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Page 29

by Chanse Lowell

  “Remind me what your name is again?” Her mom scowled.

  “Mark Pierce, and we only have a few hours to spend here since we’re still packing up Jeanie’s place. There’s a lot to do. If you’d like to visit us there while we’re working, we’d love to have you.”

  Her mother’s lips twisted into a mocking smile. “Code for—get your ass over there, you lazy bitch, and help us pack up.” She waved them in.

  Jeanie’s shoulders dropped when she heard her dad call out to them.

  “What’s taking so long?” her father grunted.

  When they entered the living room, he was plastered into his La-Z-Boy as usual.

  It was older and rattier, the leather worn in some spots, but then what had she expected?

  “Hi, Dad,” Jeanie said, quieter than she wanted.

  “Get your ass in here. Let me see you,” her dad said, voice gruff.

  His ashtray on the TV tray next to him was overflowing.

  The room reeked of smoke.

  She went to stand in front of his chair, but Mark moved faster than she did and stood before him instead, keeping her tucked behind him a little to his right.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr Latham.” Mark startled him as well as he lunged forward and shook his hand.

  It was gut instinct she supposed, to just jump and do Mark’s bidding. He had that type of command, even over her bastard of a father, caring only about himself.

  “Jesus Christ, Mr. Latham’s my fat, bloated ass of a father, dying of cancer. Call me Zane. And call her Deb, or woman. I don’t care which.” He snorted and then reached for his pack of cigarettes next to the ashtray. In the next moment, he lit up and inhaled his cigarette, blowing the smoke at Mark’s crotch.

  Oh God.

  The blood in Jeanie’s body rose like a thermometer and went to her head, making it pound in her ears.

  “Speaking of which . . .” Her dad jerked his head to the side. “Woman, get me a beer. Mine’s empty.” He chucked the mostly empty can at her mother, sloshing the remnants of it on her legs.

  She groaned, picked it up and left the room without a word.

  Her father wore a smug smile and flicked the ashes of his cigarette toward Jeanie.

  “So, you’re a full-fledged whore now, huh? You kill your husband, and then take on one of his friends. That’s smart. The friends never suspect, do they?”

  Before Mark could say anything, she exploded. “Shut up! You don’t know shit, you son of a bitch. You don’t care about anybody but yourself, and we’re leaving now.”

  Mark turned to her and grinned. “Good girl,” he whispered, his brow cocked at her.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “What did he call you? Girl?” Her dad chuckled and slapped his leg. “Good? In what world? She can’t please anyone. She was a lousy daughter and an even worse wife. No wonder her husband gained weight. He had to find some way to cope with dealing with her lazy ass.”

  Mark leaned forward. “I suppose you’re right. What kind of wife works her ass off night and day, saving money to start a family because her husband wants that more than anything, and then comes home, cooks and cleans for him when he’s a slob and never says thank you. Yes, definitely lazy and selfish.” Mark took the ashtray, walked it over to the small trashcan a few feet away and dumped the butts and ashes in. There was garbage scattered all along the outside of the bin. Obviously, her father would chuck stuff over there and miss, then never bother to pick it up.

  Mark shoved the ashtray back into her dad’s hands. “Thanks for seeing us. We’ve got things to attend to in her house that was pristine the moment I entered it. Yes, definitely a lazy, horrible wife.” Mark stretched his neck. “She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. This woman does everything she can to care for and nurture the people she loves. Evidently she did not gain that trait from you.”

  Her mom entered the room and when she handed the beer to her husband, he smacked her ass, growled and grabbed it, hard.

  She yelped, flushed scarlet and then scooted away, hugging the wall like she was frightened of him.

  “Remember, Mom, if you ever need me, call.” Jeanie hugged her mom but was pushed away.

  Her mom refused to look at her, and Mark took Jeanie’s hand and got her the hell out of there.

  The moment they were both in the car, he hugged her, and they both cried.

  “I’m so sorry . . . No one deserves to be treated that way,” he said, sniffling, his tone heavy with regret.

  “It’s okay. I’ve never stood up to him before, and I did it because having you with me gave me strength, Master. Can we leave now?”

  “Absolutely.” Mark started the car and backed out of the driveway.

  She tucked her fingers around her collar and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Things have gotten worse. Mom used to be the exception to his nasty treatment, and around the time I moved out, it shifted from me to her. She became a casualty of his ever-present anger.” She dropped her hand, then twisted her fingers together and prayed her mother would get out of there someday soon. “She didn’t used to talk to me so rudely either, but that was steadily declining as well. The meaner Dad was to her, the less kind she was to me. I never knew how to help her.”

  “You can’t help someone that doesn’t want it, not really. If he was beating her, then . . .”

  He swallowed hard.

  “I have no idea if that’s the case, but I sure hope not.” She blinked and blew out a puff of air. “As hard as that was, I’m glad we did it. I wanted to say goodbye in my own way.”

  “Well, you definitely did that. I’m proud of you, and you continually amaze me at how strong you are.” He smiled, reached for her hand and kissed the back of it. “I love you.”

  She sighed. “I love you, too, Master.”

  A few minutes later, she was breathing hard again like the adrenaline in her body spiked once more. The thought of her dad acting that way in front of Mark made her blood heat.

  “Spit it out. Don’t keep it inside. I wanna know,” Mark said.

  “The other reason I was able to do that”—she looked up at him and stopped breathing—“I knew you would do it for me, telling him to go to hell, but this time, I wanted to do it for myself. I’m so glad it didn’t offend you.”

  “Are you kidding?” He stretched his neck to the left, and his knuckles popped as he gripped the wheel harder. “It was awe inspiring to see you go after it like that. If it hadn’t been so heartbreaking to see how dysfunctional your family is, I would’ve had a hard-on for you.”

  She curled back into her seat and her head lolled toward the window. “Well, they can stay here and rot in this infernal heat, and I’ll be in the waves, in the perfect weather with my Master.”

  “You deserve happiness, and I’m beyond thrilled to be a part of that.”

  She leaned into him, stroked down his shoulder and said, “You deserve happiness, too. We won’t ever be like that, will we?”

  “Never. And now I can see why certain things have been difficult for you as a submissive. You’re dad’s an emotionally abusive asshole. When he bosses, he takes no thought for how it makes anyone else feel. When I boss you around, you’ll always know I do it with guidance and love, not spite and disgust. That will never happen.”

  She kissed his shoulder. “I know. I know . . . You don’t have to compare my dad to you. There’s no comparison. Never was.”

  During the rest of the drive back, she was contemplative, and though her heart was still racing and the adrenaline draining from her veins, she felt clearer than ever about her family.

  They didn’t need her, and she wanted to be useful. She needed to contribute and make a difference.

  Her family never allowed for any of that—only criticism and built-in failure because everything she ever did was wrong.

  When they got back to her place, she realized Mark was deep in thought and had been over the last few minutes.

  It wasn’t l
ike him to be so silent while introspective.

  “Where’s your head at?” he asked her, moving over to her bathroom.

  She followed after him without being instructed to do so.

  Maybe he wanted her kneeling?

  She was unsure of what was going on with him, so she went ahead and stripped, then moved back into the bedroom and knelt at the foot of the bed, head down, arms clasped behind her lower back. This was the waiting position he’d shown her a few days ago, and it was how he wanted to find her when he came back from work.

  She couldn’t see him, but she could hear him getting something out of her medicine cabinet.

  “Jeanie? I’m waiting—tell me,” he called out.

  She took a slight breath, then said, “It’s calm right now. I don’t know how, but maybe it’s that sense of closure, Master.”

  He entered the room, and his breath caught.

  She didn’t dare look up.


  “Green, Master. I’ll be glad to focus completely on you and forget about my dickhead father. This girl’s ready for anything you see fit to inflict on her.”

  “Inflict, huh? Well . . . I have something else in mind.” He stepped toward her and while she stared at his bare feet, he undressed, leaving his pants before her eyes in a pile on the carpet.

  Her eyes tried to follow his path, but he was behind her now, looming over her shoulders.

  “You look so beautiful like this. Your parents have no idea what idiots they are, and how eager you are to please. You please me every goddamn day, and I barely have to ask for anything at all. You anticipate all the small stuff, all except . . .”

  She heard the unmistakable sound of a flip cap on a bottle unsnapping and then something being squirted, most likely into his hand.

  Her stomach fluttered, her heart raced and her pussy tingled.

  “Glad to see you had some lube—and some decent stuff,” he said, his foot nudging her bottom. “Up. All fours.”

  She did as he asked.

  “I’ve been holding back, waiting for this moment,” he said, lowering himself to kneeling behind her and then dropping his voice as he growled. “I want everything, my sweet little thing. Every thought, every breath, every hole in your body—I want to possess it all. You’ve accepted me and now you’ve faced a big fear—your parents. Time to give yourself to me completely. Because unlike them, I see you. All of you. And I love every fucking inch.”

  Flares of excitement and lust ricocheted their way down her spine and made her wet. “What did you have in mind, Master?”

  “Time to break in that ass. I’m going to spread your hole, fuck it until you’re begging for God to save you. I want your mind wiped clean of anything but me.” He kissed her lower back.

  When his hand went around her jaw and lips, she kissed his ring she’d given him.

  All at once, she realized he was wearing it on his ring finger.

  When had he put it on that finger? Her eyes went wide and dry because she refused to blink. “Your ring,” she whimpered as the emotions overtook her. “Master!” She thrust her hips back. He could do any damn thing to her he wanted.

  “This ring means everything to me because it’s from you, and you are all I want.”

  She moaned as his lubricated fingers toyed at her anus.

  “So good—so right for me, my sweet little thing. And a sweet little ass all for me. I’ll show you what you’ve been missing, and what you do to me.”

  “Sssuuuhhh fffffuuuuuck!” She sucked in some air as a finger slid inside her ass.

  Her pussy clenched at the thought of him hovering over her, naked and hard, wanting her even though he’d seen what a mess her family was, and her shameful origins.

  Those things didn’t seem to matter to him, even though he was close enough to his mother to see her once a week.

  “Master . . .” Her voice went high-pitched as another finger joined the other one. He pumped slowly, taking his time.

  “Push out—against my fingers. I’ll go slowly. Let your body open to me. I promise the slight burn will go away, and when it does, holy fuck, you’ll be amazed at all the sensations your ass creates at my hand and at my cock.” He exhaled with a coarse grunt like it was taking everything in him to avoid fucking her in that tight hole right now.

  She pushed a little and the sensations changed. The sphincters swelled some, then relaxed and accommodated the intrusion.

  “Color, little girl? Are we still green?” His breaths were rough, choppy.

  “Green. As long as you keep this pace, green, Master.” She bit her lip and dropped her head with eyes closed as a third finger slipped in.

  He scissored his fingers slowly apart on each retreat, taking his time to spread her tissues and prepare them for his cock.

  “You have no idea how gorgeous this ass is, and how breathtaking this entrance is from this view.” He dropped his body lower and his tongue joined his fingers at her back opening. “Christ—Jeeeeeanie.” His groans of restraint made her pussy, and consequently, her ass, cinch down.

  “Holy fuck!” she cried out, her back arching into the thrusting and the pulsing feeling deep in her canal. She’d never felt anything so intense inside her body before.

  Everything inside her tingled and tightened.

  “Don’t come yet—don’t you even think about it. Count backward from one-hundred if you have to, but no coming. Not yet—I’ll tell you when.” He pulled his fingers out and his tongue was back on her asshole, probing inside.

  Was it gaping? She’d heard of that before.

  Did that really exist? Would the hole actually remain dilated open for a moment before closing back up?

  It certainly seemed like it.

  All his slurping, humming, hungry sounds had her building up in pressure again.

  One-hundred . . . Ninety-nine.

  And then lube was being presumably slicked over his hard shaft behind her. She could feel the motion of him jerking it, and it sounded slippery.

  “Slow—angel. Slow for you, this time at least. Next time, we’ll use other toys to help, and you’ll get used to being an anal player with me because there’s no way I’m ignoring this sexy ass anymore. Not a chance in helllllll,” he said, his voice strained, and then he was slowly inching his way inside her ass.

  She held her breath and tried her hardest to push against the larger mass entering her.

  “Breathe—little one. Take a breath now,” he said.

  She shook her head.


  He slapped her left cheek, then his hand was in her hair, yanking her head back. “I said breathe, dammit. Who’s in charge here?”

  “Puuuuuuuh!” She released a sharp breath. “You, Master. Sorrrrry.” She groaned when his dick was as far as it could go.

  The burn . . . Oh God.

  “Relax into it. Bear down and breathe deep. I promise this’ll feel good very soon, and you’ll curse me out for waiting so long to do this with you.” He leaned over her, kept his hips motionless and rubbed her clit.

  A moment later, he rocked slowly but in short increments. He didn’t pull out very much. Maybe an inch at most, and then he was pushed as deep as possible again.

  “You feel how far I am in you? Concentrate on all those nerve endings deep inside, sweet thing. They’re gonna throw you into a spiral of fucking amazing explosions.”

  His fingers were off her clit and then they were inside her vagina, pushing on her G-spot.

  Oh shit! He thought she could withstand this onslaught? Every damn time he touched her there, it didn’t take much time for her to be gushing and coming hard. It was overwhelming.

  “Feel that? I’m gonna change my angle, and you’re going to see how I can push on it through your rectum wall.” He pulled out of all of her orifices, and pushed her down flat onto her stomach, then spread her legs as wide as they could go.

  His fingers were being lubed again, and now they were back in her anus, pressing down on th
at wall, stimulating her G-spot. It was muted, but the combination of the nerves in her asshole, high up inside and that spot inside her pussy had her mewling and panting hard.

  Her voice went hoarse, “Maa-ahhhh-aaaster!”

  “You like that, and you should. It’s me—I’m touching you. I own your ass, I’m loving every part of you, even a part you might think disgusting. Whose ass is this?”

  “Yours,” she managed to claw the words out of her constricting throat.

  “How long can you hold out? Long enough for me to get back inside there and make you squirt?”

  “I . . . I d-don’t knoooow.” She bunched her fists. His touch was more aggressive now inside her body. Clamping down—trembling groin muscles. “Jeeeezus—I . . . Sir, I’m gonna . . . Please!”

  “Not yet.” He smacked her ass, and that made it worse.

  Her pussy clenched. “Mmmmhhhnnnnuuuuuh,” she whimpered.

  Ninety-eight . . . Ninety-seven . . .

  “Take me inside, and keep concentrating on those sensations I created. I’ve got you gushing already, and you’re so fucking wet for this—for me. Good girl. I fucking love that. So beautiful and so sexy.” He parted her cheeks and slid back inside with a stifled grunt.

  His hands were slimy from the lube as they held her lower back down, but she didn’t care.

  The weight was delicious. And the pressure inside her ass, along with that angle . . . Christ almighty . . . Counting wasn’t going to get her through this.

  “I can’t!” she said through her teeth.

  “You can. Breathe slow and deep for me—your Master. I own you, and I tell you when you can fly apart. Not. Yet.” His upper body pushed his weight hard into his hands, set on her back, right above the swell of her cheeks, and it forced her hips back and her ass up in the air.

  “Ohhhhhhhh gaaaaaawd! No, I can’t!” she cried out.

  His tip was somehow hitting her G-spot through that wall, and there was the craziest pulsing going on right above that area.

  “I have to . . . I have to!” She smashed her forehead into the carpet as her pussy took over and forced her ass to clinch down on his swollen cock.

  “Yes, sweet girl . . . Squirt and come. Let go.” And then, fluid was squirting out of her with these powerful, uncontrollable rhythmic contractions inside her pussy—a lot of it. Was she peeing herself?


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