Book Read Free


Page 18

by Chanse Lowell

  “Hi, Marly, it’s Mark,” he began.

  “Oh . . . Uh, hi. Sorry about last weekend. I didn’t mean to disappear on you guys like that, but—”

  “Don’t apologize to us—do that with your parents. They should know you left with strangers,” he said.

  “I did tell them. They were fine with it.”

  He doubted that was the case, but regardless, this conversation was about Jeanie.

  “So, you wanna go dancing again? Same club?” He motioned for Jeanie to deal with the guy behind the counter.

  She did, and he moved away a few feet so the man helping them didn’t have to overhear the conversation. Mark always hated it when people were that rude to be talking on the phone while they were dealing with someone at a cash register.

  “A different one. I’m gonna text her the address,” Marly replied.

  “We’ll be there, but text it to me instead. I do expect you tell us, though, before you take off this time. If you do that again, Jeanie won’t be going dancing with you anymore while she’s here for the entire month.”

  “But I . . . Month? Did you say she’s staying for a whole month? I mean, you guys seemed great together at the club, but—” Marly stumbled over her words.

  “Yeah, she’ll be staying with me during that time. We’ve got some things to attend to in order to help her make some decisions.”

  Jeanie was done, setting the sliced meat in the baggie into the cart.

  She grabbed some bolillo rolls nearby and smiled as she waited for him.

  He smiled back.

  “Okay, gotta go. We’re about to leave the store. Text me the address, and we’ll be there at seven. Bye.” He ended the call, and instead of giving Jeanie her phone back, he slipped it in his pocket.

  Marly might decide to be obnoxious and text the address to Jeanie instead. If that was the case, he wanted to know.

  His chest loosened up at the way Marly said they were great together.

  If she could accept that and she was the family’s worse critic, maybe this weekend would be a good time to break it to the rest of this family that he planned to be in Jeanie’s life permanently. She needed them, and he did, too, in some way.


  Two nights later, Jeanie nuzzled into his side, and he picked up the other book off his nightstand. “I know I’ve been reading to you from The Loving Dominant, but I wanted to share this with you as well,” he began. “It has more of a spiritual nature to it.”

  “Sounds nice,” she said, stifling a yawn with her hand.

  Of course she was tired—he’d just pinned her down and fucked her until she was screaming out his name. He’d pinched her nipples, her clit and bit her all over.

  Damn, he loved it when she got hoarse like that from yelling.

  No toys this time. He didn’t get that far. But she seemed to love it when he slapped her pussy.

  His plans had been to introduce her to wax play tonight, but his body had another agenda.

  After dinner, all he could do was throw her over his shoulder, tell her to strip and then he was on top of her, pulling a condom on.

  “If you get sleepy, feel free to drift off. It’s just something that moves me and reminds me of you every time I read it.”

  She made this throaty, worked up sound.

  “Love it when you get excited,” he said.

  “You don’t think it’s stupid?”

  He set the book next to him and looked down at her, lying on his chest. “If I thought it was stupid, then I should be whipped soundly. No man that knows you would wish for you to repress that side of you. It’s the highlight of my day—that is when you’re not kissing me or letting me tie you up and hose you down with my come.”

  She chuckled. “Good Lord, you better read, Sir, before I pass out from the naughty things you say.”

  “Only if you make that excited sound again,” he said, cupping his ear and leaning it closer to her mouth.

  She shook her head, and her hair flew all over the place.

  He tickled her side, and that sound doubled in intensity. “Uuuuuhhhhhahhhh,” he breathed in relief. “Better.”


  “Always. Have to get my way—spoiled bastard, remember?” He rumbled a laugh deep in his chest.

  She shook on top of him, and her taut nipples grazed his pecs.

  “Okay, reading now,” he said, taking one more deep inhale before starting.

  “I love your voice—always have. It’s very soothing, so thank you ahead of time for reading to me,” she said.

  “You’re welcome.” He settled one hand on her back and picked up the book with the other. “This is a line I highlighted forever ago, and it always spoke to me—‘according to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous.’” He paused, soaking in the way her breathing picked up.

  “What’s that from?” she asked.

  He picked his chin back up so he wasn’t hurting her.

  “It’s from Synchrodestiny: Harness the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles by Deepak Chopra.” He rested his chin on top of her head for a second. “Does it bother you if I read something to you with a religious context?”

  “No.” She lifted her head and looked at him, her eyes brimming with untold of emotions. “I respect all religious denominations, and I find solace in these types of reflections. Pono never wanted to talk about or even think about this type of stuff. Do you read stuff like this often?” She set her palm on his chest and then propped her chin on top of her hand while she studied his facial reactions.

  “Did you think because I’m a Dom, I don’t have a religious, sensitive side?”

  “I don’t know what I thought, but this shocks me. Not because it doesn’t fit what I know about you, but because you’re too good to be true. My heart’s pounding furiously for you. Somehow you find a way to unravel me as a person. It’s incredible how you do it with such ease. Sometimes I think it’s reflexive, like breathing for you.” She blinked and shifted closer to him.

  “It is.” He brushed his fingers across her cheekbone. “With you, it’s completely automatic. I don’t have to think about it. There’s no reason to do that. We simply understand each other on a basic, rudimentary level. I choose to keep that part of us alive and active.”

  She wiggled against him. “Mark, I know I said three nights ago I couldn’t bring myself to ask and I’m not supposed to request it, and it seems so ridiculous since we just finished making love a few minutes ago, but I really, really want you to make love to me again right now. I can’t stand it, this feeling bursting out of my heart. It feels like I’ll die if you’re not inside me again—because I love you so much.”

  He cupped her face. “I also told you that night I’d only make love to you if you asked, so you’re not really breaking any rules since we never officially said to take that rule away. No bacon slaps,” he said.

  She beamed at him. “Damn. I kind of like those.”

  “Oh, but you’ve only had the punitive ones. Wait ‘til I give you the erotic spankings,” he lilted.

  She really squirmed now. “Can I earn one right now, Sir? What can I do to get one of those?”

  “I’ll be taking my mother to church this Sunday. Join us. I want her to meet you, and I want to share everything with you, including religious experiences.”

  “Attending church earns me a sexy spanking?” She pursed her lips. “Wow. Never thought the two coexisted, but if you’re sure . . .” She smirked. “And if you think your mom won’t hate me.”

  “Impossible. She’ll love you.”

  He got up out o
f the bed and moved to sitting on the edge of it.

  “Crawl to me,” he said, voice low and husky. “You’ve been a very bad girl, Priestess Jeanie. I’ve heard you’ve been touching yourself in the temple of Zeus, and that’s a sin before our great God.”

  Her lips twisted up into a humorous smirk. “Well, Seer Mark, even though you are the Oracle and are supposed to be omniscient, let me tell you why I couldn’t resist.” She crawled at a snail’s pace to get to him.

  He reached behind him, grabbed her by the right upper arm and dragged her across the bed toward him.

  She giggled and struggled a little.

  “You better have a good excuse. Our God doesn’t take lightly to his Priestesses entertaining sexual fantasies . . .” He pulled her over his lap, ran his hand along the edge of her panties and his dick bobbed immediately.

  Fuck, he’d been dying to spank her for so long like this—his mouth was watering.

  His fingers tingled a little with anticipation.

  “I have what I’d call my own inclinations of dirtiness to bury. You see, there’s this insanely sexy seer. Not only is he hot because he works out all the time, but he treats me with respect and tenderness like no one else has. He takes care of me, and I always know when he’s thinking of me, too, because he gets this look in his heavy-hooded eyes like he’s a little high off simple contact from me.”

  He yanked her panties down to her thighs. “Priestess, why are you wearing panties? The holy women of the temple are forbidden to wear them.”

  “Because I need something to soak up my juices, dear diviner.”

  “Ssssffffff Jeeeeesus,” he moaned after sucking in a tight breath. He tipped his head back for a moment—God, she was good at this simple role play.

  She wiggled her behind on his lap, taunting him.

  “How am I supposed to keep from touching myself when he won’t touch me? I’m not allowed to ask, but he drives me insane. My lips down there get so engorged sometimes it’s hard to sit still through his sermon. So much throbbing. What should I do, Oracle?”

  “Tell me who this soothsayer is, inflaming your desires, and I’ll discipline him appropriately, because you are never to touch yourself unless I command it.”

  She hummed. “Hmm . . . Well, I don’t know if I should.”

  He caressed her cheeks, warming them up, and then swaaaaack!

  “Tell me,” he said, voice stern, hand prickling a little.

  “How about I describe him instead? I wouldn’t want to cause him any trouble. He’s an incredible forecaster. Loves his mom and everything. He takes her to temple each Sunday.”

  “Is that so?”


  “Ooooohhhhh,” she breathed with a sweeping exhale and wiggled some more.

  “I believe you’re thinking lewd thoughts about him right now. You sound turned on, and you’re arching your cheeks up toward my hand. Are you turned on, Priestess?” He grinned, and his cock thickened.

  “I am, Seer. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. Just talking about him makes me so wet, I worry it’ll drip onto your calves.”

  “Oh fuuuuuuck!” he groaned and squeezed her cheeks with both hands.

  “Isn’t cursing a sin, Oracle? Who’s going to punish you?” She giggled.

  “You don’t think seeing your lustful, bared flesh is punishment enough? But I’m made of steel. I can push these salacious thoughts out of my mind swiftly and replace them with chaste ideas.”

  “Like?” She turned her head to the side and stared at his dick, straining toward her.

  “Like, I can envision your pain when you burn in hell for entertaining thoughts about this man penetrating you with his manhood. Is that what you think about when you touch yourself, my little supplicant?”

  “I uh . . . I have many thoughts and don’t you think th—”


  “I will give you two more spankings, and then you will show me how you touch yourself precisely so I will know the magnitude of your sins. And if you ever touch yourself again without my permission, you will be meted out with a much harsher punishment.” Swaaaaack! Swaaaaack! “Now—show me.”

  “But, Sir, that’s indecent!” She laughed at herself and squirmed a little more, but still stared at his cock.

  It was beading at the tip now.

  God, she was a delicious creature, the way she took to the lifestyle so readily and with such a great imagination.

  “And how do you think I’ll be able to ascertain your penance if I don’t know the extent of your sins, Priestess? Now, two more. You tell me after each smack something you haven’t already told me. I expect full admission, even if I have to force it out of you.” He ran his fingers across her cleft, then swiped across her very dripping, very moist slit. “Seems you like punishment. Tell me why or I’ll add another swat.”

  “I like that it reminds me of him. He does not spare the rod for fear or risking spoiling those he is responsible for.”

  “And you are a little bratty child, are you not?”

  “Mmhmm . . . But I don’t mean to be. I want to be good. I want to make you proud.”

  “Then you stop thinking about him”—he pumped his fingers in and out slowly, making her breath hitch—“and you think about me. I am in charge of this temple, and I control everything—down to your unsavory thoughts. Do you hear me?”

  “Oh God, that feels . . .”

  He pulled his fingers out.


  “I said, do you hear me?”

  “Yes, my seer, I hear you.”

  “Tell me a sin in conjunction with all this lasciviousness.”

  His fingers were back inside her again, torturing her.

  “I um . . .” She cleared her throat. “Sometimes when he’s speaking to me, my nipples get tight, and I fold my arms over my chest and secretly play with them. It makes my pussy clench for him, and when he’s talking with his cool, slightly raspy deep voice, I think about him whispering naughty things to me as he lies on top of me, pushes his hands inside my toga and then parts it open so he can wash his tongue over my nipples. It makes me really . . . Oh, dear God, I . . .”

  He slicked up his thumb and slipped it into her anus while keeping his index finger in her pussy.

  She tightened and made these sharp, gasping noises.

  “What else? Tell me, or I’ll make this next one really sting, and I’ll keep my fingers inside you so I can feel exactly how naughty this cunt is.”

  She gasped on the final word. Cunt? Fuck, yes.

  “You like that, don’t you? You’re thinking of him using words like fuck and cunt, and then touching himself.” He stroked himself with his left hand while still assaulting her soft tissues, engorging them.

  “I . . . God, yes, I like it.”

  “Blasphemer! You take the name of the high gods in vain more than once in my presence? Now I see exactly how entrenched you are in sins of the most scarlet nature. You covet that which is not yours. You belong to the gods as their virgin priestess! No man must have you!” His breathing was so ragged it was making it hard to speak. He leaned over and bit the highest swell of her butt cheek.

  She gasped again, then released a thready moan. Her ass was flushed pink and breaking out in goose bumps.

  He released his cock and then . . .


  This one had a little bite to it, and she convulsed so hard she almost fell off his lap, but he hooked her with his fingers he never took out of her ass.

  It was awkward to use his left hand to spank her, but it worked just fine.

  “Don’t you come, Priestess. If you do, I’ll have to really give you a grueling task as form of penance—maybe a human sacrifice—and you wouldn’t want that.” He thrust his fingers in harder and caressed her hot, tingling cheeks with his left hand.

  “I w-won’t, Sir.”

  “Good. Now, I need to hear another sin. What do you touch yourself with?”

  “It’s embarrassing.” And she t
ruly did sound disgusted with herself.

  “Jeanie . . .”

  “You’ll think I’m really sick,” she said, her voice timid and small.

  “Must I force an orgasm on you? I need to know, I need to see all . . .” He choked back a cry of pleasure. She was so honest, even while playing this little game.

  She hesitated and made this groan of mortification.

  He pulled his fingers out of her and pinched her swollen clit.

  “Tell me.”

  “I . . . When I’m in your shower, and you’re not there, I use the handle of your back scrubber. I put it inside me, and I ride it.” She dropped her head and her arms went lax. “Sorry . . . I . . . You’ll probably want to get a new one now.”

  “The one with the little white rope on the end of it that’s knotted?”

  “Yeah.” She blew out a gruff exhale.

  It tickled his leg hairs.

  “Does it smell like your come?”

  “Faintly. I try to wash it with your body wash several times, but I can’t ever get all of it out,” she admitted, her shoulders rounding forward now. “And I know you told me not to touch myself at all, but sometimes I can’t help it. Not when I’m thinking about you, and that’s nearly all the time now.”

  He considered forcing an orgasm on her, but that would be overkill. This wasn’t really punishment after all—just a bit of fun.

  “Good girl. Thank you for telling me, but I’m not kidding. No more touching yourself. Those orgasms belong to your master. They are not yours to take on a whim.” He grinned through a gruff exhale of lust. “If you tell me this instant who it is that has you misbehaving this way, then I’ll release your clitoris, Priestess, and I’ll stop keeping it under ransom.” His voice shook. Christ, he wanted her. His balls were aching. “Who is it?”

  “It’s . . . you, Sir. I dream about you all the time—have for years. Oh, please, don’t hate me. I am married to our great God Zeus, and I always will be, but I’d do anything to have you. I’d give up everything I know to have you want me that way, too.”

  “Priestess,” he said by way of warning, then pulled her off his lap and put her on her knees on the floor. “Your ritual cleansing and purification is thus—”


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