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Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life

Page 20

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “I got a message from Captain Roberto last night. He suggests you keep your head down if you do head back. It seems the House of Gilden is rather upset with you, for what you did to Private Wilber Gilden.”

  “Yeah they Dislike me it seems. I’m sure they’ll forget about me in time,” Alburet replied. “I was going to ask your recommendations for where I should turn my attention for harder prey?”

  “Hmm, alone I would suggest continuing south from here. To the south there are a number of orcs that have proven to be a thorn in the side of Stormguard for some time. The problem is, they are technically monsters which means like you two-souled they come back to life all the time. The rest of us have to hope that the gods will smile on us and let us have another chance. If you end up with the people you had with you before, then I would say east. There are a number of goblin encampments that could use a good going over, but they work as more unified teams.”

  Alburet pondered the Sergeant’s words as they both dropped off their dishes. “Sarge, does that mean that you only have a chance of coming back to life?”

  “Correct. We don’t know why the gods made the world the way it is, but we normal folk can and do die final deaths. No one has figured out how or why it happens, only that it does. Monsters like the goblins and orcs continuously come back to plague the world. Luckily, they never seem to get organized enough to mount major attacks. They only attack isolated places like farms or maybe a really small village. If that ever changes then I would fear for the survival of those of us who aren’t immortal like you.”

  “Definitely something to think about, sir. I want to thank you for the generosity you’ve showed me by letting me share space with your men.”

  “It was the least I could do, considering you saved the lives of some of the farmers and helped reduce the goblin population even if only for a short time. Would you be willing to trade information, so I can contact you if I need a reminder on any of the techniques you have shown us?” Sergeant Jasper pulled out a Mindstone as he spoke.

  Alburet blinked, slightly stunned at the idea of the NPCs being able to use Mindstones. He still pulled his out, touching it to the Sergeant’s. He accepted the pop-up asking if he wanted to add Sergeant John Jasper to his contacts. “Something else learned. Can you also use the Homestones?”

  “Of course. Did you think them limited only to the two-souled?”

  “I wasn’t sure,” Alburet replied. “Well, I should be going. I look forward to hearing from you in the future, sir. If I’m in the area I’ll stop by and say hello.”

  Jasper relieved the on duty Sergeant, taking the seat at the desk. “Please do. In the meantime keep your head down and your nose clean.”

  Alburet waved goodbye and activated his Homestone, which instantly teleported him to the graveyard outside the Dead Man Inn. “Nice, no bright lights or disorientation when using the Homestone,” Alburet said to himself as he walked towards the inn.

  Inside the door he found the same maid on duty behind the bar. He approached with a smile in place, “Morning to you. Any idea if Stewart is about?”

  “Mornin’ sir, iffin ya want to have a seat I will let him know ya here,” she replied. She pulled out a Mindstone and concentrated on it for a moment before returning it to a pocket.

  Alburet nodded, dropping a silver onto the bar top, “Can I get a pot of tea and two cups as well, please?”

  “Right ya are sir,” she scooped up the coin before turning to the kitchen door and yelling his order into the room. She turned back with a handful of copper as his change, “He will be with ya in a moment, sir.”

  “Keep the change,” Alburet said with a pleasant smile. “I wasn’t able to leave a tip I was happy with a few days ago. This gesture will make me feel better on that count.”

  The small smile she’d had in place since he walked in bloomed into a vibrant smile. “Much obliged sir, will ya be staying with us this eve?”

  “Probably, but I won’t know until later,” Alburet replied as he turned towards the hallway which Stewart was coming from. Stewart nodded to him and motioned to a table that he walked towards.

  “Looks like business,” Alburet said, getting to his feet. “Just bring the tea over when it’s ready, please.”

  “Right, sir,” she replied, her full smile still in place as her eyes trailed after him.

  Alburet took a seat across from Stewart, “Morning, Stewart. How have you been?”

  Stewart yawned, “I’ve been worse. What can I do for you, Alburet?”

  Alburet waited to reply as the maid arrived with a steaming teapot and two cups on a tray, setting it between them on the table. As she turned to walk away, her hip gently brushed Alburet. He glanced back to watch her walk away even as he felt his pulse quicken slightly, before shaking his head and turning back to Stewart. “Oh, yes. I wanted to see what I can learn from you now. Have some tea. I made sure there would be enough for both of us.”

  Stewart nodded, pouring himself a cup before Alburet served himself. “If that little interaction with Stacia was enough to cause you to lose concentration, you are going to have some issues soon. That is another matter entirely, though. Yes, I can train you in a further ability.” Stewart sipped the apple spice tea when he finished speaking.

  Taking a sip of his own tea, Alburet decided to rise to the bait. “Why would I have troubles later?”

  “Your third minion is a succubus,” Stewart replied levelly.

  “Yeah, I kind of knew that, but why will that give me issues?”

  “They are demons of lust and mind magic. Even the most loyal of them push at their masters for ‘attention’.” Stewart said the last word with a stress to it.

  Alburet drained the last of his first cup and poured another as he considered the implications. “So she’ll try to seduce me is what you’re saying?”

  Stewart poured himself the last of the pot before replying, “Possibly, but most of them are much more direct than that. You will understand when you get to summon one.”

  Alburet considered the information he was being given and shook his head. Life was going to get interesting real quick if that was the case. No reason to worry about it until it later, though. Still shaking his head, he pushed the thoughts aside while sipping his tea.

  Once they’d finished the tea, the duo walked through the passage that led down to the training room. Stewart took his seat and nudged a book over to Alburet. “You can choose the ability you passed up last time or either of the two new ones available to you now. Just press your hand to the page you want.”

  Alburet nodded, glancing at the options. The first was Infernal Fire, which increased fire damage by 10%. He skipped that for now to look at the two new ones. The first was Flame Weapon, which cost a flat 5% of his mana, much as the demons did, to keep active. It added 25% weapon damage as fire damage, so a sword that did base 100 damage would do 100 damage plus 25 fire damage counted as a single strike when being mitigated by armor. The other ability choice was a lot more complicated; Heavenly Summoner, which would completely change most of his spells and abilities.

  Heavenly Summoner: All demon minions are replaced by angels. All spells changed to reflect your new affinity. If you choose this ability you will need to go to a different trainer to continue with your class choices. All spells of demonic nature will be changed to reflect your new angelic affinity. Fire Blast becomes Holy Bolt, Demon Skin becomes Angel’s Blessing, Demonic Retribution becomes Angelic Radiance. You will lose access to your current summoned minions and have to select new minions with the new trainer.

  Alburet paused, taking in this twist he never saw coming. “I can get angels instead?”

  Stewart grimaced in distaste, “Yes, you can join the other side. A lot of two-souled have taken that option, saying that their demons were not helping them. What they don’t take into account is how the angels demand you behave to keep them happy. Like to carouse or ask for payment to help others? If you do, then your angels will become very unhappy

  “Well, that pretty much makes my choice then. While Bob might be an annoying little shit at times, I like him. Guess that means I won’t be taking Heavenly Summoner anytime soon.” He touched the ability Flame Weapon and confirmed it, “There we go, choice made.”

  “Unless you’ve raised your strength you won’t be able to get the raw damage at this level to really make use of that ability,” Stewart said with a shrug,

  Alburet chuckled, “I’m going shopping next to pick up the best weapon I can afford, something like a heavy maul perhaps.”

  Stewart looked puzzled, his brow furrowing, “Did you put points into strength?”

  “Nope, just found a nifty set of gloves is all,” Alburet said, holding out a hand. “I can use any weapon regardless of strength now.”

  Stewart, who had been leaning back in his chair, went over backwards before scrambling to his feet. “You have found the gloves and the boots? Where are you finding these pieces?”

  “First set I got from Vladimir at the royal auction house for an old, old book. The gloves I got from a mystery box that was at the Stormguard fort as a bonus for rescuing some farmers who had been captured.”

  “Wait, what do you mean you got them from a mystery box?” Stewart began but Alburet waved him off.

  “What I said, the quartermaster had a box in his stores that he didn't know the contents of. Instead of taking the risk of opening the box himself he offered it up as an option for a reward. I took the box and found these beauties.”

  “Interesting. You are indeed not following the same path of most other two-souled Summoners. So what are your plans exactly?”

  “Going to go get a worthwhile weapon, hit up a shop for food and drink then probably head back out. Nothing else here in town to really keep me.”

  Alburet said his goodbyes a moment later as Stewart had nothing to add. Using the portal, he found himself in the graveyard again and started walking towards Grimgar's Weaponry.

  While he walked, he looked over his new spell, Demonic Vitality. Mana cost: 100. Duration: 1 minute. Restores 5 health every second. To use this spell touch your fist to the target while saying the words “Demonic Vitality.” Alburet paused to change the spell so that he touched his target with the extended pointer and pinky fingers of one hand with the others curled along with the words “Burning blood.”

  As Alburet walked towards Grimgar’s he felt an itch begin between his shoulder blades, as if he were being watched. He spotted a bench just down the street and strolled over to it. He took a seat and rolled his head around as if stretching out his neck muscles. As he did, he narrowed his eyes to seem as if he had them closed and he took a look down both directions of the street. He didn’t see anything appearing out of the ordinary so he leaned back on the bench and arched his back, letting his vertebrae pop. Letting out a deep sigh he sat forward, hunching his shoulders and twisting his torso slightly to make sure he was flexible. As he got back to his feet he glanced both directions before again heading onward towards his destination.

  He hadn’t spotted anything to explain why his hackles were up or the itch between his shoulders. The last time he had felt like this was five years ago when an inmate had tried to shank him while he had been responding to a medical call into medium security. That had been pretty ugly all told, between him being stabbed by his attacker and the ensuing fight before the other guards had gotten there. Nothing happened though as he made it to Grimgar’s and entered, the jingle of the bell above the door announcing his presence.

  “Ah, back again are ye?” Grimgar said with a smile, “What can I do fer ye today?”

  Alburet felt the tightness in his shoulder ease up some at Grimgar’s greeting. “I’ve come to get a better weapon. I’ve grown beyond the goblin fort, so it’s time to move on to my next hunting grounds.”

  “Gud fer ye lad,” Grimgar chuckled. “Well, and how many points did ye allocate into strength?”

  “Not a single one, but I can use anything you have, Grimgar. Show me the best damage weapon you have for five gold, please.”

  “Aich tha’ be somethin’ ye can’t use. Me best weapon fer five gold would require at least a fifty strength. As a Summoner ye would be a right fool to have done tha’. Ye last had a five strength, which would leave ye with staves as ye best bet.”

  Alburet held out his gloved hand, “Check the equipment then tell me that, Grimgar.”

  Grimgar frowned but touched the glove, reading the status information. His eyes widened. “Bloody hell lad. I’ll be right back.” Grimgar went into the back, returning with a heavy maul which he set on the counter. “This be the best flat damage I have fer what ye asked. The Hardened Steel Maul, it does a flat two hundred damage. It has no other stats, which is what makes it so cheap.”

  Hardened Steel Heavy Maul

  200 Damage

  400/400 Durability

  Alburet dropped his five gold onto the counter and hefted the maul as if it were a toothpick. “I’ll take it. Do you have a way to attach it to my back that won’t interfere with my pack?”

  Grimgar brought out a sling for the weapon that attached directly to the pack. “There ye go lad. Just do me a favor and if anyone asks were ye get ye stuff send them me way, righ’?”

  “It would be a pleasure, Grimgar. You’ve treated me well both times now. I thank you and wish you a pleasant day. I need to go find some provisions for my trip next.”

  “There be a provisioner two streets down from here,” Grimgar told Alburet.

  They exchanged goodbyes and Alburet exited to the street. A pop up appeared as he left the shop.

  You are now Liked by Grimgar Smith.

  Clearing the pop-up away, he started walking the direction Grimgar had pointed him. A few minutes later he felt the same itch between his shoulders again. Checking the street as if looking for the right shop, Alburet couldn’t see anyone that might be watching him. Foot traffic was starting to pick up now that the day was really getting under way which made spotting a watcher even harder. He stayed wary all the way to the next shop, but the trip was uneventful.

  “Welcome to Pablo’s Provisions. What kind of food are you looking for?” A very tanned individual stood behind a counter right next to the door. His features screamed Latin descent to Alburet, who nodded to him in greeting.

  “What would you recommend for say, a week’s worth of food that needs to be able to keep for a month or longer?”

  “Hard tack is the easy answer to that, but it tastes horrible. If you have the coin, the Elvish Waybread is a fantastic option as well as being tasty. Even the most foolhardy, besides dwarves, stay away from the Stonebread though. We have a pretty good selection of hard cheeses, dried fruit and jerky to help round things out as well. It really depends on how much you want to spend.”

  Alburet nodded, “I am not averse to spending a gold on the right food and beverages for a week.”

  Pablo grinned, “Well then, did you want to pick it out or did you want me to assemble a selection for you?”

  “By all means do your best for me, please,” Alburet said with a small bow.

  “Hah, a two-souled with manners,” Pablo chuckled as he came around the counter, pulling several packages from the shelves lining the shop. He stacked them on the counter, “Alright come and see what you’re buying.” Pablo pointed out the seven different cheeses and jerky to be paired together along with a few small bags of dried fruit. Alburet nodded at the selection. “I see you are happy with the food, which is good, so now let’s move onto the beverages.” Seven glass flasks were lined up on the counter. Each held a day’s worth of different types of tea. “Will these suffice?”

  “Done,” Alburet dropped a gold onto the counter and packed the supplies into his satchel. “Many thanks to you, Pablo. Next time I need more I’ll be sure to come see you.”

  Pablo thanked him for his business as Alburet left the shop. Alburet started walking back towards the Dead Man Inn, thinking lunch was a good idea befo
re heading out into the wilds. As he walked the itch between his shoulder blades returned, stronger than it had been. The certainty that he was being stalked loomed over him. Alburet ducked into the next alley, sprinting for the end of it, side stepping out to hide against the wall next to the alley. He stood there controlling his breathing as he waited. No one appeared behind him, and after ten minutes he glanced down the alley to see it empty. The itch was still with him though the ominous feeling had abated somewhat. Stepping away from the wall he headed out in a fast walk towards the portal guild, which was closer than the inn.

  Alburet hated the feeling of being watched and stalked, hated feeling like prey. He made it to the building and as soon as he entered the feeling of being watched and stalked vanished instantly. Stopping, he took a deep breath and straightened up. He hadn’t realized he’d been slightly hunched as he hurried here. He glanced around seeing others waiting in the lounge area watching him with smirks, as well as the receptionist looking at him with a smile.


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