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Been There, Done That

Page 7

by Darrien Lee

  “Bennett, I don’t want to cause any problems between you and Melanie. I have to admit that I did overreact. I mean…I really haven’t been myself since…well, since you know. Plus, I guess I was shocked to run into you after all these years.”

  He winked at her. “I understand, Venice. Well…I’d better go. See you later, Brandon.”

  “Bye, Mr. Craig.”

  As they walked out onto the deck, he took her hand into his. He stroked the back of it with his thumb. Her knees became unbalanced as he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. Her flowered scent sent chills over his body.

  “Goodnight, Venice.”


  Walking away, he said, “Tell Portia goodnight also.”

  “I will.”

  She stood, unable to move for a moment. He was doing it for a second time, sweeping her off her feet. When he got to the bottom of the steps, he slowly turned. “Venice?”


  “I just want you to know that I stayed away not because I wanted to, but because I had to. I don’t want to stay away from you anymore and just for the record, my relationship with Melanie has been over for a while now. We’re just friends. Goodnight.”

  Before she could respond, he was only a silhouette and she stood paralyzed. Her mouth was opened, but nothing came out.

  A stranger standing nearby tucked his binoculars away and pulled out his cell phone to place a call back to the States.


  “Things are looking up.”

  “What happened?”

  “The girl was stung by a jellyfish, but she’s okay. He took her inside the house and as he was leaving, she allowed him to hold her hand and kiss her on the cheek.”

  Joshua said, “What about the woman?”

  “I found out she was his ex-lover. He put her on a plane back to Philadelphia this morning.”

  Joshua closed his eyes with relief.

  “Much better. Keep me posted. She placed a call to me last night. I may be visiting soon to check the progress, up close and personal. Good work, Manley. Stay with them and don’t let Venice out of your sight.”

  “You’re the boss.”

  CHAPTER Eleven

  Back in his cottage, Craig went directly into the shower to wash the scent of the ocean from his body. Being in Venice’s presence rocked him once again. Pain shot through his chest and he braced himself against the tile walls. It took a moment, but the pain finally subsided. After dressing, he strolled into the kitchen and took some antacid. He was at a crossroad now and he didn’t know what to do. This woman was causing his mind and body to go crazy. Was he a fool to even think about setting his heart up for another failure? Venice left him devastated emotionally.

  I can’t go through it again. I just can’t.

  He took some time to call his sister, Bernice, because he needed some guidance. He told her everything that had happened so far. Over an hour later, he hung up the phone feeling better, but still confused. His sister was always able to be objective in helping him with solutions of the heart. He still didn’t know what he was going to do about Venice. Leaning back against the sofa he decided that he would just have to take one day at a time and see what happened.

  Craig called as he promised to check on them. Brandon and Portia were tucked safely away in their warm beds. Venice looked in on Portia every hour, unable to sleep. This man was shaking up her foundation. Jealousy swept over her for a moment before she curled up beside Brandon. She did see Craig kissing that woman in the restaurant. Could she trust he was telling the truth? Was his relationship with Melanie really over? Did she even care?

  Over the next two days, there was no sight or sound from Craig. Venice was now wondering if she had successfully pushed Craig away. Brandon and Portia asked if she had seen him, which she hadn’t. While he was asking for her number, she didn’t think to ask him for his. For emergencies only, of course. Venice didn’t want to admit to herself that she did indeed miss him showing up.

  Portia had recovered from her jellyfish sting and there was a carnival in town. Brandon couldn’t wait to get on the different rides and neither could Portia. They made their way around the different carnival games and food booths.

  While standing near some candy apples, she heard a familiar voice.

  “Would the pretty lady please buy a hungry man a candy apple?”

  She turned to gaze into Craig’s dark, hungry eyes. “Hello, Bennett.”

  Reaching up to remove strands of hair from her eyes, he responded, “Hello, yourself. Where are the kids?”

  She pointed upwards as they whizzed by on a carnival ride.

  Craig smiled and confessed, “I’ve missed you guys.”

  “They’ve missed you.”

  Coming closer, he asked, “What about you?”

  Dropping her head, he cupped her chin so he could look into her eyes.

  Taking a chance, he asked, “Well, have you?”

  She sighed, answering, “I guess I did and if I can take back all the pain I caused you…”

  Placing his finger over her lips, he silenced her.

  “Have dinner with me tonight so we can talk.”

  “I can’t.”


  She pulled away and smiled. “It’s not that. I don’t have anyone to look after the kids. Besides, your friend doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would want me intruding on your vacation.”

  Craig laughed. “First of all, I’m talking about having all of you over for dinner. Secondly, I told you that my relationship with Melanie is over. We’re strictly friends and she’s in Philly.” Leaning in even closer, he whispered, “Lastly, I hope to have dinner alone with you a little later.”

  His devilish grin gave away promises flickering in his eyes.

  “Mr. Craig!”

  Brandon ran toward them and leapt into Craig’s arms. Tears filled Venice’s eyes as she listened to Brandon quiz Craig on why he had disappeared for two days.

  He laughed and explained, “I had to fly out on business. I guess I should’ve called, huh?”

  “Momma always tell Daddy. If you’re going to be late or have to go out, call or leave a note.”

  Venice realized Brandon was still talking about his dad in the present tense and it saddened her.

  Craig noticed also and said, “I’m sorry, Brandon. I guess I didn’t think I would be missed.” He looked directly at Venice, knowing the wall of ice built around their hearts was slowly melting. It didn’t help that the urge to kiss her was growing stronger and he didn’t know how much longer he could stand it. The main question was if she would even let him kiss her.

  Portia said, “Come on, Craig. Let me show you how to win a big teddy bear.”

  “You’re on.”

  Before the evening was over, Craig and Portia were even with two giant stuffed animals apiece. On the way home, they enjoyed ice cream cones for dessert. He ached slowly as he watched Venice lick the ice cream from her cone. One day soon, he hoped to use some to pleasure them both. His thoughts made his body respond. It took a few minutes of serious concentration to get his body under control.

  Later that evening they shared a nice dinner prepared solely by Craig. The kids were impressed, but Venice had always known Craig was an excellent cook. Later, Portia and Brandon enjoyed a swim in Craig’s pool while Venice helped him clean up the kitchen. Watching him reach and bend was making the simple task of washing dishes difficult. His denim shorts revealed long muscular legs and powerful thighs. A body she was very familiar with. The red T-shirt molded his trim waist and broad chest. She swallowed and found the strength to speak.

  “Craig, thanks again for dinner.”

  Smiling, he said, “It was my pleasure.”

  After placing the last plate in the cabinet, Venice started for the deck. Craig reached for her arm and pulled her to him. He looked down into her shy eyes and drank in her beauty. He felt her body shivering against his as he ran a finger down her cheek.

  “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  Venice could feel the hardening of her nipples through the thin dress covering her skin. Playing with the spaghetti straps on her dress, he said, “You know, even though my heart was crushed like hell, I never stopped loving you. I hope you never lost the feelings we had between us ’cause they’re too strong, Sweetheart, and I know you feel them, too. I don’t blame you for telling me to stay away from you.”

  Feeling confused, she said, “Craig, I-I…shouldn’t have said that. I’m the one who should apologize to you for causing you pain and for…”

  He lowered his head and gently pressed his lips to hers. She was unable to finish her sentence. Reluctant at first, she finally gave into the intoxicating effect of his kiss. He pulled her tighter against his hard physique and she arched her body into his as he deepened the kiss. Venice moaned as his tongue danced with hers. Fighting for control, he also let out a moan, then broke off the kiss. Still holding her, he fought to regain normal breathing rhythm. Venice was dazed and felt like she was having an out-of-body experience. Like in the past, his kiss seared her lips. Embarrassed at her response, she lowered her head and backed out of his embrace. She folded her arms and tried to rub the goose bumps from them.

  He smiled. “Venice, I don’t regret kissing you and I hope you don’t either.”

  “I don’t, but it’s late. We need to get back to our cottage.”

  Stepping around him, making sure she didn’t make eye contact, she called for Portia and Brandon to get dressed. Leaving him alone in the kitchen with his thoughts, he knew he had made progress.

  He’d taken a chance with his heart for a second time. She’d actually kissed him back, which told him she wanted it just as much as he did. But, what did he really want? Did he really want to risk it all again? He’d tasted her sweet lips and there was no turning back now. He decided, on that very spot, that he would risk his heart in the name of love—one more time.

  CHAPTER Twelve

  The next few days flew by as the second week of their vacation came to an end. Venice was still shaken by her response to Craig. The words spoken to her by her mother-in-law often replayed in her head.

  Don’t be afraid to love again.

  Venice wanted to love again, but she wasn’t able to let go, not yet. She didn’t even know if she would ever be able to let go. Losing Jarvis was sudden and devastating. His memory was too important to her and she wasn’t about to do anything to damage it.

  Running into Craig had conjured up all kinds of emotions. There were questions she needed answered and the only person who could answer them was turning her life upside-down.

  The following day, while she was relaxing in her room, Venice heard the doorbell. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Portia and Brandon were playing cards in the living room when Venice rose to answer the door.

  “What’s happening, Mon?”

  Venice put her hands on her hips and asked, “Joshua! What are you doing here?”

  Portia and Brandon sprang from their seats and ran to greet Joshua. Brandon jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly around the neck. He came in and sat his bags inside the door.

  Venice asked again, “Joshua, what are you doing here?”

  Grinning, he said, “I was worried about you. I haven’t heard from you since our conversation last week, so I decided to come check on you guys.”

  Venice put her arms around his neck, kissed him on the cheek, and said, “Thanks for coming.”

  “Uncle Josh, will you go swimming with me?”

  “Of course, I will. Portia, you guys go get ready.”

  An excited Portia said, “Cool, Josh. Come on, Brandon, I’ll race you.”

  Before they took off, Venice told Portia and Brandon to take Joshua’s bags into the spare bedroom. Venice looped her arm inside his and walked him out onto the deck.

  “Ah-h, man, this view is unbelievable, Niecy.”

  “Joshua, I’m so glad you’re here. How long are you staying? A couple of days? You should have brought Cynthia and the baby.”

  Leaning against the rail, he said, “Maybe next time. So…what’s up with you?”

  “Not much.”

  “Oh, really? So, why do you have that glow?”

  “I do not!”

  “Yes, you do. Now tell me.”

  Venice turned, looked him in his eyes, and whispered, “I kissed him.”

  Folding his arms across his chest, he smiled. “Well?”

  “Well, what?”

  “Don’t play with me, Niecy.”

  “Okay, okay. It was nice…real nice.”

  Joshua raised his eyebrows. “Did you tell him you loved him?”


  “Why not? It’s true, isn’t it, Niecy? Are you going to stand there and tell me you don’t love him?”

  Venice looked out over the blue waters in silence. She turned to him with tears in her eyes. “I can’t do this, Joshua. It wouldn’t be right. Anyway, he reminded me how much I hurt him.”

  “Niecy, love is love no matter what. Few people have the opportunity of finding love twice in a lifetime, Niecy. You’re one of those few. Don’t throw away your chance to be happy again.”

  “I hurt him pretty bad.”

  She concealed the fact that Craig had confessed that he still loved her. She wasn’t ready to share that with him.

  Joshua laughed and said, “Niecy, the kiss was a clue of his feelings. Where was the mystery woman when all of this was going on?”

  Venice closed her eyes.

  “He told me she was his ex and that they were just friends now. She’s gone to Philadelphia.”

  Looking at her seriously, he asked, “Is that where he lives?”

  “I guess.”

  Pulling her into his embrace, he said, “Don’t you think love has to still be in his heart? Just talk to him, Okay?”

  The tears rolled down her cheeks and Joshua wiped them away before embracing her. Brandon ran up to them.

  “I’m ready, Uncle Josh.”

  Picking Brandon up, Joshua said, “Okay, my man. Let me go change and we’ll hit the beach.” Before leaving, he turned and said, “Just think about what I said, Niecy.”

  Venice was happy Joshua was there to keep Brandon and Portia company while she tried to sort out her feelings. She was afraid. Actually, she was scared to death. Losing Jarvis had caused her to shut down. Little did she know, Craig had also given up on love…until now.

  Standing under the hot steam of the shower, Craig mumbled, “These sleepless nights are starting to get old.” He had tossed and turn yet another night. He still had no idea how he was going to approach the situation. However, kissing her was a start. Her response surprised even him. He really didn’t expect her to let herself go like she did and could still feel the sensation of her body pressed against his. The memory caused a weakening in his knees. In the past, Venice had always been in his system. This time was no different. Bracing himself against the shower wall, he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He was going to do what Skeeter suggested: Just let things happen.

  Joshua had taken Portia and Brandon fishing, giving Venice the day to herself. She hadn’t heard from Craig and felt uncomfortable calling him. She had decided it would be best if they just remained friends. Her marriage to Jarvis was very public since he was a sports celebrity. For her to be in a new relationship so soon wouldn’t look good. Her only choice was to tell him face-to-face why they shouldn’t let things go any further. She would also rationalize the fact that things were moving too fast for her. Walking over to her closet, she quickly dressed in a lavender tank top with a matching mini-skirt. She adjusted the straps of her sandals, then checked her makeup. She left Joshua a note and headed for Craig’s cottage feeling confident and in control.

  When Craig opened the door, all her control and confidence flew out the window. She was speechless as her eyes scanned h
im from head to toe. He stood glistening with water and a towel wrapped around his waist. No matter how hard she tried to swallow, her throat was as dry as the desert.

  “Craig, I-I’m sorry, I should have called.”

  Smiling, he said, “Hello, beautiful. Come on in.”

  Embarrassed, she stuttered, “This is a bad time for you. I’ll come back later.”

  As she turned to walk away, he said, “Venice, if you leave, I promise I will dunk you every chance I get.”

  She couldn’t help but giggle as he stepped back so she could enter. Venice tugged on her purse strap as she stood right inside the door. She could smell the manly scent of the soap he had just showered with. Nervousness overtook her as he approached and took her hand, leading her into the living room.

  “Venice, make yourself at home. I’ll be right out. If you want anything, help yourself.”

  She watched him retreat to his bedroom, then closed her eyes remembering every inch of muscle. Her stomach fluttered at the sensual memory of his well-defined physique pressed against her skin. It was hard to breathe, knowing he was naked in the next room. Walking into the kitchen, she opened some bottled water to remove the dryness from her throat. Within minutes, he was back dressed in a pair of shorts and T-shirt.


  Those eyes were burning into her like hot coals. He entered the kitchen and also pulled bottled water from the refrigerator. Venice leaned against the sink as he came and stood directly in front of her.

  Damn! This woman is driving me crazy.

  He took a sip of his water and said, “You look luscious in that outfit and you smell wonderful. To what pleasure do I owe this nice visit? I hope you’re here to finally accept my dinner invitation?”

  “Craig, I-I…”

  Hold it together, Venice, you can do this. Tell him.

  “Where are the kids?”

  “They’re with Joshua.”

  “Joshua’s here? Good! You have no excuse for not having dinner with me tonight.”

  “Craig, I can’t. Too much has happened between us.”


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