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Claimed By Light (A Bound By Hades Novel) (Entangled Embrace)

Page 11

by Reese Monroe

  But then a wave of agony from his wound overtook her. She wanted to yank her hand away, but instinct to preserve and protect her Mate overrode the impulse.


  “Okay. Okay. Yes. He’s mine,” she whispered to herself. She rather enjoyed how that sounded.

  Heat coiled around the side of her neck. Branding. Burning. She leaned forward, the darkness dragging her closer and closer to its void. No. She had to stay awake.

  Slade flinched beneath her touch, and she gripped his pec, much like she had when they were close at his hotel. When she’d bared herself for him only to be knocked out—

  No. She refused to let that awful memory ruin this moment. Forcing the pain away, she focused on her Mate. Her fangs burst out, his injury sapping her energy. The Shomrei beast was at the ready, and no matter what, she’d protect him. A growl rumbled through her chest, confirming that thought, and she felt it sift through her bones. Her soul.

  Heal. She repeated the word until it blurred into white noise.

  He flinched again. “Lena.”

  “Mine.” Inching toward him, she aimed for his mouth. She needed to taste him, to nip at that pouty lip.

  To claim him.

  She’d teased that tender flesh between her teeth before, and it had been too long since. His breath mingled with hers, warming her lips, drawing her in. Cupping his face, she held him steady, and rested her forehead to his. “Slade.”

  “I feel it. Son of a bitch, I feel it.” A wave of his honey-spiced scent overwhelmed her senses, warming her stomach. “Lena.” He curled his hand around her butt. “Hurts…but doesn’t.”

  Leaning in closer, she licked her lips, and they were tingling in anticipation. “Mine.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  A warm hand across Slade’s stomach coaxed him out of the comfortable darkness he’d been floating in. He shifted, and the grip around him tightened.

  “Slade?” Addie’s voice followed. “Can you hear me?”

  He snapped his eyes open. Addie shook his shoulder, which thankfully was pain free. Everything was. Wait. Lena?

  Her sweet face rested on his shoulder, while her arm was draped across his bare stomach and her hand cuffed his wrist, securing him to her.

  “Your face has color. She healed you, didn’t she?” Addie’s smile could have parted the darkest storm cloud.

  “Yeah. You okay?”

  She nodded. “Here. I’ll get her loose.”

  Addie touched Halena’s fingers around his wrist, and they tightened. Her fangs jetted out, and Addie gasped.

  “It’s okay, Addster.” Slade reached up best he could and caressed Lena’s arm. “She’s just protecting me. Back off a sec.”


  He brushed his cheek along Lena’s forehead. Could he get away with a kiss there? His heart raced and his body tightened with wanting her, but he better not chance it. She nestled closer to him; her leg slid over his thigh. His body hyped up even more—so not cool with the kid sister lurking.


  “I read about this. Even in her sleep, she’ll protect me. Get back.”

  “But she knows me.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” A Shomrei would go to battle with the slightest provocation if she felt the Mate was in danger. “She can’t tell that right now.”

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  “It took a lot from her to heal me.” He glanced at the now-empty tray. She’d known she was going to do it and had fueled up for it.

  This woman was amazing. Strong enough to look past his betrayal and touch him, she strengthened their bond to the next level despite her hesitation about him, despite her reservations about playing into Votar’s hands.

  Or was it just instinct? She probably couldn’t have denied it in the end anyway, but that didn’t matter. This moment, holding her in his arms, was exactly what he wanted. No more floundering or confusion about what to do; there was only one choice.

  Lena. She was his Mate, and he’d sure as shit do everything in his power to show her that. To prove he was more than the dumbass who signed his soul away thinking he could get out of it somehow.

  He combed her hair back and pressed his cheek to hers again. I promise, Lena.

  “Hello?” A man’s voice spilled in from behind the door, and Slade tensed. Another growl rattled through Lena’s body. “It’s Theo.”

  She relaxed against Slade, and Addie jumped to her feet.

  The door creaked open. “Come on, Addie. Let’s get you fed. Give these two some time to finish healing.”

  “How’d you know?”

  Theo tapped his temple.

  Addie glanced at Slade. “Scram, kid. I’ll be down whenever she decides to let go.”

  “We’ve got you covered,” Theo said.


  “My Mate’s here with me. She just had to meet an Oracle.” Theo opened the door wider and a tall, very pregnant female came into view.

  “Hi!” She reached for Addie’s hand. “Addie. I have so many questions.”

  “Always the learner.” Theo winked. “Don’t worry, Halena, all is safe here. Well done.”

  “Can she hear you?”

  Theo grinned. “In a sense. She’s in a recovering slumber, but still somewhat aware of her surroundings. Of you.”

  “To protect me.”

  “Exactly.” Theo dipped his head. “Take your time, we’re safe here.”

  Lena let out a long breath, heating Slade’s skin along his chest. She nuzzled closer, forming her body to his even more. While he loved the feeling, the promise to not kiss her sure did waver.

  The door shut, and Slade sank into the bed more, wishing he could work an arm out so he could rest it over her shoulders. Cuddle with her.

  As if she’d heard his thoughts, she loosened her hold for him to slide out. But as soon as that arm was loose, she pulled him to her again. “Mine.”

  A switch flipped deep in his chest. “That’s right, Lena. I’m yours.” For always.

  Her breathing evened again, and she sagged against him.

  “Thank you.” She’d given him a gift he didn’t deserve. “I won’t let you down.”

  Maybe he’d even earn her respect enough to consummate the bond someday. Once the threat against them was gone. Until then, he wouldn’t. He couldn’t risk losing her.

  He wasn’t sure how much time had passed in silence, and he might have even fallen asleep, but soft hands caressing his chest drew him out of his stupor.

  Looking over, he was met by big evergreen eyes. Her smooth, flawless skin glowed like a beacon.

  “Hi,” he said.

  She tensed, as if running through the files of memories from what had happened between them. What she’d done.

  “It’s okay. We’re safe.” He brushed his knuckles along her cheek.

  “Where’s Addie?”

  “With Theo and Sadie.”

  Lena pushed herself up onto her elbow and touched her neck. “So, it’s done? You’re healed?”

  “Thank you, Lena.” His heart hammered so loudly with desire to be with her, it nearly cramped.

  She ran her fingers over the Mark.

  “It’s not raised. I didn’t kiss you.”

  She glanced at him, then at his chest. He could have sworn he’d seen a flash of disappointment curve the corners of her mouth down.

  “Not for lack of wanting to. I definitely did.” He hooked a finger in the front of her tank top.

  She leaned forward, but then stopped. “It’s just the bond,” she whispered.

  “Trust me. It’s more than that.” He buried his hand in her hair and cradled the back of her skull. “I’ve always wanted you.”

  “Slade.” She closed her eyes. “I…can’t—”

  “No kissing. I get it. I just…need you.” He licked his lips.

  She inched her leg up his thigh. He hoisted her on top of him and went for her shirt. He needed to see her. To touch her.

  He tossed
the fabric to the floor, then rolled once more until she was fully beneath him.

  Oh, the sweet pressure. He held himself up, a hand on either side of her head, and nestled between her legs.

  Closing her eyes, she raked her hands up his chest. He shifted his weight to free one hand and brushed his fingers along her chest, just above her bra. Trails of light followed his touch.

  “What’s that?”

  “Energy.” She smiled but didn’t open her eyes. “You fuel me.”

  “Are you okay from healing me?” He eased onto his elbow but kept enough distance so he could keep caressing her skin.

  “I’m fine. Better after more touching.” The corner of her mouth quirked up in a half smile. The sexiest half smile he’d ever seen.

  He snapped the bra clasp open. “I can’t kiss your lips…but I can kiss the rest of you?”

  “Anywhere but the mouth.”

  Getting lost in her heat, he grazed on her tender flesh until he was dizzy. Watching the light ignite when he made contact with her skin drove him to another level. He was fueling her. Taking care of her. Helping her.

  He worked his way up to her neck, where she now wore the Ahavah. She tilted her head, offering more, and he took it. Biting at her earlobe, he reached for her thigh. Damn those jeans. He wanted her naked.

  Later. Once he’d earned it…earned her. Feeling her bare chest against his would do for now.

  Heat stormed down his spine. She wove her arms beneath his and groped his back, moving in time with him. Like a dance they’d perfected over a lifetime. Perfect unison.

  She arched beneath him, eyes shut tight, her mouth partially open. There wasn’t a sexier sight. The tight planes of her tense jaw relaxed. No furrowed brows over her eyes, analyzing and thinking things through. Getting lost in the pleasure of him touching her, she was even more beautiful than normal.

  And those sounds. Tiny tremors from her body resonated into his as her movements became more frantic. She tensed, pressing her nails into his lower back. Fangs shot out and a deep, chest-rattling moan followed. That thrust him into his own tornado of pleasure. He closed his eyes and rode the waves until he collapsed on her. The warm flesh-to-flesh contact soothed him. Calmed him.

  She hugged him tight and tucked his head to her neck. Her pulse skyrocketed against his forehead.

  He burrowed his hands around her and hugged back. Not a word was said. Despite wanting to hear her voice and plead for her forgiveness, he kept his mouth shut.


  “Where’s Slade?” Theo asked.

  “Sleeping.” Halena strode to the fridge for a bottle of water.

  Sadie, Theo, and Addie sat at the kitchen table. Plates of food were mixed in with bunches of papers.

  “You okay?” Theo asked, now standing, facing her.

  “Fine.” She was completely replenished after her time with Slade. He’d stayed true to his word and hadn’t kissed her. The guy was determined, that was for sure. Devoted, too. When he got an idea in his head, he stuck to it.

  “Looks nice on you.” He pointed to her neck, then his. “Ahavah.”

  Halena grunted. At least Justin wasn’t here to embarrass her. And not that she’d ever admit it to anyone—yet—but it did look damn good on her.

  Like a silly, lovesick girl, she’d stood in front of the mirror after her shower, staring at it. She even imagined what it would feel like if they’d kissed, all raised and pulsing. Despite how much the bond dictated her feelings, there was a lot of shit she had to get through first.

  But for the first time in a long while, it felt like she might be able to.

  Hitching her hip against the counter, she pointed to the table. “What’s all that?”

  “We found some things on Votar. And Jace.” Sadie flipped two big pictures around.

  “Yep, that’s them.” Halena stepped forward and leaned over the table.

  Addie hugged her at the waist. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Halena held up her arms, unsure what to do with this silly girl grabbing her. She looked from Sadie to Theo, and he nodded. Hug her back!

  As if of their own accord, her arms encompassed the girl, one hand petting her hair. Halena wanted to say she didn’t enjoy the contact, didn’t enjoy the connection, but she couldn’t.

  This Addie had really grown on her.

  She had been through so much and needed something solid. Halena wanted to be that for her. This kid might have a fighting chance if they could figure a way out of this demon mess.

  Because no matter what their contracts said, Halena would not stop until Addie and Slade were free.

  She sat in the chair next to Addie and held her hand, then looked at Sadie. “What did you find?”

  Sadie grinned, then cleared her throat and focused. “Um…Votar. He’s about fourteen hundred years old. We didn’t find anything about him being in league with Agares, but we’ve already figured he has been.”

  “He is. He has ceremonial tattoos on his arms, and I’m pretty sure he’s wearing gem necklaces and rings.” Halena drank some water. “And he’s running a demon university.”

  “A what?” Theo said.

  “You can ask Slade about it when he wakes up. He was there. But it sounds like a college dorm and campus or something. They take classes on how to soul-suck.” Halena shook her head. “Classes, Theo. That’s messed up.”

  “If he’s been there, then he can take us to it. We need to shut it down,” Sadie said.

  “You, love, will go nowhere near that place in your condition,” Theo said. “But yes, we—me, Justin, Yvonne, and Halena—need to destroy it.”

  Sadie slumped but didn’t argue. She was so close to term, and Halena knew she had to be pissed not being able to engage in the fight she loved so much—and was surprisingly good at for being so young. Hell, even Slade was a year or so older than her.

  Of course her thoughts drifted to him. Already she was whipped? She mentally shrugged and focused on Sadie again, wondering what the baby would be like. Theo was the oldest Gatekeeper and Sadie was once human, now a Shomrei Mate, with a bit of angel in her.

  Nothing was simple anymore. Halena remembered a time when everything was cut-and-dried when it came to guarding the gates of Hades. Demons got out, she vanquished, in between she played—rinse and repeat. Now…not so much.

  “I found some ancient text about Oracles and have some ideas about it.” Sadie rubbed her back and stood. “Dang, I’m ready for this baby to be outta me!”

  Theo hopped up. “Let me help.”


  Theo thrust his hand up her shirt, no doubt drawing the pain into himself.

  “Anyway. Demons have Oracles. They’re rare, yes, but they have them. Votar must have known Slade was one and wanted another for team demon.”

  “But Slade said the Oracle, Bastian, saw something to do with Slade and me being mated.”

  Sadie closed her eyes. “Thanks, Theo. I’m good.” She opened her eyes, and they were red.

  “Whoa!” Addie said. “I still can’t believe your eyes turn red so you can read foreign languages. That is so wicked.”

  “Comes in handy with dead languages, too.” She winked, then glanced at the papers in front of her as she asked Halena, “Slade’s had visions his entire life, right? That makes him Oracle all the way. And look what he did to save Addie. He’s a pure soul—going to be very powerful.”

  “That’s why he couldn’t stand turning you over to the demons,” Addie said, looking up at Halena. “This is my fault. He did that for me. If I—”

  “Hey.” She wagged their connected hands. “Moving forward. Focusing on fault doesn’t help us.”

  Theo quirked up an eyebrow.

  Don’t say a word. Halena smiled. But it was true. Look where focusing on the past had gotten her. Alone. Scared. Angry.

  “Easier said than done,” Addie mumbled and grabbed a strawberry from her plate.

  Wasn’t that the truth?

  Theo gathered
some papers in front of him and nodded at Halena. We found more about Oracles—Addie, too. Send her away so we can talk freely.

  Halena cleared her throat and poked at Addie with her elbow. “Why don’t you go check on Slade. Take him some water or something.”

  She hopped up from her chair, shaking her head. “Need to talk about me behind my back, huh? Why don’t you just tell me the truth?”

  “Fine. Scram. These guys have to tell me some stuff about you and Slade that’ll melt your ears. Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  Addie grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, then hustled out of the kitchen, saying, “See, was that so difficult?”

  “She’s fantastic!” Sadie clapped her hands. “I can’t wait for Dasha to meet her. She’s been calling, wanting us to come see her. We could take Addie. She’d get such a kick out of a Hunter compound.”

  “Dasha, huh? Hunter training is pretty intense. I don’t think they allow visitors.” Halena still couldn’t believe Sadie’s best friend, the human, had been marked as a Hunter. From what Halena knew of the girl, she was pretty ordinary, not skilled in much of anything. Then again, The Great One had a unique way of doing things sometimes.

  Sadie looked to Theo. “They’d make an exception for you, right?”

  “Focus, girl.” Halena tapped the papers in the middle of the table. “So, Addie and Slade both come from a line of Oracles, but neither of them is on anyone’s radar? How’s that?”

  Theo opened a folder in front of him. “Oracles can lie in wait, so to speak, for generations, if needed. Their powers would be minimal, just whispers of it in the form of tiny visions like Addie’s. Slade’s are a bit bigger, it seems.”

  “He found Addie and me at the gas station from a vision. So yeah, I’m thinking he’s more developed. But I’m pretty sure Mae, his grams, probably was, or is, an Oracle, too. She wasn’t surprised at all by my abilities and the existence of demons.”

  “Parents?” Theo asked.

  “Dead, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t have visions.”

  “Exactly,” Sadie said.

  “So, Slade’s the shit. Get him to turn demon and bam, superpowerful, evil Oracle.” Halena scrubbed her face. “But why did they send Slade after me, knowing I couldn’t be his kill?”


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