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Been There, Done That

Page 14

by Darrien Lee

  “Are you ready to tell me what happened while I was gone?”

  She looked up into his eyes, knowing she couldn’t keep the information from him any longer. She told him everything. He tensed and clenched his fists together more and more as she revealed Katrina’s blackmail plot. Salty tears streamed down her face as she apologized for hurting him.

  “Craig, I thought I could handle it myself, but I can’t. I’m sorry, but I can’t let her hurt my family.”

  He kissed her lips tenderly. “You should have told me instead of running away. I’ll take care of Katrina so you don’t have to worry about anything. I won’t let anything happen. Okay?”

  Closing her eyes and leaning against him, she said, “I’m so glad you found me.”

  “Me, too, and I hope this is the last time I have to put this ring on your finger.”

  Venice sat up and held out her hand as Craig pulled her engagement ring from his pocket. He slid it on as Venice looked down at her finger.

  “I was scared, Craig, and I didn’t know what to do.”

  He pulled her back into his embrace. “You don’t ever have a reason to be afraid. I won’t let her hurt you or anyone in our family and just for the record, Venice, I wouldn’t have believed the papers. I know you too well, Sweetheart, no matter how long we’ve been apart. Understand?”

  “Yes, I understand and if you still want to marry me, just say the word.”

  Kissing her, he said, “I’ve always wanted to marry you, Venice. Nothing has changed. Okay?”

  Venice nodded, then cuddled closer and was finally able to relax. She eventually sank into a deep sleep in the arms of her future husband.

  Minutes later, as the flames continued to crackle in the fireplace, Craig lifted her and placed her in his bed. He slowly removed her sweatshirt and pants. Leaving her dressed in only her satin undergarments, his body reminded him just how much he had missed her. He gently ran his hand over the soft brown skin of her thigh, then proceeded to the kitchen to call Joshua.

  Craig poured himself a cup of coffee as he waited for Joshua to answer the phone.

  Relief was in his voice when he said, “Joshua, I found her. She was staying with my sister. They had no idea I was looking for her. Venice told me that one of my employees, Katrina Simmons, was blackmailing her to stay away from me or she was going to print lies in some tabloid. Joshua, I’m so angry, I might really hurt that woman when I see her.”

  “Chill, Craig, and let me handle it. The woman’s your employee, so you don’t want to give her any reason to sue you and your company for harassment. That could ruin you personally and financially. What I need you to do is to go on as if everything’s okay. Don’t give that woman any indication that you know what’s up. I’ll handle it, okay?”

  Rubbing his hand over his head, Craig asked, “What about Venice?”

  “Don’t tell her I know what’s going on. She’s been through enough. You concentrate on her and I’ll keep you posted on what’s going on.”

  Feeling a slight headache coming on, he said, “Thanks. I’ll call you in the morning and Josh?”


  “Thanks for everything.”

  “You don’t even have to go there, Craig. Just take care of Venice.”

  “Will do. Goodnight.”

  Craig returned to his room where Venice slept peacefully. He took a long, hot shower and when he returned, he joined her in bed. It was if she sensed his presence in her sleep. She scooted closer to him, spooning her backside into his front. Craig caressed her back to soothe her and her eyes slowly opened. She turned over to face him with a smile on her face.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  Pulling her closer against his body, he asked, “Are you cold?”

  Searching his eyes, she answered, “No, actually I’m the opposite.”

  He covered her mouth, devouring the lips he had missed terribly over the last few days. She encircled her arms around his neck, giving him full access to her throat. Pulling him on top of her body, he moaned in satisfaction, but it was not enough. Slowly his lips kissed a trail down from her lips to her hardened nipples. The satin material covering them was no match for him. He quickly unhooked her bra and ran his tongue over her ripe skin. She arched and groaned when his hands inched lower seeking out her heat. He stroked the source of her desire, causing her to tremble and melt before him.

  “You’re right, Sweetheart. You are on fire.”


  “Yes, Babe?”

  “I can’t take this much longer.”

  Smiling, he slowly lowered the satin panties over her shapely hips. He followed, discarding his shorts and T-shirt. He came to her allowing her to feel the evidence of his desire against her thigh.

  Running his fingers through her hair, he said, “Can’t you feel how much I missed you? Love you? Need you?”

  She raised to kiss the lips of the man who saved her from despair.

  “I love you, too, and I…no, we need you in our lives also.”

  The sensation to love her had overpowered his will. He couldn’t have heard the words any clearer. He protected her, then covered her body with his, entering her body and soul. He pushed his hips deeper, giving in to a rhythm she quickly joined. He lifted her body higher to meet the demand of his loving. Her moans excited him and drove him over the edge. The magic they shared sent their emotions skyrocketing toward the heavens. He still felt like he wasn’t close enough to her core. Placing her arms above her head, he interlocked his fingers with hers while nibbling on her neck. This was an erotic zone for her and he knew it. Craig gave his all to his woman and she took and returned the flame he ignited inside her being. The explosion of love and satisfaction sent wave after wave over them. His muscular body seared her soft brown skin until he shuddered and groaned, spilling into her core. Her scream of completion was no different as she trembled and moaned his name repeatedly. Breathless with her legs still wrapped around his body, she kissed him and asked, “Are you sure you’re ready to be a dad?”

  “Sweetheart, I was ready years ago.”


  Panting, he pressed his lips to her ear.

  “Tomorrow, we pick up Brandon and go home. You don’t need to be away from him any longer and I will not sleep another night away from you under any circumstance. Got it?”

  “But what about Katrina?”

  “You let me worry about Katrina.”

  She smiled, stroking his cheek, and said, “Okay, Babe. I’ll let Mom know we’re coming for Brandon.”

  The next morning, after a quick breakfast and family reunion with Craig’s family, they headed to the airport. Skeeter stopped by for a visit and to give his congratulations for their reunion. Skeeter had never seen his best friend so happy. He was glad Craig and Venice had finally found each other again. Skeeter had never been one to settle down with one woman. He never allowed anyone to get that close to his heart. Being a lawyer didn’t allow him a lot of time to think about settling down and that was fine with him. It was hard for him to even imagine being with one woman for the rest of his life.

  Moving to Philadelphia in a few months would hopefully open up some new doors for him. An hour later, it was a tearful and joyous goodbye to their family and friends as Craig and Venice joined hands and entered the plane and their new life together.

  Hours Later

  Brandon was talking a mile a minute as he climbed from Venice’s lap over to Craig’s. Mrs. Anderson smiled, seeing her grandson so excited. She was also happy to know Venice and Craig were planning to marry soon. Brandon was a little reluctant when Venice told him they would be leaving for Philadelphia the following day.

  “But what about my friends at school? I won’t get to tell them goodbye.”

  “Sweetheart, they’ll be here waiting on you when we come back to visit.”

  He analyzed her answer.

  “Mr. Craig, will you bring me
back for a visit?”

  He ran his hand over Brandon’s head and said, “You bet! We’ll all come back as much as possible. Okay?”

  Brandon grabbed his hand. “Okay! Will you come help me pack my toys?”

  He looked over at Mrs. Anderson who nodded with acceptance. “I sure will, Brandon.”

  They proceeded upstairs to pack Brandon’s clothes and some of his toys.

  Once they left the room, Venice rose and approached Mrs. Anderson. She hugged her and said, “Venice, it’s obvious you’re happy.”

  “I am, Mom. He is a wonderful man and I do love him.”

  Mrs. Anderson kissed her on the cheek.

  “He loves you, too, and Brandon definitely cares about him. So marry him, Venice. What are you waiting on?”

  They sat down on the sofa, holding hands in silence. Tears started falling down her cheeks. Mrs. Anderson reached over to wipe them away.

  “Now don’t go starting that. I thought we already had this talk, Honey. Jarvis would want you to move on, Baby. You have to believe that. You two loved each other very much and Brandon is the product of that love. You have a chance for a new life with Craig. Seize the life you have with him and cherish the love and memories you had with my son. It’s time to let it go, Venice.”

  Venice began to sob as she fully embraced her mother-in-law, who had been gracious in helping her cope with the death of Jarvis.

  “Mom, you and Pops will always be welcome in our home.”

  Brushing Venice’s hair away from her eyes, she said, “I know, Sweetheart. Craig is welcome here also. Besides, I have to be able to visit with my grandson.”

  “Anytime, Mom. Anytime.”

  Patting her on the thigh, she asked, “Venice, why don’t you two let Brandon stay here until Thanksgiving? It’s only a couple of weeks away anyway. We can give him a going-away party next week. This will give us time to get his things together and for him to say goodbye to his friends. I’m sure he’ll feel so much better leaving his friends if he has a party. You guys can come home for Thanksgiving and it will give you and Craig a little time alone before Brandon joins you.”

  Venice stared at her for a moment, then said, “What will I ever do without you?”

  Hugging her, she answered, “I’m never going to let you find out. Now, let’s go tell the guys before they pack up everything.”

  Upstairs, Venice told Brandon he could stay until Thanksgiving and have a party to tell his friends goodbye. He was so happy, he ran and jumped in his momma’s arms.

  “Oh, thank you, Momma! I get to play with B.J. longer. Don’t worry, after my party I’ll be ready to come see my new school. Okay?”

  “Okay, Lil’ Man. You just make sure your granddaddy and Uncle Bryan take plenty of pictures of you and your friends. We can’t wait to come back for Thanksgiving to get you. Brandon, I’m sorry I’ve been away from you so much lately. Will you forgive me?”

  “Ah, Momma, don’t cry. Thanksgiving will be here real soon. See here on my calendar? I’ll mark off every day until you come get me. Okay?”

  The tears fell anyway when she said, “Okay, Brandon. Now it’s your bath time so come on and let me help you.”



  “Is it okay if Mr. Craig helps me?”

  Venice’s and Craig’s eyes met for a moment. Craig smiled and said, “I don’t mind helping you at all, Brandon. Let’s go.”

  Venice was pleased even though her heart ached knowing Brandon had adjusted better than expected to his dad’s death. She watched as they walked hand-in-hand into the bathroom.

  Venice wasn’t sure if she would be able to handle this visit, but she had to come anyway. It was dusk and the air was crisp and cool. She drove the car through the giant iron gates and parked along the side of the grassy area. It had been a while since she’d been here, but she knew she couldn’t leave town without saying goodbye to Jarvis. Exiting the car, she cradled the bouquet of flowers to her chest. She was totally alone as she watched a groundskeeper attend to a nearby gravesite. When she approached the headstone, she saw Jarvis’ smiling face on the picture enclosed in a section of the tombstone. Her knees became weak as she stared back at the face of the man she loved dearly. Sinking to her knees, she ran her hand over the picture, touching every detail of his face. Her throat began to ache as the tears pooled in her eyes and all the emotions came flooding back to her. She closed her eyes and the tears ran down her cheeks and onto her jacket. Leaning forward, she kissed his picture.

  “Jarvis, I’ll forever hold you in my heart. The love we shared will never die and I will make sure Brandon grows up remembering just how much you loved him. Baby, I don’t know how or why it happened, but Craig and I have found each other again. I know you had a hard time dealing with my relationship with him, but I do love him and Brandon adores him. We’re taking Brandon to Philadelphia to live with us. Babe, please don’t be upset with me. I hadn’t seen or spoken to Craig in seven years. That was until we ran into each other unexpectedly. I believe in my heart you were sincere on the videotape when you told me not to be afraid to open up my heart and love again. Since I’ve been with Craig, I have been able to love again. Jarvis, my heart is still broken and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get over losing you. I look at our son and I see you. He reminds me of the wonderful life we had together. I will eternally love you, and Brandon and I will visit you as often as we can. Until we meet again, Babe…”

  Venice placed the flowers in the vase and kissed his picture one more time before rising to her feet. She turned to walk away, then looked back and said, “Goodbye, my love.”

  She needed to drive and drive she did. Saying goodbye to one era before starting another had been both an emotional strain as well as an emotional salvation. Before she knew it, she had driven by all the familiar locations she had frequented with Jarvis. In her own way, she was healing herself of the wounds inflicted by the tragedy.

  After about two hours, she returned to her mother-in-law’s house where she found Craig sitting on the porch waiting for her. He met her at the car and when he saw her face, he knew where she had been. He helped her out of the car and into his arms.

  She hugged him tightly and said, “I’m sorry I was gone so long.”

  Caressing her back, he answered, “Venice, take all the time you need. Saying goodbye is never easy, especially to someone you love.”

  She looked up into his eyes feeling his love and compassion.

  “Come on inside. Brandon waited up for you to read him a bedtime story.”

  Smiling, she held his hand as they walked together back into the Anderson home.

  CHAPTER Twenty Two

  Manley had done even better than Joshua could imagine gathering information on Katrina. He read over the paperwork as he sat at the table feeding his infant daughter, Sierra. Occasionally, she would stop sucking and look up at him with her big, brown eyes. His heart swelled just from the mere sight of her. Cynthia and his daughter meant everything to him. Seeing that she wanted his undivided attention, he raised her eye level and planted small kisses on her cheeks. She chuckled and grabbed his nose with a death grip.

  “Sierra, your mom’s going to have to clip those fingernails of yours.”

  She didn’t know what he was saying, but she squealed with laughter anyway. After a few moments of making funny faces, he positioned her in his arms once more to finish off the bottle. He read the last piece of information Manley provided and settled back in his chair, letting out a deep sigh.

  “Okay, Ms. Simmons, I think it’s about time I paid you a little visit. Isn’t that right, Sierra? Nobody messes with your Aunt Niecy. Huh?”

  Joshua had made a wonderful living as a federal agent, which allowed him access to private information. Growing up, he and Jarvis said they would one day become FBI agents together. Jarvis’ football career altered his plans but he still received his bachelor’s and master’s degree in criminal justice with honors. Sierra let out
a loud belch and fell sound asleep. He quietly rose from his chair and proceeded upstairs to put her to bed.

  Venice was nervous, even though Craig told her not to worry. She was afraid that Katrina might be staking out his house or have someone watching it on her behalf. He reassured her that Katrina didn’t know he was out of town for personal reasons so there was no need for her to watch his house. Once they exited the cab, she screamed as he scooped her up into his arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  He kissed her deeply and said, “Claiming my woman.”

  With all her anxiety about Katrina, she was caught totally by surprise. Before he entered the house, he tipped the cab driver who sat their bags inside the foyer and thanked them. Once safely inside, she was able to somewhat relax, burying her face into his warm neck. She inhaled his manly scent, which was all male.

  Softly, she said, “You can put me down now, Bennett.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever let you leave my arms again.”

  She raised her head to meet his gaze. His gaze lowered to her lips, then kissed her thoroughly.

  “Mmmm, Bennett, you do know what I like.”

  “There’s a lot more where that came from.”

  “Talk is cheap. Show me.”

  He lowered her feet to the floor and pulled her firmly against his body. She held on for dear life as his lips moved seductively over hers. Small whimpers escaped from her as he ravished her mouth with his tongue. With his arousal pressing against her body, her legs weakened.

  Breathless, she moaned, “Bennett?”



  Not wanting to break the contact, he picked her up and she wrapped her arms and legs around him. His bedroom seemed miles away, but Craig covered the distance in record speed. They tumbled onto the bed and she immediately pulled his shirt out of his pants. Her hands eagerly sought out his warm flesh as she kneaded the muscles in his back. Venice couldn’t unbutton his shirt fast enough so she ripped it open sending buttons to the floor.


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