. And she was definitely happy with her new husband. She’d never been treated so well. With a smile, she moved down the hall and put everything else out of her mind as she looked forward to getting in the soft bed. Soon she’d tell him her news.

  Chapter 7

  It was early the next morning when Sheldon took the stethoscope off his neck and placed it in his black bag. “Well, Miss Sophie, you sure gave us a scare there for a while, but I’m glad to say you’re well on the road to recovery at last.”

  “I feel much better now.”

  “Good.” He patted her hand and turned to Henrietta. “She can start eating some solid food now.”

  “Is there anything special she should have?”

  “Let her have most anything she wants. I don’t think she’s going to have much of an appetite for a while.” He winked at Sophie. “I would recommend you stay away from hard liquor for a while, though.”

  Sophie blushed. “I don’t drink liquor of any kind, Doctor.”

  “I’m glad you told me, because I didn’t know that.” He grinned at her.

  “Are you sure you didn’t know?”


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