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Forsaken (The Shadow Chronicles Book 3)

Page 39

by K. R. Fajardo

  Eyes still locked on him, Marko remained silent. Pinching his brow between his fingers, Mallok turned his back to him. “Leave, Marko.”

  “Leave?” Marko asked confused, “Do you wish me to turn myself in to the guards sir?”

  “No Marko, I want you to leave Lanoria.” Heaving a deep breath, Mallok turned back around. His heart already breaking with what he was about to do. “From this day forward, I hereby banish you Marko Fieros, son of Aidan Fieros, from ever stepping foot within the boundaries of Lanoria ever again.”

  Shock and fear registered on the young man’s face. “Never sir? But my father, he is ill and…”

  “Never Marko. I am sorry, but there is no other way. I will wait a few days and tell the people you were sent on a mission. After a while, I will release the disheartening news that you have been killed in combat. No one will ever know of your betrayal and your family’s name will remain highly respected by all Lanorians… that is unless you disobey this command and return. If that happens, I will be forced to reveal the truth, dishonoring not only you but your father as well, before having you executed for your treason. Do you understand?”

  Wiping the tears from his eyes, Marko nodded weakly, “Yes sir.”

  “Then go, before I change my mind.”

  And without another word, Mallok watched as one of the most kind hearted, genuine men he had ever had the pleasure of knowing walk out of his life forever. Waiting until he was sure he was gone, Mallok walked into the bed room and went straight to the bar. Filling a glass full of the amber liquid stocked behind it, he downed the drink in one large swallow, treasuring the feel of it as it burned its way down his throat. Biting back his own tears, he then threw the glass across the room, shattering against the wall.

  “Was it all worth it?”

  The feminine voice pulled his attention back up to the door way. There, Lady Kirsten stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at him like the fool he was.

  Not interested in hearing one of her lectures he huffed, “Go away Kirsten.”

  “Not until you answer the question.”

  “Was what worth it?’ he snapped, desperate to be left alone.

  “The game?”

  Furrowing his brow, he glared at her over his shoulder as she continued. “Don’t act like you don’t know what I am talking about. I have watched the two of you for centuries, and while I have yet to figure out what the end goal of this particular game is, I know a pawn when I see one.” Pausing, she nodded her head toward the door Marko just left out of. “So tell me, was it worth it to lose two of your men for the sake of your game? Because it sure feels like K might have won this round.”

  “Unexpected casualties, nothing more.” Mallok mumbled, grabbing another glass and filling it. “I am still ahead in this one.”

  “Oh, and how’s that?”

  “Because while I may have lost two men, K was forced to surrender two of her tightly held secrets; her ability to pull power from her Link and the fact that she has somehow managed to figure out a way around the one child curse place on her people centuries ago.” Grinning, Mallok tossed back the drink. “And that my dear Kirsten, was definitely worth the loss of two pawns.”

  About the Author

  K.R. Fajardo (Kelli) is a married mother of 3 beautiful children who lives in the piney woods of East Texas. She loves chocolate, Dr. Pepper, 80's music, and anything paranormal. Her favorite way to unwind after a long, hard day is to kick up her feet and immerse herself into the fantastical world of a good book. It is this passion for reading that eventually lead Kelli to pursue her longtime dream of writing and in 2013, after a year of hard work, she self-published her first book K The Awakening. The following year its sequel Linked was released by Anchor Group Publishing. Spurred on by the out pouring of support she has received from friends, family, and complete strangers, Kelli looks forward to continuing to share her fantastical stories with readers around the world.




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