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The Pleasure of Finding Things Out

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by Richard P Feynman

  Patterns, 174–175, 220–221, 226

  pattern recognition, 48, 127

  Pauli, Wolfgang, 201, 201(n), 229, 230

  Peace, 147

  Penology, 243

  Philosophy, 23, 115, 173, 195–196

  Photons, 8, 234, 236

  Physical Review, xii, 59, 198

  Physics, xi, 99

  and chemical processes, 125

  doing physics, xviii, 11, 14, 19, 20, 60, 87

  high energy, 238

  high pressure, 118(n)

  loose threads in, 199

  and mathematics, 15, 105, 192–193, 194, 201, 228. See also Quantum electrodynamics, and mathematics

  and small-scale manipulation and control, 118, 137

  time needed for, 19–20 See also Quantum electrodynamics; Quantum mechanics; Science

  Physiology, 203–204

  Pi, 95–96, 176–177

  Pions, 16

  Plastics, 130

  Platinum, 90

  Plutonium, 89–90, 153

  Pope, 7

  Prayer, 251. See also Religion

  Princeton University, 9, 11, 54, 55, 58, 190, 228

  Problems, 71, 82, 83–85, 144, 182, 201, 202, 203, 246

  in biology/chemistry, 124–125, 138

  and bottom-up/top-down design, 158, 160–161

  choice of to attack, 196

  of infinities, 12, 190, 191, 196, 197

  of resistance in small circuits, 136

  in small machines, 130, 134–135

  social, 98, 100, 141–142

  solving, 113, 114, 227, 228

  Propaganda, 108

  Protons, 16, 238, 239

  Psychology, 213–214, 214–215, 218

  Publishing, 212–213

  Quantification, 105

  qualitative vs. quantitative understanding, 18–19

  Quantum electrodynamics, 11(n), 16, 189, 192, 196, 227, 234–236

  interpreting, 12

  mathematics of, 17, 18, 19

  and quarks, 17. See also Quarks

  Quantum mechanics, 43, 50, 136, 172, 201

  Quarks, 16–17, 192, 192(n), 199, 201, 202, 238–240

  electrical charges of, 239

  information stored in, 44, 45

  Quaternions, 200–201, 200(n)

  Rabi, I. I., 55

  “Radiation Theories of Tomonaga, Schwinger and Feynman, The” (Dyson), xii

  Radioactivity, 45, 73, 89–90, 132, 145, 190(n)

  Redundant systems, 166, 168

  Relativity, 190, 197

  Religion, 24, 107, 142, 144, 185

  belief in God, 246–247, 249, 250, 256

  moral, metaphysical, inspirational aspects of, 252–254, 255–256 See also Catholic Church; under Science

  Responsibility. See under Science

  Retherford, Robert C, 196, 203

  “Review of Certification Practices Potentially Applicable to Man-rated Reusable Rocket Engines” (Moore et al.), 153

  Rhine, 216

  Rogers, William P., 151

  Russell, Henry Norris, 229

  Safes, stories about, 91–96, 190

  Safety issues, 71–73, 74–75

  Saints, 107

  Schrödinger, Erwin, 202, 202(n)

  Schwinger, Julian, xi, 11(n), 12, 189–190, 191, 196, 197

  Science, xviii–xix, 23, 171–188, 240–241

  applications of, 98–99, 212, 240

  and beauty, 2

  Cargo Cult Science, 208–209, 210, 216, 243. See also Cargo cults

  and Communism, 251–252

  definitions of, 185, 187, 241, 255

  and doubt, 146, 200, 209, 246, 247–248, 249, 251. See also Doubt

  of education, 243

  enjoyment of, 143

  first grade science book criticized, 178–179

  and governments, 115, 213

  ignorance of, 102

  integrity in, 209–216

  as irrelevant, 103, 108, 109–110

  and moral questions, 254–255

  and philosophy, 195–196

  and prejudices, 200

  pseudo-science, 22, 186–187, 208, 242

  and religion, 111, 245–254, 255

  and responsibility, 108, 115, 141, 143, 146, 149, 212

  scientific method, 104, 109, 243

  scientists’ belief in God, 249. See also Religion, belief in God

  and society, 97–115, 141–149

  teaching, 20–21, 21–22, 102, 171–172, 178, 186, 203, 216

  unification in, 15

  unscientific environment, 106

  world view produced by, 100–101, 143, 185

  during World War II, 55 See also Physics

  Scientific American, 39

  Secrets, 70–71, 73, 84, 91, 92, 231

  Segrè, Emilio, 72, 73, 74

  Serber, Robert, 60

  Servo motors, 132

  Shakespeare, William, ix-x, xii, xiii

  Sigmas, 16, 238

  Silica, 119

  Simulations, 46

  Smyth, 55, 89

  Social sciences, 22, 105–106

  Solomon Islands, 242–243. See also Cargo cults

  Sound barrier, 37

  Soviet Union, 112

  Space programs, manned vs. unmanned, 154

  Space Shuttle Challenger, 151–169

  avionics, 158, 164–168

  certification principles, 161–162, 164, 168

  computer system on Orbiter, 164–168

  failure probabilities, 152, 161, 168–169

  Flight Readiness Reviews, 152, 153, 164

  high-pressure oxygen and fuel turbopumps, 159, 160, 162–164

  launch schedules, 168, 169

  management, 152, 155, 161, 167, 168–169

  O-ring seals, 152, 155–156

  problems. See Problems, and bottom-up/top-down design

  solid fuel rockets, reliability estimates of, 153–157

  Space Shuttle main engines, 157–164

  turbine blades, 158, 159, 160, 162–164

  Space-time approach, xi

  Specialization, 245, 246

  Spinoza, Benedict, 195

  Stone and Webster Company, 76

  Supercomputers, 30. See also Computers

  Superstition, 103

  Teaching, 106, 113, 242

  ideas vs. definitions, 179 See also Education; under Science

  Teller, Edward, 60, 70–71

  Thought control, 98

  Thoughts as visual, 217

  Time-binding, 185, 188

  Time sense, 218, 219

  Tolman, 55, 56

  Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro, xi, 11(n), 12, 189–190, 191, 196, 197

  Transistors, 33, 35, 47

  and Brownian motion, 38–39

  energy used in, 36–37

  of three or four atoms, 42–44

  Tricks, 71

  Trinity Test. See Los Alamos, Alamogordo test

  Tukey, John, 221–222

  Turbulence, 202

  UFO’s, 206

  Ulam, Stanislaw, 191

  Ullian, Louis J., 153

  Ultimate particles, 192–193, 199, 238

  Uncertainty, 24–25, 104, 111–112, 115, 146, 247–249, 250, 252, 254, 256

  and O-rings on Challenger, 157 See also Doubt

  Uncertainty principle, 50

  Understanding nature, 13–14, 15, 23, 102, 108, 110, 148, 182, 198, 204, 240, 241

  imitating nature, 47

  Uniforms, 7–8, 13

  Universality, 101

  Universe without man, 250

  Uranium, 70, 74, 94

  separating isotopes of, 54, 55, 56, 71–72, 231

  uranium nitrate, 72

  uranium 235, 71–72, 231

  Urey, Harold, 55

  Vacuum, 118

  Van der Waals forces, 134–135, 134(n)

  Virtual particles, 191

  Viruses, 227

  Voltage, 228. See also Computers, voltage use in

  Von Neumann, John, 29, 29
(n), 86, 229

  Walker, Bernie, 217

  Wave propagation, 31

  Webb, Julian, 74

  Weisskopf, Victor, 60

  Western civilization, 256–257

  Wheeler, John, xi, 190, 229–230

  Wigner, Eugene P., 229, 229(n)

  Williams, John, 59

  Wilson, Bob, 54, 56, 57–58, 90, 231

  Wilson, J. Dover, xii

  Wisdom, 187, 188, 243

  Witch doctors, 207

  World view. See Science, world view produced by

  Young (psychological experimenter), 214–216

  Yukawa, Hideki, 16, 237, 237(n)

  Zinc, 90

  Zumwalt (Lieutenant), 76, 78

  Zweig, G., 192(n)




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