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Reaper's Reward

Page 3

by Marie Harte

  “That’s it, baby. Come. Drench my hand with your cream.”

  She didn’t need it. Jewel didn’t need sex, didn’t need some bossy, bodybuilder type telling her what to ‑‑

  “Oh, my God.” She blew apart, between one breath and the next, exploding into the biggest orgasm she’d ever had in her life. She shuddered and moaned while Ethan’s fingers plunged in and out of her with greater speed.

  She was dimly aware of the sound of a zipper lowering and then felt another shock, this one fatter and thicker against her ass.

  “Bend over,” he growled and turned her to face the wall. Before she could comply, he had her bent at the waist, her legs spread apart.

  “Ethan, wait,” she protested before he thrust deep. The feel of him took her breath away. He was huge, hot, and incredibly arousing. He fucked her with long, hard thrusts, his breath raspy as he pushed inside her. Arousal spiked, and she felt the beginning of another climax when he stilled and groaned.

  “Fuck me,” he rasped, pulling out only to slam back into her. When his hand came around to stroke her clit, she felt his touch before she shattered again, clenching him tight.

  “Baby, you’re killing me.” He groaned and repeatedly thrust, coming inside her with such force that cum starting dripping down her legs.

  When they both finally stopped, Jewel realized what she’d done, and with whom. She’d just had sex, in public, with a man she’d met only minutes ago. Talk about going native…

  Ethan pulled out and straightened his clothes, then reached into his back pocket and retrieved a handkerchief. Without a word, he squatted down to clean her legs, then pressed the cloth between her thighs.

  Too sated to feel embarrassed, she stared at him. She couldn’t believe her nonchalance at what they’d just done. But Jewel had always been adaptable, and she resolved to feel no guilt for the amazing sex she’d experienced. No one around them seemed to care, engrossed in their own sexuality. And hell, it had been a year since her last sexual encounter. Why not break her cold streak with a no-strings-attached, one-shot deal?

  Glancing down into his eyes, she murmured, “Always prepared, hmm?”

  “Not always.” Ethan’s gaze probed deep. He rose and stroked her cheek, taking her lips in a breath-stealing kiss. “Now for the rest of the tour.”

  * * * * *

  Ethan had a hard time concentrating as he showed Jewel the rest of the resort. They passed several outdoor class sessions that were focused on mutual and independent pleasure, a foray into bondage ‑‑ which he would have dearly loved to stay for ‑‑ and more group sex that covered everything from oral to anal and several positions he couldn’t imagine being comfortable in.

  Through it all, Jewel remained cool and composed, interested but in a detached manner. Yet the shocked look on her face when he’d shown her the pool wouldn’t leave his mind. The woman had applied for the job, but she’d acted completely astonished by the description of her duties and by what she’d seen. He should have felt better about their shared bliss, that she really was here to pleasure both herself and the guests. Yet something about the encounter told him she’d surprised herself with her lack of inhibitions.

  For a woman who’d been dumped by her fiancée because she had particular needs in the bedroom, she shouldn’t have been so hesitant about having sex with him by the hotel. He was a stranger, yes, but supposedly she liked sex with strangers so long as she had an audience. Ethan had been scanning all the applicants’ resumes for the past couple of weeks and had found little to titillate him. He’d been surprised by Jewel’s application, however, and more than intrigued by her accompanying photo.

  Ethan’s cock rose again, despite his heart-shaking climax just moments ago. Jewel had been so tight, so incredibly hot, that he wanted to experience her again, to relive the moment and prove to himself it had just been a fluke. Already thoughts of restraints and dominance intertwined with images of Jewel, and he had to force himself to focus on his reason for being there.

  Two weeks ago he’d shown up on Rick’s door, both curious and eager to wrap up the case. With five new employees and a host of guests at the resort, Ethan had his hands full investigating potential thieves. This newest employee, however, prodded his instincts to delve deeper. Unfortunately, he wasn’t sure if said instincts were hormonal or suspicious in nature.

  Someone was stealing artifacts from the Bacchus Club, Rick’s highbrow secret society, where Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and pleasure, was the central figure and which consisted of members ‑‑ millionaires, professional athletes, and actors ‑‑ who shared a desire for guiltless pleasure. Several of the club members were missing paintings, urns, and sculptures, all stolen within the last year. And one unfortunate member had actually been murdered during the course of a robbery. Very big news in the swanky circles of Rick’s private world.

  The phone call warning Rick he was to be the next one robbed had spurred Rick to contact H&R Securities; that and the fact he was friends with George Howell, a former and very satisfied client of H&R’s. Hired to guard Rick’s priceless chalice, the Mirvolo Cup, as well as beef up security for Rick himself, Ethan put everyone and everything under the magnifying glass. But in Jewel Riser’s case, the view was more than pleasant.

  Good Christ, but he’d never been so hard for a woman in his life, and just from the look of her. Tall and lean, Jewel had surprisingly full breasts, a flat belly, and long, muscular legs. Her arms were toned, and she possessed a clear, olive complexion that spoke of Mediterranean ancestry. Her long black hair curled at the ends, and he could all too easily imagine wrapping the strands around his hands as he guided her cherry-red lips toward his cock.

  The feel of her had seared him, left an aching need in its wake.

  Again, he suddenly sported a massive hard-on, a condition Ethan had been learning to live with since his arrival. Hell, he was only human, and he’d seen more kinky sex in the last two weeks than he’d seen in his lifetime. He wiped his forehead, aware he couldn’t use the handkerchief stuffed in his pocket because it was filled with his and Jewel’s cum. Damn, but his time on this island was proving a real trial. Absently, he wondered if Jewel would welcome another bout of mind-blowing sex, and just as readily dismissed the idea.

  The sex was already clouding his senses, and he glanced at her walking so quietly next to him, wondering why. She seemed off somehow, but not dangerous. And that kind of snap judgment would only lead to a mistake he couldn’t afford to make, not for himself, or for Rick. Even relieved of his frustration, Ethan still felt tense. Maybe he should take Rick up on the offer of some regular, therapeutic sex to clear his mind. Then again, Ethan had a feeling Rick had been volunteering his own personal services.

  Clearing his throat, Ethan guided Jewel toward the hotel doors and finished taking her through the building. “The place is full, all twenty rooms completely booked. Most guests stay a week and leave, but a few have special packages and are here a bit longer. You new employees are grouped here before Rick begins your training.”

  The hunted look in her eyes reappeared, and Ethan continued as if he hadn’t noticed.

  “Jaz will meet you tonight and introduce you to a few fellow employees. He’ll get you situated with everything you need as far as amenities and your uniforms.” Ethan gazed into her whiskey-brown eyes and felt something within him clench. Irritated at the foreign feeling, he backed away, needing to remain in control. “Oh, and Rick will be by later to check on you.”

  The thought of Rick touching her made Ethan want to pound something, and he had to restrain himself from taking hold of her and dragging her to his room to stake a claim.

  “Thanks.” Jewel coughed and opened the door, then turned back to him, her face red. “What happened earlier… Thanks for that, too.” She spoke so fast he’d barely understood what she’d said before she closed the door in his face.

  He stared, full of suspicion and a helpless sense of satisfaction. Composing himself, Ethan trekked back to Ri
ck’s office, wondering why this woman, of all the gorgeous women on the island, fascinated him. For a suspect who ought to have been easy to read, she was a puzzle, an intriguing mix of seductress and wary female.

  He found Rick waiting, pacing the floor.

  “Well, how was she?”

  So fucking sexy I’m ready to come again… “She’s fine and checked in to her room. Good idea, letting me show her around, giving me a feel for her. I gave her the tour ‑‑”

  “And a bit more.” Rick grinned, his eyes fixed on Ethan’s groin. “I hear you’re just as impressive as I’d thought.”

  Ethan flushed; he couldn’t help it, and scowled at Rick’s chuckle. “I was checking her out, and one thing led to another.”


  “She’s hot. Really, really damned good. But I don’t think she’s who she says she is.”

  Rick’s grin faded.

  “She doesn’t seem comfortable sexing it up in front of others, and as much as the play in the courtyard aroused her, I think it also intimidated her.”

  “So our exhibitionist only acted out because she was infatuated with you?”

  “That’s not what I’m saying.”

  “But that’s what I’m saying. Her eyes barely left you the entire time she was in here. Oh, she looked at me and smiled when I spoke, but I know when a woman’s interested and when she’s not. Pity, I really like the look of her.”

  Rick’s disappointment eased Ethan’s tension. But Rick’s next words startled him.

  “I want you to handle her, Ethan.”

  “Handle her? Rick, I have my hands full with your antique chalice and making sure Elise rides herd on you when you refuse to listen to reason.”

  “You’ll train her.”

  “I’m no expert on sexual games, and I’m not into fetishes.” Except for the bondage fantasies I can’t shake. “Hell, I’m a detective, not a sexual instructor.”

  “But she’s someone you need to focus on. A suspect, right? You’ve already cleared the other four new people, as well as most of my guests. And you yourself said she felt ‘off.’ Trust your instincts. I do. After all, the cup spoke to you, didn’t it?”

  Ethan inwardly flinched at the memory. Even though he was working undercover for Rick, Rick treated him like family. He’d ordered Ethan to sip from the Mirvolo Cup, from Bacchus’s own supposed chalice, a treat reserved for those closest to him. And damned if Ethan hadn’t tingled throughout his entire body after just one sip of wine. Lust and love had swirled through him, the promise of tomorrow’s passion just within reach ‑‑ none of which made any sense.

  “The Mirvolo Cup only speaks to those Bacchus favors. Pleasure of the flesh, of love and life, will soon be yours. Face it, Ethan. You were fated to be here.” Rick grinned. “Once you’re finished with this job, you’re more than invited to join the Club.” Rick looked a little too interested for Ethan’s peace of mind.

  “Thanks. I’ll have to think on it.”

  “You do that. And while you’re at it, here are the last of the reports your partner faxed while you were gone.”

  Ethan took the folder, glad of the reprieve. As much as he towered over Rick and could easily outmuscle the smaller, though by no means small, man, there was something about Rick Hastings that threatened. Ethan had never been attracted to men, not in his entire life. But here, surrounded by sex, and after sipping wine from that damned cup, he felt almost…tempted…by Rick Hastings. The man packed an incredible amount of charisma and power inside that frame of blond-haired, blue-eyed charm. And what the hell am I thinking about?

  Ethan thought of Jewel and the questions she presented. He reaffirmed his focus. “I need to look these over. You’re going to be with Elise and the others until midnight, right?”

  “Yes. She’s been with me for five years, but who knew? That minx of a bodyguard is proving as entertaining as she is infuriating. I’ll be fine, Ethan. Go do whatever it is you’ve been doing.” Rick flashed him a knowing smile. “I’ll make sure to mention you to Jewel when I see her. Oh, and Ethan? I wasn’t kidding. You will oversee Jewel’s training as soon as she’s settled in.”

  “I’m not here for pussy,” Ethan said bluntly. “I’m here to keep your ass safe.”

  “As much as I love hearing you talk about my ass, the bottom line is that I’m in charge, as we agreed.”

  Fuck. Ethan normally took charge of every investigation. But this one was different, and Rick had been insistent that he have the last word on everything. Since “training” Jewel wouldn’t necessarily put Rick in danger, Ethan couldn’t exactly refuse. And the truth of the matter was, he didn’t want to.

  “Fine. But if I’m training her, no one else handles her. Not even you.” Expecting a refusal, Ethan was taken by surprise when Rick grinned.

  “Outstanding. I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” He paused by the door. “Ethan? I’ve left a DVD in your room outlining how to train our girl. Nothing too rough, just some light bondage I’m sure you’ll easily manage.” He glanced down at Ethan’s growing erection. “Pleasant dreams.”

  Chapter Three

  Three days later, Jewel glanced down at her “uniform” in mortified disgust. “Hell, I might as well be naked.”

  She’d had to shave everything south of her navel in order to look trim and smooth in the bikini. And damn if she didn’t feel naughty having done it.

  Why she should feel so dismayed by the skimpy two-piece she didn’t know…considering she’d had sweaty out-of-your-mind sex in freaking public. Two nights of thinking had brought her to some uncomfortable realizations.

  One, she liked sex more now than she ever had, and she feared it had more to do with Ethan Reaper than the act itself. Two, she still wasn’t as embarrassed as she should have been after orgasming in public, making her wonder if she wasn’t a closet exhibitionist. And three, if she thought half as much about her case as she did about her hulking lover, she might already have found and secured Sophie Ayers’s sex video.

  If only Jewel had her equipment, but she’d anticipated having her things systematically searched before she’d be allowed to step foot on the resort and had left her kit at home. If only the doors to each employee’s rooms weren’t electronically scrambled and coded. If only Joshua Denton were still on the damned island. Who the hell needed a vacation from a place like this?

  Sighing, Jewel tugged at the green thong biting into her hip and rolled her shoulders, wishing the thin bikini top covered more than just her nipples. She wasn’t huge, but had enough on top to want herself covered. Cripes, but outdoors sex with Ethan had been easy next to walking around nearly naked. She’d received more leers, grins, and suggestions than she knew what to do with.

  “Jewel, honey, your order’s up.”

  She nodded at Jaz, a tall, mouthwateringly sexy employee and the epitome of the Latin lover. He worked with the waitstaff and had been assigned to help her adjust to her domestic duties. When Rick had met with her two nights ago, he’d been specific about listening to Jaz and her expected performance when it came to serving drinks and dinner. Unfortunately, Rick had been vague about her other expected duties.

  Hefting the tray of drinks poolside, Jewel mentally cringed every time she bent over to hand off an order.

  After meeting the other newbies Wednesday night, Jaz had introduced her to the senior staff. Friendly, sexy, and undeniably charming, Jaz had led her throughout the resort with a running commentary on everything from favorite fetishes to the cleanup routine after dinner. The actual waitress tasks were easy for a woman who’d waitressed through college. But the sexual aspect of the job kept getting weirder and weirder.

  Near midnight, Jaz had left her with Rick, no sign of Ethan anywhere to be found. And to her dismay, she’d been looking. Then Rick had presented her with the Mirvolo Cup…

  “Thanks, sugar.” The voice and wandering hands of a middle-aged man brought her out of her musings.

  “Anytime,” she murmured, keeping a smile on h
er face. Think of Denton. Remember your real purpose for being here. In just four more days, the little jerk would return from his vacation from paradise, and she’d finally get a shot at taking him down. If Jewel could survive the wait.

  Because ever since she’d sipped from that oddly shaped chalice ‑‑ that damned cup ‑‑ her mind had been decidedly screwy, in a sexual kind of way.

  Granted, Satyr’s Myst was inundated with sexual fantasy, but Jewel would have thought the excessive sex might grow old after a while. Unfortunately, seeing so much raw carnality made her hunger for more…with Ethan.

  And where was he, anyway? Jewel had been working her tail off to understand the schedules and memorize names and routines. Thankfully, though she’d only seen Rick twice more since her first night here, he hadn’t mentioned that whole sexual side of her job. The sexual side Ethan had gladly introduced her to. She swore softly, aware she missed the big lug and couldn’t ask anyone about him without revealing her interest. Instead she focused on the job.

  Jewel watched and listened, and added her observations to what Jaz had told her about the sexual proclivities of the staff and guests, her nerves strung as tight as piano wire.

  And speaking of Jaz… Glancing to her left, Jewel spotted him outside, under the bright sun, naked, and in the middle of two busty women. Her breath caught at the sight. She took her tray back to the outdoor bar to grab some empty glasses and, along with several other people, watched, helplessly caught, as her co-worker and the women enjoyed one another.

  Jaz glistened as if he’d been slathered with oil, his body hard and muscular, the women slithering over him, naked as well. One woman sat on his face, the other over his cock. And damn it to hell, Jewel felt her own desire rise.

  But in her mind, she became Jaz, and Rick and Ethan pleasured her.

  “I’m seriously losing it,” she mumbled to herself and turning around, headed back inside in an effort to cool her libido. Rick and Ethan… As if. She’d just come off a year-long celibate streak. Apparently, Ethan had broken the dam on her sexual reserve, because she felt in perpetual heat. Jewel winced at the slickness between her thighs, wishing she had on a decent pair of underwear and shorts.


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