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Operation Ginger Avenger

Page 20

by Heather Rainier

  Tank nodded back at Troy and said, “It’s been warm today. Why don’t we water the horses and get the sun out of the girls’ eyes for a little while.”

  “Huh?” Jessica asked nervously. “I’m fine. You wanna go down there, down that creek bank? I mean…that’s like…down.”

  “Sure. All you gotta do is tilt back in the saddle a bit as he heads down. He’ll take it nice and slow.”

  “Uh…” She looked at Troy, her little brow puckered as she watched him move past her with his forearm around Bella’s torso and lead the way.

  The less time Jess had to worry, the better off she’d be. She knew what that night would likely hold, making love with Tank—and maybe with Troy if he was very lucky—so some of her nerves might be from excitement and not worry. He’d had a notion while saddling the horses that she might find her first horseback riding experience exhilarating, and that might help to dispel some of her nerves.

  “Oh. Well…okay then.”

  “Watch,” Tank said as Troy passed him and headed down the gently sloping creek bank. “Brutus will follow Vinnie’s path down, unless you stop him. You okay?”

  Troy didn’t look back, but her soft affirmation made him smile.

  “Oh, lookie at the purty water,” Bella said as Troy climbed down and held securely to the waistband of her jeans as she rode on her own with him leading. Vinnie placidly walked to the creek’s edge and stopped to take a drink.

  “Look at the big girl,” Tank crowed as they followed them down.

  “I’m a horse girl,” Bella chirped, clapping her hands together with glee. “Just like Rose Marie!”

  Troy chuckled, recalling the last pictures he’d seen of Rose Marie, with her daddy teaching her how to throw a rope at a calf dummy outside one of the barns at the Divine Creek Ranch. The little girl was developing quite an arm for roping—inanimate objects, at least.

  “Are you going to be a horse girl like your friend Rose Marie?” Tank asked conversationally, a big grin on his face as he eased his horse, Orville, from the soft creek bank into the water’s edge.

  Orville loved to splash in the water, and when he did so with a front hoof, Bella cackled and clapped her hands. “I sure am! Gonna be just like her! She said she’s going to teach me to rope ‘n’ ride!”

  Tank made big eyes at him, and Troy recalled the other picture the guys had sent to him, one of Rose Marie, full of sass, standing with a hoe in one hand and a dead snake gripped in the other. The message that had come along with the picture stated that she didn’t look near as sassy once they told her that what she’d killed was a copperhead. Troy muffled a chuckle, just imagining Grace’s reaction.

  “When can we go see Kippy-Lilybipp?” Bella asked as she leaned forward to hug Troy’s neck when he lifted her from the saddle. She seemed content to hold on to his neck for the time being, so he didn’t put her down just yet. Perched with her bum on his forearm, her windblown curls tangled in his beard stubble, she smelled of Play-Doh, peanut butter, and the baby wipe someone must’ve used to clean up her face at some point. When he hugged her gently, she patted his cheek. His heart lurched a little, thinking how much he loved her and how much he’d flip out if he ever caught her killing snakes.


  “Well what?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “When can I see Kippy-Lilybipp?”

  “Who?” he asked teasingly, knowing exactly who she was talking about.

  “The baby! Rose Marie’s widdle sister. I cannot wait to see her. I’m gonna bring her a princess dress.”

  Jess chuckled. “Guess it’s about time to go through her outgrown clothes and dress-up costumes.”

  “Can we go tonight? I ate all my supper,” Bella asked, playing with the ends of his hair and disarranging his cowboy hat.

  “No, it’s too late, sweet pea. Calliope Elizabeth is probably sound asleep, and I would imagine her mommy is worn out and needs the rest. We’ll go visit her in a day or two after she’s home and settled. That’ll give you a chance to make her a nice card or draw her a picture.”

  “Okay. Can I get in the water?”

  Troy looked out through the trees. “Mmmm, I think it’s too late. Once the sun sets, it’s going to cool off. If you’re wet, you’ll get chilled. How about you play in the bathtub instead?”

  “And play in the creek tomorrow when it’s warm?” she asked with a speculative gleam in her eyes.

  “Sure,” Jessica said, surprising him. “We can come down here right after we get home, if it’s still warm enough. It won’t be for very long though since the sun sets early. And of course, our watch dogs have to give their approval.”

  “Watch dogs?” Bella murmured.

  “Yep,” Troy said, keeping his tone purposely light. “We’re your guard dogs keeping you safe.”

  “Okay, but you gotta teach me how to swim.”

  “Is it deep enough to swim?” Jessica asked, looking back at the waterway, which widened out for a stretch before turning a bend.

  “It usually is, if we’ve had a good rain, which we did,” Tank said, pointing to the wider stretch farther down. “It’s not real deep though. We’ll keep her safe.” Tank glanced at Troy, and he could see the smile in his eyes. Tank also wanted to discuss, in the very near future, the possibility of keeping Bella at home, at least until pre-school started, damn it. And who needed that when they had a working cattle ranch to run around on and learn from? There were plenty of people who could teach her the ABCs and 123s, like his mom and his siblings had taught him.

  One thing at a time.

  A soft chuckle drew his attention to Jessica. She was looking at the stretch of creek where they’d found her that summer day three years before.

  “Are you reminiscing?”

  Giggling, she replied, “Something like that. Moo.”

  “You about gave us both heart attacks, woman,” Tank said as he sat back in his saddle and eased the cowboy hat off his head to run his fingers through his hair.

  They’d been watching after her back then, but mainly because she’d concerned them, walking down to the creek, moving slow, her hand at the small of her back, so full of baby she looked about ready to give birth any moment. Troy had been torn between giving her privacy and worrying about her slipping on the thick layer of oak leaves that always covered the creek bank. In her condition she could’ve easily fallen.

  They’d followed after her and found her on her hands and knees by the water’s edge. Scared she’d fallen, they’d run to her, only to find her giggling and saying “Moo.” She’d likened herself to a cow, and he’d been almost affronted by the thought. Even heavily pregnant, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid eyes on.

  Once they helped her up from the position she’d willingly gotten herself into, to stretch or find some relief from aching muscles, he couldn’t remember, it had quickly become clear that the baby was ready to get the show on the road because her water had broken right then and there. Looking back, he was just relieved they’d been there to help her back to the house and to take her to the hospital.

  She heaved a long sigh, gazing at the rock she’d perched on that day, and then shivered when a cool breeze rushed over the water.

  “I think it’s time to head back,” Troy said to Bella. “We’ll get the horse washed off of you, and I’ll read you a story for bedtime. How’s that?”

  “And sing Bieber?” she chirped as he lifted her back into the saddle and climbed up behind her.

  “And sing some Bieber.”

  Jessica groaned. “Could you balance that with something classic?”

  “How about some Eagles, Bella? Do you know ‘Desperado’?” He sang softly, smiling to himself as Bella rested against his chest, singing along. She was little, but she had a gift for learning songs fast, a sense of rhythm, and a sweet little voice when she settled down long enough to sing.

  Watching out of the corner of his eye, he noticed when Tank stretched out his hand and rested his palm on Jessic
a’s thigh. She tilted her head and looked up at him, her smile radiant and her cheeks rosy. She covered his hand with her own and left it there. The tension eased out of her back, and she moved with the rhythm of the horse, instead of stiff like before.

  * * * *

  With the scent of horse washed off of her, Bella helped comb out her hair while Jessica dried and dressed her in a nightgown. After an inquiring look cast Troy’s way, and his reassuring nod, she gave Bella a kiss and wished her goodnight. “Sweet dreams, angel.”

  “G’night, Mama.” Bella capped her kiss with a big yawn and helped him pick a book from the shelf in her bedroom. They were staying at Jessica’s cabin that night, both to change up their routine and also so that Bella was sleeping in her own bed and less likely to awaken during the night and get up and wander.

  Jessica paused in the doorway, with Tank standing behind her, both of them cast in shadows from the light left on in the den. In the dimness, Troy could see that she was searching his face, and he smiled and nodded at her. Whatever reassurance she needed from him, he’d gladly give. “I’ll be in there just as soon as we’re done with Bunny’s Noisy Book and a song.”

  “What song we gonna sing, Toy?”

  “Shh, it’s a secret,” he whispered, grinning at her as she put her little pointer finger to her lips and shushed him back while giggling.

  Tank reached for the doorknob and pulled it closed, and Troy settled in with Bella and a story about a little bunny.

  He used to enjoy grabbing a beer with Tank after supper and either going out to sit on the porch to watch the sunset or sitting down in front of the television and watching one of the sports channels.

  Now he looked forward to a different nighttime ritual, one that included reading bedtime stories in funny voices, saying prayers, and singing silly songs.

  His phone lit up but didn’t make a sound because it was on mute. A text from Lydia,

  Brian is pretty handy helping out around the ranch. The guys may offer him a job if he’s available after all this mess blows over. He’s eating supper with us.

  “Hang on, Belly-blooper,” he murmured as he rocked her while he texted Lydia back. Okay, thanks. Have a good evening.

  Lydia had excellent timing, inviting Brian Dornan over so they wouldn’t have to entertain a guest again. Tonight needed to be about Jessica. He planned to take his time so that Tank could have some time alone with her and to make sure once Bella was put to bed she was inclined to sleep.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jessica followed Tank as he led her easily by the hand to her bedroom. He was so tall he blocked out the light, but his hand was gentle, holding hers, and she placed the other in the small of his muscular back, just above the waist of his jeans.

  He’s my gentle giant. He’s my gentle giant.

  He closed the bedroom door and continued on, lighting a couple of lamps along the way. In the master bathroom he busied himself, starting the shower and getting out towels, giving her space, all without making her feel like he was ignoring her.

  Breathing out slowly, she turned to look at her reflection in the mirror. The woman staring back looked unsure of herself, but at least the image kept her anchored in the present.

  Coming up behind her, he kissed her shoulder and smiled when he spied her hairbrush on the counter. Lifting it, he caught her gaze in the mirror. “May I?”

  “Sure,” she whispered with a jerky nod of her head.

  “Still with me?” he asked, seeming to understand the inner struggle.

  “Right here with you.”

  His movements were purposeful as he inclined his head, accepting her affirmation, which was weakened by the way her voice trembled.

  The clip made a clicking sound as he released her hair from the messy bun she’d put it in to keep it out of her face during the ride. He threaded his fingertips through the locks to straighten them, lifted a thick lock to his nose, inhaled, and a small smile crossed his lips.

  “Sweet. Clean. You have shiny hair. I like the way it changes color in the sunlight. First it’s red, then auburn, and also brown. Bella’s is the same exact shade, with all the extra baby curls.”

  A shiver rippled up her spine from the small of her back when he stroked it again, gently tugging. He paused suddenly and locked gazes with her. “Am I pulling too much? Does it bother you?”

  “No, it’s fine.” After a brief pause, because she felt his concern deserved acknowledgement, she said, “Yes, he pulled my hair, Tank. He did. This is different. I like it when you play with my hair. You can brush it if you’d like.”

  He tilted his head forward once, reassured, and gathered the lengths together and brushed through them. “I looked forward to tonight all day. My hands are even shaking a little.”

  “Don’t be nervous. I promise I’ll be very gentle with you.”

  He grinned. “Did you see Troy’s weighted blanket on the end of your bed?”

  “Yes. He asked if he could bring it over. Of course I said yes. I may even get one of my own.”

  He caught her eye again in the mirror, and she blushed. That heated gaze communicated to her that he thought Troy would be more than open to leaving it on her bed permanently if it meant they might have a place there. Tank said as much a moment later.

  “You should consider it yours, Jess. The man looks like he never wants to sleep alone ever again.”

  Sleep had never come easily to her, not even before her life changed. She could do with a few more decent nights’ sleep like last night. She’d felt safe with Troy beside her. What would it be like to have a safe place between Tank and Troy every night?

  Feeling brave, she released the button on her jeans and lowered the zipper. His smile gave her courage, and he nodded when she locked gazes with him and slowly pushed the jeans over her butt and down her thighs. He backed up an inch or so, giving her room to bend over, but not enough that she didn’t have to back into him. The heat coursing through her body blazed to life when her ass brushed against the thick bulge at his groin.

  As she watched in the mirror, he didn’t make a sound, but his eyelids flickered closed and his expression relaxed, except for a slight twitch of his lips. She took her time standing upright because the sight entranced her so.

  He caught her watching him, and his cheeks reddened all the way up to his ears, and even though he smiled back at her, she could tell he was embarrassed, so she didn’t mention his flush. She flushed easily, too, but not as much as either of her ginger men.

  He put the brush aside and placed his warm, callused hands at her hips, hooked a finger in the waistband of her white cotton panties, and then eased them down. His lips were equally warm on her neck, and she sighed as she lifted a hand and stroked the back of his head. He was being purposely gentle for her sake, and it made her fall in love with him a little harder.

  Steam obscured the mirror, and she recalled that the shower was running, had been for several minutes. Feeling a little braver, she lifted the hem of her top as she turned to him and pulled it over her head. The panties fell the rest of the way to the floor, and she stepped out of them as she reached behind her and released the catch on her bra.

  A tickle raced through her, eliciting a giggle, as he eased the straps from her shoulders and revealed the only other thing hidden from view. He took a deep breath as he cupped her breasts in his hands, and his smile widened as he glanced up at her and then chuckled. “Damn, baby. You are built.”

  Their laughter reverberated in the steamy bathroom, and she let him lead her to the shower.

  “Undress. I want to see,” she replied when he tried to coax her into the shower.

  “But…I thought it might be better…”

  “What? If you hid behind the shower curtain? I’m going to see everything eventually. I want to see all of you now.”

  His eyes were locked with hers the whole time, measuring her reaction as he pulled his shirt off, unbuttoned his jeans, and kicked off his boots. “Oops, sorry. I probably sh
ould’ve left those by the back door, huh?”

  “I don’t care about your boots right now, cowboy.”

  He scooted them into the corner and then peeled off his socks and then the jeans, leaving him in a pair of snug white briefs.

  “You’re the one who’s built, Mister #gingerhottie,” she said with a giggle, trying not to stare at the very large, thick ridge trapped against his pelvis by the knit fabric. He was going to take some getting used to, same as Troy.

  “I didn’t want to worry you.”

  “I’m not worried, Tank. I like what I see, believe me,” she murmured, running a finger along the fiery red trail that extended from between his pectoral muscles down past his belly button, disappearing into the waistband of his underwear. She’d seen him go shirtless on the ranch before and thought the freckles on his tanned skin were incredibly sexy. The rancher’s tan ended just above the waist of his underwear, and she discovered for herself where the lily-white unmarred skin started when she eased a finger into the waistband. His cock twitched at the contact, but she didn’t stop. Gripping the elastic waistband, she eased it over his erection and gasped when her wrist caressed the hot length as she revealed his full glory, springing big and hard from a nest of fiery curls. Her pussy clenched and ached at the sight, and oh, how she wanted him, every bit as much as she’d wanted Troy. Wanted both of them in fact.

  “Say something, baby. Am I scaring you?”

  She looked up at him and shook her head. “I’m imagining climbing you like a tree right now.”

  He let out a breath and chuckled. “Whatever you want, Jess. I’ll be your personal jungle gym if it makes you happy.”

  She pinned her hair back up to get it out of the way and got in the shower with him, still in awe of his size and girth, thinking that she had not one but two well-endowed men. A girl could get spoiled.

  “This shower is gonna be fast, okay?” she asked. “I’m interested in fooling around, but not in this slippery bathtub.” By herself, she could manage to maintain her footing. With him in there, she was liable to land on her ass.


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