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Been There, Done That

Page 23

by Darrien Lee

  As she continued to pick up wrapping paper, Brandon said, “Look, Momma!”

  “I see; it’s snowing again.”

  As they looked out the window, they heard, “Merry Christmas!”

  Brandon’s head spun around after hearing a familiar voice.

  “Ms. Camille!”

  He ran across the room and practically knocked her over as he jumped into her arms. Craig had to steady her. Venice was surprised, not knowing Ms. Camille was already in the house. Brandon sounded like he was talking in a foreign language.

  “Where did you come from, Ms. Camille? When did you get to my house? Are you gonna stay with me? I really, really missed you!”

  Ms. Camille was overcome with emotions as she stared into the loving eyes of a little boy who had somehow managed to win her heart.

  Craig laughed. “Brandon, let Ms. Camille sit down.”

  Brandon grabbed her by the hand and dragged her over to the sofa.

  Laughing, she said, “Child, you’re going to have to slow down. And, to answer your questions, yes, I’m going to stay with you. I missed my baby.”

  Brandon hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re going to be with me. I love you so-o-o much. Can we have some blueberry pancakes for breakfast?”

  Venice said, “Brandon! Ms. Camille just got here. She’s not working today.”

  Ms. Camille stood up and said, “If my baby wants blueberry pancakes, he gets blueberry pancakes.”

  Brandon jumped up and down and screamed, “Yeah!” They disappeared into the kitchen.

  Venice put her hands on her hips, looked at Craig and said, “See? I told you, spoiled rotten!”

  Craig hugged Venice and said, “This is what you wanted. Remember?”

  She put her arms around his neck. “Didn’t you say something about taking me upstairs to thank me properly?”

  A wide grin stretched across his face as he took her hand and led her to the stairs. Venice shouted toward the kitchen, “Ms. Camille, we’re going back to bed for a while!.”

  She shouted back, “Okay! We’ll be fine!” She smiled and shook her head as she heard the playful sounds of Venice giggling as they ascended the stairs. She mumbled, “Just like old times.”

  Brandon handed her a bowl and asked, “What did you say, Ms. Camille?”

  “Just saying how happy and I am to be here with you.”

  “Me, too!”

  CHAPTER Thirty Two

  A Week Later

  The Architects Ball was being held in one of Philadelphia’s most prestigious hotels. The lobby was still vividly decorated with Christmas designs, giving it a warm feel. Venice wore a red velvet dress with matching pumps. Tonight gave her the perfect opportunity to wear the ruby earrings and necklace Craig had given her for Christmas. Craig looked unbelievably handsome in his black tuxedo as he held Venice’s hand.

  While mingling with co-workers and associates, he looked over his shoulder to see Lamar and Tressa enter the room. Smiling, he motioned for him to join them. Tressa seemed to glow as the black satin and velvet dress she wore complemented her figure. Lamar turned many female heads as he crossed the room. He took special pride in his appearance. The customized tuxedo had a lot of women fanning themselves and whispering. Unfortunately for them, he only had eyes for Tressa.

  When they finally made their way over, Lamar said, “Happy Holidays!” He kissed Venice on the cheek and shook Craig’s hand.

  Tressa and Craig exchanged greetings, then Venice and Tressa got involved in a deep conversation. It wasn’t long afterwards that Francine and her date joined them in conversation. Francine’s royal-blue silk pantsuit gave her a sensual sexiness that Lamar and Craig didn’t get to see often. She was radiant.

  Tressa whispered, “Venice, I love that dress and those shoes.”

  “Thank you, Tressa. You look stunning yourself and if I’m not mistaken, Lamar is glowing. How are things with you two?”

  Blushing, Tressa said, “He’s so sweet and we’re doing just fine. I told my dad that he can’t pick and choose the men I date. I told him that he did a wonderful job raising me and it’s time that he started trusting my decisions. He’s still having a hard time dealing with me dating Lamar, but he’ll get over it in time.”

  Francine said, “Well, I don’t know what you did to him, but whatever it is, keep it up.”

  The three women laughed, then Venice hugged her again. “I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks, and I believe congratulations are in order for the two of you. Wow! What a ring!”

  Tressa and Francine held Venice’s hand, admiring her wedding ring. Venice smiled and said, “Thank you, guys. I love him so much. I’ve been through hell and high water, but life goes on.”

  Francine sighed. “Yes, it does.”

  Craig and Lamar were talking briefly about business when Lamar said, “Don’t look now, but I believe a friend of yours is headed this way.” When Craig turned, he came face-to-face with Melanie.

  “Hello, Craig, Darling, Lamar.”

  Lamar answered, “Hello, Melanie. It’s been a while.”

  Melanie spared no expense when it came to her wardrobe. Her white silk gown didn’t leave much to the male imagination.

  “Hello, Melanie. What brings you here?”

  Hearing a female voice, Francine, Venice, and Tressa turned to see a woman with the physique of a model.

  Francine said, “Oh, brother.”

  Tressa asked, “Who is she?”

  Venice said, “Craig used to date her. Her name is Melanie.”

  Francine added, “She’s an attorney. I don’t know what he ever saw in her. She’s nothing but a socialite who wants to be seen. I was so happy when Craig broke up with her. She wasn’t his type.”

  Venice and Tressa didn’t respond. They just scanned the woman, eyeing her carefully.

  Giggling, Melanie said, “Oh, Craig, I didn’t stop living when you broke up with me. I’m dating Zachery Mathews.”

  Zachery was one of Bennett & Fletcher’s strongest competitors. He certainly played hardball and was very good at what he did. Craig looked into Melanie’s light brown eyes and said, “I’m happy for you, Melanie. I’m sure Zachery can give you what I couldn’t.”

  Melanie linked her arm with Craig’s and said, “We’ll see. So who’s your flavor of the month?”

  Craig reached for Venice’s hand, pulling her into his embrace. After kissing her on the lips he said, “Melanie, you remember Venice?”

  “Oh, yes! Hello, Venice. How are you?”

  Shaking hands, she responded, “Fine, thank you.”

  Craig smiled at Venice. “Melanie, Venice is my wife.”

  Melanie froze in shock as she looked down at the wedding rings they both wore.

  “You’re married?”

  Hugging Venice tighter, he said, “Yes, and I couldn’t be happier.”

  After clearing her throat, Melanie said, “This is funny. That last time I saw you two together, I thought you were going to start throwing punches at each other.”

  Venice explained, “Well, it was all my fault and I’m so glad we were able to work out our differences.”

  Melanie said, “Well, I guess congratulations are in order.”

  Craig and Venice smiled and in unison said, “Thank you, Melanie.”

  Melanie took a step back and looked at them.

  “Well, you didn’t waste any time did you, Darling?”

  Staring into Venice’s beautiful eyes, he confessed, “Actually, we dated in college. After running into each again, I guess we couldn’t deny what was still there in our hearts. I guess the rest is history.”

  Still somewhat stunned, Melanie said, “How sweet. Well, congratulations again!”

  Melanie stared over their shoulder and said, “Well, I’d better go. Zachery’s probably looking for me. I guess I’ll be seeing you two around. I hope you have a nice evening.”

  Craig responded, “Likewise, Melanie. Goodbye.”

  Craig looked down at Ve
nice and smiled.

  Venice pinched his finger. “Flavor of the month, huh? I didn’t know you had it like that, Bennett.”

  Laughing, he said, “She’s exaggerating, Sweetheart. Your taste is the only one I crave.”

  “I know, Babe. I’m starving so let’s eat.”

  Craig turned to Lamar. “We’d better be making it over to our table. They’ll be serving dinner shortly.”

  Lamar and Craig escorted their ladies to their table to enjoy a splendid dinner and night of dancing.

  CHAPTER Thirty Three

  New Year’s Eve came and went. Craig and Venice spent theirs alone at home. They watched the ball drop in Times Square as they toasted their new life together. Brandon was enjoying New Year’s with his grandparents. It had been a few weeks since they’d seen Brandon, so having him for a few days was going to be very exciting. Plus, this allowed Brandon to have a belated Christmas celebration with them. Crimson and Portia would be flying back with Brandon for a short visit before they started school.

  It had been a cold winter, so Craig made it a point to build a fire in their bedroom’s fireplace almost every night. Venice had been busy over the past few days trying to get her clinic stocked and staffed while Craig had spent time drawing up a design for the Jarvis “Anderson Youth & Educational Center. Being who he was, he requested input from Jarvis’ parents whom admired and adored how he had helped Venice and Brandon cope with the death of their son.

  One night, the telephone rang around midnight while Craig was working in his office. Venice had been sound asleep for hours. Since she had been exhausting herself with the clinic, she had been going to bed a lot earlier than usual.

  “Hello?” There was silence on the line. Craig asked again, “Hello?” He could hear someone breathing, so he knew someone was there. Leaning back in his chair, he asked, “Katrina?”

  “I’m so sorry, Craig. Please forgive me.”

  Then the telephone line went dead. It was her. The situation with Katrina was trying to haunt him again. His parents had always taught him to have a forgiving heart, but he just wasn’t sure if he could handle this. Tomorrow he would talk to Francine to check up on Katrina’s progress.

  Craig and Lamar traveled to the prospective site for the youth center days later and were welcomed by his in-laws and extended family. Lamar saw first-hand the friendliness of Venice’s friends and family, and he understood why Craig felt the way he did about them. His in-laws insisted they stay with them instead of a hotel. This way, Venice’s mom could spoil them with her soul food, which included world-famous peach cobbler. Joshua came by and like old times, had dinner at the Taylor home. Bryan and Venice’s parents all sat down to a table full of home-cooked food.

  Over dinner, Bryan asked, “So Craig, are you ready to send Venice back home yet?”

  Craig laughed. “Not on your life. I’m keeping her and Brandon.”

  Lamar stuffed his last fork full of macaroni in his mouth. “Man, you couldn’t pry Venice from Craig’s grip if you wanted to.”

  Bryan took a sip of tea. “Give him a few more months. Once he sees just how stubborn she really is, he might reconsider.”

  Mr. Taylor put another piece of fried chicken on his plate. “Ya’ll better quit talking about my baby girl. Don’t make me put a cap in ya’ll.”

  Joshua said, “Pops, that’s old and don’t forget, I’m packing, too.”

  A round of laughter filled the room.

  After dinner, the guys settled in the den while the Taylors went to the Andersons’ house to see Brandon. Craig had spent the earlier part of the day with Brandon before working on the building site.

  Joshua asked, “Hey, Craig. Do you have an assistant named Francine?”

  “Yes, why?”

  Joshua extended his legs in Mr. Taylor’s recliner and said, “My partner asked about her. I think they met a few weeks back when he was helping with that Katrina Simmons case. Is she married?”

  Craig smiled and said, “No, she’s divorced, but she has a seven-year-old daughter. She’s a very intelligent, strong, and attractive woman. What’s your partner’s name?”

  Working the remote control, he answered, “Jonathan Manley. He’s good people and he has never acted interested in a woman since I’ve been partners with him, until now. He dates occasionally, but it never seems to get serious. He’s also divorced, but they had no children together.”

  Craig took a sip of coffee as he looked over and saw that Lamar was sleep on the sofa, snoring.

  Joshua stared at the TV screen. “Craig?”


  “I think Manley wants to see her again, but on a personal basis.”

  Craig looked at him and asked, “How do you know?”

  “Because he can’t stop talking about her.”

  “I don’t know, Joshua. She brought a date to our ball a few days ago.”

  Joshua asked, “Could you talk to her and see if she’s interested?”

  Craig grinned. “I’ll talk to her, but I’m not promising anything.”

  “Cool and thanks, Craig.”

  CHAPTER Thirty Four

  Venice greeted her family at the airport upon their return. Crimson and Portia returned for a visit and held Brandon’s hand as they exited the plane. Craig immediately embraced and kissed his wife, telling her how much he missed her.

  She nuzzled her face into his neck. “I missed you, too, Bennett. Did everything go ok?”

  “Everything went just fine.”

  Venice giggled. “So, how’s my lil’ man?”

  “I’m fine, Momma. Just a little sleepy.”

  Venice hugged and kissed him. “Well, I plan to hold you in my arms all the way home and when we get to the house, you can take a nap.”

  “Okay, Momma.”

  Venice turned, hugging and kissing both teenage girls, telling them how much they had grown. Both were teary-eyed as they hugged Venice back. Tressa was there to pick up Lamar so they said their goodbyes after claiming their luggage. Brandon reached up and held Craig’s hand as they waited for their luggage. Venice couldn’t help but notice how Crimson and Portia had developed into two beautiful young women. The talk she would be having with the both of them later was going to be bittersweet. Somehow, she wanted them to stay little girls a little longer so she could dress them up like baby dolls as she used to.

  Back at the house after dinner, Brandon took his bath and went to bed. The girls stayed up to watch videos while Craig worked in his office. It was only nine o’clock, but Venice was exhausted. After putting the leftovers in the refrigerator, she walked into Craig’s office to tell him goodnight. Hugging his neck from behind, she said, “I’m getting ready to turn in. I’m a little tired.” He pulled her into his lap and felt her forehead.

  “You’re not coming down with anything, are you?”

  Smiling, she answered, “No, I guess I need to start taking my vitamins again. I haven’t had the energy to work out lately and I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to get the clinic opened.”

  “Well, try not to work so hard, woman. I can’t have you getting sick on me.”

  Rising from his lap, she gave him a kiss saying, “Goodnight, Babe.”

  “Goodnight, Sweetheart.”

  “The girls are in the den watching TV. Keep an eye on them and don’t let them stay up too late.”

  Craig said, “I’ll take care of them. Go on and get some rest.”

  She blew him one last kiss before she walked out. Before going upstairs, she stuck her head into the den.

  “Goodnight, girls. Don’t stay up too late and if you need anything, Craig’s in his office next door.”

  In unison, they answered, “Okay, goodnight.”

  It was almost eleven o’clock and Craig was still working on his computer. The telephone rang and he answered, “Hello?”

  “Sorry to call so late, boss, but I’m just getting in and I saw you left me a message.”

  Craig turned away from the computer scr
een. “Hello, Francine. It’s really nothing. It can wait until tomorrow.”

  Francine chuckled. “It must be something. What is it?”

  There was a moment of silence, then Craig said, “Katrina called me the other night.”

  “Katrina? What did she say?”

  Craig sighed.

  “Nothing at first, then she told me she was sorry. After that, she hung up. Do you know how she’s doing?”

  Francine took her earrings off. “Her sister said she’s doing okay, but goes into a state of depression at times. I believe in time, she’ll be fine. She has to deal with the sexual abuse trauma before she can begin to heal from the present.”

  “Well, keep me posted. I don’t think it would be fair to Venice to rehire her. The only thing I can possibly offer her might be a recommendation elsewhere.”

  “I understand, Craig. Well, if there’s nothing else, I’m going to turn in.”

  Craig hesitated, then asked, “Francine, do you remember meeting an officer by the name of Manley recently?”

  Francine’s heart skipped a beat, hearing the name of the only man who had affected her soul the way Manley did simply by the touch of his hand. Not even her former husband stirred the kind of raw emotions Manley did, even after being married to him for five years.


  “I’m here, Craig. Yes, I remember him. Why?”

  “He wants to see you on a personal level.”

  A lump was forming in Francine’s throat. She started remembering the many nights since meeting Manley that she woke up in a sweat. The erotic dreams she had been having were starting to get the best of her.

  “Francine, he would like to call you and possibly take you out to dinner or something.”

  Still somewhat speechless, she asked, “How did you find out this information?”

  “I have my ways. So, can I give him your number? I met him and he seems to be a nice guy. You’re a great judge of character so I don’t think it would hurt to go out with him. Who knows, if you don’t make a love connection, you might gain a good friend. So, what’s your answer?”

  Francine played with her telephone cord, then answered, “I’m taking a real chance here, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have dinner with him.”


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