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Determinism (Cara & Abel's Story)

Page 9

by Collins, LK

  He presses his erection against my body, and damn it, I want him. I look at the clock and we are surprisingly running early. Walking us backwards I fumble with the zipper of his pants. Once he reaches my bed, I pull his pants down exposing his hard cock and push his body backwards.

  Climbing up next to him, I let my flip flops fall to the floor and start sucking him up and down. He moves his arm, draping it over my body holding me. I love the way he tastes and how he is always ready for me. I keep kneeling and move my hair over to one shoulder.

  Pulling away, I grab his dick and jerk him while I look over at his body sprawled out under my ministrations. Abel pulls me to kiss him and I do so, but I never stop stroking his beautiful cock. As our mouths work together, I have to stop kissing him before I give in to temptation, because I’m desperate to lift my skirt up and slide him inside of me.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he says.

  “I could say the same thing about you.” I get back to work sucking him, clearly enticing him as he thrusts his hips in and out of my mouth. A deep noise builds from within him, driving me to move even faster until he comes in my mouth. I love the feeling when the warm sensation rolls down my throat. But my movements are cut short when Abel pulls away.

  “Damn, baby. I can’t handle any more of your sweet mouth.”

  “Good,” I say and kiss his neck, hopping off of the bed. I reach for his hand, and he quickly tucks himself back into his pants and zips up before grabbing onto me.

  “Are you feeling okay about tonight?” Abel asks as we walk out of my room heading downstairs.

  “I don’t know. I guess I feel as good as I can. Clearly Alexa is pissed and I don’t know how she is going to react tonight.”

  We load up in Abel’s truck and as we pull away from my house he says, “I talked to Vince. She is more hurt that you lied to her than anything else. No matter what happens I’ll be right there with you and we’ll make it through this. Okay?”

  Crossing my arms over my body, I rest my head back and close my eyes. I keep them shut until I feel Abel’s hand on my cheek. “You hear me? It’s going to be alright, kitten.”

  I nod my head and focus on deep breaths as we drive across town to Vincent and Alexa’s. As we pull into their neighborhood, my phone chimes and I check it. It’s a text from Bridgette.

  I talked to Lex, she told me about you and Abel. I want you to know how happy I am for the two of you.

  Thanks for saying that. I wish Alexa felt the same.

  She will, just give her a little time.

  “That was Bridgette; she said she’s happy for us.”

  “See, baby? It’s going to be fine.”

  I sure hope so. My stomach is telling me otherwise as it’s a ball of nerves as we walk up the front path to their house. Abel rings the doorbell and kisses me on the side of my mouth. Vincent opens it dressed in black dress slacks and a dark purple shirt with the sleeves rolled up and top buttons undone. He has the biggest smile on his face as he hugs me.

  I hold back the tears and can’t help but laugh when Abel says, “Dude, get your hands off my girl.”

  Vincent slaps him on the shoulder and looks into my eyes. “Lex is out back. We’ll give you both some time alone.”

  I nod my head and start to walk off, but not before Abel grabs my arm and pulls me back, kissing behind my ear. He doesn’t say a word, just that kiss, and lets go of me. I look at him and smile, and then I’m on my way.

  I take a deep breath and turn the door handle. Alexa is sitting at the edge of the pool with her feet dangling in the water. She turns and looks at me as I close the door. I smile and she does the same.

  “Hey, Lex,” I say removing my shoes, sitting next to her and dipping my feet in the water.


  I don’t know what else to say. I know I can’t fuck this up and lose my best friend, not right now. I remember back to a little something my dad taught me when I was little. He always said to make my mom happy he would make a joke.

  “Is that your phone in the bottom of the pool?”

  She looks at me with wide eyes. “What? Where?”

  “I’m just joking. I figured since you’ve been ignoring me that maybe you lost your phone in the pool.”

  “Jesus, you’re such a snot. No, I didn’t lose my phone in the pool. I’m pissed at you and I’ve been ignoring your incessant messages.”

  “If I weren’t here right now, were you ever going to talk to me?”

  She shrugs her shoulders.

  “Come on, Lex. I’m sorry I lied to you about working, but I feel like you’re overreacting.”

  “Don’t turn this around on me. You not only lied about work, but you and Abel are dating and I was clueless. I’m supposed to be your best friend. Why wouldn’t you tell me something like that?”

  “I was going to, I promise. We just got so wrapped up in each other, that I pushed all reality aside. And honestly, I was worried about your reaction. I know that sounds immature, but I finally have what I’ve always wanted and I didn’t want to hear any possible objections.” She doesn’t speak and stares into the water. “Say something, Lex.”

  “Cara, you know your track record with dating and I’m worried. Neither of you has a good history in that department.”

  I rub the back of my neck trying to calm myself down. “So what? We are both a little broken. Who’s not? You and Vince were not any better when the two of you started dating. Abel has been wonderful, and I really couldn’t be any happier. I’m sorry that we didn’t tell you, but I can’t help how I feel. All I’m asking is that you’ll forgive me and support us.”

  As she grabs my hand, I look over and see tears shining in her eyes. I turn and hug her as tight as I can. “I forgive you, hun. But if that little prick steps out of line, even one time, he’s not only going to have me to answer to, but Vincent as well.”

  “I know. Let’s hope he doesn’t.”

  Our hug is interrupted by the guys as they head out back. Each of them has a drink in hand and they are both sexy as fuck. “I’m glad to see you two hugging,” Vincent says and reaches for Alexa’s hand. She takes it, standing and kissing him like they haven’t seen each other all day.

  Standing up, I grab a handful of my skirt to keep it off of my wet legs. Abel sets my drink down and goes over to the bench of towels, grabbing me one. On his way back, I can’t help the feelings that brew inside of me. He has taken his hoodie off and his thin white t-shirt reminds me of our first night together.

  He hands me the towel and I dry my legs, letting my skirt fall, and take the drink he brought me. I lean up and give him a soft, quick peck. As I pull away, he asks, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I am. Thank you for asking.”

  “Are you guys ready to eat?” Vincent asks.

  We all confirm and head inside. Before Abel and I walk through the door, he stops me and grabs my face with one hand and pulls me against him with his other arm. I stare into his gaze and see a side of him I’ve never witnessed. “Cara, you know that I’ll never do anything to hurt you, right?”

  “Of course. Why would you even say that?”

  “Vincent grilled me and it made me nervous. I want you to know that I have nothing but the best intentions for us and our future.”

  “I know you do. Don’t stress, baby. Okay?” I kiss him on the side of his neck, and he leans into me. We both walk inside and sit at the table with Alexa and Vincent.

  Vincent, as usual, prepared a full on feast. He made lasagna, meatballs, garlic bread, and salad. We all fill our plates at the table and pass the serving dishes around.

  “So how long have you two been together?” Alexa asks.

  I look to Abel and shrug my shoulders. “A few weeks,” he responds.

  “Frankly, Abel, why should I trust that you aren’t going to hurt Cara? Your history with women sucks and she deserves better than that.”

  I look to Vince and he smiles. Now all of our eyes are on Abel. He swallows hard an
d takes a sip of his drink. “I have feelings for Cara like I never have for anyone else before. She makes me want to be a better person. She motivates me, she challenges me, and she drives me crazy all at the same time. I can’t think about anyone else but her, and just given that one fact, things are already different. I think about my actions and how things will affect her. Our relationship means a lot to me. Trust me, Alexa I know how much she means to you. She means just as much — if not more — to me. You’re going to have to give me a chance to prove my intentions.”

  I’m shocked by his words. Abel has never expressed any of this to me. My mind is racing through what he has just said when my thoughts are interrupted by Alexa.

  “Fair enough,” she quips back.

  “Let’s toast to Cara and Abel,” Vincent says.

  We all raise our glasses and clink them together. I take a long drink of the cool wine, and as soon as I swallow, Abel crushes his warm lips to mine and I melt into him. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or his words, but I feel like I can’t get enough of him. Just as I’m about to crawl onto his lap, we’re cut off.

  “Get a fucking room,” Vincent growls.

  I can’t stop myself from going into a fit of giggles. I remember when Abel used to say that to him and Alexa.

  “We will. We’re gonna get going, but thank you both for dinner and for understanding us.”

  “Just remember what we talked about.”

  “I fucking heard you, dude.”

  “Alright, alright. Now take this lovely young lady home and take care of her, okay?”

  We all stand and I notice that everyone is smiling. As hard as Vincent and Abel are on each other, they really do love one another. Looking all around us, I’m overwhelmed by the happiness that fills me knowing that Alexa and Vincent finally know we are dating. More importantly, they accept it and support us. Maybe two black sheep who’ve made terrible relationship choices in the past can be perfect for each other.

  It’s been a few weeks since dinner with Alexa and Vincent and things have been great. We all hang out often and have had a blast. I love laughing with Alexa and have missed having so much girl time together. I slam my front door and jog to my car; I’m late for my nail appointment with Alexa, we are meeting for pedicures and I really need to talk to her.

  It’s getting warmer and warmer every day; today is just bloody hot. Since it’s Sunday the traffic is light and I arrive less than 10 minutes late. Walking into the nail salon, I see Alexa lounged back in one of the black, leather massage chairs. When the door chimes announcing my arrival, she instantly smiles, waving me over.

  “Hey, honey, sorry I’m late,” I say, sliding my shoes off. I pull up my capris and get into the chair next to Alexa.

  “Don’t be sorry. I was enjoying a moment of Zen.”

  “Since when do you do any Zen?”

  “Since Vincent and I have been taking yoga classes. I’ve learned a lot of breathing techniques and ways to calm myself. I love it.”

  “No shit. I couldn’t imagine Vincent trying to do yoga. He’s like eight feet tall.”

  I laugh and so does Alexa. Sandy and Vi, our usual nail technicians, come over and get to work on our feet.

  “So what’s new?” Alexa asks.

  “Funny you should ask. Abel’s birthday is next week and I want to do something really special for him.”

  “Why did I not know about this?”

  “Ask Vincent,” I say, shrugging my shoulders.

  She laughs at me and says, “Okay. Abel’s birthday is next week. What do you have in mind?”

  “Oh God, I’m so nervous. Nothing specific yet, but I want to blow him away. Things are amazing in the S-E-X department and I want to spice it up a bit.”

  “You have to tell me the details. Is he hung like Vince?”

  I giggle and nod my head.

  “I knew it. We should go to the sex shop. They have really great gifts. We could get you an outfit and explore all the other stuff. Come on, we have to, my mind is already running with ideas.”

  “Come on, Lex, don’t you have any other ideas?”

  “Vince and I have been going lately and they’re awesome. There’s a great place we go to across town. The girls that work there are super cool. Wanna go today?”

  I’m unsure about doing this. I’ve never been to a place like that or had experience with anything they have to offer. I know I want to do something different for Abel.

  “So are we going or not?” Alexa interrupts my thoughts.

  “I don’t know … can’t we just plan a surprise party or something?”

  “Would you really rather hang out with Abel and his friends than be sexy for him and experiment with some kinky stuff?”

  “Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.”

  “Just come check this place out. You don’t have to buy anything you don’t want to.”

  I look at Alexa and she is batting her long eyelashes at me. She knows I can never turn her down when she does that.

  “Okay, I’ll go. But if I don’t like anything or the place creeps me out, we’re leaving.”

  She claps her hands and I roll my eyes, resting my head back and enjoying the pedicure. Man, this feels so good. I look down at Vi as she works away. “Do you want black polish?” she asks.

  “Yes, please.” She knows what I like and I’m a creature of habit. There are some things I just love and can’t bear to change and my black toe nail polish is one of them. I look at Lex and she is texting on her phone with a big, corny smile on her face. That reminds me to check mine, and I have two missed texts from Abel.

  I don’t know how much longer I can sit here waiting for you.

  The next says, Fuck, now my dick’s hard thinking about your ass in those pants you’re wearing today.

  God, I love him. Holy shit, did I just say that? I’ve been so good avoiding being all psycho clingy! I can’t feel that way, not yet anyways. Pushing that thought aside, I text him back.

  As much as I want to handle your dick for you, I can’t. Alexa and I are working on top-secret birthday stuff for you, mister.

  Okay, I guess I’ll manage. I already have blue balls. What time should I meet you at your place?

  It’s a little after noon now. I figure if Lex and I go to this place and then grab a bite to eat we should be a few hours max.

  How about 4:00?

  That works for me. Have fun, kitten.

  I look at Lex and she has a smirk on her face. “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing, I just love to see you smile. I know I was skeptical of Abel in the beginning. But I want you to know how truly happy I am for the two of you.”

  “Thanks, Lex. I’ve never been happier.”

  “I can tell. Is he still going home with you for your grandma’s birthday?”

  I cringe thinking about my mother. “Yeah. I don’t know how it will go over, but we’re going next weekend.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be okay. Did you tell Abel about your mom?”

  “All I told him was that she is a little overbearing.”

  Alexa laughs out loud, “Just prepare him for her OCD before you guys get there.”

  “Okay, you girls are all done,” Vi says, as she and Sandy both start to clean up from our pedicures.

  I hand Vi my card to pay, “I’ll pay for hers as well.” Alexa glares at me. “Stop being a snot; you paid last time.”

  “Fine,” she quips at me. “Do you want to follow me to the sex shop?”

  “Sure,” I say signing the receipt for Vi. I collect my shoes and head for the door, wearing the paper-thin flip-flops the nail salon provides.

  “Meet ya there, sweetie,” Lex yells from across the parking lot.

  I waddle to my car and slide in, following Lex out of the parking lot. The drive across town is quick. The place is brand new and doesn’t look at all like what I imagined. Once I have my car in park, I take a moment and put my shoes on. Lex comes strolling over, talking on her cell phone, waiting for me at t
he front of my car as I finish.

  “Do you want the clear or the blue one?” she asks, as I walk up. I’m assuming to Vincent.

  When she hangs up and we head inside I ask, “Clear or blue what?”

  “Cock ring,” she says back.

  I can tell by the look on her face she’s dead serious.

  “Hi, welcome, ladies,” a cute sandy blonde says.

  “Hi,” we both say back and start to look at the amazing selection of items in front of us.

  “Oh my fuck, I don’t even know where to start,” I say.

  Alexa looks at me dead in the face, being as serious as she can. “It’s a lot to take in, I totally get that. Just look around and think about what you and Abel may like.”

  I nod my head and follow Alexa around as she shows me the different dildos, lubes, whips, handcuffs, and now cock rings.

  “So have you used one of these?” I ask.

  “Yeah. They’re my new favorite. Our last one just broke, that’s why I was asking Vince which one he wanted.”

  “What exactly is it?”

  “It has two functions. They slide down the shaft and are worn at the base. This part,” she points to a one-inch bar with different rubber nubs on it, “vibrates. I’m sure you’re wondering how they fit being as small as they are compared to our guys. The tightness is an added bonus and causes the cock to become extremely hard — like bone hard.”

  “Okay, I get it. I’ll take one of whichever one you’re getting.”

  “Good. Now let’s pick you out an outfit and I think you’re all set.”

  Turning to look at the other side of the store, I know we are going to be a while longer. The other half of the store is the size of a department store, with just as much clothing, although these clothes are in plastic packages like the ones Halloween costumes come in. Lex holds up two packages with scraps of fabric in them and I just shake my head.

  As I stand and stare at myself in the mirror, I could absolutely kill Alexa for making me buy this crap. I’m wearing a full on red fishnet outfit and I look like a fucking whore. I knew I should’ve gone for the naughty nurse’s outfit. I guess the only good thing is that it’s crotchless.


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