Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life

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Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life Page 24

by Daniel Schinhofen

Alburet looked over at her eager smile, “Dark ale please, and maybe just a snack to tide me over until morning. Can you have them sent to my room, please? I want to bathe first.”

  Stacia nodded, “One second, please.” She darted into the back briefly, coming back out followed by what was certainly a sister who took over the bar. Stacia was carrying a small covered plate as she picked up a full mug. “Iffin ya will follow me sir, I will show ya to the bath once I drop off ya food and drink.”

  Alburet followed after Stacia, who was all business as she led him upstairs to his room, setting the refreshments down on the table. Alburet dropped his bags and gear into the wardrobe which indicated it was a secure storage place before following her again. She led him out of the room and down an off shoot hallway near the stairs, which led to the bathing room. She opened the door, ushering him into a massive room that held a giant heated tub, a few smaller empty tubs and a row of what he thought were shower heads. “This is the bathing room, sir. The big tub is for after ya are cleaned to relax in. The showers are the first step of bathing,” she paused and looked at him from the corner of her eye. “Ya know it would be easier to just show ya sir, iffin ya be interested.”

  Alburet eyed the twenty year old buxom woman for a moment. “I have a bad feeling about this,” he said softly.

  “I be havin' a very good feeling about this meself,” Stacia said her hands on the laces of her dress as she held them without loosening them. “The decision be up to ya.”

  Alburet took a second to try and figure out what he really wanted. “I am so very tempted to find out exactly how far you would take it, Stacia. However, I’m beat and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow so I think I’m going to have to pass.”

  Stacia pouted her lips, “How about iffin I promise to behave and just wash ya, take ya back to ya room to feed ya, massage ya and then tuck ya in?”

  Alburet felt his resolve break at the idea of her hands working on his muscles, “I yield.”

  Stacia’s eyes lit up when he agreed, “Aye, first strip all the way down to ya skin, please.”

  Alburet did so and was guided by Stacia to a stool under a shower head. She sat him down, showing him the pull chain to wet himself down. She went off to get soap, leaving him to enjoy the warm water falling gently on him, as if he were in a warm thunderstorm. As he enjoyed the feeling a pair of soft hands gently touched his back and he tensed slightly before relaxing, reminding himself that he wasn’t being attacked.

  Stacia was humming a tune he didn’t know as she used the citrus scented soap and a cloth to lather him. Alburet relaxed under her hands, letting her raise his arms or bend him slightly this way or that to soap him. He stood when he was asked for her to get his ass and legs before he was told he could sit again. He was in a slight dazed state when he felt her bare breasts rub against his back, her nipples hard as she wrapped her arms around him. “Now be still, I’m only washing ya and that is all,” her words were a soft caress in his ear as her hands gently embraced his manhood.

  “Stacia…,” Alburet breathed out in half reprimand, half desire.

  “Shh, I be only cleaning ya. I promised to be good, after all,” she whispered again. Her hands were deft and clinical as she soaped him. “See?” she said as she withdrew her breasts from his back as well. “Time to rinse,” she said as she stepped around him, showing off her naked body as she gently tugged the chain to bring the water down on them both.

  Alburet drank in the sight of her naked body before him, the water cascading off of her endowed chest allowing it to rinse the soap off her body. He sat there mostly motionless as if in a trance as she wiped the soap from her before taking his unresisting hand and putting it on the chain. He grasped it as she knelt before him and used her hands to make sure all the soap was removed from his body. She did it methodically, robbing some of the sensuality from it but not all. She got him to stand as she knelt there which presented his manhood to her eye level but she seemed to disregard it. He felt a wave of desire urging him to tangle his hands in her hair and take her. His hands trembled and he was about to act on the idea when she turned him around to clean the soap from his back.

  Once she was done she stood and led him over to the big tub, helping him settle into it. He leaned back on a contoured seat, the water coming to just under his chin as the hot water eased his tired body. He let out a sigh of pleasure as the tension ebbed away. He briefly wondered why he felt any tension here inside the game, but the thought went away as he just let the water relax him. Some time later a small cough got his attention. Prying his eyes open he found Stacia dressed again, standing next to the tub holding a towel.

  “Sir, ya might want to think about getting out now.”

  Climbing to his feet, Alburet stepped out of the tub reaching out to take the towel, only to have Stacia chide him gently as she began to dry him. Once he was dry to her satisfaction, she wrapped him in a terrycloth robe and led him back to his room. He wondered briefly about his clothes, asking about them only to be told they were in his room already. When they reached his room, Stacia seated him at a chair near the table and seated herself beside him.

  “Now for me to feed ya,” She uncovered the tray, which had sliced melon on it. She batted his hand when he reached for a piece, “No.” She picked one up herself and held it out to him, “Say ahh.”

  Alburet chuckled, “Really?”

  Stacia arched a single brow at him, “Say ahh.”

  He did so, which resulted in the bite of food being placed gently onto his tongue. He winced slightly as the sweet fruit, reminiscent of Honeydew, sent a rush of sugar into his teeth just as sweet things did to him in real life. Stacia smirked at him slightly as she presented the next bite. Chuckling, he let her feed him one bite at a time. He discovered that she had changed the dark ale for a fruit tea that complimented the meal wonderfully. As he finished the last bite she asked him again to say ah. Puzzled by the lack of food in her hands, he still did so only to have her gently place her finger into his mouth. He gently sucked her fingers clean one by one, watching her expression as he did so. He could feel the desire in both of them as she reluctantly took her last digit away from him before standing.

  Taking his hand, she led him to the bed which was turned down. She deftly undid his robe, slipping it from his body before laying him face down on the bed. “We end with the massage, sir,” she whispered into his ear, husky heat filling her words.

  Alburet took a shuddering breath as she began to rub oil into his skin. He relaxed under her skilled hands as she found the remaining spots of tension and gently but firmly eased them away. He wasn’t sure when the massage ended or when Stacia left. He only vaguely recalled her whispering something to him as darkness claimed him.

  Alburet woke to the scent of fresh coffee mingling with the scent of the most holy of foods, bacon. Rubbing his eyes he sat up with a yawn, blinking his eyes he looked around and found the source of the scent at the table. At the table was Stacia, who was adding some milk to a cup as she smiled at him.

  “Morning, sir. I took the liberty of makin’ preparations for ya breakfast. I do be hopin’ tha’ I was not wrong to do so,” she came to the bed with the cup held out to him.

  Alburet took the offered cup, “Much more than I was expecting, Stacia.” He took a sip, finding the coffee perfectly the way he liked it. He frowned as he wondered how she could have known how he liked his coffee. He glanced up at her watching him expectantly. “It’s perfect, Stacia,” he said slowly as he pondered how she could have known.

  “Ya frowned when sipping it, though,” Stacia said her voice carrying the tone of uncertainty.

  “I was wondering how you could possibly know how I liked my coffee. I owe you my thanks for the wonderful night last night.” Alburet said, recalling that he’d fallen asleep during the massage. He pushed back the covers, “Can you hand me my clothes, please?”

  Stacia pouted slightly but turned to the chair behind her to grab his clothing, handing it to him. “
As ya wish, sir.”

  Alburet traded his cup for the clothes, dressing quickly before sitting at the table. He motioned Stacia to join him, “Tell me Stacia, do you always go this far for the guests here?”

  “Na. Ya be different though, sir. Not only be ya a two-souled, ya be a kind one to boot. None of the others tha’ have come here took the time to talk to us like regular folk. They come running in and out to speak with Stewart or one of the others. Ya though, took room with us, partook and enjoyed the food, acted like any of us normal folk would. Ya caugh’ me attention somethin’ fierce by doin’ tha’.”

  Uncovering the plate Alburet found cheesy eggs, bacon and a chunk of bread. Sipping at the coffee he considered her words as she poured herself a cup of coffee. He took a bite of the food, closing his eyes briefly in appreciation at the meal. “I understand now why you seemed so eager to offer so much attention. I’m just a normal guy though, Stacia. Nothing to get worked up over. It might be best if you tried to set aside however you currently view me as I’m sure I will only disappoint you.”

  Stacia looked down at her lap as she sipped her coffee, “I understand, sir. I be sorry if me attention has been bothersome. I’ll go and leave ya alone now.” She rose, putting her half empty cup on the table before curtsying to him.

  Alburet caught a glimpse of her upset face as she stood up from her curtsy. He felt his weakness for females in distress kick in as she went to walk past him. He gently snagged her hand, causing her to stop. “It isn’t a bother, Stacia. I just know that you will only be disappointed in time. I have been more than happy with everything you’ve done to this point. Please do not think I dislike you in any way.”

  She met his honest eyes with her slightly damp eyes, “I wasn’t sure. I mean, ya seemed to respond to me some last night but ya didn’t act on it at all. Will it be okay if I continue to serve ya as I already have?”

  “I would be happy to have you do so, Stacia. I don’t know if I will ever ask for more than you have already given though, so please keep that in mind.”

  Stacia gracefully lowered herself to her knees next to his chair, covering his hand with hers as she looked up at him through lowered lashes. “I understand sir, just as long as ya know tha’ I am more than willing for more.” She took his hand, gently kissing the palm of it before placing it on her chest where he could feel her heart racing.

  He felt himself stir at the sight of her kneeling beside him, as well as her words and where she had his hand currently. He swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry. “Stacia…”

  She met his eyes through her lashes, the same hunger he felt mirrored in hers. “I be willin’ to do anythin’ ya be wantin’ sir. No matter how unusual ya request might be, I will gladly fulfill all of ya needs.”

  He felt his resolve start to crumble, the eagerness she expressed along with all the teasing he had endured yesterday was taking its toll. “I’m ten years your senior…” he stammered, trying one last time to forestall what was coming.

  She cut him off as she eased his hand down to one of her breasts. “Mayhap ya can teach me then, sir. I warn ya, I be needin’ a firm hand to guide me.” Her eyes went from eager to sultry as she felt him squeeze her eager flesh. A soft moan escaped her lips as his thumb brushed her erect nipple, “A very firm hand.”

  Dropping the fork, he succumbed to her desires as he reached down and tangled a hand in her hair. “Well then, let me teach you, you eager little wench.” He felt his darker nature start to come out to play as spoke.

  He was covered in sweat and panting by the time they finally stopped. He glanced at the top of her head resting on his chest, “Well, that wasn’t how I thought today was going to start but I can’t think of a better way it could have.” Alburet said, kissing the top of her head.

  She gently touched some bruises from the intense spanking she had gotten that were healing up as he watched. “We live to serve, sir,” Stacia murmured contentedly as she nuzzled his neck. “I hesitate to suggest this sir, but ya could bargain with me Da’ to make me ya full time maid while ya stay here. It would mean I would be at ya beck and call only, ready to help serve ya in anyway ya wanted at any time.” She stroked his chest hair gently.

  Alburet’s mind carried her words into the gutter of his mind and he felt his groin stir slightly at the thoughts. He coughed as he forced his mind out of that track, “A good suggestion, Stacia. However I don’t know how often I will be back here during the time I’ve rented the room and I would hate to hurt how smoothly the place runs by having you all to myself.”

  Stacia slid her body over the top of his sensuously, pausing to kiss him deeply before she got out of bed. “Ya would nay hurt anything except me feelings iffin ya donnae ask.” She got a basin of water and a cloth from the sideboard then came back to the bed. “Now let me clean us both up so ya can go do the things ya said ya needed to do today.”

  Alburet left her as she started to clean the room up. He went down the stairs to find the bartender behind the bar. “Morning sir,” Alburet approached the bar wondering how to ask what he had been told to ask. “I have a question about a long term lodger such as myself acquiring one of the employees as a full time maid while they stay here.”

  The bartender eyed him with narrowed eyes for a time, “Which of me daughters put ya up to this?”

  Alburet blinked before replying, “Stacia. She can be quite demanding and forceful when she wants to be.”

  A snort of muffled laughter came from her father, “Ya don’t be knowin’ the half of it. Iffin she asked ya to ask then the price be ten gold for the month ya be stayin’ with us.”

  Frowning slightly at the high price compared to the room, Alburet dropped five gold onto the bar, “Can I pay the rest tonight? I have to sell some things before I have the rest.”

  “Aye. Pay the rest by this time tomorrow and we’ll call it a deal. I have a question though, iffin ya willin to answer it?” Alburet nodded so he continued, “Which of ya started the contact?”

  “Stacia,” Alburet replied. “For some reason she seems fascinated with me. I tried to warn her off but she persisted. I’ll be back later, I need to get going if I’m going to make the appointments I’ve already agreed to.”

  “Good day and luck be with ya,” the bartender replied as Alburet set out. As Alburet left the bar the owner motioned to Stewart, seated at his usual table. “Stew, we need to be havin' a talk about tha' one.”

  Alburet left the inn sedately, then started to jog to the portal guild to get a portal to Stormguard fort. Just as he was about to pass through the graveyard a sharp blow hit the back of his head, stunning him. As he tried to regain control of his body a sharp pain pierced his back just as it had the night before. The same two debuffs appeared on his bar. He wanted to yell at the attacker but all he could do was topple over as he was pushed. The same voice from last night came to his ears a moment later.

  “This is two, only one more death to go until we complete our contract. Remember, it is unwise to upset the House of Gilden.” The assassin let Alburet see the knife for a moment before his throat was cut again.

  Alburet wanted to scream in rage as the assassin cleaned his blade before vanishing just like the night before. Two minutes later he was alive again with his anger still high. Taking a deep breath he started jogging for the portal guild. He was a little calmer but still angry when he got to the tower. Entering, he saw it was busy, with several groups gathered in the waiting are. He took a moment to look over the crowd in the waiting area, but didn’t see anyone he knew. Sighing, he went to the desk where the helpful receptionist sat.

  “Morning sir, and welcome back. Where are you off to today?”

  “The Stormguard fort, actually,” Alburet replied, his anger abating some at her friendly smile.

  “Taking an easy day today? That is always good to do once in a while. There are a number of groups heading there today, if you want to try and join one of them…” she paused as Alburet shook his head.

��d rather just pay the gold and sit in line. Last time I asked about joining a group it almost went very badly and I’d rather not deal with idiots today.” He set a gold on the desk. He had felt slightly bad about not paying in full for Stacia right away, but he knew he was going to need coin for the portal.

  “Of course, sir. Take a seat please, and thanks again for coming to us for your travel needs.”

  Alburet gave her a small bow before he went off to the waiting area. He went by the group of muscle bound idiots from the day before who were also waiting for a portal today. Finding a seat out of the way, he pulled out his Mindstone and sent a message to Karen letting her know he was waiting on the portal. He also sent messages off to Mary, Gerald, DrFrank and Fluffball letting them know that he knew of a quest that was about to start.

  A moment later his mail icon lit up as he got a message from Karen telling him she would wait for him, she was already at the fort. No other messages came before the portal mage took him to the portal room. He tipped a gold to the mage, thanking him before he stepped into the portal.

  He took a moment to get his bearings before stopping at both the merchant and smith to offload the junk in his bags. Coin in hand, he entered the fort proper looking for Karen. As he passed through the doorway he felt a tap to the back of a knee, causing his leg to buckle. He turned that into a roll, coming to his feet as he spun to face a smirking Karen.


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