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One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance

Page 14

by Lauren Wood

  “Well, well, well, look who it is.” Angela’s red headed friend said with a grin plastered on her face. My eyes were on Angela who was surprisingly even more beautiful than the last time we saw each other. That’s because she wasn’t covering up those adorable freckles on her face. I bet she noticed that I noticed because her cheeks turned a deep crimson color.

  I noticed that Kathy’s gaze traveled between Angela and I, trying to figure out the situation at hand. Kathy’s eyes suddenly widened as she asked “Is this the woman you got pregnant?”

  Suddenly all three girls had their eyes wide open including mine. Angela’s red headed friend turned towards her and asked “You’re pregnant?” Angela was quick to shake her head. The red head then turned towards me with a fierce gaze on her face “You got someone else pregnant other than Angela?” she hissed. The other girl just stood there awkwardly saying nothing.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised though. My brother is a player.” Kathy added. The situation was getting more confusing by the second. I suddenly got frustrated and slammed my hands again on the counter making everyone in the room flinch. “First of all, I got no one pregnant. Angela just happens to be my next door neighbor.” I growled.

  The situation only gave me headache and I was craving for a cigarette. My head was spinning that I wanted nothing more than to punch something or someone. I pushed the flowers into Kathy’s arms and stormed over to Angela which caught her off guard, I then buried my face into the crook of her neck. Her scent calmed the beast from within me. What did she do that night that has me at the end of my wits?

  I could feel the other girl’s stare on me but I ignored them because the only people existing in this world of mine is Angela and I. I unconsciously wrap my arms around her waist and pressed her closer to my body.

  “Jaxon?” she called out my name.

  I just snuggled deeper into her neck and whispered for only her to hear “Let me stay like this just for a little while.” I could feel her arms were hesitant but she finally gave in and wrap her arms around me as well. Once my body felt at ease and I was no longer in a violent mood I slowly pulled away from Angela, ignoring the questioning stares coming from my sister and Angela’s friend.

  “Jax, who’s this girl to you?” my sister couldn’t help but ask. Suddenly all four girls were awaiting for my answer including Angela herself. Judging by the smirk on my sister’s face she wants me to tell to all of them that Angela was nothing more than a bed warmer, a temporary woman to fulfill my needs, and nothing more than just another girl.

  But she wasn’t.

  I frowned in determination and wrapped my arm around Angela and bringing her close to me. “She’s my girlfriend.” I blurted out making not only Kathy but Angela’s friend shock as well. Even Angela was shocked herself. “Jaxon is your boyfriend and you didn’t tell me?” Angela’s friend asked. Before Angela could reply and ruin everything I tore the apron from my body and said “I’m going out with my girlfriend.” As I dragged Angela out of the flower shop with me.

  I quickly took her to the subway where we can go home. I was lucky enough to get into one of the train trucks with just Angela and I, and no one else. Angela seemed to be in deep thought but the only thing on my mind were those lips of hers. She suddenly asked “Who said I would be your girlfriend?”

  Somehow I knew she would ask that. We were both standing up as the train started moving. I leaned towards her so she was trap between the train doors and my arms. “Then tell me that if I kiss you then you won’t kiss back, that if I take off your shirt you will stop me, and that if I look into your eyes you won’t feel a thing.” I challenged her.

  “But I’m not your type.” she reminded me, again.

  I rolled my eyes and instead of saying anything I pressed an open mouth kiss to the crook of her neck. She even moved her neck so I had more access to it. I gently sucked on the soft white skin making her silently moan. She tried pushing me away but I quickly grabbed both of her hands and interlocked them with mine and pinned them on the train doors behind her.

  “Jaxon… not here—ah!” she struggled to say but a moan escaped her lips. I was lost within her scent and the touch of her milky skin. I badly wanted to see those freckles on her body again and place my lips of them.

  Unfortunately, the train came to a stop at our station and people were about to get on. I growled in frustration as I didn’t let go of her hand and started dragging her out of the train towards our apartment building. But Angela was having none of it as she managed to yank her hand out of mine and stopped walking. I turned towards her and noticed she had an annoyed look on her face.

  “You say I’m not your type… then you claim I’m your girlfriend, twice! You lure me in only to tease me… I don’t understand you at all.” she said. “What exactly do you want?”

  What did I want? Wasn’t it obvious?

  “You,” her eyes widened by my answer. “I want you and only you. I want you in the worst way… your taste, scent, and feel of your body against mine… I want it all tonight.” I told her in a low tone.

  “If you do take me then when we wake up… what will I be to you?” she asked. She didn’t bow her head nor look sad. She looked at me with eyes full of hope. I wanted to think this through, to think of the things that I would lose if I commit to a relationship but as I stare at my lovely Angela I can’t help but feel that she would be the only person I would ever want.

  Silly, right?

  I don’t have to think when it comes to her because I know that everything would be worth it when it comes to her.

  “When I take you it would be like nothing you’ve experienced, and when we wake up you’ll belong to me and I’ll belong to you.” Those words made Angela’s eyes beam with happiness. It was all it took for us to continue the walk home.

  Chapter 7


  We hastily made our way towards Jaxon’s apartment, sexual tension suffocated us along the way. We even took the stairs rather than the elevator. Once we were inside his apartment we quickly slammed the door shut and the few seconds it took for us to connect our lips were agonizing.

  When they did connect, it was like never before. It was electric. Cosmic. I felt it everywhere. He wasted no time as he pushed his hand down my jeans to cup my throbbing core that desired for him. When he put pressure on my bundle of nerves I couldn’t help but gasp out a moan.

  His lips traveled towards my neck where he began to suck. I tried pushing his hand away from my core with two of my hands but he was too strong. His fingers put more and more pressure that it had me against the wall and standing on my toes. Tension was flooding my body with absolute pleasure. I wanted nothing more than to feel that wave of chills, my climax.

  I felt impatient. He started rubbing faster as if he understood that I was feeling impatient. The pleasurable tension was filling every part of my body, I felt like I was about to burst.

  “Oh my god.” I moaned as I gripped tightly onto Jaxon’s wrist. His other free hand suddenly gripped my chin making me turn to look him in his grey piercing eyes. “I want to see you as you cum.” his voice was still low making chills go down my spine. Suddenly the wave of pleasure hit me like never before. This orgasm felt different, it felt stronger and it lingered longer.

  My knees buckled within me. My climax was so strong that it felt like it sucked all out my energy. I was about to fall towards the ground but Jaxon managed to catch me and he immediately connected our lips again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moaned when he sucked on my bottom lip.

  His tongue invaded my mouth impatiently. We suddenly started stumbling through his apartment and I paid no attention to our surroundings but his lips. My butt hit something and he quickly lifted me up and sat me on the surface which I found out was his small dining table that had a few plates and trash on it. We didn’t mind our surroundings because our only focus was each other.

  He pulled away for a moment to take off his shirt. My eyes traced all over his muscles
chest and to his abs making my core start to throb in want again. He pressed his lips against mine again roughly making me moan pleadingly. Just as I was about to suck on his lower lip as well he quickly pulled away and started unbuckling his pants.

  We hastily started taking our clothes off until he was left in his boxers and I was left in my undergarment as well.

  “Bend over the table.” Jaxon commanded. The glassy look in Jaxon’s eyes was practically screaming how aroused he is. I managed to look down and see the huge bulge in hos boxers. I couldn’t help but think how lucky I am, not only is he extremely handsome but he’s well endowed, and he’s all mine.

  “Over the table, now.” he growled, I obeyed wordlessly. I managed to drape myself over the glass table and my heavy breathing was fogging up the glass. When he slapped my ass I jumped a bit making the objects on the table jump as well.

  “I love how your ass jiggles then tightens.” he groaned. Jaxon then gently flipped me over so I was now lying on my back on the glass table. Jaxon then used both of his hands to pry apart my legs and unexpectedly bent down. The coolness of the table made me quiver with anticipation. The first swipe of his tongue against my clothed pussy caused a near shriek of surprise. His tongue felt like fire leaving a trail of tingling flames behind. Jaxon swiped his hot tongue again on my throbbing pussy. Just the feel of his hot tongue made me moan loader than ever as I melted on the table.

  Jaxon grabbed my lacy panty with his teeth and slowly slid them off my legs. I closed my eyes as I felt cool air make contact with the flames where Jaxon licked. He returned to my heated core and gave a gentle swipe. I close my eyes enjoying the sweet sensation he was giving me when all of a sudden his tongue stiffened and plunged deeper into me.

  “Jaxon!” I shrieked as I tensed and shut my eyes tighter before a loud moan escaped. No more words escaped my mouth, just incoherent moans as Jaxon fucked me with his tongue. I wanted to grip something tight before I lose my mind, and the great part hasn’t even started yet.

  I tried reaching out my hands but I accidentally pushed a plate off the table making it shatter to the floor. I was about to jump up from the shattering but Jaxon held my hips down on the table. As he ate me his eyes looked up to me with pent up desire and he managed to say “You’re not going anywhere.”

  He continued on eating me making the unbearable tension burst, it felt like a wave of pleasure hitting me so suddenly. Even as my orgasm played out Jaxon continued on eating me, I began to shriek and writhe beneath his hold. He pulled away from my intense throbbing core and asked “What do you want my Angel?”

  My mind was still frazzled from my orgasm but I managed to say “You. All of you. I especially want you inside of me and reach—Ah!” A moan escaped my mouth as I felt his fingers play with my pussy. He groaned and said “You’re wet enough.” The look on his face must be the sexiest look I’ve ever seen him given me. When he took off his boxers I knew that I would expect his member to be big but what I didn’t expect was for it to spring up when he took off the boxers that restrained his member.

  He flipped me over roughly this time so I was back on my stomach, he flipped me as if the table wasn’t glass. “I’m sorry, I can’t wait anymore.” he groaned as he aligned himself with my entrance. My pulse picked up its speed in anticipation. My dreams have been filled with this moment, and now I finally get to live out my fantasies.

  The tip entered me and I couldn’t help but moan as I felt his warm dick literally throb.

  “Jaxon, don’t tease me.” I told him as my legs shook with desperate want. Jaxon grunted as he gently rocked forward and slid the rest of the way. Jaxon moaned, which I find very sexy, and slumped onto my back. We stayed that way for a few seconds as I adjusted to Jaxon’s girth. I felt incredibly stretched and full, and I enjoyed every bit of it and want more.

  Without warning Jaxon pulled his hips back and shoved back in fully. “Oh God! Jaxon!” I moaned out from the sudden sharp jab against my most sensitive spot. I even tried moving my hips so he could continue.

  “Oh God, please more Jaxon!” I yelled out in a half moan. Wanting nothing more than to feel him more and more inside of me. He gripped my hips tightly as he snapped forward, burying himself in the hot tight heat repeatedly. My hands reached over to the other side of the table and held on for dear life.

  The silverware and other things on the table started shaking along with the table. We didn’t even bother when something fell off the table. We continued what we have been craving for one another, and most of all when I we’re done with this I will completely belong to him, and he to me.

  With each thrust of his only amplified the pleasure coursing through my body. My orgasm was building with each thrust more and more, and stronger. I was a mess of moans, lost in the pleasure that Jaxon was giving me. I may have been with other men but none of them felt like this. Like my head was about to burst with fireworks, my stomach was in pleasurable knots, and every muscle in my body was quivering with want and need.

  Before I even knew what was happening my climax snuck up on me making me scream out his name loudly. I kind of hope that Stephen and Fran wasn’t home, I don’t want them to tease me when I get back.

  Our bodies were covered in sweat and other liquid substance. My body was left with no energy but it was replaced with an intense pleasure. Our breaths were heavy and wanted nothing else than to feel more pleasure if only we had more energy to spare. I felt Jaxon pull out of me and I just noticed that because of our intense want and desire for each other that we didn’t use protection, but at the moment I didn’t really care.

  Jaxon scooped me up into his arms and brought me towards his neatly made bed. He laid me down onto the bed with him following me, I snuggled deep into his embrace. Before sleep could claim me or him, he said “When we both wake up, we will belong to each other.”

  Like I could ever forget.

  Chapter 8


  When I woke up to see Angela in my arms I found a smile plastered on my face. I never expected to feel such happiness waking up beside her, the sun was about to go down giving a slight orange light through the room. It made Angela look even more beautiful.

  I slowly caressed her face as she snored softly within my arms. To also wake up with her in my arms naked is something I could definitely get used to. Her skin was soft but what made me even happier is that she smelt like me. I heard my phone rang in the living room and I knew that I have to answer it. I slowly got out of bed making sure I wouldn’t wake Angela up, luckily she only stirred in her sleep as she hugged my pillow tightly.

  I even smiled when she kissed the pillow, she must’ve thought it was me. I hesitantly left my room, not wanting to be away from Angela. As I grabbed my phone I couldn’t help but frown at the caller ID. I didn’t want to answer it but I knew that this person only calls when there’s an emergency.

  “What do you want?” I immediately asked.

  “Jax, he knows where you live. He’s coming for you.” Was all my friend said on the other line. My heart skipped a beat at the new information I just gathered. One of the reasons why I never went back to street fighting was because I made lots of enemies, and one of those enemies threatened my sister back then. So I disappeared from the streets and kept a close eye on my sister.

  “And they know about the girl that you’re with.” he added. This time my heart filled with dread and absolute anger. I didn’t give my friend a reply as I literally threw my phone across the room making it shatter. I was heavily breathing from all the anger gathering. I felt like a beast fighting its restraints because there was an intruder trying to steal what’s yours.

  I don’t ever want to lose Angela, I just got her. I’d be damned if I lose her to him. My fists started shaking in rage wanting to sink itself into something or someone. I was about to punch the wall until a beautiful voice rang through my apartment, a voice that I could also definitely get used to hearing in this empty apartment of mine.

  “Jaxon, are you
alright? I heard something break or something like that.” she said groggily as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She looked absolutely breathtaking standing at the entrance of my bedroom door with nothing on but the silk blanket covering her body. I started feeling excited again but I knew I had to hold back because she must’ve been sore by how rough I was just a few hours ago.

  A bubbling feeling fluttered in my stomach as I saw her stare at me. I think I might be sick or this could be the after effect of my rage. As I stare at my Angel I knew that I would protect her no matter what, even if it’s from him. I slowly approached Angela and wrapped my arms around her. She looked down and saw that I was still naked and immediately blushed.

  I smiled and said “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” This made her blush even more. She snuggled more into my arms and asked “Are you sure I belong to you and you belong to me?” I noticed the sadness hidden in the tone of her voice.

  “What makes you say that Angela?” I asked with my arms still wrapped around her and her head tucked right under my chin.

  “I may seem like this confident woman who seems to have it all figured out… but I don’t. I have doubts in myself and sometimes I wish I was someone else. Who am I to deserve someone like you?” her question made my heart clench in pain. I wanted to cheer her up and tell her that she’s not the bad person here. I’ve done terrible things before and instead of facing them head on, I ran from them. So if it’s anyone who doesn’t deserve anyone it would be me.

  I don’t deserve someone like Angela. She might go to clubs, get drunk, and all but she hasn’t seen the dark side of life. The part where you walk down a dark and haunting path only to regret it later on. She’s still full of innocence, it’s a part of her that I don’t deserve yet here I am staking my claim on her. I’m greedy, I want to be the only one she has. The only person she touches. The only person she’ll look for when she’s feeling down.


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