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Surrender to Fate (Fate's Path Part One: A New Adult Romance Series)

Page 20

by Jacelyn Rye

  Anne furrowed her brow, “Really? Why didn’t you say something earlier?”

  “Oh, it’s not bad. Really. I think that if I were able to fall asleep, it would be gone when I woke up.”

  “Hmmm…well, do you want me to stay home with you?”

  Sarah’s eyed widened, “Oh no, Mama. I don’t want to spoil your trip to town. I’m fine…just a little headache, I promise.”

  Anne thought a bit longer and said, “Alright, if you say so.” She kissed Sarah on the forehead. “Feel better, sweetheart.”

  Sarah tried to hide her smile as a delicious thought entered her mind. Oh, I’m sure Adley will make certain that I feel better!

  Sarah cleared her throat and answered, “Okay, I will. Have fun.”

  Sarah waited until both farm trucks pulled out of the driveway before she got up from laying down on the couch. She was so relieved that Matty didn’t hesitate to go with them. And now she knew that she was minutes away from seeing Adley, as she noticed that he was not in the farm truck with his parents.

  Smoothing her hair and clothes, Sarah flew out of the door and started for Adley’s house. She was half walking, half running, when she realized that she better calm down before she was disheveled mess at his door. Before she could even raise her hand to knock on the door, Adley flung his front door open and pulled her inside.

  She couldn’t even get out a ‘hello’ before she was in his arms and he was kissing her as if it had been years since they last saw each other.

  When he finally stopped, he put his hands on either side of her face, “I have been waiting and waiting for the chance to finally be with you. And, I might add, patience isn’t one of my strong suits. Come on, we don’t have a lot of time and I don’t want to waste a single minute of it.”

  He took her by the hand and led her upstairs and into his bedroom. She walked into his room and looked around. For as long as she had known him, she had never been in his room, and she felt that just by seeing his things, that she was getting even more of a glimpse into who he was. His room was very neat and orderly with only a few items on his dresser and nightstand. He had a bookshelf filled with books, and Sarah realized that it hadn’t occurred to her that he would like to read. The only other boy she knew of that loved books, was Will. She stared at the books, remembering that Will had found their secret saying in some old book that he had read. But before she could contemplate Will any longer, she felt Adley’s arms come around her from behind as he buried his face in her neck, and began showering her with long, slow kisses. He spun her around, but didn’t let go. Sarah loved the way he kissed her. Urgent kisses, but not rushed. She wrapped her fingers through his hair, trying to return his sentiment.

  He gently started walking her backwards until she felt the bed behind her. Putting his hand behind her to support her, they descended on the bed, still communicating with only their kiss. He paused only to kick his shoes to the floor, and to take hers off as well. He climbed back on top of her and pressed into her hips with his. Bracing himself over her, her whispered, “Tell me you want me, Sarah. I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready to do.”

  A sly smile crossed Sarah’s lips, “I’d rather show you, if that’s alright?”

  A grin crossed his face and he groaned in satisfaction. “Oh Sarah, you don’t know what you do to me. But yes, please, show me. Just tell me if you want me to stop at anytime. Because I’ve had a lot of time to think about what I would do to you the next time I got the chance. I’m going to do everything you want me to, but you’re in charge, alright Sarah?”

  Sarah nodded and pulled him down to kiss her. Still supporting his body weight with one arm, he began to unbutton her shirt. He pushed it to the side and sat up to look at her. “Oh my God, Sarah, you are beautiful,” he exhaled as he put one of her breasts in his mouth. He rolled her nipple around in his mouth until he felt it become hard. He moved over to her other breast and gave it the same stimulating attention. Sarah loved that she could already hear him moaning against her skin.

  “There’s just something about your skin, Sarah; I can’t keep my hands, or my lips, for that matter off you. Do you know how delicious you are?

  Sarah giggled and ran her fingers through his hair. “Delicious? No, I guess I’ve never thought of myself as delicious.”

  “Oh, but you are.” He moved up and hovered over her mouth. “Your lips taste like…,” he bent down and lightly licked her lips, and brought her bottom lip into his mouth and sucked for a moment, “…a juicy strawberry.”

  He moved to her neck, “And here…this is honeysuckle.” He drifted down to her sumptuous breasts and gave them a light flick of his tongue before sucking them to attention once again, “Mmm. Here we have plump cherries.” He circled his tongue around her navel with long, slow kisses, before he lifted his head to look at her. “See? Delicious. But, I’m dying to taste more, Sarah.”

  Sarah’s breaths had quickened and she was beginning to tingle everywhere Adley had touched her. “What…do you mean?”

  Adley smiled his mischievous grin that Sarah had learned to recognize as a precursor to unbelievable pleasure. “Tell me you want me to show you, Sarah. Tell me you want me taste you.”

  She slowly nodded.

  “Tell me, Sarah.”

  “Yes, I want you to taste me.” She was now barely able to breathe.

  Adley sat up on his knees, and clutched the waistband of Sarah’s skirt and pulled it down, and over her feet before throwing it on the floor next to the bed. Sarah shivered again, but was anything but cold. Adley slid his fingers under the waist of her panties, and slowly pulled them down until Sarah pulled each foot out of them. He tossed them to the side and looked down at her with starving eyes.

  “Oh Sarah, you are…God, Sarah, you are gorgeous,” Adley said looking at her naked body. “You should know, you make me hungry, very hungry. Is that alright?”

  Sarah could only nod, and Adley was more than satisfied with her answer this time. He moved to the end of the bed, and pulled her legs apart. Sarah felt so exposed that she slid her hands down to the top of her thighs.

  Adley looked up at her and shook his head, “No, Sarah…I want you to keep your hands on the bed next to you. Keep your hands on the bed, okay?”

  She did as he asked and he continued to spread her open. Once he had her legs spread, he wrapped his hands around her ankles and pushed, making her knees bend. “On the bed, Sarah,” he reminded as he slid himself down to lay on his stomach.

  Sarah was visibly trembling, and clutched the bedspread in her hands. She felt Adley’s shoulders between her thighs, and the warmth of his breath. She closed her eyes, and waited.

  Adley started with one finger, tracing along her lips and circling just outside of her entrance. He immediately sunk his finger deep inside, and Sarah’s hips immediately reacted by coming off the bed. He circled his finger again and brought it out, only to re-enter with two fingers.

  Adley moaned, “Oh, Sarah…so this is what my fingers look like touching you. You swallow my fingers so perfectly, Sarah. You are already dripping wet for me.”

  Sarah was now gathering more of the bedspread in her hands. Not only did his fingers feel incredible, but his words drove her wild.

  “Now, Sarah, I can’t wait any longer. I’m going to taste you.”

  Sarah’s body tensed, she could only imagine what Adley was going to do next.

  She first felt only his breath, warm and close. Then his warm tongue, starting low and slowly began moving up the entire length of her lips and over her dripping hole. Winding her hands in the bed spread even tighter, he continued with long, deliberate strokes of his tongue. He pushed her legs apart even further, opening her wide for his mouth to be pressed even further into her.

  “Mmmm…so good, Sarah. You taste like heaven. Tell me I can have more.”

  Sarah moaned softly, but Adley waited. She knew he wanted to hear it.

  “Yes, Adley, you can have more,” she somehow managed to
breathlessly say.

  One second after her consent, he was back with his tongue buried inside of her. But he was done with the long, slow torturous licking. Now he was sucking and diving with his tongue as deeply as he could, and sucking at her juices before they could flow out of her.

  Her hips were now unable to be stilled and she realized that she had lifted her hips from the bed and she was moving and circling them around his mouth. Adley slowed and was once again, gently swiping his tongue over her when she felt his finger press into her. Her body stopped, ready to feel a new sensation of his tongue and his fingers inside of her at the same time. He pushed two fingers inside and pressed down, and let his tongue back inside to flick against her.

  Sarah bit her lip as she was certain she would cry out in pure ecstasy. She pressed her head into the pillow, feeling herself coming to the edge.

  “Yes, baby…I feel you. You’re close. Give in to me, Sarah.”

  He buried his face in between her legs and pulsed his fingers in and out of her so rapidly that Sarah could no longer stay quiet. The louder she got, the more intently Adley sunk his tongue and fingers into her. She couldn’t help but to move one of her hands off of the bed and wrap it around the back of his head. She pulled his head into her even further while she moved her hips uncontrollably up and down, rubbing her throbbing lips all around his mouth. Finally, she felt the luscious release and yelled out his name as her body came loose in crashing waves and she could hear Adley moaning and drinking her in.

  As her shaking subsided, Adley gently kissed the skin of her inner thighs. “That was the most mouth-watering treat yet. You do know, that once I’ve a treat like that, I’ll have to come back for more, right?” He smiled and reached down to pull the blanket at the foot of the bed up as he lay down next to Sarah. She lifted her head for his arm to go under and once again, she felt surrounded by him. She closed her eyes as she rested on his chest, listening to his heart beat slow. He slowly ran his hand over her hair, and she could tell that he was deep in thought. She tilted her head back to look at him. His eyes were closed, but he had a discernable smile on his face. She nuzzled back into his arms, and closed her eyes.

  She must’ve fallen sound asleep because she awoke to Adley gently shaking her shoulder. For a minute, she didn’t know where she was, and then it all came rushing back to her. She was in Adley’s room, and they had shared another moment of intimate pleasure that instantly came back to her.

  “We don’t have much time. Everyone will be getting back soon.”

  Sarah was suddenly panicked. She would absolutely die if she were to get caught in the state she was in right now. She nodded, and quickly redressed. Adley held her hand as they walked down the stairs and to the front door.

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, lingering over her lips as he whispered, “So delicious.”

  She hugged tightly around his neck and whispered back, “Please, by all means, let me know if you get hungry again.” She left him with a quick kiss on his lips and reached for the handle.

  “Sarah, wait.” Adley grabbed her arm and spun her around back into his arms. “Before you go…I have to ask you something.”

  Sarah furrowed her brow, something about his eyes made her uneasy. “What is it?”

  He paused, looking down at the floor and then back up to her face. “Sarah, I need to know. Are you still missing him?”

  Sarah immediately felt a wave of nausea smack her in the face. She knew what he was talking about, and the last thing she wanted to think about was Will, while she was in Adley’s arms. She searched his eyes, and searched for something to say, but all she could do was open her mouth, and then close it again.

  He dropped his hands from her waist and let her go. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’, since you clearly didn’t say ‘no’.”

  “Adley, please don’t be like that!”

  “Like what, Sarah? Be like the man who is crazy about you? Be like the man who thinks about you night and day?” He paused, looking exasperated. “Damn it, Sarah. In case you couldn’t tell, I want you, I want everything about you. I want to be the man that gets to be inside of you for the first time. But, I’m not willing to share, Sarah. I won’t settle for getting to have your body, while another man gets to have your heart.”

  Sarah’s eyes were brimming with tears. She couldn’t believe how a perfect afternoon of what she and Adley had just shared, had become this. She wanted to tell him that he was wrong, that he was the only one, but she knew that she couldn’t lie to him.

  “Adley, Will is…still in my heart, yes…but, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t. It’s just different how I think of you both. You are my now, Adley. My now.”

  “Don’t say his name to me again. After all this time, after everything that we have done, you can stand there and tell me that there is still someone else? I thought we were…more.” He shook his head at her and looked down.

  “Here’s the deal, Sarah. Until you can say to me that there is no one else that you are thinking about, no one else in your heart, but me, I can’t do this anymore. I can feel that you are still holding back. Using me to meet your needs, and I don’t mean that selfishly, Sarah. I know you feel something for me. But, I…I want all of you, Sarah. I’ve tried to get past this. But I won’t settle for anything less than all of you.”

  “Adley, please don’t do this.” Sarah couldn’t stand the thought of going back to not seeing him, or speaking to him, especially now.

  “I’m not doing this, you are, or he is, or something. All I know is I won’t share you. You let me know what you decide, if and when you ever do. Because honestly, I can’t believe that you haven’t, after all this time. I’m sorry, I can’t. I won’t be with you knowing that I’m not enough.”

  He walked over and opened the door and stood aside for Sarah to walk out. She stepped out onto the porch and turned to look at him. The pain on his face was clear, but Sarah didn’t know if it was the pain of knowing Will was still in her heart, or the pain of pushing her out of his life, again. All she knew was that those reasons were the exact same ones that were causing her heart to ache, as well.

  He looked at her and said, “You understand why I have to do this, don’t you, Sarah?”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat, and although she didn’t want to admit it, she answered, “Yes, Adley…yes.”

  Chapter 40

  William fell backward into the couch and slumped back.

  Catherine smiled at her son, “Oh sweetie, you’re exhausted, aren’t you? I can’t believe that you two got the entire corral fixed today. It didn’t have to all get done today, you know. Your father is flat exhausted, he’s already in bed snoring.”

  William swung his feet around to hang over one of the arms of the couch and propped a pillow behind his head. He turned to face his mother who was sitting in front of the fire, working on her latest embroidery piece. “Yeah, I know, Mom,” he squeezed his eyes shut and yawned, “but, I wanted to get it done since I probably won’t get the chance to work on it during the week. Vernon said there’s going to be some overtime coming up and I told him I would take it.”

  Catherine pressed her lips together and shook her head, “Really son, are you going to be able to keep this pace? I worry about you working so much. You tell Vernon you don’t need the overtime, you have done more than enough to help this family. We don’t need the extra money that badly.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’ve gotten used to the hours. I just want to make sure I keep up with chores here at home, and Margaret’s been wanting me to spend time with her on the weekends, so, I just have to plan and get things done when I can.”

  Catherine rocked in her chair and pulled a few more stitches through her fabric. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with her, I’ve noticed. Things must be starting to, get serious?”

  William stared into the fire, thinking if that really were the case. “Well, I guess so. I mean, we seem to get along pretty good.”

  Catherine slowly nodded, but didn’t say anything. William knew what she was thinking. She had always loved Sarah, and would’ve liked nothing more than to have her as a daughter-in-law.

  “Well, I don’t know much, sweetie, but there’s a lot more to loving someone than ‘getting along pretty good.’ I just think that some things, or some people, never really leave your heart, and you shouldn’t try to force them to.”

  William stopped her before she could continue, “Yeah, mom. I know. I appreciate your advice, but just let me worry about it, okay?” The fact was, he just didn’t have the energy to go into the full explanation of why Sarah wouldn’t be her daughter-in-law, and how it was just too heart wrenching to keep pretending that someday that could be a possibility.

  She looked back to her stitching, clearly hurt at William’s snippety response to her. Trying to put his mother’s mind on something else, he changed the subject to something else he knew that she would happily talk about. Her favorite cow, Molasses, was going to have her first calf any time now. Catherine had always had a soft spot for their animals, and insisted on naming every single one of them. “I think Molasses is going to go tonight.”

  Catherine stopped stitching and looked up, “Really? Do you think?”

  “Yea, I’m pretty sure. I put her in the stall in the barn with some fresh straw. With the nights getting so cold, I didn’t want to take the chance of her giving birth outside. I’ll go out and check on her in a bit.”

  “Oh, that was a good idea, son. I just hope she doesn’t have too hard of a time with this calf. With it being her first, you just never know how it’ll go.”

  William yawned and pulled the blanket that was draped over the couch over his shoulders. “I know, Mom, she’ll be okay.” He couldn’t fight the urge any longer and closed his eyes. Catherine smiled lovingly at him. She got up and fully covered him with the blanket, and went back to her embroidery.

  He had been asleep for about an hour when he suddenly jerked awake and sat up. Catherine was still in her chair, but had set down her needlepoint for a book instead. He blinked, and tried to focus his eyes. “I’ve got to go check on Molasses.”


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