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My Heart is Home

Page 34

by Barbara Gee

  “Good, because we need to eat.”

  “Mmm. Yeah, we do. But I’d like to take a shower first. Can you wait?”


  JP joined me in the kitchen ten minutes later, dressed in sweatpants and a form-fitting, long-sleeved T-shirt. His hair was damp and a little messy, just the way I liked it, and he smelled like heaven.

  My pulse immediately picked up but I busied myself with dishing up the chili because we were both starving and didn’t need to get distracted.

  “I don’t think anything’s ever tasted so good,” JP said after a few bites. “Thanks for making this.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Just so you know, you’re staying here tonight,” he said, taking a bite of cornbread. “I’ll change the sheets on Lily’s bed. I don’t want you to be home alone.”

  He’d get no argument from me. “I don’t want to be home alone, either. But since we slept most of the day, I’m not feeling tired.”

  “We can watch movies or play cards or something until we are.”

  I nodded, liking the idea of passing time with him. “I need to call my mom first. I promised I’d call after I slept and she’s probably freaking out because I don’t have a phone and she can’t call to ask why I haven’t called.”

  “Oh, that reminds me. Adalyn left a voicemail while I was in the shower. She wanted to tell me Lily’s all tucked in for the night and she sent Louise home to sleep in her own bed. She’ll be back in the morning to help again. And Adalyn said to tell you she’s sorry for everything. She’s pretty distraught about Haley’s role in all this.”

  “I’m sure she is. I hope she doesn’t think I blame her.”

  “You can talk to her about it. I’m going to go pick Lily up tomorrow—I’ll probably leave here around ten. You’re welcome to come with me if you want.”

  “I do want,” I said readily.

  JP smiled and pulled his phone from his pocket and slid it across the table to me. “Call your mom. Passcode is 0914.”

  My eyes widened. “That’s my birthday.”

  “Really?” he said, pretending to be shocked.

  I kicked him under the table, but considering I was only wearing socks it wasn’t a very lethal hit. “How long have you used that for your code?”

  He shrugged and took another bite. “Since about a week after we first met. When I found out when your birthday was.”

  I felt a huge lump settle in my throat. “And you kept it all these years?”

  “Yeah, but this phone has facial recognition, so it’s not like I use the code all the time,” he teased.

  I grunted. “You had a brownie point there for a second. Now you only have half of one.”

  “Wait till you see my background.”

  Curious, I punched in the passcode, my heart melting when I saw a photo of Lily and me posing beside the Valentine chain we’d hung in his room.

  He chuckled. “I’m going to have to figure out how to dust that chain, because I doubt I’ll ever take it down. When Lily’s fifteen and hates me, I’ll read those hearts and remember the good old days.”

  “She’ll never hate you. She might think you’re really lame at times, but that’s just the way it is with teens and their parents. Then she’ll come back around.”

  His expression turned thoughtful. “I have to make sure she doesn’t ever get pulled down the same road Haley got lost on. If Lily starts hanging with the wrong crowd, I’ll do whatever I have to do to separate her from them. That was Haley’s downfall.”

  “It’s the downfall of many. I see it happening even at the elementary level.”

  JP looked at me intently. “Lily and I both need you, you know. I’m glad you’ll be around to help us navigate the hard stuff.”

  He made me feel like we were a team and I liked that. “I’ll be around as long as you want me. Promise.” I stood up and reached across the table to tousle his hair. “You finish eating, I’m gonna call my mom.”

  I was halfway across the room and had already dialed the phone when he responded, his voice low.

  “I’ll never stop wanting you, Myla.”

  I looked over my shoulder at him as the phone rang, smiling my appreciation. I hoped he meant it, because I’d never stop wanting him either. Not ever.

  Chapter 35


  talked to Mom for twenty minutes, having to reassure her all over again that I was fine and had survived Willard and a night in the woods with no lasting effects.

  I truly believed the whole ordeal had been harder on Mom, Dad, JP, and the others than it had been on me. Sure, I’d had a cold, dark night that I hoped never to repeat, but they’d spent that same time thinking I was either dead or abducted. That was way worse.

  By the time I hung up, JP had eaten his fill and cleaned up the kitchen. I stood and stretched, then went over to join him. He poured water into the coffee maker and pushed the button to start it brewing, then walked to a cupboard and took out a package of Oreos.

  “Dessert,” he said, pleased with himself.

  I cocked my head. “Aren’t those part of your Lily-stash?”

  “They can be replaced.”

  He opened the package and I went to a different cupboard and took out a small bowl. “Put some in this. If I have a whole pack in my lap I won’t stop.”

  He put about ten cookies in the bowl.

  “That better be for both of us,” I said. “Please don’t let me eat that many myself.”

  “You didn’t eat at all yesterday. You have to build your reserves back up.”

  I laughed. “My reserves are fine.”

  “Everything about you is fine,” he said softly. He took the bowl from me and set it on the counter, then pulled me close. “I want to kiss you Myla, but I’m afraid to.”

  I frowned. “Why would you be afraid?”

  He raised a hand and rubbed the pad of his thumb slowly along my bottom lip. His voice was low and gritty. “Because I’m still on edge. Still too emotional about getting you back. I’m afraid I’ll take it too far and won’t want to stop.”

  As much as I longed to feel his lips on mine, I knew he was right. It would be all too easy to get carried away, to use physical closeness to convince us we really were together and everything was fine.

  And with the morning would come the regrets.

  I hugged him, running my hands up and down his back before I stepped away and grinned up at him. “Cookies and card games it is, then.”


  We went to bed at midnight with no more than a hug and a chaste goodnight kiss. I wasn’t sure I would sleep, but the bed was warm and comfortable, I felt safe and loved, and I ended up falling asleep before I’d even gotten through my whole prayer list.

  I slept great and woke up at six feeling rested and refreshed. I knew there was no way I’d get back to sleep, so I got up and took a shower, dressing in the second outfit Ava had provided me. This time jeans and a pale blue sweater.

  I was in the kitchen pouring my second cup of coffee when JP emerged. He’d showered too, and was dressed in jeans and a black and white plaid flannel shirt. Which I found extremely attractive.

  “Morning,” I said, smiling at him and taking another mug from the shelf. “I hope you slept as well as I did.”

  He came up behind me, arms sliding around my waist, careful not to make me spill the coffee. “I did sleep well.”

  When I set the pot down he turned me to face him. “And now that I’m rested and relaxed,” he began, a slow smile curving his lips, “I feel far more confident in the self-control department.”

  I tilted my head and raised my brows. “Which means?” I asked leadingly.

  He didn’t bother with a verbal answer, he just dropped his head and claimed my lips.

  Mmm. I melted into him. It had been too long. Way…way…way too long. I gripped his head and lost myself to the wonder of his kiss, to the wonder of him. He made my night in the forest seem like a distant memory. He was like an elixir�
��he healed me.

  “I love you, JP,” I murmured when he finally ended the kiss and raised his head. “You make me happy. Happier than I’ve ever been.”

  He sighed, his heavy-lidded blue eyes fixed on mine. “Even after what you just went through on my behalf?”

  “Even after that,” I said, smoothing the soft flannel over his not-so-soft chest. “You’re stuck with me, I’m afraid. Neither bad guys with a meth lab nor a bear-infested woods can drive me away.”

  “Oh, there were bears now?” he asked with a smirk.

  I shrugged. “Bears, squirrels. Basically the same thing.”

  “Well, they’re both mammals,” he said dubiously.

  I giggled and stood on tiptoe to kiss him again. “I’m thinking pancakes before we head out to get Lily. Sound good to you?”

  We made them together, ate them together, and cleaned up together. Then JP suggested we get going because he wanted to have time to stop and get me a new phone before we picked up Lily. We also planned to pick up my car on the way home. I’d given the key fob to Sheriff Talbot when he’d thoughtfully offered to have one of his deputies drive it back to the sheriff’s department so I wouldn’t have to go into the woods and relive bad memories.

  We were on the road soon after nine and walked into the Garnett location of my cellular carrier’s store a few minutes after ten. I had to answer a lot of questions. What kind of phone do you want? Do you have one to trade? (That would be a big no.) Do you want to buy outright or lease? Do you want to put insurance on it? Do you want to add the unlimited data option to your existing plan?

  Forty-five minutes later we were seated in the coffee shop next door to the store while I restored all my data and apps from my cloud backup, and JP made a call to Sheriff Talbot to see if he had any updates. Predictably, Willard wasn’t talking, but Bobby was trying to earn favor by blabbing everything he knew. Haley hadn’t been located yet, but they were checking a few places where Bobby said she had been hanging out during her stay.

  It was a surprise to no one that the places were popular with people looking to buy drugs.

  When JP relayed that information to me I found myself feeling almost sorry for Haley and the circumstances she’d sunk to, but only for a moment. My compassion was limited because of what she’d done to JP. It was going to take me a lot longer than a couple of days to get past that.

  At eleven-thirty we walked up Adalyn’s sidewalk hand-in-hand. I was eager to see Lily again and hoped she was okay with coming back to JP’s with us so that Adalyn could get her very last round of chemo done this week without worrying about childcare.

  JP rang the doorbell, giving me a quick kiss while we waited. I could tell he was anxious to see his little girl too, and even though I’d taken too many risks to get it, having evidence against Haley had to be a big relief to him. With any luck, the custody battle was over before it had gotten started.

  Adalyn didn’t answer the door, so JP hit the button again. Just then someone called out and we turned to see Louise hurrying up the walk.

  “Hey, you two. Have you talked to Adalyn? Is she not answering the door?”

  “I haven’t talked to her today but she knew we were coming to get Lily,” JP said. “Weren’t you here this morning to help?”

  “Well, I’d planned to come, but Addy called around seven and said I didn’t need to. That you were coming and she was fine with Lily for a few hours. But I’ve been trying to call her for the last hour and a half, just to check in, and she’s not answering. Which is very unlike her. So I thought I’d run over and check in person.”

  JP’s brows drew down. He pounded his fist on the door. “Adalyn? It’s JP and Myla,” he called.

  Still no answer. “Do you have a key, Louise?” He grasped the door knob as he said it, his frown growing when it turned. “Never mind. It’s not locked.”

  He slowly opened the door, his body tense. “You two stay out here a minute.”

  Louise and I exchanged a worried look as he went inside, again calling for Adalyn. We all heard the far-off cry for help at the same time and the three of us charged down the hall. Adalyn’s voice got louder as we made the turn into the hall leading to her bedroom.

  “What…what in the world is that rope doing there?” Louise squeaked out as we stopped and stared.

  There was indeed a thin rope spanning the hall, stretched tight, tied to Adalyn’s door knob and also to the door across from hers.

  “Help! JP, is that you?”

  Adalyn’s weak voice spurred us into action again.

  “It’s me, Adalyn. Is Lily in there with you?” He dug in his pocket and came out with a pocket knife. Adalyn’s quiet sobs came through the door.

  “No, she’s not here.” Her voice was raw and shaking. “Haley took her.”

  JP froze and our gazes met. I saw horror and dread descend on him like a physical thing. He cut through the rope with one quick slice.

  “Stand back, Adalyn,” he said before shoving the door open.

  She fell into his arms, sobbing and nearly hysterical. “Thank God you’re here. I’ve been praying and praying.”

  “Adalyn, you have to tell us what happened,” JP said, his voice urgent but gentle. He helped her over to the bed and sat her on the edge before kneeling down before her, holding onto her hands. “Haley came here? She took Lily?”

  Adalyn nodded frantically. “It was early, right after I called Louise. I’d just gotten up and Lily was still in bed. I heard pounding on the front door and Haley was yelling for me. I didn’t want Lily to wake up so I opened the door and let her in. She was—she was definitely on something.” Adalyn’s voice broke and she covered her face with her hands.

  “Keep going, Adalyn, we have to know what happened,” JP urged.

  “She forced me back in here. I tried to resist her but she was so strong. That’s what happens when she’s high. She’s just so strong. She tried to lock me in, then realized the door locks from the inside. She took my phone and told me if I stepped out of this room she’d hurt Lily, then she left and came back with rope. I begged her to just leave us alone, but she tied my door shut somehow and I tried and tried to get out but I couldn’t. Then she came back and stood outside the door and told me she was taking Lily. She said—she said—” Adalyn broke off, crying again.

  “She said what?” JP asked, his shoulders rigid.

  “She said to tell you you should’ve given her a chance. But you didn’t, and since you made the wrong choices you’ll never see Lily again.”

  JP’s body drooped and I let go of Louise and went to him, putting my hands on his shoulders, letting him know I was there.

  “What time was it, Adalyn?” I asked. “What time did Haley get here?”

  “I called Louise at seven, and it was right after that. No more than ten minutes.”

  My heart sank to my toes. That was almost five hours ago.

  Adalyn suddenly slumped backwards onto the bed, mumbling incoherently. Louise rushed to her and I took out my phone and called 911.

  “I’ll get an ambulance and the police,” I told JP as he rose to his feet and looked on worriedly as Louise tried to soothe her friend.

  He nodded and shoved a hand through his hair, his tension palpable and heart-rending. He’d survived one nightmare and was now in the throes of another. Only this time the victim was three years old and completely helpless.

  I hurriedly gave the 911 operator the address and told him we needed an ambulance and the police. He took a few seconds to get them dispatched, then asked me for more detail. He kept me on the line until I heard the sirens of the approaching first responders. Then I hung up, staring at my shiny new phone. My first call on it was to 911. It was the first time I’d ever dialed those numbers.

  JP was kneeling by the bed again, his voice sounding calm as he told Adalyn help was on the way and she should do her best to relax. When he saw I was off the phone he stood and came to me, handing me his own phone.

  “Sheriff Talbo
t is in my contact list. Can you give him a call and let him know what’s going on? He’ll want to work with the city police on this. Then call Jude and Janna.” He shook his head, his jaw set. “I hate to do this to them again, but we’re going to need them. I don’t even know—where do we start, Myla? They’ve been gone for five hours.”

  I hugged him tightly. “We start by praying, and we let the experts do what they’re good at.” I almost cringed after I said it, not because it wasn’t exactly what we should be doing, but because it sounded so trite. So easy. And the situation was neither. “I’ll let the EMTs and cops in and bring them back here. Then I’ll make the calls.”

  “Thanks,” he said, his attention going immediately back to Adalyn. I hurried to the front door, hoping that the stress Adalyn had been through this morning wouldn’t be a permanent setback for her. She was already so weak.

  The house soon became a flurry of activity. The EMTs quickly attended to Adalyn. Her vitals checked out and she was feeling stronger, but they decided to take her to the hospital to be on the safe side. Louise insisted on going with her, and JP promised to keep them updated.

  Once they left, three police officers sat down with JP and me and we took them through the whole story. Sheriff Talbot and a deputy arrived about halfway through. Once everyone had the facts, they worked to come up with a strategy. The top priority was to put out an Amber Alert with both Lily’s and Haley’s descriptions. One of the police officers left to get that done and the others started divvying up places to go and people to question, focusing on informants who were familiar with the opiate trade in the area, since pills were Haley’s drug of choice.

  The consensus was that Haley had taken Lily either for ransom or revenge. She was smart enough to know that her involvement in the meth operation had ruined her scheme to get at Adalyn’s estate through custody of Lily, thus she’d come up with a new plan. Sheriff Talbot said if she didn’t make contact for payment soon, then it was pretty clear that making her mother and JP suffer was her goal. Which was more serious, because it meant she wasn’t planning to give Lily up.

  That conclusion was devastating to JP. He’d wanted so badly to be there for Lily, to provide a loving home and protect her from the influence of Haley. Now, in spite of his best efforts, his little girl was in danger. I ached for him and felt awful for my role in this. If I hadn’t exposed Haley’s association with Willard and Bobby, she might not have felt so desperate.


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