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Fall: A Seaside Novel (The Seaside Series)

Page 6

by Van Dyken, Rachel

  It hadn’t been a line.

  I wasn’t trying to peel her clothes from her body while I said it — which should be evidence enough that it was true.

  “Shit.” I hit the door one last time with my hand, then opened it and ran out front.

  Priscilla was leaning against the railing staring at my car like it was a spaceship. “Is that yours?”

  “If I say yes will you condemn me to hell for spending six figures on a car?” I asked, unlocking the doors. Hopefully it would start after it had been sitting for two months. Demetri had let me park it at their condo which was convenient since the beach house I was renting was next door.

  She laughed. She actually laughed. Holy shit, she thought I was hilarious. I swear I felt wings sprout from my body — I was flying.

  Holy. Hell.

  I was a loser.

  “I like cars.” She said it so softly, so quietly, I almost didn’t catch it.


  She rolled her eyes. “Stop making me repeat myself for your own benefit. I like cars, okay?”

  “Quiz time.” I opened my own door and let her in. “Engine type. You have five seconds. Go.”

  “Five point two liter V-10 engine with five hundred twenty-five horsepower and three hundred ninety-one pound feet of torque. With an engine based on a Lamborghini, I’m surprised you haven’t wrecked it already.”

  And I just had an orgasm.

  No joke. Document the moment because Jamie Jaymeson just got off without getting naked or having sex.

  “Lucky guess,” I croaked, my body demanding I shut the damn car off and pull the innocent little princess into my lap.

  “What?” She laughed. “You surprised?”

  “Something like that.” I closed my eyes.

  “Dude!” She smacked my arm. “The road?”

  “Oh right, what am I thinking?” Insert awkward laugh here as I tell parts of my anatomy to behave. It’s been too damn long. That’s the only reason I was even contemplating touching her.

  I moved my arm so it was resting on the middle console and nudged her slightly.

  Brilliant. I’d lost my bloody mind and officially turned into a fourteen-year-old with his first girlfriend all in the span of five minutes. I just wanted to touch her skin, even if it meant that it was by way of my elbow grazing her forearm, that was how desperate my body was.

  I cleared my throat.

  It was my body.

  Nothing else was engaged.

  Not possible.

  I took a left at the stop sign. Ready to bring up any subject in order to kill the tense silence, I opened my mouth as her phone went off.

  She answered it on the first ring.

  “Uh huh… No, no, I got a ride.” Silence. “Oh, that’s sweet.” She sighed.

  Are you freaking kidding me? She sighed? It wasn’t a normal sigh either. It was a girl sigh, the type girls get when they tilt their heads to the side and give you screw-me eyes.

  She giggled.

  I was going to rain a shit-storm on whoever was on the other end of that line.

  “Thanks. That’s nice of you. Yeah, we’ll be there in a few minutes. Aw, you didn’t have to do that.”

  Murder. I was going to murder him, slowly, painfully, with my hands around his neck and I’d smile. Yup, I’d smile, and I’d go to prison still smiling as he kept his grimy hands off of what was mine.


  I slammed on the brakes.

  “Holy crap!” Pris screamed. “No, no, sorry… Yeah, I’m okay. My driver must have gone temporarily blind.”

  So now I was the driver.

  I’d been demoted from breakfast maker to driver.

  Might as well put a stamp across my forehead that said bitch.

  “Yup, we’re pulling up now.”

  She hung up the phone as I turned into her driveway. The only reason I knew where she lived was because I’d gone to her house the day I left for LA to apologize, only to find out that she wasn’t home.

  In all her excitement to see whomever the hell she’d been talking to, she hadn’t even given me directions. How’s that for being stalkerish?

  “Who was that?” I asked when she pressed end, still smiling.

  “Oh.” She looked at me and blushed. I almost kissed her then. I almost reached across the seat, jerked her head toward mine and burned the memory of my lips onto hers. But a knock came at the window.

  A tall, muscular guy stood on the outside, opening her car door like he was freaking Prince Charming. “Pris, did things work out last night?”

  I got out of the car and glared. I didn’t care if the guy was the next pope or Mother Theresa’s long lost cousin. He was on my shit list. Because he’d made Pris smile. And I’d done nothing but irritate her all morning. Oh yeah, and hit on her. Wow, negative points for Jaymeson. Nice.

  “Hey.” The jackass held out his hand. “I’m Smith.”

  “Jaymeson,” I said tightly, my eyes narrowing as he squeezed my hand a little harder than necessary. I wasn’t ever the type of guy to be violent, but I swear to all that is holy if I’d had a gun, I would have pulled it, no hesitation. The guy just screamed player.

  Players knew players. I could spot them a mile away; it was like looking in a mirror that didn’t have the same reflection, just the same mannerisms. And this guy? Yeah, a million bucks said he wanted a quick screw and nothing more.

  “How’s the house?” Priscilla asked, clearing her throat.

  “Pretty bad.” The Smith guy winced. “We’re lucky the neighbors called when they did. They saw smoke coming out of the basement windows and got worried when the smoke alarms didn’t go off.”

  Priscilla’s face went white as a ghost.

  I reached out to her but was intercepted by a cold shoulder from Smith as he gripped her hand and squeezed. “Hey, it’s okay, I hope you don’t mind but I’ve already gone through the house and grabbed your purse and keys. You should probably call your parents so they can get hold of the insurance company.”

  Priscilla nodded, but I could tell something was off. Her eyes pooled with tears. “Um, how much damage do you think it did? Money-wise?”

  Smith whistled. “If I was ballparking it? I don’t know, sweetheart.”

  I clenched my fists.

  “The electrical needs to be totally redone, the basement has gone to hell, and everything needs to be cleaned from smoke damage. I’d say at least ten grand, and that’s low-balling it.”

  Her lower lip trembled. “Okay.”

  I watched the exchange with interest, my eyes scanning Priscilla’s face for more clues into why she was freaking out. It had to be the money. My guess? They didn’t have insurance.

  “No worries!” Smith smiled. “Insurance will take care of everything.”

  “You’re right.” Her smile was forced. “I’ll try not to worry.”

  “Great.” He licked his lips and looked between me and Pris. “So can I give you a ride or—”

  “I’ve got it,” I interrupted, stepping up to her side. “I’m renting the place right next door to where she’s staying. Plus, I’m kind of responsible for her.”

  I felt a sharp elbow to the stomach as Priscilla laughed awkwardly. “Uh-huh, like a big brother. Right, Jaymeson?”

  Oh look, my balls, they’re flying away.

  “Right.” My nostrils flared so big with irritation that I actually saw them flare, in front of my face.

  “That’s so cute.” Smith crossed his arms. Really, dude? Trying to show off the muscles? Too obvious.

  “That’s me,” I said crisply. “Cute.”

  Smith nodded then looked behind me. “Nice ride. Your dad buy that for you?”

  “Thanks,” I said in an even voice. “And no, I work for a living. The last thing he bought me was a toy truck when I was three.”

  Wow way’ta make it more awkward.

  “So…” Priscilla clapped her hands. “My purse? Keys?”

  Smith nodded, not breaking ey
e contact with me. “In my truck. I just assumed you’d be too shaken up to drive around today so I was going to offer my services, but since you already have a ride—”

  “I’d love a ride to the church.”

  I opened my mouth to argue but Pris hit me across the chest. “I’d have Jaymeson take me, but I don’t want him getting struck by lightning his first day in Seaside.”

  They both laughed.

  I, however, invented new curse words while Smith wrapped his arm around something that wasn’t his, and led her toward his truck.

  “Thanks, Jaymeson,” Pris called behind her. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Yup,” I yelled back. “You sure will.”

  I didn’t miss the shit-eating grin plastered across Smith’s ugly face as he opened her door and gave me a small wave.

  I flipped him off.

  Not a proud moment.

  He shook his head and laughed harder.

  Game on.

  Chapter Twelve


  I had to get away from him. Everything about Jaymeson screamed sex, and considering I was turning over a new leaf and trying really hard not to think about him — I had to escape. Even if it meant getting into a truck with a guy I barely knew. At least he was hot. And Smith? He was a sure thing. An attractive local guy who actually looked at me with interest.

  Jaymeson would eventually leave.

  I couldn’t get close to him. My heart had about shattered when he left last time and we’d only shared one kiss. My mind couldn’t wrap around the pain that would take hold if we shared more than that and he abandoned me. I wouldn’t be able to take it. Some people are built for relationships. They’re strong, they learn from their mistakes, and they move on. I knew myself well — I wasn’t one of those girls. I was a lifer. I was the type of girl that put every part of her heart and soul into something and gave until it hurt. I knew that if I gave Jaymeson an inch, he’d take everything.

  And I wasn’t sure if I would ever be the same girl if I took that risk — besides, he wanted a bed partner. I just wanted a date!

  “So…” Smith turned down the main road. “You keep pretty famous company.”

  I smiled. “Comes with the territory. Does that bother you?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I just don’t really care for arrogant pricks with fake accents. Plus his last movie blew.”

  “His accent isn’t fake.” Right, that’s how I go about defending him? I didn’t want to admit that his last movie was my favorite.

  “Whatever, let’s not talk about him.” Smith gripped the steering wheel, so hard his knuckles turned white. “So I was thinking…”


  “We should hang out.”

  “You mean when there isn’t a fire, right?” I teased.

  “Yeah.” His gleaming smile made my stomach flip as we came to a stoplight and he turned his full attention to me. “How about dinner?”

  “I—” Why wasn’t I jumping at the opportunity? “Just dinner?”

  “Yes.” He gave me a lazy smile. “That is unless you would rather have lunch, I mean, lunch is cool too.”

  “Stop teasing me.” I looked away as he shifted the car into gear again.

  “Why stop?” He pulled to the next stoplight and reached for my hand. “When you’re so much fun to tease?” He leaned across the console.

  Someone honked behind us.

  I turned around and saw Jaymeson wave wildly into the air.

  “Shit! Is he following us?” Smith looked in the rearview mirror and rolled his eyes.

  “Doubtful.” I sighed. “He has more important things to do.” Like find another girl to screw.


  The truck pulled into the church parking lot. The good news was I only had a day’s worth of donations to organize and then I would be done with the entire drive!

  “You need help today?” Smith asked turning off the truck. “I can come in on my lunch hour.”

  “Nah, the Chamber’s sending a volunteer. We’ll be fine.”

  “Alright.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I uh, I’ll call you later tonight?”

  “I’d like that.”

  His smile was huge as he jumped back into the truck and took off.

  “I’d like that,” a voice said behind me, mimicking what I’d just said.

  Slowly, I turned.

  There was Jaymeson, in all his glory. “Hi, I’m the hot volunteer. Make me your slave.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor, right?” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me toward the church. “Best. Day. Ever.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Priscilla rolled her eyes and unlocked the front doors to the church. She held the door open, waiting for me to walk through.

  I froze.

  “You coming?” she asked in an irritated voice.

  “Sure.” I stood still. “Just… preparing myself.”

  “For what?”

  “Judgment day.”

  Priscilla let out a heavy sigh. “God doesn’t smite whores. If He did, you’d already be dead.” She grabbed my hand and tugged me through the door.

  I would be lying if I said I actually kept my eyes open. Instead, I squeezed them shut and waited for lightning to strike.

  “See?” She released my hand. “You’re in one piece!”

  A light fixture chose that exact moment to fall onto my head.

  Priscilla screamed and stumbled backward.

  “Holy shit!” I jumped out of the way and pressed my body against Priscilla’s, slamming us against the wall.

  My heart damn near burst free from my chest as I hovered over her, still trying to figure out if that was a sign or just an unfortunate coincidence.

  “You gonna be okay?” she whispered softly, her lips curving into a teasing smile. Damn, I wanted to bite those lips again. Correction, I wanted to bruise them with mine.

  “Yeah.” My voice was hoarse, forced. “Californians… you know how we are with earthquakes.”

  “Earthquake my ass.” She laughed.

  My eyes widened. “Sinner. You just said ass in church.”

  “You said shit and you’ve slept with at least half your Twitter followers. Pretty sure if there’s a choice of who goes to Hell the scale’s going to tip toward you, my friend.”

  “Think you’re funny, don’t you?”

  “Hilarious.” She stepped out from underneath my body and started walking briskly down the hall. “Come along, slave, we have work to do.”

  “When you say work, you mean—”

  “I mean we have boxes to organize.”

  “Allow me a moment to reign in my excitement.” I paused for a minute and then lifted my hand in a lame fist pump. “I can’t wait.”

  “I knew you’d be excited,” she called from up ahead. “Now keep up.”

  “It’s not a race,” I grumbled under my breath as I jogged after her.


  When the girl said she had boxes to organize, I’d somehow thought it would be ten.

  Not thirty.

  The boxes ranged from diapers to shoes to clothes to books. And each one of them needed to be labeled and organized for The Goodwill.

  After box ten I announced, “I’m bored.”

  “Because you’re not drinking and having sex?” Pris fired back without looking at me.

  “Yes.” I rolled my eyes and taped the box shut. “Because it’s humanly possible to have sex twenty-four seven while drinking.”

  And silence.

  “What?” I snorted. “Nothing to say to that?”

  “Oh sorry. I didn’t know you were being sarcastic.” She turned around and gave me another one of her silly grins, the ones that made me want to jump into her head and find out what about me made her laugh so damn hard. Was I that much of a joke?

  “I miss work,” I said breaking eye contact. �
�I miss fake guns, jumping out of cars, saving the damsel, and working for the CIA.”

  It was true. I did. But most of all? I missed the feeling of accomplishment that my job gave me. It wasn’t that I was against donating my time to fill boxes, I was just used to more going on. I didn’t do vacations. I didn’t do relaxation time. The last time I vacationed it was forced, because technically it was a working vacation here in Seaside.

  Vacations made me feel insecure — they made me feel like I was going to fall off everyone’s radar. If I wasn’t seen and heard, how would I get cast?

  “Hey.” Pris nudged me. I jumped a foot. “You okay? I asked you if you wanted to take a break for lunch and you completely ignored me.”

  “Uh, yeah.” I taped the box she was holding and nodded. “Sorry, I guess I’m tired or something.”

  “Box taping.” She winked. “Does that to a person.”

  “Right.” I forced a laugh. “So does that mean I get to take you to lunch?”

  She tucked a few pieces of dark hair behind her ears, as a blush stained her cheeks. “Well, I mean, we can just go grab something really quick or—”

  “Or you can stop trying to think of an excuse to not spend time with me, and let me take you to lunch. All things considering, I probably owe you a lifetime of meals after the way things went down a few months ago—”

  “Let’s not.” She lifted her hand. “Let’s not go there, okay? Just leave it.” Her shoulders slumped just slightly — enough for me to know that the subject was that hard for her to talk about.

  And it was my fault.

  “Alright,” I said slowly. “Let’s go, I know a place.”

  “Oh yeah? The great Jaymeson knows a place? In Seaside?”

  I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. “Just you wait, love, just you wait.”

  Instead of getting into my car and driving somewhere, I decided it would be way more fun to walk and talk. Right, I know, you heard it here. Jamie Jaymeson had just grown ovaries.

  True story.

  I wanted to talk.

  The last time I actually voluntarily talked to a woman without intentions of getting her into bed: Kindergarten.


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