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Red Letter Day

Page 32

by Colette Caddle

  'As they say, don't judge a book by its cover.'

  As the song ended they all returned to their seats and Dominic looked around for a waiter.

  'Just coffee for me,' Celine said. 'If I have any more to drink I'll never be up on time for that flight in the morning.'

  'It's a pity you have to go back so soon,' Marina complained.

  'It is,' Richard agreed,' but I'm afraid we have an awful lot to do, what with moving Celine's things out of the house and getting ready for my exhibition.'

  'And I don't like to leave Rose for too long,' Celine added.

  'When are Fergus and Sarah moving into your flat?' Dominic asked.

  Celine laughed. 'Probably five minutes after I move out!'

  'I'm still amazed Rose is letting him leave home,' Richard marvelled.

  'It's only because he's moving in over the shop,' Dominic pointed out, 'and she'll be able to keep an eagle eye on them both.'

  'It's hardly surprising that she's protective after all he's been through,' Marina defended Rose. 'It's not easy being a parent, as you two will soon find out.'

  Celine rolled her eyes at Richard. 'Dear God, I haven't moved in with you yet and she's at us about kids!'

  'Well, we shouldn't leave it too long, I suppose,' Richard remarked. 'I'm not getting any younger. And your dad is dying to dangle a grandchild on his knee.'

  'Not an illegitimate one,' she shot back with a wink at Marina.

  'Then I suppose we'd better get married.'

  'Well, that has to be the least romantic proposal I've ever heard!' Marina laughed.

  'Proposal? It sounded more like a statement to me,' Celine remarked, her cheeks flushed.

  Richard looked at her steadily. 'You know as well as I do that it's a foregone conclusion.'

  Celine nodded slowly, only vaguely aware of the fact that Dominic and Marina were holding their breaths. 'Yes, I suppose it is.'

  'Sod the coffee, Dominic,' Marina spluttered, 'get some more champagne!'

  Celine laughed as Richard leaned over to kiss her. 'I love you,' she murmured.

  'You don't feel press-ganged, do you?' he asked, his eyes suddenly concerned. 'I don't want to rush you—'

  She put a finger to his lips. 'You're not.'

  Marina watched as they kissed again and sighed. 'Well, this has been the most perfect day.'

  As the champagne was served, Dominic stood up. 'Come on, Marina, they're playing our song.'

  'They are?' She looked confused.

  'They are,' he said firmly and led her away.

  'No regrets?' Richard asked when they were alone.

  Celine shook her head. 'None.'

  'What about the house? Are you sure you're ready to sell it?'

  'Yes, it's time.' Her tenants had moved out a week ago and she'd gone over to see the place, curious as to what effect it would have on her. She was relieved that she was able to smile and think of the happy memories she and Dermot had shared. Before she had left, she'd taken the anonymous letters in their distinctive red envelopes from the drawer in Dermot's desk. After reading them one more time, she took them into the living-room, threw them into the grate and set fire to them. She'd smiled as she'd watched them burn, realising that she'd finally started a new stage in her life. 'This really is a red letter day,' she'd murmured and walked out of the house with a smile on her face.


  'Sorry, I was just thinking about the anonymous letters I was sent.'

  'Only small-minded busybodies with too much time on their hands send anonymous letters.'

  'But like you said, if it hadn't been for them, I might never have come to Hopefield.'


  'Will you help me clear out the house when we get back?' she asked.

  'Are you sure I won't be intruding?'

  She took his hands in hers. 'Richard you are my life now and Dermot would be happy for me that I'd found you. That house was our home and a very happy one but that part of my life is over now. I'm ready to say goodbye.'

  'I hope you two are ready for company again,' Marina said, sinking back into her chair, 'because these heels weren't made for dancing.'

  Celine smiled. 'Your feet may be sore but you still look beautiful.'

  Marina gave her a quick hug. 'Well, thank you, darling. Now I know why we've been friends for so many years!'

  'You'll have to get used to having sore feet when you're working in the shop,' Dominic pointed out.

  'I'll slip off my shoes when I'm behind the counter. Oh, Celine, I am so looking forward to working in Close Second.'

  'Rose is looking forward to it too. She can't believe her luck that you agreed to take the job.'

  'It's wonderful that I'll be just working mornings. I really didn't want Josh to go to a childminder after school.'

  'I suppose it's more glamorous than working in a deli,' Dominic said, pulling a long face.

  'Oh, I'm sorry, darling, but you know that I really wouldn't have been much use to you.'

  'She'd have told off the customers if they bought anything fattening,' Celine agreed. 'You'd have been out of business in no time.'

  Dominic laughed. 'Okay, okay, I'm convinced.'

  'Of course I won't be bringing in nearly as much money than if I was modelling,' Marina said, her expression anxious.

  Dominic shook his head. 'We've been through this. Josh is more important.'

  Marina's eyes were bright as she smiled at Celine. 'Isn't he wonderful?'

  Richard groaned. 'I can't take much more of this lovey-dovey stuff. We should really get some sleep, Celine, or we'll never make that flight.'

  She stood up and stretched. 'You're right. Goodnight, you two. Don't bother joining us for breakfast, we have to be up much too early.'

  Marina stood up and hugged her friend. 'Thanks for being here, Celine. It wouldn't have been the same without you.'

  'Wouldn't have missed it for the world. Look after her, Dominic,' she said, turning to hug him.

  'Always,' he assured her. 'Safe home, you two, and look after my mother-in-law.'

  'Promise.' Richard shook hands with his friend and then bent to kiss Marina. 'Have a wonderful holiday.'

  'That depends on Josh,' Marina replied. 'And without my mother's firm hand, God only knows what we're letting ourselves in for!'

  'Leave the boy alone,' Dominic admonished. 'He's just high-spirited.'

  Celine and Richard looked at each other and smiled. 'Goodnight,' they said and made their way through the large hotel towards the bank of lifts.

  'They're so happy,' Celine mused.

  'Nearly as happy as us,' Richard agreed.

  'I'm not sure you'd have hung around if there was a "Joshie" on the scene,' she laughed.

  'I'm not sure you would have either! I think Dominic's life may prove a little rocky for a while. Our son will be different.'

  She raised an eyebrow as she stepped into the lift and pressed the button for the eighth floor. 'Our son?'

  'Yes, we'll have a boy first. And he will be handsome, funny and will want to follow in his father's footsteps.'

  'Would that be the footsteps of the property developer or the artist?'

  He frowned. 'Good question. We could do with someone to take over the family business.'

  'Our daughter can do that.'

  'You think?' He slipped an arm around her shoulders as they stepped out of the lift and walked towards their room.

  'Yeah, no problem. She'll be tough, but not hard and she'll be nobody's fool.'

  'Don't you think she'll be a designer like her mother?'

  Celine shook her head as he opened the door to their room. 'No, our second son is going to be the designer.'

  'Second son, eh?'

  'That's right.' She kicked her shoes off and squealed as he pulled her down on to the bed. 'What do you think you're doing, Mr Lawrence?'

  'Well, if we're going to have three kids I think we should get in a bit of practice.'

  'Only three? she murmured as hi
s mouth came down on hers.




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