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Been There, Done That

Page 10

by Darrien Lee

  Kissing her forehead, he said, “Everything will work out, Sweetheart.”

  “I guess. We have a will, but I haven’t had the heart or nerve to meet with the lawyer. My father-in-law told me Jarvis had his revised so I have no idea what’s in it. I really don’t care. I’m not going to be able to look at his car or anything else. It still hurts so much. I do plan to keep the Mercedes he gave me for my birthday. I couldn’t bear to part with it.”

  Venice grew quiet for a moment.

  Craig broke the silence by telling Venice about his offices in Philly and Japan and about commuting back and forth. He described his home in Philly, which seemed warm and cozy and kid-friendly. He talked about his sister and her husband, J.T., and their children. Venice remembered Bernice was very nice to her when she was dating Craig years ago. She asked about his grandmother who was still a shop-a-holic.

  On one or more occasion, his grandmother told him that things would work out for him when he was mourning over his breakup with Venice. Craig thought she was crazy, but after running into Venice, he now believed in his dear grandmother. He didn’t know if she had strong faith or if she was psychic or something. Venice asked about his handsome and womanizing friend, Skeeter. He told her that Skeeter was an attorney and still running a harem of women. Laughing, he admitted that Skeeter would eventually meet his match and Venice agreed.

  Before they knew it, their vacation together had come to a close and it was time for them to go their separate ways. They had shared and given a lot to each over the last few days and it was hard to say goodbye. Craig had to leave for Japan in two days and, as expected, he asked Venice to join him, but she couldn’t. As they stood in the airport, he hugged her and told her that he was going to miss her. She put her arms around his neck, closed her eyes and kissed his lips. First it was tender, but as he held her to him, it became obvious they didn’t plan on breaking the kiss anytime soon. Neither cared that they were in a crowded airport as finally they came up for air.

  Venice asked, “Do you mind if I wear your ring on my right hand for now?”

  “I don’t care where you wear it, Sweetheart. Just remember I’m the only one who will put it on your left hand. Got it?”

  Smiling and lying her head against his chest, she said, “Yes, Sir!”

  She reached inside her purse, pulled out the velvet box, and slid the diamond on her right hand.

  “What do you think?”

  “It would look a lot better on the other hand but that’ll have to do for now.”

  Smiling, Venice received her boarding call.

  “I’ll call you when I get home.”

  Kissing her forehead, he said, “If you don’t, I’ll hunt you down and dunk you.”

  She laughed. Giving him one last passionate kiss, she said, “I do love you, Bennett.”

  “I know. I love you, too, and Venice, for the record, I’ll understand if you turn my proposal down. You’ve been through a lot and I don’t want to make things worse for you and your family.”

  “Craig, you’re amazing. Whatever I decide, I’m happy to have you in my life again. It’s a blessing and I’ll cherish you always. Well, I’d better get on the plane. I’ll talk to you later. Goodbye.”

  “Thanks. Goodbye and have a safe flight.”

  “You, too.”

  He watched her walk down the long hallway, drinking in the sight of her shapely figure. She had gained a few pounds since he’d last seen her, but it was all in the right places. The short red dress hugged her curves lovingly. He growled as two other male passengers followed, discussing her sexy figure with one another.

  CHAPTER Sixteen

  Twenty-four hours back in Philly, he was unable to concentrate. Hearing Venice’s voice over the phone made it seem like she was thousands of miles away. She had called the night before to let him know she’d made it home safely. In a couple of days, she would be thousands of miles away from him. Japan was going to be lonelier than ever this trip. Venice was back in his life.

  About that time, Lamar burst into his office, “Look what the cat drug in!”

  Smiling, Craig responded with, “Hello, Lamar.”

  “You look like you’re well-rested and what is that on your face?”

  Craig went to the mirror on the wall, searching for something on his face.

  “What are you talking about, Lamar? I don’t see anything.”

  Lamar crossed the room and put his arm on his friend and partner’s shoulders. “The smile, my friend. Who put that smile on your face?”

  Craig shoved him. “Go ’head on, man. You play too much.”

  Sitting back down in the leather chair opposite Craig’s desk, he asked again, “Who is she? You know you’re going to eventually tell me anyway, so you might at well tell me now. Only a woman can put that kind of smile on your face and I know it wasn’t Melanie.”

  Craig picked up some mail on his desk. “Don’t you have some work to do?”

  Rising from the chair, Lamar headed for the door.

  “I know when I’m getting thrown out. I’ll be in my office when you’re ready to tell me who she is.”

  “Get out of here, Lamar.”

  Before he closed the door, Craig said, “Lamar.”


  “Thanks for covering for me. I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem, partner. See you later.”

  Lamar smiled and closed the door.

  Craig shoved his hands in his pockets and turned to look out over the Philadelphia skyline. At that very moment, the love of his life was in Michigan sifting through what was left of the life she had with Jarvis. He knew the pain she would endure could be a setback for them, but he prayed the love she had for him would outweigh her pain.

  It only took about an hour for Jarvis’ lawyer to go over the details of his will. Her dad, her father-in-law, her oldest brothers and Joshua were there as Venice sat numb to the words she had just heard. Jarvis had planned everything out in detail. He left the decision up to Venice whether to keep or sell the house and cars. He requested two full scholarships be set up at their high school for underprivileged students with high grade-point averages. He left substantial monetary gifts to his family and closest friends and particular charities. He requested Venice fund a youth and educational center in the inner-city of their hometown. The bulk of the estate was left to Venice and Brandon. Being well taken care of financially was an understatement. When the last sentence was read, the lawyer informed the family that Jarvis had made a video tape for Venice’s eyes only. She looked up in shock, not knowing if she would be able to handle looking at his face one more time.

  “Daddy, I can’t do it.”

  “Yes, you can, baby. Hopefully you can go on with your life after hearing what he has to say. We’ll be right outside.”

  As the men filed out the room, each gave her a hug and kiss for strength.

  She stared into the eyes of the strong men as they left her behind the closed door.

  After the lawyer set up the tape, he gave Venice the privacy she needed. It seemed like hours went by before the tape began to play and Jarvis’ image appeared on the screen.

  Hey, Babe,

  I am so sorry I had to hide my illness from you. Please don’t be angry with me. I loved you and our family too much to burden you with my pain. My main concern was to make sure we lived our lives as normal as possible, even to the end. When I was diagnosed, I couldn’t bear seeing you hurt and stressed out because of it. That’s why I didn’t tell you. I spent my last days loving you and Brandon without any distractions. I wanted so much to grow old with you, but I guess God had a different plan for me. I don’t want you to lose your faith, causing you to question God’s motive. Accept and go on with your life and cherish the many years of sweet memories we had together. I know by now you have shed many tears and experienced some heartache. I’m going to need you to be strong for our son. He’s going to need you because he may not understand what has happened. Don’t be afr
aid to open your heart and love again. I mean that with all my heart. We’ll see each other again one day, but for now I need you to be strong for our son and, most importantly, for you. I’ll love you always, Niecy. You will always be the light in my life. Goodbye, Sweetheart.

  When the tape finished, Venice sat there feeling a slight burden lifted, but emotionally drained. Somehow this tape had helped give her some closure to her magical life with Jarvis. Her blouse was wet with tears she wasn’t even aware had fallen until she felt the moisture on her face. She took a moment to compose herself. She clutched the tape to her heart, and joined her family in the reception area.

  Over the next few days, Venice worked with her family to finalize the last details so she could try to move on with her life. Several times, she wanted to call Craig to see how things were going with him, but declined. She really did miss his smile. He had given her his number in Japan, but she decided not to disturb him. She realized he probably had a lot of work to catch up on after returning from vacation. In a few days, he would be back in the States, and she would stay true to her word and pay him a visit.

  Venice was unsure what to do next in her life. The movers had arrived to pick up the furniture for transport back to her hometown for storage. Brandon didn’t seem to let the move depress him. Being at home with his cousins kept him preoccupied, plus he loved the school there. Bryan and Sinclair had their hands full with Brandon and their five-year-old, Bryan Jr. Sinclair swore it seemed as if ten grown men were playing in the house when it was only the two. Crimson and Portia hung out together in the mall and at school activities. They had always been close and both were beginning to get interested in boys. Bryan almost lost his mind when he caught fifteen-year-old Crimson kissing a boy in his rec room one night. He blew his temper, then threw the boy out, threatening his life. It was a week before Crimson would speak to him. Bryan said he was getting too old for this. He had been through this fire with Venice in her teen days. However, Crimson and Venice were like night and day. Venice, being his sister, was open and confided in him about boys, etc… His daughter, Crimson, was different. She was sneaky…too sneaky. He knew he would have to be harder on Crimson.

  Back in her hometown, Venice and her entourage were greeted warmly by her family and Jarvis’ family. Venice, for some reason, had always been partial to the men in the family. Her mom never felt left out because she kept a separate and special relationship with her. Mrs. Taylor was very outspoken and always told you what was on her mind. Venice got her strength and courage from the men; love and understanding from the women. When they arrived at Bryan’s house, Brandon ran out and jumped into his mother’s arms.

  “Momma! You’re home!”

  “I sure am and look what I brought you.”


  Venice handed her son a new train to add to his collection. She also made sure she had plenty of gifts for the other kids. Her mom said, “I know you all are hungry. Dinner is ready so come on and eat.”

  The men followed Mrs. Taylor and the rest of the family into the dining room. Venice sat on the plush sofa in the living room in silence. Mrs. Anderson asked, “Honey, are you okay?”

  “I will be, Mom. Thanks for asking.”

  She sat down next to Venice. “I know what you had to do was difficult, baby, but things will get better. You’ll see.”

  Venice closed her eyes and prayed that she was right. As Mrs. Anderson rose to go into the dining room, Venice reached for her hand and said, “Mom, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  She sat back down next to Venice. “Sure, baby. What is it?”

  Tears stung Venice’s eyes as she swallowed, trying to form words. Mrs. Anderson asked again, “Venice, what’s wrong? Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad. Is it about Brandon?”

  “No, Ma’am. I don’t know how to say it.”

  “Venice, just say it.”

  Venice raised her right hand. “Have you noticed this ring on my finger?”

  She reached for Venice’s hand and studied the ring closer. “No, but it’s a beautiful ring. Does what you want to tell me have to do with this ring?”

  The tears rolled down her cheeks and Venice rested her hands in her lap in silence. Her voice, sounding barely above a whisper, said, “Mom, I ran into an old friend in Ocho Rios. He’s the one who gave me this ring. The engagement ring he was planning on giving me seven years ago.”

  Mrs. Anderson now understood where the conversation was headed.

  “Venice, how do you feel about this young man?”

  “I don’t know, Mom. It just doesn’t seem right. I don’t want to disrespect Jarvis.”

  Reaching over to hold Venice’s hand, she asked, “Is this the young man you were dating in college?”

  A stunned Venice said, “You knew about that?”

  Smiling, she said, “Jarvis came to me looking like a sick puppy one day and told me all about him. I think in a strange way, he admired him. Jarvis had gotten so comfortable with your relationship that he didn’t think anyone could shake it up. Men take us for granted sometimes so they need something to shake them up every now and then. I have to shake his dad up sometimes, even now. Anyway, Jarvis was so worried he was going to lose you. He even pointed the young man out to me at the wedding. What I’m trying to say, Venice, is we never doubted your love for our son. I just wished we had left you two alone when you first married. Anyway, that’s water under the bridge now. What I’m trying to say is, you and Brandon were the best things that could have happened to him. People should quit trying to figure out love and just accept it. If you love this man and you know he loves you, then quit worrying about appearances. If you’re worried about us, don’t. You are a beautiful, young woman and after what you’ve been through, you deserve some happiness in your life. If that young man can give you happiness and wants to marry you, then you have our blessings. Portia told us all about him. She said he was very nice and that he really cared for you and Brandon. Venice, Jarvis would want you to be happy. You have to believe that, Sweetheart. Okay?”

  Venice couldn’t believe Jarvis told his mom about Craig. She was beginning to feel a little relieved.

  “I don’t know what to do, Mom. I mean, I don’t know how Brandon will take another man in our lives.”

  “Venice, you’re not trying to replace Jarvis. You’ve loved this man once and, for some reason, you two have found each other again. That has to speak for itself, doesn’t it?”

  Still holding hands, Venice said, “He wants me to marry him, but I think it’s too soon. Jarvis hasn’t been gone long and I don’t want the media causing a scandal and hurting Brandon or embarrassing the family.”

  Mrs. Anderson leaned over and kissed Venice on the cheek.

  “Quit worrying about all that stuff. There’s no law on how long you have to wait before you can fall in love again after losing someone to death. Life is too short to waste on such trivial things. By the way, what’s this young man’s name?”

  “Craig Bennett.”

  “Well, from what I’ve heard from Portia, he sounds right for you. We would love to meet him.”



  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Venice. Now come get some dinner.”

  CHAPTER Seventeen

  Craig seemed preoccupied as he walked through the construction site. As he unrolled the building plans, his cell phone rang.


  “Mr. Bennett, I have your grandmother on the line.”

  “Thanks, Virginia. Put her through.”

  He waited and heard singing on the line. He smiled and said, “Nanna?”

  “Oh, Craig! How are you, Son?”

  “I’m fine. Is anything wrong?”

  Laughing, she said, “Lawd, no, Child! I was just checking in with you to see how things are going and when you’re coming home.”

  “Uh-huh. Well, Nanna, I should be home in a couple of days.”

br />   Nanna then said, “So, when are you going to get a life, boy?”

  “What do you mean, Nanna?”

  “You know what I mean…settle down, have a family. You’re not getting any younger, you know.”

  Craig smiled. “Don’t worry about me, Nanna. I’ll be okay.”

  “Craig, I just want you to be happy. I hate you’re up there in that big house all by yourself. It’s time you settled down.”

  He smiled again. “Thanks for being concerned about my love life, Nanna, but I’m doing just fine.”

  “You can’t be if you’re all alone.”

  “I won’t be alone. Skeeter’s moving to Philly, remember?”

  “I’m not talking about Skeeter and you know it.”

  Craig turned to see his foreman motioning for him to come over.

  He laughed. “Nanna, I love you, but I have to get back to work. I’ll call you when I get back to Philly. Tell everyone hello.”

  “I will and have a safe flight. Son…I love you, too. Goodbye.”

  Craig hung up and shook his head. Nanna had tried, on more than one occasion, to fix him up with different women. Needless to say, none of them ever touched him the way one particular woman had. He couldn’t wait to see the expression on her face when he told her about Venice.

  It had been a long day. Craig was happy to get back to his home away from home. It was a large penthouse in an affluent part of the city. He leased it for himself and Lamar to use when they traveled there on business. After eating dinner at a nearby restaurant, he retired to his bedroom and thought about calling Venice. The time difference made it difficult, so he decided to wait until he got back to the States to call. As he turned on the TV, his telephone rang.

  “Hello, Craig.”

  Craig sighed. “Hello, Melanie. What can I do for you?”

  “You don’t have to be so punchy. I was just calling to see if you’ve had a change of heart.”


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