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A Marriage Made in Italy

Page 14

by Rebecca Winters

  “How lucky for both of them.” Belle smiled at Luciana.

  “They’ll never know, will they, darling.”


  Dante studied them. “I bet it shocked both of you when you first saw each other.”

  Leon hadn’t seen his brother smile or act this animated in years. Belle had that effect on everyone.

  “When I was at the orphanage, I used to dream about what she’d look like.”

  Leon got up to take the baby from her. “Little did you know you saw her every time you looked in a mirror.” He kissed his little girl. “I’ll go put her down in the crib.” Luciana had provided one for her after she was born. Leon hadn’t brought her over often enough.

  “I’ll go with you. We’ll be right back.”

  “Sure you will,” Dante joked.

  Belle followed Leon out of the living room and down the hall to the first bedroom. He put the baby on her back and covered her with a light blanket. Belle stood next to him at the side of the crib.

  He reached for her hand, too full of emotion to speak.

  “So far so good,” she whispered.

  “A miracle has happened today. It’s all because of you.”

  “I’m afraid it’s not over yet. We still have to tell your father.” She eased her hand away. “If you’ll excuse me for a minute, I need to freshen up, and will meet you back in the living room.”

  Much as he wanted to be alone with her, this wasn’t the time. With another glance at his daughter, who was sleeping peacefully, he left the bedroom, and ran into his father in the hallway. The marriage certificate was in his hand. Leon had forgotten it had been left on the coffee table.

  “It seems everyone in this house knows what you’ve done except me,” Sullisto exclaimed without preamble. “Your powers of persuasion are phenomenal, to get Belle to marry you when you don’t love her. You’ve even convinced Luciana.”

  Love for his stepmother seeped into Leon.

  “She’s only been here three days,” his father added. “What did you do? Slip something into her wine?”

  Leon bristled. That was below the belt, even for the count. “No. The trick of our ancestors wouldn’t work on her. She doesn’t drink, smoke or indulge in drugs.”

  “Belle’s not an ordinary woman.”

  “Truer words were never spoken. She’s made in the image of her mother, a woman who would have married the man of her heart if he hadn’t been killed.... The woman you married after Mamma died because you wanted her at all cost.”

  His cheeks went a ruddy color. “How dare you speak to me that way—”

  “I didn’t say it to be offensive, Papà. I only meant to point out that true love makes us act with our hearts, not our heads.”

  His father’s eyes glittered with emotion, but Leon had to finish what had been started years ago. “Mamma loved another man before she obeyed her parents and married you. I have no doubts my autocratic grandfather forced you into your first marriage.”

  “Basta, Leonardo!”

  “I’m almost through. I was about to say it’s possible you loved someone before you had to do your duty. I have no way of knowing, since you never shared that with me or Dante. But given a second chance, you married for the right reason. Every man and woman born should have that privilege. Concetta will grow up being able to choose.”

  For once in his life, Leon’s father looked utterly flummoxed.

  “Would you really condemn me to a loveless marriage with one of the titled women you’ve picked out for me, because it’s what Malatestas do?”

  “You’re my firstborn son.”

  “You were your father’s firstborn son, too. We’ll both always be the firstborn, but in the end, what does it matter? In the Middle Ages it was a system devised for the aggrandizement of wealth. Surely we’ve come further than that in the twenty-first century.”

  “Leon is right.”

  Dante had suddenly materialized, seemingly out of nowhere. Sullisto swung around. “Were you in on this, too?”

  “On what?”

  “This outrageous marriage of your brother’s.” He thrust the marriage certificate at him. “When I phoned, you said nothing.”

  “Because I didn’t know anything. But I can tell you this. When he showed up at my door, he looked happy like I haven’t seen him since before Mamma died. Let’s hope Luciana didn’t hear you, or she might think you don’t approve of her daughter. I happen to know you do or you wouldn’t have invited her to come and live with you.”

  “So you’re in his corner now?”

  “This is his wedding day, Papà.”

  “A wedding set up to thwart me!”

  “I doubt you were on his mind when he asked Belle to marry him,” Dante interjected. “Just so you know, Luciana sent me to tell you lunch is ready on the terrace.”

  “I couldn’t eat now.”

  “It would hurt Luciana if you don’t come. In fact, it would be the height of bad manners.”

  Their father scowled. “I don’t recall you having any the other day.”

  “The other day I wasn’t myself.” Dante shot Leon a pleading glance. “Since then I’ve repented.”


  “Since I’ve come to realize how much I love my brother.”

  Bless you, Belle, for your inspiration.

  Leon smiled at him. “That goes both ways, Dante. Why don’t you two go ahead? I’ll find out what’s keeping Belle. Maybe the baby woke up.”

  Their father still looked angry as he eyed both of them before walking back down the hall toward the foyer.

  Dante clapped Leon on the shoulder. “That went well,” he teased, sounding like the old Dante. “See you in a minute.” He rolled up the marriage certificate and handed it to him.

  “I owe you.” Putting it in his pocket, Leon watched them go before he hurried into the bedroom. To his surprise, he found Belle standing at the side of the door. Rufo walked over to brush against his legs.

  “I heard every word. I’m so happy you and your brother have reconciled. Between the two of you, I’m sure in time you’ll be able to win your father around. Your master plan worked brilliantly, Signor Malatesta. Come on. Lunch is waiting.” She slipped out the door, trailing the scent of gardenias, but she didn’t look at him.

  His marriage was in trouble.

  He knew how deep Belle’s insecurities ran. Leon had to hope his powers of persuasion were as phenomenal as his father claimed. Otherwise he was in for the kind of pain from which he sensed he’d never recover.

  * * *

  “Leon? How soon do you think you can arrange for TCCPI to set up a phone store here?”

  Now that Concetta was awake, Belle had carried her out to the patio to play buckets with her.

  He was standing by the railing, looking out at the sea. She feared he was brooding over his father. “I’ll lay the groundwork next week,” he told her.

  “At first I couldn’t believe you were serious, but since then I’ve found out you never joke about anything. I like a challenge. It would be interesting to see if I could make a success of it.”

  “What do you mean, if?”

  Leon always complimented her. She decided it was in his nature, but she didn’t deserve it. “When Mac learns I’m not coming back to the store, he’ll be overjoyed, because he wants my job.”

  “That’s probably the reason he won’t get it.”

  She chuckled. “Spoken like a man who knows about business.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that and other things. I’ll arrange to have your possessions sent from your apartment.”

  “Except for books and a few more clothes, I brought everything else important with me. One good thing about me. I travel light.”

  He did
n’t smile. She couldn’t bring him out of his dark mood.

  They’d just returned from the palazzo. Belle had forced herself to eat the fabulous meal Luciana had served them. For her mother’s sake she’d acted like a new bride, and had kissed Leon several times for family pictures, while Sullisto looked on with only a comment here and there.

  Pia had arrived in the midst of the festivities. Whatever Dante told her must have resonated, because she was very friendly to Belle. The party atmosphere continued after Concetta awoke from her nap and entertained everyone.

  With the announcement that they were leaving to get ready for a short honeymoon, Leon brought the car around to the front. Rufo jumped inside before Belle’s new husband helped her and the baby, after another hug for her mother. They left the estate and drove to the villa, where she changed into jeans and a knit top.

  This was her home now, complete with the dearest, sweetest little girl on the planet and a husband to die for. There was only one thing wrong with this picture. Sullisto’s words still rang in her ears.

  Your powers of persuasion are phenomenal, to get Belle to marry you when you don’t love her. You’ve even convinced Luciana.

  She’s only been here three days. What did you do? Slip something into her wine?

  No. Leon didn’t have to do any of those things. Belle had fallen instantly in love with him. He was the man she would have married no matter how long she had to wait. Of course he wasn’t in love with her, but he’d been right about their desire for each other.

  With every kiss over the past few days, she sensed a growing hunger from him. After having been happily married to Benedetta, it was only natural he craved the same kind of fulfillment. A man could compartmentalize his needs from his emotions.

  Belle couldn’t.

  She loved him in all the ways possible. Today she’d made vows to be his wife. That was exactly what she would be to him. If not his love, he’d given her everything else, including a baby. There were trade-offs.

  Belle could always be near her mother now. He and Dante were friends again. Sullisto was at war with himself, but it spoke volumes about how much he loved Leon, because he hadn’t disowned him yet.

  “Where are we going on our honeymoon?” That brought his dark head around. If she wasn’t mistaken, her question had caught him off guard. “Mom offered to look after Concetta.”

  Leon’s hand went to the back of his neck. She noticed he did that when he was weighing his thoughts carefully. “Where would you like to go?”

  “Anywhere on the water. How about you? Or did you do that with Benedetta...?”

  “No. We honeymooned in Switzerland, but I don’t want to talk about her.”

  “I’m sorry. Would you rather we postponed a trip right now? Believe me, I’d understand.”

  “Understand what?” he blurted. “My father hurt you today. Do you think I’m going to forget that?”

  “I didn’t take it personally, not after his warm welcome the first night we met. He needs time. You’re trying to change someone who was raised under a different set of rules.”

  Leon’s eyes narrowed on her face. “How do you know so much about people?”

  “Probably because I wasn’t one of the participants of life. As I’ve told you before, most of the time I spent it observing other people. You learn a lot that way.” She cocked her head. “Does your family own a yacht?”

  “Yes. Shall we take it across the water to Croatia? There are some wonderful ruins in Dubrovnik and Split to explore.”

  “That sounds thrilling, but this is your honeymoon, too. Since you’ve probably done everything, what would be your very favorite thing to do?”

  His lips twitched for the first time. “That’s a loaded question to ask a new husband.”

  “Humor me. I’m a new wife.”

  “Has anyone ever told you you live dangerously?”

  Belle laughed. “I’m still waiting for your answer.”

  “Find a deserted island in the cruiser and do whatever appeals.”

  Her heart ran away with her. “An island? I’m glad you said that. I’ll phone Mom and ask her to come over while we’re gone. Concetta will be happier in her own surroundings, with the dog and familiar staff.”

  Belle picked up the baby, who’d become bored with the buckets. “Can we leave soon? It will give us more daylight to find the right island.” That suggestion seemed to galvanize him into action. “I can see by your eyes you already have one in mind.”

  He actually grinned. When he did that, she was reduced to mush. “There’s not much I can hide from you.”

  Yes, he could. He did! But being a Malatesta gave him special powers that rendered him inscrutable at times. Such as when he was pretending to be in love with her.

  “I’ll call Mom.”

  “While you do that, I’ll pack the cruiser.”

  * * *

  They pulled away from the dock at four, loaded with everything Leon could think of to make this trip one they’d never forget. Belle had been humoring him, to the point he could almost believe her gratitude to him for uniting her with Luciana wasn’t all she was feeling.

  He hoped like hell her physical response to him so far wasn’t a total act. If a woman as genuine as Belle could be playing a part for his benefit, then he no longer trusted his own judgment.

  They headed farther down the coast. There were no islands of volcanic origin close to Rimini, but there was a sandbar. Those familiar with the area knew to avoid it. Others came upon it too quickly and in many cases ruined their hulls. Years ago Leon had come across it by accident and got in some of the best fishing of his life. If he’d had Belle with him back then...

  Using his binoculars, Leon found the exact spot. He cut the motor and let momentum carry them all the way in. When sand stopped the cruiser, Belle gazed at him in surprise. “I thought we were going to an island.”

  “I lied. There isn’t one around here. But with the sea this calm, there’s enough sand exposed for us to sunbathe until tonight, and then moon bathe under the stars. No one else is around here for miles.” He loved how she’d piled her hair up on her head. “If we’d taken the yacht, we’d have staff to contend with. These days it’s almost impossible to get away from people.”

  Her mouth curved into a smile. “But you managed it.” She stood up on the bench and looked around. “I love it! It’s like being shipwrecked.”

  “Except that we have all the comforts of home on board and can leave when we feel like it.”

  “I don’t want to talk about leaving. We just got here. I think this is the most romantic place for a honeymoon I ever heard of. Unique in all the world.” The light in her eyes dazzled him. He wanted this to be real. “A little focaccia, a bottle of water and thou. It’s evident Omar Khayyám hadn’t been to the Adriatic.”

  Laughter rumbled deep in Leon’s chest before he picked her up and lifted her out of the boat to the sand. She started stripping as she ran. He did, too. They’d both worn their swimming suits beneath their clothes.

  “If you’ll stay close to me in the water, I won’t make you wear a life preserver.”

  She sobered. “That rule applies to you, too, Leon. If you decide to go out alone, I don’t want anything to happen to you.”


  “Come on,” he said in a husky voice when he could find it. They waded into the water, then started swimming. He loved her little shouts of excitement every time she saw a fish.

  Several times they went in and out of the water, lying in the sun in between dips. Belle put on sunscreen and gathered some seashells. Leon got out his fishing pole and caught two mackerel. They cooked them in a pan on his camp stove, and ate them with salad and fruit brought from the villa. She declared she’d never eaten a tastier meal, and he agreed with her.

fter the sun went down they covered up and lay back on lounge chairs on the cruiser. He turned his head so he could look at her. “When you told me earlier I’d probably done everything, you were wrong. I’ve never been here with anyone else.”

  “I’m glad you’re making a new memory. I’m really glad it’s with me. This has turned out to be the most fabulous wedding day a girl could ever want. To be surrounded by your family and my own mother. I can hardly express it.” Belle’s voice had caught in her throat.

  “You’re easy company, Belle. I’ve never enjoyed anyone more.”

  “I feel the same way about you.” She sat up abruptly. “Do you know I almost didn’t go to your bank? Obviously the manager at Donatello Diamonds had advised me to go there for a reason, but I was so upset with him, I had to have a long talk with myself first.”

  Leon didn’t even want to think about it, and turned on his side toward her. “What decided you in the end?”

  “I knew that if I went home not being able to find my mother, it would haunt me that I hadn’t turned over that one stone to see what was under it.” Her way of expressing herself enchanted him.

  “Tomorrow it will be a week since I flew out of JFK Airport, a single woman with no family, on a quest so overwhelming, I can’t believe I followed through. Tonight I’m lying under the stars on the Adriatic with my Italian husband, knowing my mother is home watching your little girl.”

  “Our little girl now.”

  Belle nodded. “I know I’m not dreaming, but you have to admit the chances of all this happening are astronomical. You’ve been so good to me, Leon. If I spend my whole life thanking you, it won’t be enough. I promise to be the best wife I can. Do you mind if I go downstairs now and take a shower? I’m a sandy mess.”

  “While you do that, I’ll get everything battened down for the night.”

  * * *

  Belle gathered up her things and went down the stairs to the lower deck. The twenty-one-foot cruiser had to be state-of-the-art. Leon had told her he liked a smaller boat like this. He could man it himself, and pull in and out of coves with ease. It made a lot of sense.

  Beyond the galley was a cabin with a double bed. One glance at it and her heartbeat tripled. She hurriedly took a shower and washed her hair.


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