Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life

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Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life Page 25

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Glad to see you’re still ready for a fight,” Karen laughed as she tossed him a group invite. “You ready for some fun?”

  Alburet shook his head ruefully, “Should have known that was going to be you and yes I am.” He accepted the invite with a smile, “I let the few people I know that there’s something afoot, but no one has replied as of yet.”

  “There are a few steps before the boss spawns. We can get some of them done ahead of time.” Karen said, eyeing him with a quizzical expression before her lips quirked up into her normal smirk. “So, have a good night or a good morning?”

  Head tilting slightly in confusion, Alburet shrugged, “I had a good night, a nice hot soak followed by a massage.”

  “Ah, so a happy ending then?” Karen said nodding her head. “You seem way more relaxed today.”

  Understanding dawning, Alburet chuckled, “No, I didn’t have a happy ending during the massage actually. I was seduced by the masseuse this morning though, and let me tell you she knows what she’s doing.”

  “Darn and I wanted to re-pop that cherry tonight,” Karen mock pouted.

  “On the plus side, I’ll last longer now that I’m not all pent up from five years of fasting,” Alburet grinned.

  Putting on a pensive look, Karen nodded, “You do raise a good point. We shall have to see, but first let’s get this ball rolling.” She stepped over to Sergeant Jasper, “Sergeant, I have something you might be interested in.”

  Jasper looked up at her, “What do you have?”

  Karen took the scroll from the Goblin Messenger from her bag with a flourish before handing it over. Jasper read the scroll, his eyes widening, “The Commander should see this. Follow me, please.” He tugged a bell pull and a private came running up, “Man the desk for a moment, private.” Jasper led them up the stairs then down a hall to another set of stairs. Two guards were posted at the base of these stairs, looking bored but alert. He held a quick muttered conversation before he motioned again and the trio went up. He led them to the first room, where the door was open. Stepping in, Jasper coughed softly.

  “Sir, I bring news and the ones who brought it,” Jasper saluted from the door.

  An old man with thick white eyebrows and a very thick mustache looked up from some paperwork, returning the salute to Jasper then eyeing Karen and Alburet. “Very well, Sergeant. Bring them in and tell me what is so important.”

  Jasper nodded, coming to stand before the desk flanked by Karen and Alburet. He handed the scroll to the Commander and fell into parade rest. Alburet mirrored Jasper subconsciously but was a touch shocked when Karen did the same. The Commander eyed them again for a moment before reading the scroll. Pursing his lips, he nodded. “You did the right thing, Sergeant. Return to your duties. I will speak with these two alone.”

  Jasper saluted, marching out of the room with a friendly nod to Alburet as he went by. Alburet returned his gaze to the Commander, who was studying him. “Tell me, are you the one my men have been talking about the last few days?” The Commander’s eyes were hard to read as he studied Alburet.

  “Possibly, sir,” Alburet replied, coming to attention.

  “You sparred with them and showed them some unarmed combat techniques?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Very good,” the Commander’s eyes turned to Karen briefly before going back to Alburet. “Will you vouch for her?”

  “I have trusted her with my life in combat on multiple occasions sir. I will also say she is more talented than I am when it comes to hand to hand combat.”

  Nodding the Commander turned to Karen, “You have not worked to garner our favor but since he vouches for you I will consider you trustworthy for the mission to come. I want you to plant false evidence on a goblin patrol near the orc lands. If you will leave the messenger bag with us so we can set up the decoy it will take us two hours to have it ready to go.”

  Karen saluted, “Yes sir.” She pulled the messenger bag out and set it on his desk.

  “Very well, return to me in two hours. Until then you are dismissed.”

  The duo saluted and marched out of the room. Alburet was a little surprised at how well Karen managed it. As they got to the hallway Alburet coughed quietly to get Karen’s attention. “So, why are you so good at mimicking military protocol?”

  “My dad was in the service for twenty years,” Karen shrugged. “I was raised on military protocol, might be why I’ve always been a tomboy at heart.”

  Chuckling Alburet shook his head, “We have two hours to kill. How about that friendly sparring match?”

  “You want to go all the way back to Stormguard to spar?”

  “Nope, follow me please,” he said as he led her down to Jasper. “Sir,” Alburet said, giving a salute to the Sergeant, “I need a favor.”

  “What do you need, Alburet?”

  “Permission to use the training room, sir. This beautiful woman is going to kick my ass there, so if you and some of the others want a good laugh come and watch.”

  Jasper eyed Karen dubiously, then nodded, “Give me five minutes before you begin.”

  Alburet nodded turning back to Karen, “So, about that match?”

  “Oh why not,” she smirked as she flexed her shoulders. “Lead on and we’ll see if you can keep up with me.”

  Alburet led her to the training room where he’d sparred with the men a few days ago. As they limbered up after setting their gear aside, a small mob of soldiers came in lining the walls. Jasper came in a moment later with a smile on his face.

  Alburet nodded to the men who called out to him before he addressed the crowd. “Men, you were all impressed by what I showed you the other day. Pay attention today as I spar with this opponent. It should drive home the point of what I was trying to teach you.” He turned to Karen and bowed to her, “Are you ready?”

  Karen came out to the middle and bowed in return before standing up and getting into a balanced stance, “Bring it, cream puff.”


  Human Summoner

  Level 12

  Strength: 17

  Agility: 17

  Constitution: 25

  Intelligence: 38

  Wisdom: 42

  Charisma: 25

  Health: 850

  Mana: 1020


  Demon Skin-Rank 2

  Demonic Retribution

  Summon Least Imp

  Fire Blast

  Sap Strength

  Demonic Haze

  Summon Lesser Destroyer

  Demonic Vitality

  Fire Burst


  Personal Spells

  Flame Weapon


  Alburet slid forward on balanced feet, closing the distance slowly as Karen stood there waiting. He knew he had reach on her but she was more practiced than he was. He attacked, only to have her dart back out of his range. A smile came to her lips as she continued to avoid his attacks with ease. Alburet knew he was being measured and toyed with after a minute as none of his attacks had come close to landing where he wanted them or even at all.

  “Well this is fun, but I think it's a bit lacking,” Karen said as the next attack missed, “let's get started, shall we?”

  She came in low, attacking his knees. Alburet danced back, but felt her connect with his leading leg as he pulled it back breaking his balance. She didn’t give him a chance to regain his balance, but kept coming. He found himself entirely on the defensive, trying to block or avoid her attacks which were faster than his had been.

  Alburet knew he was outclassed but he couldn't help but smile as Karen kept after him. He hadn't been challenged like this in years and he felt joy that he was being tested again. However, his thoughts reflecting on the past cost him now as she finally caught his knee hard enough to make him fall. As he dropped to the mat he tried to roll away only to find her glued to his back as her arms caught him.

  She wrapped his arm and got her legs locked on him for an a
rm bar and applied pressure. Alburet gasped as she exerted enough pressure to cause real pain. He tapped the floor twice and sighed when she let him go.

  Popping to her feet she smiled to the men who applauded her, “Thank you, gentlemen.”

  Alburet got to his feet slowly and let out a deep breath, “I'm so rusty and out of my league.”

  “Don't worry, I'll beat you back into shape. Two hours is what the Commander said, right?” Karen's eyes sparkled, “We can go full contact here, you know. It's not like you’ll die.”

  Alburet flexed his arm as his health replenished and the pain faded, “True, but I'm at full sensors and I doubt you are.”

  Karen shrugged then seemed to fiddle with the air for a second, “Okay, now we’re even. You ready for round two at full contact?”

  Shaking his head, Alburet replied, “I'm so going to suffer. But yes, I accept the full contact match with my superior.” He finished with a full bow to her.

  Chuckling, Karen bowed her head, “I’ll be glad to put you back together later.”

  For the next hour the duo sparred. Alburet was only able to win a submit from Karen once during the entire time, while she got him well over a dozen times. Once they finished Jasper came forward and bowed to them both.

  “I wonder if you would mind walking us through a few of those techniques?”

  Quest: Teach the Stormguard Fort guards some martial arts

  Reward: Reputation increase with all Stormguard Guard factions

  Karen blinked then bowed her head, “I would be glad to.”

  “We will be glad to, but a large class would not be the best. Give her the twenty best guards you have to teach.” Alburet interjected, looking at Karen who nodded.

  “Okay,” Jasper replied, pointing out the nineteen lucky guards. “The rest of you are dismissed.” He turned to the duo, “Okay, myself and these others are your class.”

  Alburet nodded and started off to the side to take a seat, “All yours, Karen.”

  Karen snagged his shirt, “Oh no you don't. I’m going to need a training dummy and you're it.”

  Sighing, Alburet nodded, “Should have seen that coming.”

  A wicked smile creased her lips, “If you’re really good maybe I'll ice you down later.”

  Karen spent the next hour in instructor mode, using Alburet to demonstrate the techniques she was teaching the guards. They stopped when a messenger came, calling the duo back to the Commander. “Alright, we’re done. Good job. Just practice those moves with each other until they’re second nature.” Karen said as she grabbed her gear.

  “Thank you both,” Jasper said, saluting them.

  Quest Completed: Teach the Stormguard Fort guards some martial arts

  Receive: Increased reputation with all Stormguard Guard factions

  The pair returned the salute then followed the messenger to the Commander. Karen chuckled, “Well, that gets me to Liked with the guards here.”

  “Oh good, maybe I won't have to vouch for you anymore,” Alburet said. “I forgot what a good long, hard session was like with a skilled instructor.”

  “I thought you said the masseuse was skilled? I'm sure that was a long hard session wasn't it?” Karen deadpanned.

  Shaking his head, Alburet grinned, “Oh she was. Somehow I think you can out do her in some ways, though.”

  “Should I accept that challenge or not? Hmm...” Karen smirked but fell silent as they were ushered before the Commander.

  The Commander looked up as they came in, “Welcome back. We’ve changed the mission. The satchel contained plans for the goblins and orcs to team up to attack the forts. Instead of planting false information, your mission now is to disrupt a key meeting that is to take place to the south. Any questions?”

  Quest: Stop the Goblins and Orcs meeting in the southern province

  Reward: Twenty gold and increased reputation with all Stormguard Guard factions

  “So we just need to find and break up the meeting?” Alburet asked.

  “A Goblin Messenger and an Orc Messenger should be meeting somewhere to the south. Intercept and kill them.” The Commander said before dismissing them once they accepted the quest.

  Alburet saluted before turning on his heel and leaving, Karen’s actions mirroring his own. Once they were out of the office Alburet glanced at Karen. “So, what’s the plan?”

  “We can jump to Stormguard and take a portal to the keep closest to the orcs, or we can just go south killing stuff as we go. Once we’re done it will be easiest to port back to Stormguard.”

  “I'm free all day, so what do you want to do?”

  “Let's just take a portal. I don't feel like spending hours trekking south.” Karen said, pulling out her Homestone.

  Alburet nodded, “See you there shortly.”

  Alburet paused as Karen vanished and buffed himself with everything he could, then used his own Homestone. He appeared in the graveyard with no one else near him, so he took two steps towards the portal guild then suddenly thrust both hands up and spoke, “Ground zero.” A blast of fire filled the space around him in a thirty foot circle that left only him untouched by the flames.

  He heard a grunt of pain from behind him. Alburet dove forward and rolled to his feet, turning while pulling the maul from his back and invoking Flame Weapon.

  “I was going to kill you nice and easy again, but now I’ll do it the hard way,” the same cloaked figure who had killed him twice said as he patted at a scorch mark on his cloak. Twirling a dagger, the enemy sheathed it and drew a different blade from under his cloak. “I hope you enjoy pain,” the enemy hissed as he took a step forward and vanished.

  Alburet glanced at the inn just in time to see Stewart stick his head out the door. “Stewart, could use a hand,” Alburet said as he started backing away from where the assassin had been. “Seems I have an assassin trying to kill me for a third time.”

  Stewart came out of the building looking thoughtful, “How many times are you supposed to die?”

  “Three, already died twice but this time I caught him with Fire Burst.”

  “That seems a touch excessive. Who did you piss off?”

  Alburet shook his head, “Can we talk about it later? Right now I just would rather not get killed again.”

  Stewart shrugged, “Assassin, can we talk?”

  The man in the cloak appeared right behind Alburet, the knife pricking his back just enough for the poison to be applied. “No need. He is dead, and that is the last of it. Try not to piss off House Gilden again.”

  The poison spread quickly from the small cut on his back, causing Alburet to seize in pain. Gasping and falling to his knees, he only vaguely heard the assassin speaking as his muscles began rhythmically spasming. The pain of his muscles forcefully contracting was intense, making him shake as each wave washed through him.

  The assassin smirked at Stewart before he walked off. Stewart waited a second then went to Alburet and checked him. “Ew, nasty stuff. You’re losing 5% of your health every second and it’s going to hurt worse as it drags on. So the simple thing to do is this,” Stewart put his hand on Alburet’s back and said something.

  A brief flash of heat filled Alburet, then he was floating above his corpse and Stewart was standing up, wiping his hand. Stewart hung around until Alburet reappeared a few steps away. “Better to just end your life quickly than let the poison keep hitting you.”

  Alburet closed his eyes as he bit down on his anger at having been killed yet again. His voice came out rough and harsh, “Yeah, thanks for that.”

  “So you pissed off Gilden House?”

  Shaking his head, Alburet opened his eyes to look at Stewart, “Later. I have things to do and if I start thinking about it right now I will react badly.”

  Pursing his lips, Stewart watched him carefully but nodded, “Later, then.” He turned to walk back into the inn, but paused when Alburet spoke again.

  “Thank you, for stopping the pain.” The words came out clipped and angry.

  Stewart nodded then waved as he walked into the inn without glancing back, “We should talk later.”

  Alburet took off towards the portal guild at a fast walk, still seething with anger. As he reached the door he heard a cough behind him, turning he found Karen looking at him with curiosity.

  “So what happened to twist you around the loop?” Karen asked as she entered the building with him.

  “I was just killed for the third time by an assassin,” Alburet replied, his voice level but the anger still clearly evident on his face.


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